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Private/Closed Naruto AU RP: discussion

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Just so you know, the plates are four feet thick, and the bottom plate is moving just as rapidly as the top plate, so fujira is off the ground on the ice plate. Are you meaning to say she broke through the bottom ice plate and is a in free fall towards the ground?
Yea them being 4 feet thick is why I pulled about 4 or 5 different factors to deal her Point of attack; Gentle Fist, Sakura's Barrage, Her own jutsu, Ninja tools to amp her jutsu, choosing the weakest point in the plate.

I wouldn't really say she's free-falling but rather already on the ground and waiting for Kakashi to pull her out. Her jutsu would've broken through the Ice at a gradual rate while the spear slowed their advance.

My initial plan was a break out via one of the sides and then let allow leg or something to get crushed, but I'm feeling out what the Kakashi assist can amount to as I gauge the damage in my head.

I'll trade Furījia for Kai if you really wanna kill her though, :)

Gives me another route to advance Sagisō's character development, and I'd probably also pass the Hyūga clan to Rohan while I focus on Nadeshiko. I've got backstories planned (about 3 or 4 in series from the 3rd Ninja war up to Furījia's birth and early childhood) to explain the depths of Hinagiku's affection for Furījia, but bottom line she'd be perfectly willing to trade Kai's life for her own.


Previously 5DigitNeb

A clash of Fire and Ice -errr, Lightning and Ice. Close enough, right?

The crackling sound of lightning gave way to the shatter of overlapping ice shards, electric sparks dancing across the river currents stifled by a frozen blanket of frost crystals seizing the river. As the Jonin clashed, Hyō played the unfortunate spectator to their chakra fueled probes. The little liquid lady let loose lacrymal caterwauls as she fled the scene of the clash, riding along the river currents. Quite a classic case of an innocent bystander getting caught in the cross-fire -getting shot while laying down- a victim of errant arrows and ballistic bullets.

Lamentable as the situation was, fortunately, she had only been caught between the clash and hadn't been the direct target of either Jonin. As such, the dancing sparks and cascading ice shards only caused the girl moderate amounts of distress and damage. Even more fortunate was the fact that the newly formed blanket of ice provided a layer of insulation which served to restrict the volatile current.

Emerging upon a distance river back, Hyō expression had settled into one of extreme annoyance or perhaps livid rage -she herself wasn't quite sure. Her body shimmered, translucent liquid from the river pooling together to construct the figure of a girl before color and pigmentation settled into place. Thin tendrils of mist coiled off her skin, condensing around her as if a thin robe of ethereal, lofty, clouds. Nature itself had garbed her in a beautiful gown -even in retreat, she was stunningly elegant.

In truth, her exposure to Ice-release had, quite obviously, dropped the temperature of her body to near freezing. Her very being now naturally emanated a chill that rivaled those created by the famed Ice-release users of the Yuki clan. Said chill was causing the water vapor in her immediate vicinity to condense into a wispy mist -her robe-like regalia. She surely would've been a picture of fantasy, a fairy descended into the mortal realm heralded by nature itself, had her expression not been a mask of unsightly rage and frustration. With a chill that rivaled the trio of Ice users around her, she locked onto a target -a pink-haired kunoichi. While she might've had no beef with the Konoha shinobi, unavoidable circumstances had floored her irritation for 0 to 60 in moments, leaving the Hōzuki rather volatile emotionally. Since, sadly, she couldn't take it out on her teammates, her foes become the next best choice.

Jabbing a finger fiercely into the sky, Hyō sped up the formation of her Mist veil, Water Release: Hiding in the Mist. Backed by the prodigious amounts of water around her, already chilled to a low temperature by Hama's Icy wrath, Hyō was able to quite easily cause a swirling shroud of Mist of blanket the battlefield, stifling vision and filling the air with a frigid chill. She knew for certain that her teammates would be able to navigate the Mist, they were Mist ninja after all -but, the Meat-shield was probably going to be in for a bit of trouble. Well, he was expendable anyway.

Slinking across the battlefield, hidden by clouds of Mist, and the stampede of Ice drones, Hyō cautiously approached Sakura.


Frozen in place, heart thumping in her chest; drowning out even the shatter of ice shards against the earthen wall, and the subsequent rumble and fracture of stone as the wall collapsed, Furījia tightly gripped onto Riajū as adrenaline-driven veins crawled their way across her face, her Byakugan activating itself in response to her emotions. The incoming ice-shards slowed in her vision, finally snapping her out of her reverie. Her knuckles white on the shaft of her weapon, the Hyūga heiress ducked, dodge, and defended as she initiated a retreat.

