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As they were trying to heal Draco for no apparent reason, Dillon took this as an opportunity to get Hyrain. He walked up behind Hyrain and placed one arm around his neck. "Make one move and I'll shock you so bad that you'll be paralyzed." Dillon told Hyrain.
Draco wonder around his mind just as he knock out again "well im alive so that's nice but i knock out again great" he told himself as he sat down on a Boulder and started to Channel his energy into one powerful move called the Dragon Drive.
Hyrain rolled his eyes. Just how much do I need to do it before they learn? he remarked, his body disappearing and appearing a few feet away.
Gale was confused and stopped herslef from snapping at the closest person. She took off into the air with another beat of her wings. She spiraled upward before leveling out. She sniffed out a scent and started soaring to the non destroyed part of the forest. She landed outside a cave and peered in only to recoil back as something lashed at her.

Rosa was hiding in the back, shadows lashing and curling about around her. She pressed her knees to her chest and kept her breathing calm.
"So you can disappear and then reappear. That's a nice power." Dillon told Hyrain before focusing his attention to Draco. He seemed to be charging up one final attack. "Guys, watch out! He's powering up!" Dillon warned the others as Tim spoke up.
Jon thought quickly he remembered taking this from one of the guards. He turned on a small object and placed it on Draco. He hopped that it might work
Rin dodged the attack, though a small cut opened on the side of his face. He focused his aura into his hand, and shattered a rib with a quick punch. He then shifted his aura to his leg and jumped, doing a 360 in midair before slamming his leg into Jack's temple.
Tim turned around to face Jon. "Is that a prison power nullifier? You kept one?" He asked. He remembered from the intel that the prison were using those to capture prisoners then used special methods to stop the powers of the inmates more efficiently with custom methods.
"I know. Not bad, eh? There's something else I can do too, and I'm sure you'll like it." Hyrain laughed, pulling his hand into a fist and removing the air from Dillon's lungs, just long enough to cause unconscious. Straight after that, he spotted one of the other people placing an object onto Draco. Hyrain ran over to him and attempted to pull it off, but as soon as his hand touched whatever it was, his feet hit the ground. His face concerted in pain and found himself holding onto whatever it was for support, but couldn't remove his hand from it. Apparently, it had caused some sort of reaction with the muscles which made then tense up, meaning his hand was locked onto the Neutraliser. He let out a scream, the pain beginning to intensify
"Yeah." Jon said. " You never know when we might have someone who would need it." He laid beside the man. " Can someone give me towel and some water. I'm pretty sure there's blood all over my face.
Dillon felt the air being taken out of his lungs. "You fucker..." Dillon said before he lost consciousness. He would've been able to recover faster, but the neutralizer stopped his power since he was in proximity to it's effects.
Gale and Rosa slowly grew accused to eachother and Gale picked up rosa. She putt the girl in a safe place before taking off into the air. She picked up the dead trees from the brush and any that she could find before returning to her hidden safe place. She started to fix everything up and took off again. She flew over the group at a low altitude and started to look for prey.
Jack was about done with this guy. He shook his head as his 'blood' pulled through his skin, and wrapped around every one of his wounds, healing them, renewing them. He grabbed Rin by the head, claws digging into his scalp. He quickly raised his arm and impaled Rin through the chest before looking up. More of the terms were still around. Just waiting to be devoured by Jack. He pulled the blade out of Rin and thew him aside into a tree. Once each of them were dead, he'd feast. Working for his next meal was how he was raised, and he was very eager for dinner.
Once Tim had taken Dillon away from the radius of the neutralizer, the his powers allowed his lungs absorb air more faster, allowing him to gain consciousness. He looked at Tim when he awoke. "Thanks for getting me out of there." Dillon told Tim.
Alex stood there not knowing what to do, he didn't have any long ranged attacks, what could he do? Alex then saw the two opened and on the ground, Alex pulled out his sword and in one second he was right next to Hyrain ready to slice him up, "This is for hurting Dillon!" Alex yelled as he swung his sword at Hyrain with all of his force.
Dillon watched the scene take place. This was the perfect opportunity to get back at Hyrain while Tim was distracted with Alex. Since he couldn't use his powers near the neutralizer, he just tackled Hyrain to the ground. "This is for taking the air out of me!" Dillon exclaimed as he got ready to punch Hyrain.
As soon as Tim caught his blade Alex released his force, "Woah man, are you alright?" Alex asked, "You do? What makes you so certain, they tried to hurt us and even tried to infiltrate our home." Alex continued to question, he was very confused on how Tim had a change of heart toward these guys so quickly.
Draco woke up to see everyone " normal attack: Match throw" he call out just as he pull out a pack of match's and threw it over to them "stay away from he" he said in a cold voice.
