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Private/Closed Naruto AU: Roleplay

Quite a few reactions happened in the past few moments. Kakashi had managed to funnel the poison cloud away with a miniature tornado. Afterwards, with his usual calm tone, he called for them to stop their little game. It was the same response a teacher would give to troublesome students to get them to stop. The Uchiha clicked his tongue in annoyance before listening to Koki’o speak her mind.

First, he noticed that she had referred to the other Nadeshiko as the Flowery Monk. The Twin-Tailed Scorpion had two scorpion summons herself. That left him to wonder if Amari had anything related to flowers. There was also something else Koki’o mentioned which somewhat caught his interest.

“The Mist? Hm. Well, I can say with absolute certainty that would not have killed me. Next time we play though, I’ll be sure to keep you entertained Twin-Tailed Scorpion.”

Between her star title, nickname, and courtesy name, Kiro didn’t know what to call her. Kiro wasn’t sure ‘Xie Rouchan’ was her true name since Amari had also called her Koki’o, so he marked that out. Calling her 35th star would also sound weird. In the end, he just settled on her nickname for now.

After that, he watched as Kou went to Zaku’s body. He felt a slight sense of guilt for his actions but brushed it aside. Then he turned to face Amari. He didn’t miss the hint of annoyance in her voice when she had spoken to Koki’o. They were having a pretty decent discussion beforehand and Kiro wouldn’t mind continuing it.

“So Flowery Monk, is that your nickname?”

The placating smile on her face lasted only until she turned around. She stalked onto the ocean, expression like a calm pool of water.

"Take measure of the surroundings, check damage to the surrounding island, and if they exist, the people on them. I'll leave that to the Yuki Clan, pass on my message to Jin."

In passing, she left her orders to Hama and Kai. She didn't pause, however, as she intended to return directly to the village. Not even her speaking has paused as she continued to give out more orders. "Escort our friends to the border, any accidents on their trip would be most unfortunate. I'll leave it to the Hōzuki."

Her matters here had been dealt with, and by her estimation, the situation should be under control. The entire situation. The Yuki and Hoshigaki should be sweeping the affected areas for both this Biju and Damos' altercations, resources needed for the village to recover had been secured, the Karatachi should have been putting the village in order, the border which should've been reinforced yesterday had been ordered reinforced again.

She'd delegated the major emergency zones to the most competent of her shinobi, the Noble Clans, and their Heads. Still, there was much to do. She needed to make contact the Daimyo, file the procedures for the Kage summit, muster her wealth and authority to recoup the village's losses, not to mention all the reports which would pour in upon her return...

She dipped her Kage's hat downward. Such a workload this hat represented, nothing but trouble at every turn...at least it was a good sun-hat.

"Chino, scout the Land of Fire's borders. See if there's anything...troublesome brewing."

The Cloud had mobilized their army, such militarization would naturally put merchants on edge. For the moment, it was likely there'd be a stall in trade with the Land of Lightning. That meant they wouldn't be the best avenue for obtaining other materials to restore the village. If the Land of Fire had also mobilized, then both the Mist's immediate neighbors would've been stunted.

Troublesome, but within this trouble was also opportunity. Her own trading company could use this temporary reprieve to seize the market by its throat. As others hesitated to travel what was once a war zone, she could fill the void left behind and secure market share, creeping her influence into the Lands of Fire and Lightning by means of business.

Of course, that would mean she'd need to deploy Chino once more. Her prowess with genjutsu was irreplaceable in closing up loose ends. It wouldn't be very beneficial if either nation began to monitor her company due to her position. It was best that things remained as they were. As far as the public knew, herself and the company were entirely separate entities.


Previously Kid_Nukas
Amari could tell that Kiro was a bit confused with all the names and titles, and honestly, she didn't blame him. For an outsider, the names and titles would easily be overwhelming and confusing as they wouldn't be quite sure which one to use. "I am indeed known as the Flowery Monk of Nadeshiko, also known as the 13th Solitary Star, and Lu Shaqing, Although there is really no need to learn all those names. My name is Amari Kanezane. I truly apologize for my sister's behavior, she can be a bit brash at times, although I am impressed that you would be able to defeat Sagiso. I understand why she would have an urge to test your skills for herself and confirm your claim. I don't quite think it's the time or place for that right now, however."
"You're right on that." Clone 1 spoke up out of nowhere, commenting on Amari's comment about being a time and a place. While the situation had clearly calmed down, the matter at hand had been resolved, it still didn't mean they could now do as they pleased. The Kaiju double Biju beast seemed to have been defeated and now there was most likely some form of confrontation between Kumo and Kiri. They should be using this moment of tranquility to finally leave the Mist territory. "Hey you know, we really should be taking this moment to leave before something else starts up." Clone 1 said.
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"I attacked you for no reason when we met, are you really that surprised?"

Incredulity thick in her voice, the Hyuga-born Nadeshiko faced Shura. That he found the Nadeshiko volatile battle-lust puzzling was in itself puzzling.

Staring Shura down with a look of 'Do you even know me?', she moved onto his next question. "Well. She's a poison user...so she uses poison?"

There wasn't much Sagiso could say. She felt the question was the equivalent of Why to fire-natured shinobi use fire, or why samurai fought with swords. Finding herself at a loss for words, she shot back with an equally inane question —"Why do you punch stuff?"


Doing a little shimmy, Furijia buried herself even further into K'waule's feathers. At this point, Taiyo's concern had become a double edged sword. She was happy for it —that she wouldn't deny— but she still couldn't find the right words to explain herself. How did one simply explain months of self-doubt and deprecation?

She hadn't the slightest clue where to start, and luckily, she didn't have to. It appeared that whatever her mother had been watching off in the distance no longer held her attention, and the flamboyant boy behind her? He'd just picked up all the slack.

"Having a good time with my daughter?"
Staring at Sagiso with a deadpan look on his face, Shura let out a breath after she basically shrugged off his question about why they attack others for no reason. "Way to give me an impression of what your people are like." He though to himself.

Hearing Sagiso's following statement, Shura let out a sigh. “You should know that’s not what I meant.” He scratched his head in a slightly irritated motion. “I’m asking why anyone in their right mind would purposely endanger the lives of others by releasing that poison fog.”

“The way she’s talking about this in such a lax fashion, she has no idea what poison can do.” Shura thought to himself as he squinted his eyes and looked down slightly. “Well, not everyone can have the same experience as I do.” He sighed internally.

"I'd think she wouldn't kill you if she didn't want to, her venom won't drop you with just a whiff. During our scuffle with the jinchuriki, You, Me, Kiro, Furījia...we all breathed in some of her venom, and we're still fine, aren't we? Your lives weren't in any danger."

Leaning back, Sagisō folder her arms. "I trust that she knows what she's doing. You're naturally not required to do so, but if you're uncertain then take your distance. It'd be better that way. Even if you don't trust that she wouldn't hurt you, trust that she wouldn't hurt her sisters."

What Sagiso had been saying were fair points, Shura knew that. He listened to her speak, talking about her trust in her sister. Even though he has no reasons to deny the other Hyuga's words as she knew the poison user better than he did, Shura still couldn't shake off his unease. He turned around. "Alright fine. I don't trust any shape or form of poison, but I'll take your word for it." He declared, walking back to the tree he was sitting on before and began waiting for the others to arrive again.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
The Yuki honor guard looked to each other, unsure if they should follow mei’s Instructions. But after seconds of silence, they nodded, appealingly shattering into thousands of ice shards, a flashy way of using the water puddle justu. Hama rolled her eyes at this.

“If you don’t mind Mei Mei, I got some patients to attend to back home. Be a dear and prep a tea when I get there, it’s gonna be a long night~”

Audacious of anyone to ask a Kage to make them something, especially one that’s supposed to be ordered, not doing to ordering. But it seemed Hama didnt care, much to kai’s Concern. Kai didn’t like Mei, but there had to be some kind of protocol. Though Hama and protocol have never quite mixed....



Not NOW demon.

Reaver growled as he watched the raider caravan, his left arm beginning to fidget and shake. It had seemed his withdrawal symptoms had become more and more noticeable...

The bad guys have been punished. The people who have wronged you are dead. Why do you keep killing?

To PROVE my superiority! That is why REAVER is feared and Michi is but a faded memory!

...Is that why you tried to forget about me? Or were you trying to forget something else?

“I grow tired of this.” Reaver spat in his deep voice. “What are we waiting for? Why don’t we torch the vermin?”
“Don’t worry about it Amari. I was also interested in the strength of the other Nadeshiko and got ahead of myself as well.”

The Uchiha honestly responded to Amari’s apology for Koki’o. He had expected nothing less from the Nadeshiko women. The drive to just jump into battle was an admirable trait. Though, it was interesting to hear how Amari seemed to differ from the view he had of the warrior women. She seemed a lot more tame compared to what was described to him. That wasn’t a bad thing either.

Before Kiro could go deeper into his thoughts, he was interrupted by Shura’s clone again. It shared the same sentiment as Amari in that this hadn’t been a good time to fight. If anything, their little engagement was a scuffle at best. A missed opportunity. The Uchiha briefly glanced at Koki’o knowing they could’ve delved into something worthy of being called a fight.

