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Private/Closed Naruto AU RP: discussion

First Exam:

  • Written exam

    Votes: 5 41.7%
  • ??? New exam

    Votes: 7 58.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Honestly, just tag me with a re-cap whenever you need me to post, otherwise, I'll be trying to pass through my final week of exams and prep myself for a speech I'll have to give as an Oral Presentation for Communication studies. So since I'll be rather 'occupied' I'll only be posting when something major happens, can't really spend time on writing up a post for small-talk.

In fact, I'll give @Godjacob permission to Auto Sagiso when needed, since I'm already rather familiar with his Rp style.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
One last thing, have you voted for the next exam to do?

Otherwise, I hope you pass your exams and do a good presentation. Presentations are pretty difficult to do for a long period of time especially while juggling exams. Hang In there Kyuu
One last thing, have you voted for the next exam to do?

Otherwise, I hope you pass your exams and do a good presentation. Presentations are pretty difficult to do for a long period of time especially while juggling exams. Hang In there Kyuu
I've already voted.

Okay, I will do my best to auto your character while you are busy. I'll study her bio so I can do her justice.

Don't worry about it too much, I haven't actually finished her Bio, hence she doesn't have a defined personality or description at the moment. I still need to work on those. Whatever you auto I might incorporate into her finalized personality, though It really depends on how I feel she should be shaped as a character.


Previously 5DigitNeb
Madoka and Tomiko glanced over to a newcomer, Chikao, who had introduced himself and Tomiko offered a friendly grin.

"Hey there, my name is Tomiko. Tomiko Usagi. Nice to meet you." Tomiko said with a friendly tone as Madoka kept a more neutral expression before she did the same.

"Madoka Tadashi. I hope you are not affiliated with that other Uchiha who was part of that argument earlier." Madoka asked, though she was not one to judge a clan based on one lone member. Besides, others among that argument were equally annoying to the Suna-nin and they had no affiliation to the Uchiha. Still Madoka could not help but wonder if Chikao had any relation beyond clan towards that guy.
they say this when Chikao was in the fight before Raiku


Previously 5DigitNeb
*raises eyebrow* Oh yeah... it'd be way better for everyone when my character is shown as being bad just because some other RPer made a mistake >=O>=O>=O>=O

(jk I'm not actually mad xD)

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Question though before I start writing. this exam is intelligence based, and might lead to ninjas being eliminated, maybe more than the written exams. Last chance to change your vote


Previously 5DigitNeb
I could afford to lose an OC, though I'm pretty sure their skills won't allow them to be eliminated so easily.
EDIT: also I'm not sure if you remember this, but I think it's okay to say I get a bit annoyed when people say only one of us can win. According to Kakashi, all of the participants can win, or none. So it isn't exactly last man standing or anything like that.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
It’s about intelligence, so depending on your actions, just like the written exam, could eliminate you. That’s why I have to ask the question. The safe route with the written exam, or the possibility of elimination with ???
I mean the written exam is about intellect as well. If your character isn't a test specialist (Ex. Sakura) or has a convenient cheating method (Ex. Any Uchiha) they could still get dumped.

I can easily think of ways for my characters to progress through either or...though I do not know your exam to be fair.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Are you just trying to get us to not do your exam? XD also please read the edit on my previous post

Juuuust making sure. Because some people only have one character, and i’d Hate for them to be eliminated so early lol. And in all honesty, I have no idea how many people will be eliminated, if any. I just know it’s new and unexpected, unlike the written exam which we all know. Mine is fair sure, but if you wanted practically gurantees that your characters will pass on to the second, then nows the time to change your vote.
Persoanlly I'd like to keep all 5 of my characters up to the 3rd exam prelims, but I'll see how realistic that is and how many other OCs/AU characters progress along. I will dump characters if I have to earlier than that, even if it is not a preference.


Previously 5DigitNeb
It’s really boring though, like the most interesting part was how intense it was. That’s it, besides the final question. Also, I could probably pull a gaara with hashima, especially more since it’s such an unknown kekkei genkai


Previously 5DigitNeb
Persoanlly I'd like to keep all 5 of my characters up to the 3rd exam prelims, but I'll see how realistic that is and how many other OCs/AU characters progress along. I will dump characters if I have to earlier than that, even if it is not a preference.
My thoughts exactly

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Suppose that’s a matter of preference. Could be solo, two man, or three man teams. I haven’t decided yet. But it’s ultimately up to everyone. Although I prefer Godjacob’s idea


Previously 5DigitNeb
I think each person as an individual will be handed one scroll and have to fight another with a second scroll.

Could lead to team ups if two people need the same type of scrolls.
That’s a bit unfair. Someone like you could EASILY get all your ocs to team up and wreck everyone. I wouldn’t honestly mind random 3 man teams... it could lead to interesting mixups...


Previously 5DigitNeb
In all fairness, these exams were meant to eliminate. Besides, there are Npc’s to attack too.. I.E. Kabuto
Also I personally do not enjoy waiting an excessive amount of time to decide how we do things. With something like the current poll, it’s taking WAY too long. Sorry if I’m being to impatient, but that’s my honest opinion. And I’m sort of fine with it because the exams haven’t even technically started, but like what with the forest of death? I really don’t want to wait 1 week to decide how we do things