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Private/Closed Naruto AU RP: discussion

First Exam:

  • Written exam

    Votes: 5 41.7%
  • ??? New exam

    Votes: 7 58.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Wow, today was a pretty slow day for the RP thread considering the posts we normally have per day. Even more surprising, it’s been more than 6 hours since someone posted which is probably one of the longest times the RP thread has gone without a post. Hopefully it’s just a fluke or something...

Yeah crazy right? Mainly due to me and Smug finished and a lot of characters out
I am waiting on Soul to post.

In any event, I think Yasu showed a lot of heart during his battle and was able to hang a while against a poor matchup in Zaku. Though he did push himself a bit to far and probably lacked the "know when to fight another day" thing ninja likely prioritize.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Well I suppose if I WERE to say on this as impartial as possible, I say a battle is based on these important factors:


Let’s start with power. Yasu avoided using his main moves which revolves around his feathers, and was handicapped with power right out the gate since he was against Zaku. He mainly resorted to wind style dispersion methods and occasional sword attacks, which were primarily defensive. So not a lot of ACTUAL attacking got done. I’d say about a 4 out of 10 here. Rank: 4

Now Effectiveness. Zaku’s air streams seemed to stop most of the wind style sent at him along with all of the projectiles. Only sword slashes seemed to do a lot compared to anything else, and that’s when you were rarely attacking. The dispersion If such attacks all the time coupled with being smacked around by opposing abilities of the same element but stronger. So effectiveness was about rock bottom, common melee was your best bet. Rank: 3

Stamina. Yasu was pretty good in this area, using his dispersal technique to gain a lot of defenses in the battle from attacks that would have been fatal. This allowed him to hang on way past when he should die, giving him more time to circle around and plan for an attack. rank: 8

Now finally Utility. With the abilities at your disposal Yasu was ultimately force to be defense, which didn’t earn him many Brownie points. His feathers and air did all but nothing to Zaku besides an occasional skin wound. However, the handy sword strikes were far more than even I expected. Rank: 6

Total: 21/40

That’s what I think
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I think it might be a couple points too harsh myself, I would bump up stamina up a couple points myself and in terms of utility Yasu had been quite creative with his attacks even if some of them were not so effective due to the type disadvantage.

Not enough to pass, but I think he deserved slightly more respect in these areas.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Fair enough. Not sure why it matters since he still doesn't pass though I guess I want to give him a better report card XD

I do wonder what Retro and kyuu (Among others) would think of this. Only time will tell I suppose.

I think this ‘report card’ system seems more fair as we’d have to explain why we would grade them in these areas, and then they or other judges can talk back to see if the reasons and numbers are accurate
I feel like judging power and effectiveness on an opponent that basically renders it near impossible for him to have displayed those traits in the first place is slightly unfair... but I'll give it a go with my own ranking.

I'll go with more general categories though; (Each out of 5)

Combat Strength
Decision Making
Field Effectiveness

Combat Strength - 2/5

Shen's already made a pretty good evaluation of this one in his Strength, Effectiveness and Utility categories. You'd really faced a rather troublesome opponent and for most of the fight, you'd spent it being somewhat defensive and suppressed. Just judging based on the outcome of the fight Yasu came out far worse for wear. Given how badly Yasu actually fared against an opponent that countered him then I can't give you much in this category. However, decisive action was taken to maximize your jutsu and that definitely brought you up, albeit at the cost of points elsewhere.

Final Evaluation; 'Didn't get a chance to see much, decent at engaging in blitz battles.'

Decision Making - 2/5

Decisions were made, and as I'd said before I'd thought some of his actions were borderline suicidal. Nevertheless, Yasu was a ruthless ninja who could sacrifice on the field to open up an opportunity to get his opponent takes damage. A pyrrhic victory but a victory none the less. However, it must be said that you chose to prioritize winning the 'battle' over the war. While dealing damage is all good and all, tearing holes through your hand for the sake of barely getting a shot at your enemy, although a gutsy strategy, basically sealed your defeat.

Note that is was in no way necessary to have charged up to Zaku in a straight line and trade attacks blow for blow in a Warrior vs Mage situation. Clearly, the mage won by dealing enough damage to the warrior that despite having achieved his goal of getting into closer range he was far too beaten to actually do anything. Will attribute it to the whole Zaku beat up Tomiko situation.

Final Evaluation; 'Decisive battler but also takes unnecessary risks and lets his emotions get the better of him.'

Adaptability - 2.5/5

Neutralization attacks were good, but what else can I say? Facing an opponent who'd had the advantage to begin with, you'd focused on defending yourself from that advantage. While that was a good choice you went a bit too far (in my own opinion) and 'tunnel-visioned' yourself. You completely neglected to take advantage of your environment to, for example, hide behind one of those glaciers.

Final Evaluation; 'Adapted to his opponent but neglected everything else.'