“Alright, I get it Shura. You’re concerned. I do agree that it would be wise for us to leave. But it seems we’ll have to wait for our squad leaders to come to that conclusion.”

Kiro spared another glance in Hinagiku’s direction to see her looking at Furījia and…

‘Is she riding with Taiyo?’

From his angle, it seemed Taiyo had finally made things up with Furījia. Kiro knew that he had tried to save her a while back with the CPR, so it wasn’t that surprising they had worked things out. He also understood why Hinagiku had her eyes on the boy. If some kid had actually violated any possible daughter of his, they could be damn sure he would be watching them closely too!

Anyways, with Hinagiku distracted, they would probably have to wait another few minutes to get moving. There was also the Sand who were still lingering around. Kiro’s focus went to the woman who was holding Kin. He was pleased to see the jinchuriki hadn’t gotten away. But what was she doing with that Sand shinobi?

“By the way Amari, do you know why your team leader is carrying that jinchuriki? I’m certain that she’s supposed to be taken captive by the Leaf. Speaking of which, if you also don’t mind me asking, what would’ve happened if I did get kidnapped? I didn’t really get a clear answer from Sagisō…”


Previously Swirled
Unfourtunately, Taiyo's asking only caused Furījia to bury her head further into her pet bird's feathers, causing the fire-nin mild disappointment in his ability to help the Hyūga.

Am I doing something wrong.

Most likely, at every point, from the moment we started this conversation to the situation we currently find myself in.

And this is why I am the one in control.

Fourtunately for Taiyo, it seemed that Furījia's mom may have come to pick her up or not, which gave the Leaf-nin an idea.

"Having a good time with my daughter?"

His response came out the minute Hina finished the question, "Well she's letting me ride her bird, so I think that's nice. Although, I think you should try talking to her," Taiyo hoped she knew why he suggested it, and hopefully, she could do a better job at comforting her than he could.

So...stepping out of this one?

Mrs. Hinagiku is probably more qualified for this than I am, maybe Sagiso would help her even better.

So what you're really telling me is that we're useless in this situation?

I'm only trying to do what I think would best help her, is that so wrong?

No, I just wish we could've been involved more.

Well, at least we tried.

How precious. The boy's concern for her daughter showed; a well-meaning friends. Unfortunately, "Talking to me is the last thing she needs right now."

Her words were loaded, guilt, sorrow, resignation. She was the beginning and the end of her daughter's problems, Furijia would certainly think so. She'd initiated the young one's trial by fire, and the aspiring girl had taken herself as the end-goal. The race would be long, and the load was heavy, but such was the fate she'd been born into —Heiress to the Hyuga Clan.

Konoha's Strongest Clan, so they'd styled themselves. At the time of her own birth, the claim was undeniably true. Recent times were...an anomaly. Shisui, Itachi, Fugaku... Completely unprecedented, three wielders of the Mangekyou Sharingan had been birthed during the current area. The might of those evolved eyes —her tongue wet her lips— she still hadn't had a taste of it.

Nevertheless, this was the era Furijia had been brought into, the type of people she was expected to contest with, the heights she needed to lead the Clan to. The pressure was stifling, Hinagiku knew from experience. Still it was something she'd need to overcome. True gold was tempered by fire.

She'd need to gather her own friends to support her, although, Hina would support her daughter any way she could. There were certain things, however, she could not assist with. Not because she didn't want to, but because the words held less value coming from her. Almost Ironic.

Still, this wasn't the time.

"Gather your things, we're going home."
Clone 1 shiftily glanced at Kiro who has shown an odd amount of interest about his possible kidnapping. "He's asking... quite a lot about this subject." He thought. "Wow Kiro, it seems like you're weirdly interested in the idea of being kidnapped." The clone spoke in a casual tone as his expression showed a hooded eyes deadpan.

Hearing Hinagiku's words, the clone seemed relieved that they will finally be moving. "Alright, finally leaving this place. Huh, felt like we stayed here a lot longer than how much time has actually passed." He mumbled to himself.
“Seems like we’re finally going…”

Kiro mumbled to himself after hearing Hinagiku mentioning they were about to head off. However, that wasn’t all that was said. He had, of course, heard Shura’s questionable remark. The Uchiha sighed, unsure of how or if he should even respond to such a peculiar comment.

“What type of- you know what, I’m not even going to ask.”

Without warning, Kiro punched the clone right in the gut to pop it. Something which Shura had done to his just one day ago. Since they were about to go anyways, he might as well help expedite the process for the Hyūga and send the clone on it’s way. Plus some revenge was always satisfying.

“Excuse my actions again Amari. And just so you know, I’m not trying to get kidnapped.”

The Uchiha calmly confirmed his stance to the 13th Solitary Star as he awaited her response.
As Reaver was having his internal episode rooted in his impatience over the entire thing, Azumi had been at worked as her disguised frame walked right into the spot where the illusion to the entrance had been covered by.

With a Genjutsu release, the "deer" that had rested by the trees revealed himself to be an unassuming guard of some sort. The fact that from his view someone approached the area and seemed undetured had been grounds for suspicion even if the girl in question seemed to be some small child.

"Look if you are los..." The guard said, though before he could finish his sentence he felt his body freeze as this shadow extended from the girl towards him.


The guard fell limp on the forest floor, his throat slashed as the Caravan lookout had been disposed of. Azumi transformed back to normal. With that matter resolved, Azumi aimed to create a quick entrance for the group as she cast a hand sign as her shadows began to mix with water she pored from her canteen into them as they dawned their liquid shadows. They scanned the clearing, and sure enough by where the illusion "rocks" had been a doorway fainly revealed an outline that lead to the underground entrance. The shadows seeped through the faint outline as they seeped through the door and the locks on the other side as they began to twist around in response to Azumi's hand gestures on the other side. And after enough fiddling around...


The liquid shadow that seeped within the locks on the inside of the hidden door were opened. And sure enough, Azumi's tendrils propped it open as within that same motion she pulled a pair of poison smoke bombs from her pouch.

The time has come....now to wipe this cruel corruption from this ninja world, today we make our mark on the road to a new era.

Azumi was quick to cover her mouth & nose with a cloth, before she tossed the smoke bombs into the base of the caravan as they bounced along the underground stairs. Before they could even react to that they exploded as it began to fill up with a concealing and toxic mist.
Clone one turned back to look at Kiro when he started talking but then cut himself off. “What do you mean?” The clone asked before glancing down as Kiro’s gut punch connected. “Ugh. We did do the same with your clone the earlier today so I guess this is fair.” The clone mumbled before disappearing.

Shura’s eyes widened for a moment when he received the information that his other clone was destroyed. “Oh, I guess this is karma.” He said to himself.
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Previously Kid_Nukas
"I don't think there is anything to be excused, I didn't assume you wanted to be kidnapped, it isn't the most pleasant from what I hear. Although when we kidnap you, I would suggest being cooperative with the... process. I won't go too far into the details, but just know that the alternative to cooperating is much worse." Amari was enjoying her talk with Kiro and wanted to at least give him some warning of what may happen, without giving away too many of the details.

"As for your first question, all I know about the team from Suna is that they agreed to give Nadeshiko a couple of hawks if we helped them capture the jinchuriki. I don't tend to bore myself with the details and spend more time with the team then needed to get the job done. There aren't many people I can stand to be around for a long period of time, besides my sisters of course, although you are somewhat of an anomaly as I don't mind talking to you. Maybe we can talk more on the way to Konoha."

For most Nadeshiko kunoichi this would have been a time where they would try to flirt with whoever they were talking with, but Amari was genuinely surprised she was enjoying Kiro's company at all, but she wasn't interested in anything he had to offer in... other areas. She had decided to go to Konoha after hearing that Sagiso was going back there. She had decided to participate in the last chunin exams and Amari thought she could train and maybe learn a thing or two. Plus, she had never been to Konoha before so it might have been worth seeing what all the fuss was about.
Following behind Damos as he exited the mist cloud was Misa who was fanning the mist away with her hand. "Couldn't have taken a different path huh." She spat. When Jin suddenly appeared, Misa stopped along with Damos. "Oh, its the Yuki clan head." The girl said. She then stood there as the exchange between Damos and Jin went. When the exchange between the two men concluded, Misa gave Jin a little goodbye wave before continuing on her way behind Damos. "So, old tough guy here is as stoic as ever even towards past acquaintances I see."
It seemed even the kindest of the Nadeshiko couldn’t divulge their crude secrets to an outsider. The only information he had really gotten from Amari was to be ‘cooperative’. As of now, he could only make vague assumptions of their shady practices. The conclusion Kiro came to was troublesome but nothing he should be too concerned about. After all, he had no intention of being abducted.

Kin, on the other hand, had been captured. However, not by the group Kiro had expected to do so. According to Amari, the two Nadeshiko had only been asked to assist in capturing a jinchuriki, most likely the eight tails. Taking into account how fast things had escalated, it was safe to assume the details hadn’t been fleshed out.

“My only guess is that some type of deal must’ve been made with the Leaf and Sand containing the jinchuriki.”

Unless Pakura was also taking a trip to the Leaf, Kin might be taken to the Sand instead. Had he let the opportunity to avenge Kai slip through his hands? Was this outcome another failure on his part to make the correct choice for himself? No. He would not regret the decision he made. Not yet. Though Kiro would’ve preferred to take her worthless life himself, as long as she was killed one way or another, his revenge would be satisfied.

