Are the tendrils visible? Zander said is extended over all the islands
It's an application of science. On a basic level the jutsu pans out, but while it shouldn't have a very high creation cost, the upkeep fee in terms of both chakra and mental capacity is sizeable.
I have 0 problems with the jutsu itself, though I'm mentally contemplating the detail in which it percieves things. Sensory overload could be a major drawback for this technique, though I don't have a solid base of max information processing capacity of a shinobi. The Byakugan for example, perceives a shit load of intormation, so much so that so much so that I personally think using all its abilities at once, to their utmost would render more information than one could feasibly process.
Observing things on a cellular level for a field with a radius of 20k, that'd be simultaneously observing several trillion things as an extreme lowball.
Well actually in this case it’s fairly simple, just set up ahead of time to be a sensory trap of sorts. He’s not seeing everywhere at once like the byakugan or this...technique...Katsuo is using. It’s fairly straightforward. I really need an explanation as to how Katsuo learned this technique and how it seems superior to even the byakugan as far as sensory is concerned.It should be noted that the same limitation would apply to Kidomaru's web-sensory technique in canon, because its so sensitive it can even perceive changes in air flow.
Naturally perceiving something as minute as air flow across so vast a distance will render a lot of information being sent to the user. I'd probably need to do some research on sensory jutsu before I form any solid conclusions.
This is what I’m thinking...although I have my concerns. Which I will be watching this very carefully, and could take action depending. As this shoved everyone away from 10 Miles from him. So the only thing Katsuo succeeded in is making himself distant from the objectiveAgain, just because something is perfectly logical doesn't make it any less broken in practice. This is what leads to cheesing abilities out.
We'll see where Zander goes, he is a good RPer and trust him overall. Just naturally worried XD
Air flow is omnipresent, and the ability to sense airflow is characteristic of the webbing itself. he would be able to sense all sections of the web simultaneously or the jutsu would quite literally be a net filed with holes.Well actually in this case it’s fairly simple, just set up ahead of time to be a sensory trap of sorts. He’s not seeing everywhere at once like the byakugan or this...technique...Katsuo is using. It’s fairly straightforward. I really need an explanation as to how Katsuo learned this technique and how it seems superior to even the byakugan as far as sensory is concerned.
see the above.Again, just because something is perfectly logical doesn't make it any less broken in practice. This is what leads to cheesing abilities out.
We'll see where Zander goes, he is a good RPer and trust him overall. Just naturally worried XD
That’s more so sending the information down the line towards him, and he can make it as specific or as vague as he likes to prevent sensory overload. And in this case it’s acting like a feeler only sending information regarding movement or chakra towards him, so that’s severly limited.Air flow is omnipresent, and the ability to sense airflow is characteristic of the webbing itself. he would be able to sense all sections of the web simultaneously or the jutsu would quite literally be a net filed with holes.
As much as he premade, which is usually a series of tripwire.The only real question is how much area does the webbing cover.
Requires physical contact to work, and not to mention has to be premade along a specific trailIf it(Kidomaru's webbing) covers a large area, then i won't have any issues with Katsuo's technique because a similar one has been done, and Kidomaru's is an even greater sensory technique -with regards to detail perceived.
1.That’s more so sending the information down the line towards him, and he can make it as specific or as vague as he likes to prevent sensory overload. And in this case it’s acting like a feeler only sending information regarding movement or chakra towards him, so that’s severly limited.
Now compare that to katuso’s ability. It’s barley costing any chakra and is easily observing over a 10 Miles radius, outdoing the byakugan in every aspect outside microscopic part
As much as he premade, which is usually a series of tripwire.
Requires physical contact to work, and not to mention has to be premade along a specific trail
And in this case it’s acting like a feeler only sending information regarding movement or chakra towards him, so that’s severly limited.
So they both observe the same thing at a basic level, yes?You see the clone scatters the tendrils like roots, all through theisland ground, using them to track any movement or chakra signals that pass by above it.
As much as he premade, which is usually a series of tripwire.