Field Effectiveness - 3/5

If Yasu were to be promoted...well if this hadn't been an exam he'd already be a corpse. However, displaying such a level of drive to accomplish the mission makes you an almost excellent shinobi (The excellent shinobi come back alive...) and the village could stand at ease knowing Yasu would complete the mission even at the cost of his life.

Final Evaluation; 'Dedication to the mission that surpasses the average Shinobi, however, if you end up dying on the first mission it'd really be a problem.'

Overall Evaluation

An excellent shinobi, no doubt, but is maybe a bit too eager to accomplish his tasks. Fatal Flaw? Probably recklessness and excessive risks.

I used Shen's as a reference and just went on from there just changing the categories. I think they make more sense because Shikamaru got promoted to Chūnin because of his decision-making skills. Being the only person to have surrendered because the odds were just against him. Risking everything to take out your opponent is nice, but might not get you to Chūnin.

FIgure that if Chūnin are going to be leading genin, then they probably want people with sound heads on their shoulders.

Though individual strength is still important nonetheless, so I still needed to account for that.


Previously 5DigitNeb
I agree with both shen’s and kyu’s grading scale as they were both pretty similar and effective, though I’ll be honest and say kyu’s seem a bit more refined, no offense shen. Oh and if there would be a stamina stat, I think it’d be 10 Tomiko level, 9 Taiyo level, 7 Yasu level.


Previously 5DigitNeb
I know about how retro said it’s ok to dodge and all, and how ninja jump from trees really easily, but how tf can a 13 year old jump OVER someone with nearly the same age so near the same height. Seems a bit “I don’t wanna get touched” to me that it’s starting to get ridiculous. No offense meant, just my two cents
I know about how retro said it’s ok to dodge and all, and how ninja jump from trees really easily, but how tf can a 13 year old jump OVER someone with nearly the same age so near the same height. Seems a bit “I don’t wanna get touched” to me that it’s starting to get ridiculous. No offense meant, just my two cents
That statement literally contradicts itself. You might’ve not watched Naruto in awhile but if they can jump through trees easily, then jumping over someone the same size as them is easy. Characters jump over each all the time, it’s nothing new. And to me, I think that complaint is also a bit ridiculous. This isn’t our world, it’s the ninja world.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
I know about how retro said it’s ok to dodge and all, and how ninja jump from trees really easily, but how tf can a 13 year old jump OVER someone with nearly the same age so near the same height. Seems a bit “I don’t wanna get touched” to me that it’s starting to get ridiculous. No offense meant, just my two cents

To back up what Retro said, it’s already been explained as well. Focus a tiny bit of chakra in the feet to produce a higher jumping height
According to Zander's page he won't be able to post anywhere from 1-3 days.
And he posted that this morning too which probably means starting from today. I guess we all could just take a few days off then if we’re gonna wait. I don’t know if we should go to far ahead to the point where everyone is doing their own thing while Sagisō and Katsuo are still battling. It wouldn’t make sense in the timeline. Man, I wish he would’ve told us what to do with Katsuo or maybe even let someone else use him. The only problem with taking a break or slowing down is, well, the motivation for the RP will probably go down if no one posts. Idk, I don’t want the RP to slow down but I also don’t want to go to far ahead.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
And he posted that this morning too which probably means starting from today. I guess we all could just take a few days off then if we’re gonna wait. I don’t know if we should go to far ahead to the point where everyone is doing their own thing while Sagisō and Katsuo are still battling. It wouldn’t make sense in the timeline. Man, I wish he would’ve told us what to do with Katsuo or maybe even let someone else use him. The only problem with taking a break or slowing down is, well, the motivation for the RP will probably go down if no one posts. Idk, I don’t want the RP to slow down but I also don’t want to go to far ahead.

Hm, in canon it did say some battles could take hours to conclude, so that gives some wiggle room. The people reaming waiting for the finals to conclude could talk amongst each other, to another Oc, a NPC, or maybe even to a Kage. These things we can do while we are waiting, like what we did while we were waiting for the first exam to begin

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
This is an idea for an Akatsuki character to replace Kisame, what do you guys think?

Name: Damos

Gender: Male

Age: ???

Jutsu type: Black Water style and ??? Style, repulsion of light.

Description: Damos is a mysterious person who always dons a mask with black lines across the eye holes. He has a kill count marked on the bottom of his mask, black lines. These lines are a kill count for A rank nin or higher, which his kill count is 12. The black lines are also made out of the killed’s blood. He also has long hair flowing off his head and into his Akatsuki cloak, shrouding a lot about his appearance. He also has long red talons on his fingers, that can stretch. These talons are made of blood.

Bio: ??? Mystery for now ???
Likes: His kill count, ink, poetry.
Dislikes: light, the sky, glass.
Missions completed: D: 1 C: 98 B: 43 A: 301 S:19