Other than that, it was finally time to go back to the Leaf. Looking over in the direction they were supposed to head off in, the Uchiha couldn’t help but smirk as he noticed a particular someone standing all by himself. Kiro made it a point to go catch up with Raiku sometime later and see how his lonely Uchiha ‘pal’ was holding up. As for now, he’d probably continue talking to Amari as they headed off.

“Likewise, I’ve enjoyed our conversation as well. But yeah, let’s head off.”

Kiro told Amari before he prepared to follow the others.


Previously Swirled
Tsuki going to hug Hama gave the missing-nin the perfect opportunity to focus entirely on B.O.S.E.C.

“No. T̕he͘ ͜to̸ols̶ y̸ou n͞ee҉d to mąke͞ ̢yo͏ur͘ ͘dr͏èa͠ms͝ a ͝reàlity ҉l̸ie ͠iņ ̶th̨e ͢mis҉t.̴ Y̢óu ̧do ̧w̨ant ͞y̸ou͏r͝ ͝f͞r҉eedo̢m̧,͟ ͏d̕o ̨y̡ou no̴t?̨ O̴ǹly̧t̴hro̕u͜g̷h me͡,̧ can ͏you ̀f͠i̕nd̸ ͏yo͟ur̕ fr̸e̡edo͜m.”

Seiun nodded as he inspected the projection of kirigakure intently. The construct had appeared to him rather mysteriously, and yet, everything it had said to him was entirely true in the Rainy Rouge's eyes.

So, what are the tools that we need?
Hearing Furījia's mother tell him that she'd be no help to her daughter caused the FBS master to lose his warm expression. It hurt Taiyo's heart that there was no way that he could help the hurting Hyūga.

"I...should go, if theres anything I can do to help, dont hesitate to let me know," Taiyo tried to readopt his usual hsppy demeanor, but all he could muster was a pale imitation. After dismounting Kwalue, the Leaf-nin then began to find his teammates, reflecting on how Furījia seemed to be feeling on his short journey.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
B.O.S.E.C. Quickly shut off the projection of the mist village, a curved smile plastered on it’s spectral form, finding seiun’s Thoughts Humorous

“Ge҉t̡t̷i͘n͞g àh̢e͝a͘d o͢f̷ o̕ùrs̡elv̕ęs̵,҉ ͏are we?”͞

It flashed besides seiun, uncomfortably close. It placed its clawed hand along in shoulder and neared his ear, remaining a mere milometer from him.

“̸Júst̛ do̷ a̶s͞ Į s̶ay ͏a̵n̛d év̧er͘ýt́h̀i̛n͢g̵ wil͢l̶ t͜urn o̶ut͡ jus̢t̶ fi̕ne̴.͟”


Jin bit his tounge, simply looking on in disgust as the two Akatsuki members moved on from their mission, succeeding in their task and leaving Scott free. Jin clenched his fists, glaring at the sight in front of him. He had nothing to say, what COULD be said? Damos has made their short and impactful response, enough to keep Jin’s stunned silence.

I would never have predicted our roads would have gone down like this...if only I hadn’t been so naive. Perhaps then none of this would have happened.

Damos offered to recourse to Misa, instead focusing purely on this mission at hand. They had won.



And so, the day had come to an end. Every party that had once been fighting in a brutal tug of war over three jinchurki, now return to their villages, abodes, and hideaways.

The leaf, managing to return with their lives intact along with two new faces: Zaku and Kou, as well as the curious Nadeshiko representative Amari, who’s origins remain unknown.

The sand, returning with a half crazed and unconscious Kin, betrayed by Yukimaru. They grasped onto power and bolstered their aresneal of jinchurki to equal that of most other villages.

The Cloud, while not actually reclaiming their own jinchurki, managed to balance the scales by taking a different one, the three tails, previously inside Yukimaru, who had remained dead upon the ashy shores of the battlezone...

The Stone had recovered the the targeted jinchurki, and had given their newly appointed genin some valuable experience. A true profit in all respects.

The mist...suffered the loss of Kanshi, the jinchurki of the one tails: Shukaku. Along with the return of the God of despair, Damos, the mist had begun to quake. Afraid of what is to happen next. Yet the Yuki clan remains unshaken, along with Mei through the difficulties, and Hama, keeping bloodviles from the conflict on hand for important research.

The grass’s ambiguous Absurd’s wearabouts remain unknown. But what is sure is that wherever he is, he is surely making a spectacle.

As for the sound....


*Step* *Step*

The sound four, rather the sound two had returned to the village. Licking their wounds from battle, Sakon and Kidomaru’s shoes echoed through the dark hallways. Their steps were somber and deep, like their mission had taken a definite turn for the worse. They had made their way in Orochimaru’s primary residence...

“Lord Orochimaru.” The two bowed before the feet of the snake sannin, who sat on his throne. “Our mission is a failure. We couldn’t secure in jinchurki.”

A wide smile crossed Orochimaru’s face, one that made Sakon and Kidomaru a bit concerned, both looking at each other and then back at the ground.

“And Yukimaru unleashed is power to the world before making his bitter end...” Orochimaru snickered.

A deep laugh began to emit from the otokage, heard throughout the halls of the sound. Unsure of what was funny, and how he even knew of those events were bewildering to the pair, but elected to remain silent.

“I know from a certain green haired birdie that both are lost, and Zaku and little Kou have been taken in my the leaf.”

“That good for nothing...” Sakon growled. “Forgive me lord Orochimaru...but why were those two on the mission? Zaku I can somewhat understand, but the brat?”

Orochimaru put a hand on sakon’s shoulder, which made the purple haired sound ninja stiffen up.

“That is no concern of yours.”

“Of course, lord Orochimaru.” Sakon returned to his deep bow.

“All that you must know is that everything.....


...is going perfectly according to my vision.”

End Arc 4: 8 Tails Jinchurki
Sagisō ~Flashback

"Depends, got any proof you aren't?"

Quick on the draw, Sagisō snapped back, snickering afterward.

Kiro's newfound talkativeness was odd, but not unwelcomed. The questions weren't too personal, and the banter kept her mildly entertained. Between books and conversation, the latter was markedly more dynamic. Rising and falling as words were exchanged, though in this case, her mood plummeted.

"...Having a Mother— it's nice."

Her words were sombre, along with her expression. The Hyūga Clan had been a new experience for her. Lathered with affection, not that of sisterhood, but motherly affection.

She'd always seen such affection displayed between the 2nd and 3rd generation star maidens, but she'd never experienced it. The 2nd generation Skillful...she was a Mentor, but certainly not a Mother. The difference between the two was pronounced— painfully so.

Hyūga Clan ~ December 24th

Brilliant reds and snowy whites decorated the walls of the Hyūga Clan, painted a fresh pine green and upon which hung consecutive rows of christmas stockings.

The festival decorations ran rampant, covering every inch of the Hyuga Clan, not even sparing the personnel. Impish red dresses, with snow white buttons and trimmings —the season's attire for the servants of the Hyūga Clan as they rushed about, applying the finishing touches to tomorrow's big event. The kitchens billowed with smoke, churning out cake after cake. The gates to the Clan were heavily trafficked, lumber, meats, people, and goods filed through unceasingly.

Teams of Hyūga, armed to the teeth poured out of the village, diving into the forests and quickly turning them into places of death. For an event the likes of which the Hyūga were planning, they spared no effort to overcompensate for any possible scenario. They couldn't possibly purchase enough food to feed the entire village, even their own hefty coffers couldn't afford that expense, but what couldn't be obtained with money would need to be obtained otherwise. Within 50 km almost every bird of the air and beast of the land had been hunted, and sections of forestry cleared and turned into wooden furniture: chairs, tables, stools and bowls with chopsticks.


"Preparations are on-track Milady," Closing the door behind her, Natsu Hyūga turned to face the Clan Head. "Everything will be ready by 8pm tonight."

Bowing slightly, the Head Maid reported, her green locks brushing across her shoulders. She straightened her back, eyes falling on the Clan Head, sitting cross-legged within her personal training room. Across her legs lay a heavy, impossing weapon, carefully being administered to by a whetstone and cleaning cotton.

It was a pole-arm, looking like a cross between a Glaive and a spear. A heavy curved blade adorned one end of the weapon, while a spear's tip covered the other. Between the lethal edges ran a segmented pole, wrapped by chains which weaved from end to end. It was the Lady Hyūga's personal weapon, a Guandao who's name and visage had long been forgotten.

"Continue as planned, and send word to the Uchiha."

As Natsu bowed once more and retreated from the room, the Hyūga's preparations continued on. Christmas clothing had been labeled mandatory for the clan, sparing no one, not even the prisoners.

The fanfare inside the clan had been hidden from sight, a massive barrier erected across the clan's walls that obstructed vision and probings. It was only tomorrow, on Christmas day, that the barrier would be dropped.


After departing from the islands Hinagiku had immediately led her team on a short tour of the coastal villages. Damage seemed minimal, if non-existant as the Kaiju's rampage had only caused minor disturbances for ocean currents this far from the impact zone.