Both use a pre-existing medium to sense through.You see, most of these jutsu would take some hefty chunks out of my chakra reserves to perform back to back, but with all this water, I barely need to dip into my supply.
Requires physical contact to work, and not to mention has to be premade along a specific trail
It had begun drilling through the rocky earth beside it, funneling water in fromthe ocean to increase the length of his tendrils as he did so.
And you said that it would detect anyone on the island instantly, which is several dozen miles. So you can see how that directly contradicts your statement. Close proximity, not a entire landmass lol. So maybe some more specifics on this would be appreciated.Katsuo can sense the presence of anyone in close proximity with his tentacles. I didn't say he could see anyone and I never said it didn't have its limits. And @Shen: Ghost Gym Leader I only made one assumption about you, and it appears I'm not the only one who agrees.
....? What are you trying to say?And @Shen: Ghost Gym Leader I only made one assumption about you, and it appears I'm not the only one who agrees.
You have to explain this ability before I can say. As you have said two different things about it’s range, which contradict each otherIf it would help, should I just take out the technique all together?
(Getting a feeling like this conversation has happened before *Intentionally obnoxious sighing*)
And you said that it would detect anyone on the island instantly, which is several dozen miles. So you can see how that directly contradicts your statement. Close proximity, not a entire landmass lol. So maybe some more specifics on this would be appreciated.
....? What are you trying to say?
Where is the justu being carded right now? How far is it expanding? If it’s just around Katsuo personally I’m not sure how it would find out where everyone on the island is instantly, and if it covers the whole island in range, that thing is too broken for words.That was a misunderstanding. I mean he can sense other when they're in close proximity to the tentacles. That means if your five miles from the clone, but the tentacles are 3 feet under you, he'll know.
I know what you said, and quite frankly I’m offended you think so low of me. it doesn’t dampen my plans, it just saps the fun out of everyone if it can instantly detect where everyone is on the entire island and perhaps more while basically taking a huge dump on everyone else’s sensory abilities in comparison. Don’t pin this on me, it’s your ability, and sensitivity about my ‘plans’ isn’t of concern In the slightest. I have a duty as the creator of this RP to look out for things that would throw it off balanceEarlier you accused me of making assumptions about you. Which I can only assume referred to my statement about you disliking abilities the damper your plans. I was saying I'm not the only one who's voiced they feel that way.
By that logic, every Uchiha should have mangekyo Sharingan right now because they would have had it at some point. No. That’s not how it works. While the technique is impressive, it’s not suited for their skill level, especially when it can be used on this massive of a scale and give you this much of an advantage. This is supposed to be a competition to go get the jinchurki, and the introduction of your technique at this point in time at this particular scale is throwing the balance for that way off.Its size isn't constant. Its fueled by the ocean. The ocean. Meaning the jutsu continue to sprout through the whole island.
If you were able to detect Mori, you would've almost certainly been in range, but I admit, that was an educated guess at best.
And about the second part, most of this discussion thread is cluttered with back and forth about how unbalanced this rp is.
Point is, the technique quickly (a reasonable pace, I'd say 5 meters per second) sprouts a branching system of tendrils under the earth. The tendrils will grow until the user is out of chakra or water. The tendrils are infused with a nervous system for sensing movement and traces of chakra.
The technique can only be maintained for a certain amount of time, and he can only place a limited number at a time. I'd cap it at 3-5 max.
The technique is done by enhancing an elemental jutsu vie fueling it with it's own element, something anyone can do with the most basic knowledge of nature transformation jutsu.
I feel as though the jutsu has limitations, and is perfectly reasonable in its creation.
I don't think it saps the fun, I think it added another obstacle.
And while it was wrong of me to assume your wants for the rp, I will say some things do feel like there forced to go one way or the other. And I get that's needed for certain points of the story, so I apologize for that part in particular.
Tl;dr: So it nerfs sensory type ninja, any good ninja has some sensory ability late game anyways. They were bound to become obsolete if they only focused on that aspect. My jutsus doing nothing that wouldn't have happened at some point anyways.