Her spear danced between her fingers, the shaft twisting & twirling, advancing & retreating, brandishing & withdrawing, accurately striking down the frozen projectiles she couldn't dodge, and crackling with thunder as it intercepted the occasional lightning ball. Perhaps, had her hands not been shaking, her legs not been quivering, a pit of butterflies not in her stomach, she could've made a perfect retreat. However, the reality was, each subtle shiver created an overlapping cascade of mistakes which manifested themselves as cut across her arms, legs, and torso. Nevertheless, she made a successful retreat, emerging from Hama's target zone soon after her teammates. From under the scope of the machine gun, and beneath the frigid gazes of an ice army. Even though she'd escaped the most immediate danger, Kai's ice drones closed in quickly.

With the handful of seconds she had left before contact, Furījia steadied herself. Her breathing stilled as her enhanced vision focused on the advancing army and its commander. She'd met this particular Kiri-nin before, the odd one that had barged into the Hyūga mansion confident of taking on 3 Hyūga and 2 Uchiha, while smack-dab in the middle of enemy territory. He was an odd one, to say the least -or as her sister had put it- 'a confident, Yuki-flavored snowcone with extra Ice.'

The mob of ice sculptures advanced, their path carpeted with a roiling mist. Furījia observed as they approached, the Mist of no concern to her. She could still see with crystal clarity each crystalline pattern that constructed the icy soldiers. The troop advanced, bringing with it an imposing atmosphere of glacial ruthlessness, but faced with all this, Furījia smiled, her memories stirring. Her sister's complaining voice ringing in her memory, 'Ahh, if I'd known the gentle fist before I'd battled Kai then I wouldn't have had so much trouble.'

During one of their training sessions before the final round of the Chūnin Exams, she'd listened to Sagisō complain and nag. Her elder cousin-turned-sister had figured that hitting Kai's Ice drones with the gentle fist would be an effective way to shut them down permanently. Not through force, but instead by disturbing the chakra that kept them running. A machine without fuel was just a hunk of steel, and Ice without chakra was just a sculpture. While Sagisō hadn't had a chance to test her theorem, Furījia held confidence it would work. She'd always trusted her elder sister, ever since then...her eyes briefly closed in reminiscence.


A few days before the Final Round of the Chūnin exams

It went without saying, but with a new Hyūga indoctrinated into the Clan, and one closely related to the Clan Leader at that, Sagisō's status within the clan had been a subject that had the echelon of the clan debating back and forth. By blood, she was qualified to adopt the status of a Hyūga Heiress and be in the running for the next Clan Head, however, she had lived beyond the Clan's boundaries for her whole life, how could such a person be given full reigns over the clan? Logically, she clearly wasn't qualified for the position. Even disregarding the matter of her loyalty, her capabilities were also questionable.

With people such as Shura out on missions, the only member of the clan available to spar against Sagisō had been Furījia, and as such the sisters from other mothers who'd only recently met, found themselves confronting each other before the watching eyes of the Clan. Beneath the weighty gazes of her fellow clanmates, the few elders who'd personally came to attend the match and the invisible stares that crawled across her back, from those who watched via their Byakugan, Furījia found herself stiff-limbed, and heavy-hearted.

Soundly and succinctly; utter defeat was the obvious outcome. Leaving regretful sighs echoed, thick with disappointment, the spectating Elders departed one by one. Each sigh wrought a tempest of emotions shame and self-loathing, stifling the young girl. As the last Elder vacated the room, the clink of the wooden resounding as it closed, Furījia sullenly slumped to her knees, the tears of her disgrace pooling within her pupils. The din of closed doors boomed like thunder in her ears, the barrier that dammed her emotions fractured, and shattered, releasing stream after stream of clear liquid, pouring down her cheeks, and falling upon the wooden floors.

While not a word of admonishment had been voiced, the still unvoiced sentiments were deafening -she'd failed. A dreary shroud, a feeling of abandonment, overtook her. One by one her clansmen had departed, leaving her downtrodden and alone. Suppressed sobs shook her childish frame, desolate shivers as her blood ran cold.

Opposed the weeping girl, one person remained. Watching on silently, Sagisō hadn't moved a muscle ever since the match had ended. Tenders eyes, a hue of magenta, witnessed the entire scene. To the Nadeshiko kunoichi, the duo were already sisters, whether related by blood or not. She already had some hundred odd other sisters in Nadeshiko, so what was the problem with one more? Sisterly affection was something deeply ingrained into the older girl's being, it was the way of life of Nadeshiko.