Nevertheless, the Lady Hyūga was compelled to review any possible hazards. Although she hadn't seen any critical damages to the villages she'd surveyed, she did however, pick up on something even more concerning. As her Byakugan swept past the masses, she noticed that a number of citizens were operating under genjutsu. The discovery was shocking, murderous intent seething in her eyes as she recognized the chakra producing the genjutsu as one originating from a Clan in the Mist.

Her first action had been to immediately silence all members of her team, Sagisō and Shura through the Hyūga's curse mark and Kiro and Tayuya through a curse mark of her own creation she would place on them. Given the members of her team possessed either Dojutsu or expertise in genjutsu, she didn't put noticing the genjutsu beyond them.

After the forcefully implemented gag-order, she returned to the village and proceeded as if all was well. She'd prepared to deliver the news to the Lady Hokage personally at a Christmas day dinner.

The journey back to the Stone was a rather dull one, the only real threat being the depletion of every members chakra. A concern which proved to be of greater severity than the group originally expected.
Upon arriving at the small ports near the outskirts of Iwa, Team Guren was greeted by a fleet of Iwa soldiers, Katsuo’s father and sister, and none other than Onoki himself.

“All be damned....he actually completed the mission.” The grey haired father of Katsuo praised his son internally, stunned that this team of youngsters had succeeded, even with the help of Lady Guren.

“Alright men, go help em’ back!” Onoki ordered with a small wave, causing several of the Iwa ninja to swarm Gurens boat, quickly retrieving the exhausted Jonin, her three teammates, and the grand prize....one crystal wrapped Jinchuriki.

One Hour Later~

Katsuo, Tomiko, and Mori were released from the Tsuchikage’s infirmary with minimal repairs needed. Mori had been treated for his injured eardrums and would be forced to spend the next week wearing earplugs, but other than that, he would be fine. Katsuo and Tomiko needed little assistance and mostly stuck around to keep tabs on there comrade.
Unfortunately, Lady Guren was forced to stay in intensive care as her chakra supply had dropped to lethally low levels on the journey back, but they were told she would likely make a full recovery soon enough.

“You three, the Tsuchikage wishes to have a word with you. Please come with me.” Ordered an unknown Jonin who has been waiting outside, quickly leading the group of to Onoki’s private quarters.


“I’ve gotta admit, while I don’t like putting my faith in you unreliable youth....you’ve surprised me.” Spoke the small Kage from his throne like chair, a somber smile freshly wrapped across his aged face.
“I can promise that your reviews will be positive and your rewards will be lucrative. But for now, I want you all go home and rest. It’s been a long week, and I’ve still got countless tasks to attend to.” Onoki finished rather abruptly, waving the three away before returning to his mountain of papers.
What the three young ninja wouldn’t have seen was Katsuo’s father, Kido, crouched down on the railing of Onokis balcony, listening to the entire conversation. And upon hearing the aged Kage send them off, he slowly waded into the room with an eyebrow arched.
“Ahem!” The dark robed Jonin grunted loudly as to get Onoki’s attention.

“Huh? Oh yes! Right! Katsuo, if I could actually have a word with you.” Lord Third spike up in a sheepish tone, showing his mind had wondered off before he wasn’t finished.

Katsuo, who was already one foot out the door, turned on his heel, quickly reentering the room while falling into a bow.
“Yes, Lord Third?” He questioned curiously, his eyes locked with the floor, signifying he had not noticed his father.

“It’s come to my attention, that despite your outlandish words and farfetched promises, you show true dedication in supporting this village, and for that, I believe you’ve earned a little something.” As Onoki spoke, Kido quietly made his way over to his youngest child, quickly wrapping the boys bicep in the symbol of Iwa.

“Huh? Dad!” Katsuo jumped slightly at the unexpected touch, only for his curiosity to be replaced with immense joy as he realized said touch came from his father.
Much to both older ninjas surprise, Katsuo dropped the formalities and encased his father in a bear hug, the childish display being very unlike him.

“Woah. Easy there Katsu, we’re still in the presence of Lord Third, hehe.” Kido spoke up with a warm smile, patting his sons back before pulling him away, “Besides, you’ve got something else to be celebrating about right now.” He added, gesturing to the Chunins arm.

Katsuo glanced down at his freshly adorned stone village headband, a sparkle of pride filling his eyes. He had done it. He had proven his worth.
“.....thank you Lord Third, I promise you won’t regret this decision!” The wild haired boy spoke up with a somewhat uneven voice, dropping back into a final bow before rising and turning to meet his fathers gaze.

“You have a goodnight, Onoki, I’ll be by in the morning to help with those reports,” Kido nodded to his superior while wrapping his hand around Katsuo’s shoulders, leading him towards the exit once again, “Come on kid, I’m getting hungry.”
Shura had been following behind Hinagiku since they left the island in the mist territories. When the Hyuga head brought them to a detour to a harbour village along the coast of the land of fire, he notice their clan head seeing something and activated his Byakugans to take a look, noticing the trace of genjutsu in certain members of the populace as well. Before he could as much as think about what he discovered, he felt a tingling in the area where his clan curse mark was located. Shura didn’t bother asking why Hinagiku thought it was necessary to silence them about this incident and simply followed along silently.

When they were on their way to the Hyūga manor, Shura had noticed the large amount of devastation that was visible in the woods near the village. The Hyūga was slightly confused as why that was until he remembered the date and event after arriving on clan grounds. “Oh right, it’s that time of the year again. Huh, we’re really outdoing ourselves this year.” He said out loud.
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Sagiso ~~ December 24th

A good night's sleep in a soft warm bed and numerous servants to do your every bidding —those really did wonders for a girl's skin. Surprisingly —or maybe not— Sagiso was one who would occasionally fuss over her own looks. It was noting to the level of an obsession (If her clothes got dirtied in a fight, it couldn't be helped), but wherever possible she tried to touch up on her looks. Healthy living and regular excise were just what the doctor ordered.

As such, first thing in the morning, the Hyuga-born Nadeshiko had made her way to the training halls, beginning some morning stretches as calisthenics. She'd changed clothing. stripping down to just the skin-tight body suit she usually wore beneath her vest, and had whipped her hair up in a spindling pony-tail.
Solid rock with snow covered tops, all around him. Mori never expected to be happy to see the complete lack of water in Iwa, yet here he was. Well, minus the snow of course. The fact he had to wear earplugs was a bit annoying, but he got used to it soon enough. As he restocked on kunai, paper bombs and Military Rations pills, he noticed a figure enter the store. "You do know that those pills are dangerous if taken in excess and that they are no excuse to skip chakra control training, right?" A stern female voice spoke. The hairs in Mori's neck rose and he spun around on his heel as fast as possible. He looked up and saw a black haired woman, not much older than 38 and with an intimidation factor that rivalled that of Lady Guren. "H-hi mom, back already?"

"I can't believe you chose those pills over training, I thought we raised you better than this!"

"Mom, they are useful! I run out of chakra easily during fights and they help me-"

"That would not happen if you didn't slack off! You are no better than when you were at the Academy!"

"Come now Kasumi, let the kid tell us about his mission first before yelling at him in a store of all places."

Mori's father had entered the shop, apologising for the behaviour of his wife and son to the clerk. "Sorry for your less than warm welcome Mori, but you know your mom. Headstrong and not one to wait to speak her mind." Even though Iwao was bigger than his wife and clearly much stronger in the physical department, he somehow radiated a less intimidating presence than Kasumi. "How about you tell us about your mission and your earplugs whilst we grab a bite to eat? Surely you must be hungry, no?"


"So you succeeded in your mission and brought back the jinchuriki? Unbelievable, and with so little injuries as well! You've clearly grown since the Academy, you even made some friends! I didn't think that you had it in you." Kasumi looked at her son with such awe on her face that it was hard to believe that she was a jonin.

"Wow, thank you mom. That totally didn't hurt." Mori swooned dramatically as his father tried his best to not laugh and get rock mochi everywhere. Even though they thought they knew everything, he left out one crucial detail. The gift of King Mori. He didn't want his parents to worry about him and the mysterious card. He just hoped that he could keep it a secret until Christmas was over."I've missed you two, you know that? Back in the Land of Water, I was afraid of what would happen if I'd die there. I've survived, with the worst injuries being my ears. Before I learn any new jutsu, I want to learn how to improve my chakra control and how to swim. Can you help me with that?" He turned to his parents, determination shining through his eyes.

This was not the old Mori who would ditch school because it was boring, this was a new face of Mori. A face of someone who had a goal and wanted to reach it no matter what. Iwao cleared his throat. "We can combine those two, if we find any source of water then you'll be able to learn how to swim and afterwards you can try to walk on water using chakra. I can help you for a week or so, but after that you're on your own. I've got a week off for my monthly therapy sessions and your mother is taking it easy, or atleast that is what she says. In reality she just wants to see you came home safe and sound." Kasumi glared at Iwao, but a peck on her cheek made her drop her angry façade and smile.

"I've got someone who might help me when you are gone! Her name is Tomiko Usagi, you know, the girl from the slums who helped me on the mission and who tends to get into dangerous situations. Speaking of Tomiko, I promised her that I'd visit the bakery of her parents! Come on, we can't keep her waiting!" Iwao and Kasumi shared a knowing look and a smile before paying for the rock mochi and following their enthousiastic son to the slums through freshly fallen snow.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
“Phew...Tsuki, pass me that cup of water...”

