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Private/Closed Naruto AU RP: discussion

First Exam:

  • Written exam

    Votes: 5 41.7%
  • ??? New exam

    Votes: 7 58.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Previously 5DigitNeb
Killing is allowed in any of the physical exams. Even the 3rd Exam & 3rd Exam Prelims.
TF uhh I’m not sure at all about the 3rd exam. I’m like 100% sure the Leaf wouldn’t allow a death to happen right in front of babies or something, plus, why would they have meds ready then?
I mean Kankuro clearly killed that guy on Kabuto's team even as he tried to give up. Besides the rules were "Win by KO, forfeit or if your opponent dies. Though I the proctor can stop if I feel it is over."

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Killing is allowed in the forest, right?...

Absolutely right.

Also I personally do not enjoy waiting an excessive amount of time to decide how we do things. With something like the current poll, it’s taking WAY too long. Sorry if I’m being to impatient, but that’s my honest opinion. And I’m sort of fine with it because the exams haven’t even technically started, but like what with the forest of death? I really don’t want to wait 1 week to decide how we do things

Mainly this is before the storm, is getting everything together. As far as the forest of death and how you don’t like the slow pace of voting, there aren’t many alternatives other than doing a decision for everyone, which might not be in everyone’s interest


Previously 5DigitNeb
Also... I feel like we shouldn’t have all npcs be the ones we fight, maybe you should have some of your ocs be eliminated in the second? You have the most amount, plus it seems a bit weird for all of them to Not be eliminated in LITERALLY the forest of DEARH
B-but I luv my characters.

Again I will eliminate some of my OCs if needed prior to the 3rd Exam Prelims, but I think we should keep all our characters till then so we can get into one on one fights and really show their stuff. Just my opinion.


Previously 5DigitNeb
I mean Kankuro clearly killed that guy on Kabuto's team even as he tried to give up. Besides the rules were "Win by KO, forfeit or if your opponent dies. Though I the proctor can stop if I feel it is over."
We also have gaara. I’m pretty sure deaths are not supposed to happen that frequently


Previously 5DigitNeb
B-but I luv my characters.

Again I will eliminate some of my OCs if needed prior to the 3rd Exam Prelims, but I think we should keep all our characters till then so we can get into one on one fights and really show their stuff. Just my opinion.
Idk I just find it a bit Mary Sue-ish. Also if that’s the case... what’s the point of the forest of death anyways besides plot? In one post we could easily have all our ocs pass through no problem


Previously 5DigitNeb
I have the perfect plan for hashima... get some attention by destroying mass amounts of trees with mud style... destroying someone that came because of the noise with mud style
I'm just saying having our characters get to the 3rd Exam Prelims doesn't make them auto Mary Sues. I'm already having Tomiko & Azumi develop some attitude issues and Kenji is gonna hard a hard time on the first exam.


Previously 5DigitNeb
I only said yours because (Sorry if I’m offending you) you have the largest amount. I mean, we do remember how Sakura won that round right?

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
She won basically by nearly all the kohona teams coming to help her not die lol. If they hadn’t come, all of team 7, lee, and maybe team Ino would have all failed


Previously 5DigitNeb
Yeah, but that's how they survived. (more mostly sasuke, but naruto did help) They won because Kabuto HANDED them the scroll. LITERALLY! you could offer that she can use genjutsu but... that can easily be discarded by the simple fact kishimoto forgot that was... LITERALLY ANY ACADEMY LEVEL NINJA CAN GET RID OF GENIN LEVEL GENJUTSU

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Yeah, but that's how they survived. (more mostly sasuke, but naruto did help) They won because Kabuto HANDED them the scroll. LITERALLY! you could offer that she can use genjutsu but... that can easily be discarded by the simple fact kishimoto forgot that was... LITERALLY ANY ACADEMY LEVEL NINJA CAN GET RID OF GENIN LEVEL GENJUTSU

