Hmmm, no. I didn't mean by peaking at him. Even if she's on a completely different Island she'll be able to tell he's around simply by noticing the chakra present. The Byakugan can distinguish chakra by very unique colors, and she'll recognize Katsuo's.
Against a Byakugan wielder, using your chakra is no different than showing them your face, i.e. something they'll be able to easily recognize you by.
If anything I'll just have to create a little black-out in your net.
You know where the clones are, that's not much. You still couldn't reach him normally as the pressure would easily crush you from his depth. And any ranged jutsu won't work because....well that's exactly what bubble dome jutsu is for outside of water, but its got even more durability in the water.
And in the end, even if you did reach him, you'd still have to defeat a max power Katsuo, ya really think you can do that?

But enough of this ability comparison, let's see how it would play out in the story shall we?
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