Hama wiped a bead of sweat from her forehead. She was working on another patient, one who fell from Damos’s mysterious black rain. The black, strained veins evident on his head, neck, and even eyes. Several people remained left to treat, even if she had already cured several of them of this odd affliction.

Jin, glancing in on the operation, sighed, continuing his trek. After a short walk, he had arrived to Mei’s office, no honor guard in sight. Jin didn’t make eye contact with her, butninstead looked to the nearby window.

“Hama is making progress, curing those afflicted. She still stands firm in her belief only she can cure them. But, at least we can be assured that we won’t have deaths, more than likely.”

Silence followed, Jin still fixated upon the horizon. His arms crossed, a huff of air escaping his lips.

“Mei. I know we haven’t been on the best of terms with one another, nor have we seen eye to eye on much. But trust me when I say that there was nothing that could have been done. But the damage is dealt, as minimal as it was. And all but one is safe, which was the best case scenario.”


In an unknown dark cavern, several glowing figures of many shapes and sizes were in a circle around one another. Holographic images? Mirages? Who was to say? Two of which however weren’t glowing, draped in black cloaks with red clouds on them. Damos and Misa.

“Damos. Misa.” The hologram with the rinnegan spoke. “Have you accomplished your mission?”

Damos said nothing, instead allowing actions to speak for themselves. A large, skeletal looking creature made of red cables and a cow like skull entered the room, Phobos. It carried a large black spherical mass along with it’s tendrils entertwined with the mass. It set the sphere on the ground, letting the sphere pop into a plume of black water, revealing the Shukaku, who was previously trapped inside of it and bathed with black water. Pain eyed this carefully.

“Good.” He said sternly. “Then we can commence the initiative immediately.”

“Hmph. Was about time.” Deidara huffed. “We shoulda been after these things long ago and got it over with.”

“Your nativeté blinds you as always, Deidara.” Sasori grumbled. “Let us seen how this plays out.”


Suddenly, the ground began to rumble. A large statute emerging from the ground. It appeared wooden and grotesque looking, with several unopened eyelids and an outstretched mouth. The Gedo Statue. Pain held out his hands.

“And so it shall begin.”

Suddenly, a stream of energy, fluctuating colors came from the mouth of the gedo statute, following the trickling black water all the way ton shukaku, draping it in its glow. In no time at all, the shukaku was enveloped in the peculiar force of energy. The ritual had begun
The next day, Shura awoke in his room and did a few stretches after sitting up. The Hyuga was wearing a simple short sleeved black t-shirt and a pair of grey pants, nothing fancy. Getting off his bed and walking out of his room, He let out a breath. "Well, before I get forced to change into the event 'uniform', better get some exercising done. Would also be good a warm up for later." He said to himself, walking towards the training halls with his hand in his somewhat messy hair.

Opening the door when he arrived at his destination, Shura noticed someone who was already there. "Oh, hey Sagiso, you're up early." He casually spoke as he entered the training hall.
===========Three Days Later==========

Tomiko had never dreamed the day would come when she would be directly thanked for her contributions to the village by the Lord Tsuchikage himself. Granted, she had dreams and aspirations to take the very seat he resided on but to see him so soon and get this kind of audience while not even a Chunin was almost too much to take in.


Either way, Tomiko heard his word that they were allowed to go home and rest, she had a lot to do. First and foremost as she left with a big grin on her face as she had to back to her folks and with the crew to celebrate the good day. The rewards would come later, one she would invest in her folks bakery and the local community as she had done with all of her ninja paychecks. Being one had been good pay, but in the end it was just one trying to provide for an entire community so it was a tall order for it to magically make things better. But it had not discouraged Tomiko in the slightest. An offer had been made and accept for Mori to come visit the bakery so she'd have to hurry to beat him there, though as she walked out she happened to overhear some of the three way conversation and it drew her curiosity. So she hung just outside the office to listen in.

On one hand, she felt bad for snooping on something personal, on the other hand she was far too curious to overhear. And in truth she had not gotten much, but there was one thing she noticed from her peeking and listening in more than any other.

Katsuo getting an Iwa headband.

Tomiko had this image planted in her mind, even as she left the area as it seemed Katsuo was recognized by the old Tsuchikage himself. In her eyes Katsuo was the most talented ninja of their generation and between her and Mori it seemed the possible competition for the next Tsuchikage or even the shinning ninja of Iwa would be a tight one within that hypothetical.

And Tomiko only grinned as she raced back to the slums.

"M-my my Tomiko, I appreciate the warm invitation but there was no need to involve so many of your friends as well. We can handle this alone." A older woman with black hair tied into a bun and an apron said as it seemed the bakery was a bit crowded today. As Tomiko's crew had caught up with her when she returned to the slums and on the invite that Mori was offered to visit their bakery on his suggestion they decided to tag along as well as they had grown to like Mori.

Naomi especially, as she still clutched the repaired Mr. Snugglebottom he saved those months ago.

So the crew all came to the bakery, much to the chagrin of her mother Atsuko Usagi. Though as she tended to the dough with the assistance of the crew (With Mio & Miu practically beating it into submission) a taller and well build man with a goatee had a grin on his face as he had set the oven to preheat.

'Now now an extra hand or two to help isn't the worst thing. Besides, I think it is good Tomiko's friend wanted to pay a visit." Kuro Usagi replied as Tomiko had a grin while she helped the crew prepared the dough.

"Yeah, besides these guys are quality workers. They won't get in the way and if they do I'll knock them straight." Tomiko said with a grin as the group all worked to help prepare this meal the parents desired for herself and Mori for their hard mission. Ren, Jirou, Hoshi, Mao, Mio & Miu and Naomi all helped out. Even Mr. Snugglebottom (With a protective bag wrapped to its fur would get on the dough) helped mold the dough with Atsuko who grinned as she directed traffic and together they loaded it into the oven as she smiled.

"Supposed you both make fair points. Should be ready to go by the time he arrives. And there will be plenty to go around." Atsuko assured everyone much to the cheers of the group.

"In a technical sense, you failed to retrieve the escapee and the entire endeavor had been more straining than I'd have preferred. But calling it a failure when you managed to bring in a Biju all the same is an extreme too far. You served your nation and you all should be proud. "

It had not been long since Team Darui touched back down in Kumo, as the Biju had been sealed in a containment jar and placed in a classified location under guard until a new Jinchuriki had been selected, and they had been called into his office to be brief on the result of the mission. Though his wording was never known to be "warm" he had given the group credit for their efforts which was enough for Aisha to have a toothy grin as she felt some pride while she was next to her companions Luna & Sky.

Kenji had a focused gaze, though said nothing as despite part of him wanting to jump into the words of his own Raikage something had kept him from fully embracing such feelings.

"In any event, you will receive your well earned composition. For the moment though, Darui, remain here we have much to discuss. The rest of you are free to rest and return to your homes. But before you go, Aisha stand forward." Ay replied, as Aisha had an eyebrow raised while Kenji looked on with curiosity. Ay seemed to have an attendant come over to him with something in hand.

"Darui spoke highly of your contributions, your sensory skills were vital to the endeavor and he also informed me that you are not an official resident of any nation. Is that correct?" Ay asked somewhat sternly as Aisha nodded simply unsure of what else to say. Ay considered this before he grabbed the item and walked down to Aisha before he presented the Inuzuka with a Kumo headband as her eyes widened.

"Consider this an open invitation and thank you for your service." Ay explained, as a dumbfounded Aisha slowly reached out to grab the headband as she was speechless....both at the shock that such an branch was given to her and also thoughts back to her clan in Konoha she had not met. Either way, she simply gave a nod as she smiled.

"T-thank you...L-lord Raikage."

Kenji however didn't stick around for the proceedings, given that the group praise was done and Aisha was presented with a headband he felt this was personal and simply walked out. Hands in his pocket as he clearly had a lot to think about and a lot on his mind. The mission was a success, but in truth he could not take much pride in it. He didn't do anything, granted just surviving that entire ordeal was reason to be thankful enough but it had done little to give him any reason to celebrate.

Well, the mission was a success.

Madoka had yet to receive word on an official meeting with Rasa, as she assumed his efforts were preoccupied over the last couple days subduing and keeping the Jinchuriki herself. Given what she had seen of Kin or what she had heard during the transport back to Sunagakure.

Irregardless, Madoka was content to report whenever asked of her. Till then she had time to work on her puppets and think things over.

Madoka was unsure of where to go from here, Genin missions seemed obvious but they felt like time killer. As she felt she was above that, but would have to wait till the next Chunin Exams in order to prove it. And even then what was the plan here? Tomiko had a clear goal of what she wanted to be and was quite drive, maybe too driven at times but Madoka had been the opposite.

What kind of ninja did she desire to be? What was the end goal?

Madoka shook her head, maybe if she focused on fine tuning her puppet repairs it will clear her head. But she had a feeling this issue would nag her despite these efforts, so she'd simply hope that she could think of an answer to these questions that had annoying invaded her head.

Since returning to Konoha, there had been a lot on the minds of those who ventured to the islands.
For Sakura, it was merely a state of relief. The hectic chaos that had been the mission was past here, but her work had yet to be done. Sakura being an aspiring medical ninja was part of the escort to take Zaku to the hospital. In his condition he was required to have additional medical evaluation, and sure enough was given a room to rest and recover.