Well the genjustu bit is wrong, since that’s how exam oboro took half a day to defeat. But everything else, yeah, your right. The exams aren’t a cakewalk


Previously 5DigitNeb
How was I wrong? Shikimaru, which is not a genjutsu speciliast, could've easily seen through genjutsu, literally all any ninja has to do to defeat weak genjutsu is do tiger hand symbol and boom. expulsion of chakra gets rid of it, in fact it doesn't even have to be weak genjutsu. remember the sleep one in the orochimaru konoha destruction one? Shikimaru got rid of it like that. For some reason kishimoto just doesn't want normal ninja, which ARE taught this in the academy, to use this


Previously 5DigitNeb
I'll repeat it for like the third time, they are taught this in the academy. The only reason naruto didn't was cuz Kurama didn't see any reason to wake him up from the genjutsu

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Need I remind you though that Sakura was involved in that team oboro incident, where they were stuck for around 12 hours fighting off a genjustu. If it’s as easy as you say, then that wouldn’t have happened

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Yeah seeing as the only two genin to break off Kabuto’s genjustu are Sakura, (a genjustu specialist) and Shikamaru (a mastermind, and broke out of Tauyuyas, a stronger genjustu that took out jounins)


Previously 5DigitNeb
There are several options to combat genjutsu:

  • A victim's chakra flow, if disrupted enough, can break the caster's influence. This "genjutsu dissipation" (幻術解, Genjutsu Kai) can be done by the victim themselves, (assuming they realise they're under a genjutsu's influence) or an ally who emits chakra into them;[6] jinchūriki who have formed a good relationship with their tailed beast prefer the latter method whenever they need it.[7]
  • Pain that is not caused by the genjutsu can bring victims back to their senses.[8]
  • If a caster's vision is obstructed, such as by the Hiding in Mist Technique, that at least prevents the use of ocular genjutsu.[9]
  • Possessing a Sharingan renders one largely invulnerable to genjutsu as their acute vision allows them to recognise its flaws and influence. They can also free others from genjutsu by inserting themselves into the opponent's illusion and release it.[10]
  • Deidara is somehow able to condition his left eye to break genjutsu.[11]
  • In the anime, kikaichū are impervious to genjutsu because their brain structures aren't sophisticated enough, allowing members of the Aburame clan a method to identify and counter genjutsu.[12]
  • In the anime, strong smells, such as those from Chilli Pepper Bombs, can counteract genjutsu.[13]
  • In the anime, Kabuto Yakushi attempted to use his own genjutsu on himself in order to override the oneItachi Uchiha placed on him, though due to the complex nature, it failed.[14]
" all ways of countering genjutsu, straight from the wiki
It's not nearly as easy in practice as it is in theory to pull that stuff off. Naruto was given specific instructions on how to counter Genjutsu from Uchiha by Jiraiya and still fell to Itachi's.

Pain, a guy with the Rinnegan, fell to Ma & Pa's Genjutsu.
IDK, whether Genjutsu is good or not I guess.

Either way, I plan to make AU Sakura a respectable Genjutus user cause we need one that isn't associated with a Dojutsu clan (*Cough* Uchihas *Cough*). Though I won't have her stomp people with it, it will be tricky stuff but not impossible to figure out and fight out. I'll keep her balanced, like all my characters.

And yes, I am ready.
I won't bully, I never bully. Part 1 Sharingan is my favorite Kekkei Genkai. But the plot loves them in the main series way more than necessary.

Just want other clans, non-clan characters to shine here. Everyone gets a chance to look cool I think.


Previously 5DigitNeb
I'm gonna go full on Naruto mode right now hold up....

AHH all this talking is so annoying and confusing!! Just shut up and let me fight already!!!
Alright @kyuukestu the first exam is starting up though since this is just going to a door I autoed your character there. since you gave permission If you want to retake control for the actual exam let me know otherwise I will continue to do my best in your place.