Soft footfalls eliminated the distance between the cousins-turned-sisters, and falling to her knees, Sagisō embraced her ailing sister, the sleeves of her kimono were brandished, wiping away the girl's tears. Clasping Furījia cheeks, she directed the younger girl's eyes to her own, a tacit conveyance of warmth and reassurance. Without another moment, she pulled the girl to her bosom, her lips parted, a song filling the training hall.

"One day you will realize,
The stars you are chasing,
shine bright deep inside you,
But will you ever let it shine from within
And cast all of your fears aside?
You'll see the light, but until that day comes

My Dearly Beloved Be strong, I shall be there
Always here beside you
So, keep your head held high
The shadows of this world
Will try to steal you away into their arms,
But you belong in mine

We are one within a dream
So hold me close and count the stars with me
All our scattered memories I will find the pieces, one by one

Ocean waves drift over me
I'll keep you in my memory
This dream that lives within your eyes
I wish to see it come to life

(My Dearly Beloved Be strong, I shall be there)
A thousand blades unto the sky
(Always here beside you So, keep your head held high)
Reach out and link our worlds, yours and mine
(The shadows of this world)
Let the tide rush over you
(Will try to steal you away into their arms)
And one day I know we shall meet again
(But you belong in mine)
My Dearly Beloved."

Eyes opening, a renewed confidence welling from within them, she charged forward. 'They're just training dummies, they're just training dummies, they're just...'

Repeating her mantra-like chant within her head, she engaged the closest Ice drone, delicate but deadly fist falling across the construct's surface. The Ice drone froze, the chakra fueling its movements disturbed, fractures formed across its surface as it collapsed into pieces. However, with its internal store of chakra thrown into chaos, it didn't reform.

Plunging into the Ice-army, the Hyūga heiress struck out with her full mastery of the gentle fist. Although she'd done no such thing as conquering her trepidations, she'd reassured herself enough to battle the ice drones. Her Byakugan allowed her to keep tabs on each of the drones around her, she flittered just out of their grasp ensuring they could neither outmaneuver her nor encircle her. She still messed up, a trembling arm, or a nervous flinch, allowing the drones to produce a fresh tear in her flesh, but she was, for the most part, steadily cutting down on the number of ice drones around.
you forgot to post for Yasu, who pakura interacted with. Then again, you’re not the only one who forget to do something for their oc *cough cough* soul *cough cough
Can we not prematurely kill characters here just cause? Hashima was the last time that happened and there seems to be regret about it.
Eh, it's not like I want to lose her. Furījia is totally my darling character, probably even more that Sagisō. (If the fact that she's gotten 2 backstories and Sagisō has yet to get even 1 hasn't given that away)

In fact, my avatar right now is from Azur Lane, it's HMS Javelin, my starter ship and the first Ship-waifu I ringed, she's nicknamed Furījia because my god their designs are so similar. Childish personality, Spear wielding, from Noble faction (HMS = Her Majesty's Ship, so the Royal Navy.)

So yea, I dote on her a lot. BUUUUUT, at the same time I'm not gonna use that to say that she shouldn't be killed/grievously injured if she's placed into such a position. I'll murder Kai and Half the Yuki clan via Sagisō's quest of vengeance, most definitely, but I'm not gonna pull a plot-induced survival. Hashima's was sorta a different scenario...Hashima...didn't really need to die, and still doesn't need to die? I mean the Leaf Shinobi could've most definitely stabilized her until the appearance of Tsunade of Shizune, Neji had a hole through his chest, possibly heart, most definitely lung, and still survived the long trip back to Konoha after the Medical ninja found him who knows how long after the fight.

The short trip to the Medical bay is enough to say they managed to save her.


Previously 5DigitNeb
A stronger Neji also died to a sharp stick...
Which could’ve killed Naruto. The only reason he lived is plot armor.
Eh, it's not like I want to lose her. Furījia is totally my darling character, probably even more that Sagisō. (If the fact that she's gotten 2 backstories and Sagisō has yet to get even 1 hasn't given that away)

In fact, my avatar right now is from Azur Lane, it's HMS Javelin, my starter ship and the first Ship-waifu I ringed, she's nicknamed Furījia because my god their designs are so similar. Childish personality, Spear wielding, from Noble faction (HMS = Her Majesty's Ship, so the Royal Navy.)