Naturally, with a hidden ANBU guard whose presence was near impossible to notice even for the higher level ninja.

Either way, given that among the current parties Kou seemed to trust her the most and he would not leave Zaku's side she stayed with him while he was placed in medical care. It was a bit of a hassle, but it was better if Kou pestered her rather than the other medical ninja.

At the moment, Sakura had walked down the hospital hall as she had some flowers on hand. A gift from her friend Ino who she visited at the Yamanaka Flower Shop prior to her arrival. She expected to see Kou waiting outside Zaku's room as he had made a habit.

For Takato, he had been busy working up his mission report to bring to Tsunade before they'd be called into briefing. In truth, he had a lot to say as far as how he felt they performed and regrets on both a personal and team level. However, in spite of his personal feelings that regarded the Hyuga members going off script and Hina's rather lax style of leadership on top of....conspiracy theories that concerned Kiro's "test" he tried to remain objective in his report. Include their fault in execution of the plan and his own passive approach that brought it down.

Either way, he soon finished his report. Clarifying that they managed to keep it out of Oto's hands so that much of their goal was met. So he would have it mailed to the Hokage's office once he had returned and spent the next day simply relaxing. Hoping he had even a moment of peace after a mission of that caliber.

After all, just relaxing and enjoying the sun shining in his room beat island chaos any day of the week.

Tayuya sat in the bunk of her "guest" room as she simply starred up to the ceiling. The mission had been flat for numerous reasons, Lord Orochimaru lost not one but two Jinchuriki and the operation seemed like a bust; with her having pretty much no presence other than that team fire from Kin.

If there is any solace to all of this, it is knowing that she is probably gonna die when they go to yank that thing out of her.

Either way Tayuya was unsure what she was to do now. Guess she figured she'd be here till they decided she was of no use and decided to off her. No matter what she wouldn't give them the satisfaction of begging, and for now she'd be content to just nap or work on her Taijutsu hybrid in isolation above all else.

Course, some peace and quiet was impossible in this shockingly peppy residence. As there was a big holiday themed event tomorrow with special emphasis on wearing "festive' colors for tomorrow.

Inwardly Tayuya had to gag when she heard that. These people seemed to go out of the way to make her captivity here as awkward as possible. Tailor maids had bugged her about what outfit she wanted for the occasion, and she typically responded with calls to fuck off.

Course, if these Hyugas had their way she'd have no choice in this. She had to let out a sigh as this just spelled a long day tomorrow.

"Are you certain?"

"I know what I saw. And if your description you gave to me and Lord Minato about their clothing was accurate, then there is no other option to consider."

"I see...."

Kakashi Hatake had been quick to send word of what he had seen to Tsunade and the higher ups, but more importantly he had sought out the Toad Sage who thankfully had been rather predictable as far as where to find him within the village gates. As he had been conducting "research" by the local hot springs.

Thankfully, once Kakashi arrived and made mention of the cloaked arrivals, Jiraiya managed to flip the switch and took it seriously. As he had been the one to report on the Akatsuki before anyone else and knew better than Kakashi what they had been up against.

Even if what he had was only scratching the surface.

"Didn't expect them to make their move so soon." Jiraiya admitted to himself.

"And you are certain they are the target?" Kakashi asked, with no mystery on what "they" referred to.

"Their presence on your Jinchuriki hunt could not be mere coincidence. And if they are acting then measures need to be taken that we do as well. Is the Kyuubi still secure?" Jiraiya asked with a lower tone.

"At the moment it is still within the heart of the village. What specifically has been done with it has been classified." Kakashi further added with a low tone, and if something is classified and even he could not get a piece within rumor mill showed it was secure. Jiraiya gave a nod.

"Focus on training your pupils. They may need to grow at a quicker rate given what is to come. In any event I will speak to Tsunade about this." Jiraiya explained before he vanished in a puff of smoke.
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Previously Swirled
Taiyo: December 23
The Leaf-nin's journey home was rather uneventful; this would change once he noticed that Zaku and his kid would be accompanying them as prisoners, which allowed him an internal chuckle to carry him home. When Taiyo opened the door, his sister immedistely noticed him.

"Big Bro!" Susei jumped from the table, which upon further inspection revealed that she was previously drawing something. Fourtunately for Taiyo, she was only the height and weight of your average six-year-old girl. Any older or possibly heavier could've caused her to unintentionally tackle her brother. His mother, Kinrenai, joined her two kids in the embrace, albiet with less enthusiasm than her daughter.

"Im so glad you're home," Mrs. Akugami told her son happily, "How long were you gone?"

"Two days," Taiyo replied nonchalantly, taking notice of his sister's visible confusion.

"It seemed like much longer than two days to me," Susei replied, looking up to her brother.