By that logic, every Uchiha should have mangekyo Sharingan right now because they would have had it at some point. No. That’s not how it works. While the technique is impressive, it’s not suited for their skill level, especially when it can be used on this massive of a scale and give you this much of an advantage. This is supposed to be a competition to go get the jinchurki, and the introduction of your technique at this point in time at this particular scale is throwing the balance for that way off.
And you invented this technique at this point and said that ‘sensory ninja will just have to adapt.’ Its either keep up with a powerful technique that is way above your not grade or be left in the dust. And that would incite a race to power to such extremes that everyone would be Akatsuki tier within such a short time. It sets a poor example of what this RP is all about.
There’s a time and place for techniques such as this, and the time isn’t now. While you could have a weakened experimental version of said technique, having eyes on the entire 30 mile island constantly is insanity. Sorry Zander
That would be very much appreciated.Alright, I'll change the post up somehow.
That’s...not a good thing. You become a fighter character that makes all sensory types become obsolete. That’s why I worry about balance.But for one, I never said sensory ninja would adapt, I'd said they'd become obsolete.![]()
While that’s halfway true, Kai can’t bend the entire ocean to crush the earth. Yes he can bend it, but not to that much of an extreme. Same here with Katsuo. In the chunin exams he spent a ton of energy for the tentacle tendril mode he had and now you propose he could make them over 30 Miles as expansive in 6 months of training? That’s crazy. You need to know where his limits are. More defined.But I'm saying now Shen, this'll be a big reoccurring issue if its a problem now. All I did was combine/amplyfy a few semi-strong jutsu for a greater effect, and that's how most power is derived.
Except I’m also thinking about scaling and the underdogs here. Katsuo was strong enough to tie with curse mark Zaku, and Zaku was no pushover. In the top 3 of characters to be sure. But now your thinking Katsuo needs this insane power buff to make him the equivalent of an all seeing eye. You could see how that’s incredibly unbalanced.I can understand your concern with it being to powerful, but I completely disagree with you feeling it would throw off the rp or scaling. In fact I think it would make people work harder and, as you said, adapt.
Yeah that’s the problem. Everything has a distance limitation or else you could spy on the world since the oceans wrap around the world. Extreme example? Yes. But an example nonetheless. There need to be boundaries for something like this to work.As I've said several times, it doesn't have a distance limitation because he has an infinite supply to go off of, you following me?
Hm? I’m stating that something like this that has never been alluded to all of a sudden showing up and being this powerful and giving you this much of an edge is incredible broken, especially since you, by your own admission said you’d make sensory types obsolete with this technique. Now, could you have a weaker, prototype variant that works in a much more limited area of usage? Sure, we can talk about that. But the whole island is extreme.I honestly feel like your intentionally trying as hard as you can to make it sound broken with all the off handed ways you've been referring to the jutsu, and its not helping the situation at all.
I’m not discrediting what you’ve done to help other struggling Oc’s along, I encourage and appreciate any help people may offer those in need in this RP...HOWEVER, what your doing here could only hurt them and their level if this technique exists as is without any changes.And don't talk to me about scaling for the weaker oc's, I'm one of the biggest advocates for increasing there ranking. I pm and have offered combat advice in the thread many times, trying to give suggestions at least to help improve everyone's experience.
by all means, explain.gave it limiters, in several ways
I have been trying to find a resolution to this, I have been trying to work with you. Ask anybody, I try to find a middle ground. And several times I asked or stated that it should be a weaker version before you eventually later on learn the full thing, but you ignore it. If this isn’t addressed it will sow further problems later down the line, you see.All I'm saying is, try and work with me, rather than continuously drag on the idea and its flaws. Us talking about the other rpers strength has been the only productive part of the conversation so far.
Now I suggest we end it here so things don't go to far in the discussion thread.
It doesn’t state a distance limit, and how much, which are the two categories I was referring to. I don’t skim posts. I read all of them word by word by every detail. So don’t think I just skim and just retort to beat you In a debate, because I genuinely want a resolution, and that comes with listening intently to each other’s points, and to be frank, is a bit insulting you think that of me.I said sensory nin would become obsolete in general, not because of Katsuo. It was an off-handed opinion more so.