So yea, I dote on her a lot. BUUUUUT, at the same time I'm not gonna use that to say that she shouldn't be killed/grievously injured if she's placed into such a position. I'll murder Kai and Half the Yuki clan via Sagisō's quest of vengeance, most definitely, but I'm not gonna pull a plot-induced survival. Hashima's was sorta a different scenario...Hashima...didn't really need to die, and still doesn't need to die? I mean the Leaf Shinobi could've most definitely stabilized her until the appearance of Tsunade of Shizune, Neji had a hole through his chest, possibly heart, most definitely lung, and still survived the long trip back to Konoha after the Medical ninja found him who knows how long after the fight.

The short trip to the Medical bay is enough to say they managed to save her.
then let’s just say she didn’t die and got saved, but went into a coma and woke up after this arc. Ez
Okay I feel "plot armor" is a phrase used so much here that it has began to lose meaning. A heroic sacrifice I don't think counts here.

Here we see Neji and Hizashi repelling an entire Jubi hand


Here we see Neji jutsu barely deflecting like 50 of these sharp sticks


Here we see Neji dying to 2 of said sticks


Ah, the two sticks were apparently too fast, and too many as quoted by Hizashi


I don't know why 2 sticks would suddenly be too many when they just deflecting like 50 of them but whatever, I'm not the author.

Here we see Neji and Hizashi repelling an entire Jubi hand


Here we see Neji jutsu barely deflecting like 50 of these sharp sticks


Here we see Neji dying to 2 of said sticks


Ah, the two sticks were apparently too fast, and too many as quoted by Hizashi


I don't know why 2 sticks would suddenly be too many when they just deflecting like 50 of them but whatever, I'm not the author.

Eh, I'd call that Plot Induced Stupidity rather than Plot Armor. Never heard of Plot Armor killing a character. Dumb, but for a different reason entirely.

Besides Hizashi & Neji alone blocking the Juubi's hand is suspect as hell.
Eh, I'd call that Plot Induced Stupidity rather than Plot Armor. Never heard of Plot Armor killing a character. Dumb, but for a different reason entirely.

Besides Hizashi & Neji alone blocking the Juubi's hand is suspect as hell.
Hmmm, the scaling comes off all weird in Naruto.

I remember ya'll saying that a Chakra-cloak alone Naruto was pressuring Neji to the point where he could barely react, but then I saw a video and they pointed out that a chakra-cloak alone Naruto also beat Gaara's ass. So yea...
Hmmm, the scaling comes off all weird in Naruto.

I remember ya'll saying that a Chakra-cloak alone Naruto was pressuring Neji to the point where he could barely react, but then I saw a video and they pointed out that a chakra-cloak alone Naruto also beat Gaara's ass. So yea...

I mean, Naruto didn't have a chakra cloak then. It was literally a small percentage of Kurama's chakra he used, not even a Tailed Cloak or even 0 Tails form.

He only used the cloak/tailed form against Haku, Orochimaru, Kimimaro and Sasuke in Part 1. But yes Naruto defeated Neji & Gaara in the same day with that (And in Gaara's case, his summon).
I mean, Naruto didn't have a chakra cloak then. It was literally a small percentage of Kurama's chakra he used, not even a Tailed Cloak or even 0 Tails form.

He only used the cloak/tailed form against Haku, Orochimaru, Kimimaro and Sasuke in Part 1. But yes Naruto defeated Neji & Gaara in the same day with that (And in Gaara's case, his summon).
Eh, just as long as we remember no Nine-tails boost Naruto was dealing with a half-transformed Gaara who just finished molly whopping Cursemark Sasuke.
Eh, just as long as we remember no Nine-tails boost Naruto was dealing with a half-transformed Gaara who just finished molly whopping Cursemark Sasuke.

According to Shen. It was "exhaustion" that caused that. Which is BS in my view.

That fight existed to show us Sasuke was weak compared to Naruto. Something that caused Sasuke to defect, and he only used the Curse Mark at the very end when he forced another Chidori (Cause Sasuke's strategy in that fight was just spamming that) which proceeded to paralyze him. Cause techniques had consequences once upon a time.

Godjacob, which Naruto characters DO you like? Is it just pain and kakashi? Most of them seem like you either think they’re too op or useless

Pain. Kakashi. Most of the Akatsuki (Minus Obito & Zetsu.) Zabuza. Rock Lee. Hiruzen. Jiraiya. Shikamaru. Orochimaru. Kimimaro. Tayuya. Minato.

To name a few examples.