"I'll tell you all about it tomorrow if you want, for now, I'm going to get some sleep," Taiyo told his sister as he ascended up the stairs to drift into the peacful, nocturnal void.

~~~~~~~~~~1 Day Later~~~~~~~~~~

As the FBS master began walking downstairs, he had fourmulated a plan on how he would spend his day. The first thing he wanted to do was to get his family gifts; secondly, he wanted to visit Raiku and Sakura to maybe consider what sort of gifts they'd like; finally, his plans consisted of spending his time with friends or family.

Whats the best gift we could get Susei?

Maybe some paint, I remember seeeing her color a lot recently.

Then would'nt crayons be better?

I think we should try to expand her artistic horizons, now what about mom?

I dunno, maybe I can ask our little sister for advice.

Good idea.

"Ill see you later mom!" Taiyo yelled to his mother from the doorstep, taking only a protein bar for brekfast.

"Make sure your back by 11!" Kinrenai shouted back to her son. From there, the Leaf-nin began to make his way to the marketplace, a renewed sense of energy was in his steps.
Even though the words of Lord Raikage were a bit harsh, the credit giving undertone was clear. Taji struggled to fight back a smile, and that only got harder when Aisha got a Kumo headband. "Congratulations Aisha, welcome to Kumogakure!" Her smile quickly faltered and apologised to the Raikage. "Apologies, Lord Raikage." With those words, she left the office. They were allowed to leave anyway.

The air was cold and sharp, nothing unusual for Kumo during this time of the year. The village was known for heavy snowfall during wintertime, and a white Christmas was nothing new for the inhabitants. She took a deep breath and went to a nearby weapon store. She liked it here, it made her imagine running her own shop. One with all kinds of weapons and tools and without a big pressure on her back. Although...her last mission was terrifying, but it was fun in its own right with Kenji and Aisha around. Maybe those two jobs were combinable?

"Excuse me, sir? Could I ask you something?" The polite tone coming from a kunoichi caught the shopkeeper off guard, but he recovered soon enough. "Of course young miss, what do you want to ask?"

"Is it possible to run a shop whilst also being a ninja?"


Surprisingly enough, it was possible to run a shop whilst being a ninja. The stress that would naturally come with it would be big, but she knew she could handle it. After all, she lived up to the expectations of her parents. A unfamiliar feeling began to bubble up inside of her, joy. A grin crept upon her face and she hugged the store owner in her joy. "Thank you so much, you have no idea how comforting that is!" The man was surprised again, but he was happy for the girl. With a wave, Taji ran outside and made her way home.

"Hello mom!" Sachiko Kuramoto was caught off guard by the sudden cheer in the voice of her daughter. "Back already? Judging by your voice, you completed in the mission."

"Not really, an other village got the jinchuriki but we got a different Tailed Beast in return. I'd say the mission could end much worse, no one has died and both a member of the Valkyries and Lord Raikage told us that we made Kumo proud!" Taji chirped as she grabbed a cookie, taking advantage of the shock her mother was in.

"Well well, I didn't expect that! Such prestigious people complimenting you and your team, that is impressive!" Sachiko was so in awe that she didn't even reprimand her daughter for ruining her appetite.

"Hmm, that's right. I also made friends with my team mates, I figured that I might as well get some friends. There's only so much that I can do on my own." The genin said as she leaned against the wall.

"You've made friends? I am so proud of you Taji!" Sachiko pulled her only child into a hug, happy that the normally so quiet and uptight girl learned to get out of her shell. She admitted that she and her husband most likely were the reason for that, pushing her that extra mile, but they never had any ill intent behind it. They just wanted her to have the biggest chance of success in life.

"Mom, can I take a bath first before you smother me?" Taji asked, stuck between both of her mother's arms.

"Of course dear, your father will be home soon." The adult woman let go of her daughter who entered the bathroom.



"Miss, but this one won't be!"

"I've seen Academy students throw kunai better, are you sure you are a jonin?"

"Yes, and I am just as sure of the fact that you are being very rude."

Kasumi watched the two boys in her life throw snowballs and insults around, one of them being much bigger than the other though. Even though their family was separated for the majority of the year, they were still close as ever. Mori didn't even harbor any ill will against Iwao, even though he got his scar from his father. No one in their family was happy with the method used, but the end justifies the means. They both knew how dangerous it was out there, and a lax attitude was just a death sentence.

"Mori, where exactly does your friend live? We never come in the slums, so you need to guide us."

"Uhhh, I know she lives in a bakery. It can't be that hard to find her, right? I believe it was this way." Mori didn't have much of a plan, but he knew the vague direction of the bakery of Tomiko's family. It would just take a while to get there.

"No, you're just up late."

Although it was but 7 am —just a wee past the crack of dawn— she spoke matter-of-factly.

She broke her stretches, transitioning into static and flowing stances. She worked her steps into a tight circle, one with eight sections corresponding to each of the Eight Trigram. She started out hard and fast. Overly aggressive strikes snapped from her waist and discharged into the air. Moving along to the opposite side of her circle, her movements began to soften. Sharp strike became rounded kneading, vigorous snaps of the waist gave way to a system of interlocking joints —smoothly leveraging the power of her body like a network of pulleys.

She'd moved from hard to soft, a stance of extreme yang to one of extreme yin. The entire process involved 4 different stances and one half-revolution of her circle. What remained was to move from soft to hard, extreme yin to extreme yang. This would involve another 4 stances, and the completion of her circle.

Sagiso made eight such revolutions on her circle, working up a fine layer of perspiration. Finishing her warm ups, she threw a side-glance at Shura. "I don't think we finished our last spar..?"

Pops rattled off her joints as she worked out the remaining stiffness in her body, "It's a bad habit to leave things unfinished."

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Kai walked across the snowy streets of the mist. What should have been a cheery Christmas Eve for the town was instead replaced with a somber tone. At this point, Kai had been clued in to what had happened. Damos has returned. The streets were desolate, which normally would have been a buzz with the cries of happy children. Kai scowled, closing his fists.

“Is everyone THAT afraid of the monster?”

His fists clenched and his form stiffened. He marched further across the empty street. Why didn’t father do something? We are the Yuki! The strongest clan in the world! Yet why did we stand idle doing nothing?! He must answer for this!

He looked to the kage’s palace. He HAD to be there. He wasn’t at the Yuki residence, so where else would he be? With a determined look in his eye, the Xenophobic ninja set course for his newfound destination.


Kou had a difficult time returning back to the leaf. He didn’t have the fondest memories of the place, especially since most of those memories were being hungry and alone. It also didn’t help that the sound and leaf were enemies, so he was constantly on guard.

He never left Zaku’s side, as he was afraid that others might interrogate or dissect him, paranoid about the horrible things he heard about what the leaf due to prisoners. He stood outside the door of Zaku’s room, keeping watch with his small rat sized brother. He just hoped that Kakashi and Sakura lived up to their word.

Right on cue, Sakura walked down the hallway, flower in hand. He and his brother’s ears perked up, Kou relieved to finally see a a familiar face.

“Sakura!” Kou brightened up, rushing to hug her. “It’s good to see you...”

He looked back at Zaku’s door, growing worried at the time it was taking to help him. Maybe they were having difficulty getting around his biology? All he could do is guess and worry
Misa followed Damos as they entered a certain unknown location. She moves in along with her partner in the circle created by the holographic projections of the others members of the Akatsuki. She listened to the projection with the Rinnegans. “Yeah, we got the target, ‘twas surprisingly easy as well.” Misa added as Damos, like usual, stayed completely silent as he brought the sphere containing the Shukaku with his skeletal creature and brought the beast out of his black water prison. Misa stood still as Pain brought out the Gedo Statue. Now standing on one of its fingers, Misa began stretching. “I agree with mouthy blondy over there, it’s about time we started. Let’s begin and get this over with.” She spoke in a nonchalant tone as the extraction ritual begun.
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The reigning Mizukage listened to Jin's ramblings. She was seated at her desk —as she had been for the past 24 hours— attending to a clutter of paper-work. She hadn't slept since returning as what little time would've been left for sleep had instead gone to flipping through reports.

She was, admittedly, very grumpy and had filtered his words down to just the essentials.

  1. Treatment of the afflicted was making stead progress.

    This was the best news she'd heard all day. Between the damages done to the village and the surroundings and the void left by the loss of a Jinchuriki, news of something going right was welcomed.
  2. The medical Yuki had occupied a position of vital importance.

    If Hama proved to be the only one with the expertise to deal with this strange affliction then so be it. There was nothing that could be done about that, however. that would need to be fixed.

  3. Damage control had been achieved

    From the reports she'd gotten from the Yuki, Hoshigaki, and Karatachi, she had a comprehensive understanding of all the damage that had occurred within the village and outside it. It was only now, after they were aware of all the problems plaguing them, that they could begin to fix them.

Her fingers sifted through the papers on her desk, first hovering over a list of materials—

These were the items she'd managed to wean from Kumogakure. Someone would need to go and collect them. She'd considered handing this mission to the Yuki Clan but when it came to other nations the Yuki were...troublesome. This mission would not suit them.

Next she found herself at a missives for investigation. Those cloaked marauders, draping and black and branded with red clouds. How many of them existed? Were they gathering all the Biju are had the Mist just been special? What was their objective? Was the MIst at risk of another attack? Had they appeared in any of the other villages?

The questions were many, but answers few. That would not do at all. However recalling the mannerisms of Jin and his Honor guard...they weren't the stealthiest of men. Nor the most unscrupulous. This mission too would not suit them.

Once more she sifted through the waters, paper waves rising and falling with her motions. Finally, she found what seemed the perfect job for the Yuki. Plucking the document from her desk, she redirect her attention.

"A house divided against itself will fall. We may not see eye to eye, but at least we can agree that actions taken should be in the Mist's best interest. Though, we might not agree on on what those interests are—"

Her words were musing as light chuckles brightened her expression. Reaching towards Jin she delivered the paper.

"—here, roughly three months from now are the biannual Chunin exams. We need to put on a strong showing, the exams are one of many ways which can be used to judge a nation's status. A strong showing will help mask our current weakness. It might not solve any real problems, but a believable bluff is better than naked exposure. I'll entrust the candidates and their training to the Yuki Clan. We don't want a repeat of the last exam."

During the last Chunin exam, not a single Mist shinobi had made it to the final round —save for Kiro, who'd promptly been...well, she still wasn't sure what to make of that one.

Shaking her head, she picked up where she left off. "Also, Hama being our only effective medical ninja...have that fixed as soon as possible. I'll file the creation of a new medical wing of the academy. This situation has only proved how lacking we are in that department. Get Hama to teach there part-time, and allocate any resources that might be required for those endeavors."

A little boost to their medical division was clearly a must. One expert surgeon should clearly be used to produce countless others.

"If that's all then you may—"

Cut off by the sound of her office doors being thrown open, Mei shifted her attention.


Entering the Kage's office, the Hozuki Matriarch gave a perfunctory bow at the waist.

"The Shinobi from Kumo were escorted across the border without issue. They didn't try any funny business."

