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Private/Closed Naruto AU RP: discussion

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Edited my post to better reflect this is what Azumi is planning to do. Though if kyuu ends the fight she'll call it off of course.

Right now she's just standing there with a clone watching and waiting for Zaku's attack to dissipate.
Hey @kyuukestu

What’s the color of Sagiso’s hair And Yukata?
Sagisō's hair is black, Her eyes Magenta, and her Yukata + Sarashi are reverse colored based on the flowers printed on them.
Hydrangea - Lilac
Egret Orchid - White

The Yukata has Hydrangea's printed on it, so it's the same color as the Egret Orchid, so it's white.
Her Sarashi has Egret Flowers on it, so it's the same color as Hydrangea's Lilac.

The Obi(belt) for her Yukata is Amethyst and the flowers on it are gold.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist


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Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
The hand on his head was soothing yet intense at the same time. As much as he would rather rip Sagisō’s hand off at the moment, he declined and instead let her speak.

Kiro raised an eyebrow when the first thing she asked was if he was an idiot. “What type of question is that?” Kiro questioned under his breath as Sagisō continued to speak.

After Sagisō was done lecturing him as well as removing her hand, Kiro spoke up. “First off, why do you keep insulting me? We may be arguing right now but atleast respect that I’ve made it this far. Something you failed to do... but not because you couldn’t do it, but it was because you didn’t want to.” Kiro quickly corrected himself, not wanting to risk Sagisō closing the chakra point for his brain. Well, Kiro wouldn’t allow that but it seemed that it would require a higher level of speed to avoid her attacks. One level which Kiro did not feel like showcasing at the moment. Instead, Kiro sighed as he shook his head. “As for condemning me, your tone and body language made it seem like that. I mean you literally whisked your hair back as soon as you finished speaking. It looked like you were annoyed and tired at the same time. But seriously though, right after that, you finished by basically calling me weak. Nearly every point of your full statement had some sense of disapproval in there. If I didn’t know any better, it sounded as if you were trying to make me lose faith in my conviction as well as discretely saying what I did was wrong. All you just brought up was a tiny part that related to what I just said. Congrats, we both said the same thing.” Kiro lightly applauded Sagisō mockingly. “Anyways, I guess you’re not going to answer my question. Fair enough.” Kiro had heard Sagisō mutter something else as she had stopped speaking but he didn’t catch them. It must’ve not been that important Kiro guessed.

“Anyways, as for your final question since you won’t answer mine.” Kiro closed his eyes for a moment as he thought about the choices. A few moments later, Kiro opened his eyes, holding back a grin. “I choose not to answer...”

Then he heard Raiku speak.

Kiro had nearly reached his breaking point with Raiku. He took a deep breath before he spoke. “Can you just shut the fuck up about the Uchiha for one goddamn second?” Kiro asked calmly as he possibly could, turning to face Raiku. “Uchiha this, Uchiha that. Do you have any clue as to what happens in the outside world? Damn, I swear you Leaf ninja are clueless.” Kiro clenched his fists and held his eyes back as he continued to speak. “You Uchiha have had it nice here in the Leaf village. You and the rest of your clan mates must’ve had fun as you stuffed your stomachs full with food. How does it feel when you get to walk through the streets without worrying if someone is waiting ambush you? It must feel nice huh? You’ve must’ve had it easy the entire time if this is how you react to death. I just came in here and killed one girl that you said you don’t care about. First off, make up your mind. You could probably get any girl you want so I don’t even see why you’re complaining. Well if your Academy days were anything like mine, then you would know what I mean.” Kiro said the final part, definitely trying not to brag. “Anyways, enough of that. What do you even know about me or my parents?! I may share the same clan name but I highly doubt I’m a part of it considering all the years I’ve spent in a completely different village. If they really cared, they would’ve brought me here, wouldn’t they?” Kiro asked Raiku, awaiting his response.

Kiro laying the law down lol


Previously 5DigitNeb
This is the first time someone has mentioned anything related romance. I should make this special moment count. Annnnnd there’s gonna be like 5 posts after this cuz I have to sleep. Welp goodbye relevance for like 16 hours
This is the first time someone has mentioned anything related romance. I should make this special moment count. Annnnnd there’s gonna be like 5 posts after this cuz I have to sleep. Welp goodbye relevance for like 16 hours
Well to Kiro, it looks like Raiku is suffering through depression lel Also don’t feel bad about missing 16 hours. I won’t be on for most of tomorrow as well. Graduation rehearsals suck.