And the idea to weaken said jutsu was only brought up after several skeptical, somewhat unneeded comments, that was what I was referring to mostly.
And about his techniques limitations...
Shen, I'm starting to think you just skim my posts, with the amount of times I've had to repeat myself.
He has limits.
- It only travels at a certain constant speed of about 5 meters per second.
- He can only maintain three at a time.
- It doesn't cost energy to generate the water, but it does steadily drains from his reserves to maintain all that junk.
- Oh, didn't mention this, but obviously it can't go through things of extreme hardness. Top soil and soft rock is about his limit.
But as I said, rather than weaken it, I'll save it for a later date all together.
I know that tone*sips tea*
This jinchuriki is beyond screwed.
Though, I notice she's been talking to Gyuki. She seems to almost be a perfect jinchuriki.
Sure, I'll get one later today.@UniverSoul , a response with Tsuki would be appreciated
Not really, just realize I misjudged this jinchuriki a lot...I know that tone
You have a plan, don’t you? XD
Oh? Now I’m curious...let's just say if I were controlling Kou, the arc would probably end just about now.
Ha, any of my OC’s would be willing to take on Sagiso, (except Kou that is). Zaku even yearns for it. Not to mention Kidomaru. We will see what happens~might even forgo my plans and just go fight Zander. I need to to test trials on writing out Acrobatic style, and he's the only one willing to get within 5 ft of Sagiso for CQC.
Your OCS don't really work though since I'll be out to practice rather than defeat my opponent I can do it a battle where her life is actually one of the stakes ~w~Oh? Now I’m curious...
Ha, any of my OC’s would be willing to take on Sagiso, (except Kou that is). Zaku even yearns for it. Not to mention Kidomaru. We will see what happens~
Just say your fighting Zaku for the harem and he won’t fight for death lolYour OCS don't really work though since I'll be out to practice rather than defeat my opponent I can do it a battle where her life is actually one of the stakes ~w~
Oh ho, now ain’t that interesting? You sure are confident. Makes me wonder what trick you have up your sleeveMight hop on over to collect Kidomaru's head though, he's living on borrowed time.
hmmm, perhaps, though I don't really want to practice close combat on a mid-to-long range fighter like Zaku.Just say your fighting Zaku for the harem and he won’t fight for death lol
Oh ho, now ain’t that interesting? You sure are confident. Makes me wonder what trick you have up your sleeve
what did you expect from someone who was trained by the most snake like person there is? XDKidomaru's only alive because the one time the gentle fist landed, I went for restraint rather than lethality :T.
Peh, so much for mercy. Actually, on second though I don't wanna kill him now. I'll leave it for a little later on, after Sagiso starts doing mercenary work.what did you expect from someone who was trained by the most snake like person there is? XD
Good cause I'm coming your way first. I'll probably send Sagiso after team Kumo and Hyo after team Iwa.I want my OCs to get major battles this arc. I'm not scared to fight anyone per say, all I care about is doing what I can to give them a good showing win or lose (Though naturally I want to win given my OCs track record to this point. And I will do what I have to do make that happen XD)
Not to mention team sound near team AishaI want my OCs to get major battles this arc. I'm not scared to fight anyone per say, all I care about is doing what I can to give them a good showing win or lose (Though naturally I want to win given my OCs track record to this point. And I will do what I have to do make that happen XD)
Good cause I'm coming your way first. I'll probably send Sagiso after team Kumo and Hyo after team Iwa.
Hmm looks like team Aisha might be in a tough spot soon.Works well enough for me. Get to see if my buffs to Kenji and what not can actually translate into wins.
Kenji: Oh joy, I get Sagiso first. Splendid....
Hmmm, may have to dust off ye old flower dance, or the Concequtive dragons techniques.Works well enough for me. Get to see if my buffs to Kenji and what not can actually translate into wins.
Kenji: Oh joy, I get Sagiso first. Splendid....
Katsuo: Not looking to fight anyone in particular right now.
Have you heard of Azumi~?
Katsuo: Who? I was out during the end if the exams....who?