Tasked with ensure their friends from Kumogakure got to the border without causing any problems for the Mist, the Hozuki clan had done just that, trailing the entourage of cloud-ninja until they retreated beyond the Land of Water's boundaries. Noticing Jin, she smiled. Not a jovial, carefree smile, but instead one that was sombre and held many meanings. With only the faintest quiver of her lip, she relayed —'We need to talk!'

The Mizukage hadn't reacted to the silent exchange, either too tired to notice, or too tired to care. Instead, she whisked an investigative missives from off her desk and presented it to the Hozuki. Receiving the document, Shoshitsugetsu scanned it. Saying nothing, her eyes returned to Mei —"A dedicated team making bi-weekly reports, if not more. Whoever these people are, we need to keep an eye on them."

Agreeing with Mei's sentiments, Shoshitsugetsu nodded, the mission report slipping through her fingers as it was absorbed into her body. She swiveled on the spot and began heading out of the room, only pausing slightly to whisper —"I'll wait on the beach."

Exiting the room, a sudden downpour appeared before she vanished within the drizzle.

The Hozuki Matriarch's disappearance however, only seemed to be a prelude. Shrieking with a shrill "Eeeeeeeeeeeek!" as her footfalls pitter-pattered against the newly formed puddled was a head of fiery hair.


Bursting through the doors to the Mizukage's office was the Nadeshiko Crying Star. She'd come seeking shelter from the rain and to deliver a fresh new stack of reports to Mei, mostly the former. She dropped the ream of papers on a small desk to the side, before she cursed under her breath and began to wring water from her hair.

Water droplet poofed into steam and vapor as Koki'o dried her hair, the red glow surrounding her hands emanating the heat of fire chakra. Muttering another string of swears she shuffled the papers over to Mei's desk after binding her hair into a pair of scorpion-tail braids.

Pulling yet another bundle of papers from her bosom, this one much smaller —a mission report of only a few pages— she delivered them all to Mei. In return the Mizukage whisked another paper off her desk, the cargo-report to be retrieved from Kumogakure. Skimming the list quickly, the Scorpion star exited the Mizukage's office with haste, turning down a corridor. A short while later, she departed from the Mist, and at around the same time a messenger hawk soared into the skies.

The messenger hawk headed far west, it's aim; to deliver a message to one of the Nadeshiko groups still on the mainland. The message detailed Koki'o new errand and a impromptu meeting spot —the Land of Frost— where the Nadeshiko could meet up and then proceed to Kumogakure.
Later the Same Evening...

The whole Ikeda/Denki family sat around a large stone table. Although, said table didn’t really stand out, seeing as the chairs they were in were also stone. But this fact went for all the chairs, tables, footrests, shelves, and essentially all furnishing items inside the Denki household.
This house was, in fact, a carved out cave, created with the soul purpose of hiding and protecting Kido and Rittsu Denki.
But as of these last few weeks, this bunker had felt much less like a hiding place and far more like a home, with a complete, somewhat dysfunctional family residing inside.
These facts only made Katsuo all the more regretful of what he was about to say.

“So...” he said quietly, interrupting a conversation between Rittsu and his mother, “I’ve got something I gotta tell you guys.” He added in the same somber tone, staring down at his bowl of soup. It was a thick brown broth based soup with tough meat simmered in it for hour to create a tender and fresh tasting meal, Katsuo preferred his with lots of white pepper....but tonight just wasn’t the night for it.

“What’s wrong Katsu?” The energetic mother of said Chunin questioned with a look of deep curiosity, not used to seeing an expression such as this worn by her son.

“While we were on the mission, attempting to learn the Jinchuriki’s whereabouts, something unexpected happened....” His voice trailed off once again, he sat there, idly stirring his soup with a large spoon, unsure of how his parents would react to what he had to say.

“Well speak up Katsu-kun. Matatabi got your tongue?” Rittsu added, now also curious about where this prolonged conversation had been going.

“While we were searching for the Jinchuriki, we had an encounter with a powerful genjutsu user. A man named Absurd.” Katsuo paused for a moment, looking around to see if the name rung any bells. Unfortunately...or maybe fortunately, it appeared it hadn’t.

“Lots of people were hunting down the Jinchuriki Katsuo. What’s your point?” Kido’s voice echoed down the table, quiet and analytical, yet still curious.

“No....sorry, but this was different. Absurd wasn’t hunting any Jinchuriki...he was hunting me.” As the multi-headbanded ninja spoke these words, his mother dropped her spoon, her somewhat carefree attitude replaced with by one that couldn’t be described as a mountain of questions bombarded her head. The most prominent one simply being, ‘why’.

“This man, Absurd. He took my team on in a battle. Even with the help of Lady Guren, we struggled against his tactics. And by the end of it....by the end of it, he revealed he was a scout for Orochimaru.” At the utter mention of the snakes name, Kido launched to his feet, his eyes wide with bewilderment.

“Kido.” Ichiko spoke her husbands name whilst locking eyes with him, almost as if that one word was an entire conversation between the two Jonin.

“I know.....come on everyone, begin packing your things. We’re leaving.” Kido spoke sternly while half walking half jogging into his room, retrieving a suitcase from his closet shelf before unloading clothes into its empty compartment with great haste.

“Katsuo, Rittsu, get to it, now!” Ichiko spoke with the same severity as her husband, unloading cabinet drawers in the living room at a much faster rate than Kido.

“What? Why? Where are we going?” Katsuo asked in a somewhat panicked tone, this weighing feeling of dread being a new sensation to him.
Kido had stepped back in the room just as he asked this, the bandit ninjas expression now rock solid.
“To the leaf. It looks like Christmas is coming early this year.”


“Kido....are you here? It’s me!” A much younger looking Ichiko whisper-screamed, stepping out into a clearing in the dead of night, her current whereabouts lying far away from any known household.

“Yep!” A far more enthusiastic Kido spoke up flatly, dropping from a tree right behind the unsuspecting Kunoichi.

“Ahh!” Ichiko screamed, turning on her heel to deliver a palm strike to the potential attacker. Her blow arced through the air, stopping mere centimeters away from the now rather regretful looking Kido’s face.

“Don’t do that!” The Ikeda girl groaned, giving Kido a two handed shove, partially out of annoyance, and partially out of embarrassment.

“Hehe, I’m sorry, ya know I was just playing...so...how are you?” Kido’s voice gently transition from sorrow to warmth, his gaze now meeting the beautiful burgundy haired girls.

“I’m fine...I’ve missed you. It’s been nearly a month.” She replied quietly, leaning forward against Kido’s chest, who quickly pulled her into a tight embrace.

“I know...but we’ve gotta be certain. If the clan heads found out, we’d be banned...or probably far worse.” He answered her hopeless question in a somewhat grim tone, his mind wandering to images of his savage clan, how they’d react to treason of this level....and what would happen to Ichiko and he. That couldn’t happen, he wouldn’t let it. But he needed to see her. He loved this energetic, incredibly powerful girl more than thought he could ever love anyone. Tonight would be the night, he had to be with her for more than a hour as per usual.

“Ichiko....would you come with me? I’ve got a place where we could spend the night together without the risk of being discovered.” Ichiko brightened up at these words, only for her expression to shift into a complex mesh of thoughts.

“I don’t know...that’s a lot of risk...” She trailed off, weighing her options. On one hand, she was supposed to be back no earlier than sunrise, but on the other hand.....her vision trailed up to Kido, his confident little grin catching her eyes as always.

“Okay Kido...let’s do it!”

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Jin was about to respond to mei’s Claims and plans When Shoshitsugetsu, the head of the hozuki clan had barged through the door. He exchanged a knowing look with her before she went about her business, speaking of a team and a plan before promptly leaving...only for yet another face to come through. The Nadeshiko pet that Mei had. Jin did nothing by glare at her until she inevitably left. Finally done with all the ‘visitors’, Jin turned back to Mei.

“We have a medical wing already Mei, and even the hunter nin corps specialize in medical justu and prowess as well. It’s simply the fact that Hama has certain unique qualities that allow her to cure this affliction. But it seems she may be teaching the young Yuki, Tsuki was it?”

On mei’s Next point of business: the chunnin exams, Jin rubbed his chin, debating it in his mind. A strong stance and a high head to show the power of the mist could only ever be intrusted to their clan. He understood perfectly.

“But I will agree to this chunnin exams show of military might. We should make the preparations to install our fortifications we have been working on for decades now to come online, especially with the recent happenings. What of this summit business...? It’s only an eventuality until one of those go wrong and the leadership is severed.”
Over in Sunagakure, Rasa walked into his office and took a seat in his chair behind his desk. With the recent gain of a Jinchuriki, Kin, The Kazekage had a lot on his mind. For a majority of the day, he had been occupied subduing her and only just recently has she calmed down. Rasa let out a sigh. "That Jinchuriki, she's really got an attitude. I don't think we could bank on her compliance." He got up and walked towards the windows. "It would be simpler to just extract the Biju from her and give it to someone else, but she could have information about Ororchimaru that has potential to be valuable." Deciding to think about something else, Rasa walked to the door of his office and motioned one of the staff members. "Call Pakura and her team to my office, I want to speak with them."


Previously Swirled
“Phew...Tsuki, pass me that cup of water...”

Hearing this request broke Tsuki out of her trance. The reason that she was in her trance in the first place was due to attemptung to complete her data on all the shinobi she had fought on her first official mission. Complying with her sensei's request, the Yuki-nin passed Hama the beverage that she had requested before moving to get a closer look at the paitent. He seemed to be covered in black veins, most notably on his neck and face. Tsuki turned to a new page to write a reminder to fill a new notebook with info on this mysterious affliciton, should there be a need to treat it again.

"Hama-sensei.., is there any way I could assist you? Besides providing you with occasional beverages," The whole experience was rather surreal for Tsuki: with it being her first official mission, she was afraid for what was to come. In her notebook, she had a page entitled "Blackvein", which described the contition of Hama's current patient with what she believed to be symptoms of a disease while also listing the cause of said affliction.


Previously Kid_Nukas
Amari's trip to Konoha was mostly uneventful, except for the Hyuga who had silenced most of the group when they were passing by a village. Either way, Amari tried to stay in the back for most of the time, making occasional conversation to Sagiso and Kiro. When they did eventually make it to Konoha, Amari was quite impressed with the village. The village had a very nice reputation and produced some of the strongest ninja of all time. She had decided that she would stay with the Hyuga during her stay in Konoha. It seemed like the most logical option seeing as her sister was also staying there, actually was a part of the Hyuga clan so it was slightly different. Either way, she was given a room to stay in with a nice bed.

Amari woke up to the sound of a Hyuga maid entering her room. She stopped paying attention to dates a long time ago, therefore she had no idea that tomorrow was the Winter festival. She of course never celebrated such trivial holidays in Nadeshiko. That said, before she was ever brought in by the previous Solitary Star of Nadeshiko, she had fond memories of the winter festival with her father in the Land of Vegetables. When the Hyuga girl told Amari that she would have to wear something festive for the celebration, Amari wasn't completely against it. While she was usually not one to fuss about her looks, she wanted to respect the holiday and her generous hosts. Plus, she honestly enjoyed the holiday and was a little upset that they didn't celebrate it in Nadeshiko. Seeing as this would be her first one in almost ten years, she wanted to make it count. She chose a white and green striped sweater with a red skirt to go with some black leggings. She also decided to let her hair down for the day. This seemed to satisfy the Hyuga maid and Amari was left alone for a while.

Amari decided after she was dressed that she would explore the grounds a little bit, only to hear Sagiso's voice not too far away. She followed the voice to its source to find the training hall. While she always loved a nice chance to train, it sounded like Sagiso was challenging someone inside. Amari slipped inside the training hall so that she could watch the show as it went down.
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