The best Pokemon fanfiction novels deserve their own audio books. I make that happen every summer.
That's "Mhairi" cuteMy username is a pun that involves my middle name 'Mhairi' and the word 'good'. 'Mhairi' is a Scottish Gaelic name pronounced as "varry" and as a kid, whenever my gran got good news or wanted to voice a positive comment to a discussion, she would smile and say, "Mhairi good then". My gran is no longer with us and hasn't been for a while now. I miss her every day and I wanted something to honour her memory, but still be something that I could use for my own identity. Thus, mhairigood was born! I suppose it isn't very creative nor is it all that clever of a pun; but it doesn't have to be. It's still a name that I'm fond of and will be sticking with for the foreseeable future.
Can't you change it?It's supposed to be GarchompBestMonFitMe as in 'Garchomp is the best pokemon fight me'. However, I made a typo and now I have to learn to live with my mistake.
Well, I guess but then I found the typo to be childishly cute so I probably won't change it.Can't you change it?