The second Hyrain's body hit the earth, he flipped himself upwards, and stayed there, the punch passing straight through him. He gave a nod of thanks to Tim, then turned his attention to Alex, the storm that had begun to dissipate above him growing fiercer than ever. Pushing Dillon backwards, Hyrain's hand rose up, and the illusionist moves upwards with it. He gave an internal grin of satisfaction, now sure that it was not an illusion, and rose higher into the sky, bringing him with the air elemental. "You tried to kill me," he growled, the wind taking his words to Alex's ears. "So I suppose I should do the same to you. " With those words, he pulled his hand into a fist, wrenching the air from his lungs, and not with any intention to stop this time
Lucas was intently watching the fight when a loud beep sounded in the S.R. Lucas swiveled his chair over to the microwave and pulled out the popcorn. I should've done this earlier, he thought, watching the fight and munching popcorn.
Jon grabbed the matches and walked towards the man he knelt down. " So what gives." He said in a peaceful voice. "What were you trying to accomplish." He said as he handed him the matches.
Dillon fell backwards onto the ground and looked up to watch as Alex was about to get the air taken out of him. He couldn't use his powers since he was in the vicinity of the neutralizer. Apparently Hyrain was so high in the air that he was out of range, but so was Alex now. All Dillon could do was watch and hope that Alex would do something.
Tim held his hurt arm in pain. "Time Zone!" He shouted shooting a blue zone that stretched upwards and arrived at where Hylien was. "Time shift!" He shouted as Hypien and Alex reverted back to a previous location they were now closer to the ground. "Time freeze." He said stopping Hylien. "Can we all just chill for a minute?" He asked out loud.
Gale did another circle over the group before she dropped a large moose carcass beside them. She dropped a little ways away and made a chirping noise to show her curiousity. Her long tail sliding back and forth like a snake.
"No. We can't. That guy attempted to kill me. Now I must do the same. And I'm not planning on giving up." Hyrain said to Tim, his mouth out of sync with his words.
Alex struggled to breathe, the air was leaving his lungs so quickly Alex then remembered about his eye's secondary power, illusion! Alex looked into Hyrain's eyes and the circles around his pupils rotated quickly, it was complete, he had trapped Hyrain, he had looked into his eyes to long. Hyrain was then transported into a different world inside of his own mind. In that world he was tied to a post, dozens of Alex's surrounded him with very sharp blades, they then began to stab him repeatedly, then, as he was being stabbed Hyrain's body then lit on fire.
One moment Hyrain was talking to whoever had stopped him killing the illusionist, whilst still draining the air out of Alex, the next his perspective was completely shifted. His body was pinned to a post, Alex had duplicated, and somehow acquired several knives. He also smelt... Was that gasoline? He could feel some sort of fluid on his body, so that was what he assumed. Watching the knives slice towards him, Hyrain attempted to disappear, but he simply couldn't. Nothing was responding, but when he looked down, he could see that the ropes had kept his feet above the ground. So... What was happening? Well, isn't it obvious? You're in some sort of dream! Or more specifically, a hallucination, also known as an illusion. As soon as Hyrain realised this, he closed his eyes, blocking off all of his senses apart from his ability. Reading the air currents, he could see a hazy image, similar to something you'd see with night vision goggles, in front of him, and something big moving near the ground. Extending this breakthrough further, he focused on the figure in front of him, draining the air from that area, slightly abusing the fact that all of the hand movements he had used were purely for show. In reality, he could form a hurricane without moving a muscle. The oxygen was still draining from that area, and he particularly focused on the area with the most air movement, namely his lungs, removing as much of the stuff that fuels his powers from that point
"Alex stop that." Time said getting tired. "The only reason he attacked you was because you attacked him." He then turned to Hyrain. "If you can hear me, the only reason this guy attacked you was because you attacked our friend."
Unfortunately, Hyrain could not hear anything that the boy was saying, the illusion blocking all of his sensory output, so he continued to do as he was doing before
Gale stomped over and got between the two. The primal form draggin the moose with her tail as she swatted them in the back of the head with her wings. She chattered angrily as if she was scolding them both. Her vocal cords not working normally do it sounded like a chattering bird.
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"I don't think I have enough energy. If there was only a way I can get a jump start to channel my electricity." Dillon told Tim. He watched as a primal form landed between them with a shocked look on his face. "What the hell is that?!"
As the time hold left him, there was a brief flicker all around him as time caught up. And, due to this flicker, Hyrain lost eye contact with Alex.

Hyrain's perspective changed yet again, all of his senses starting back up and his eyes, which were rolled back in his head, refocused on the one who did all of this. Teeth gritted, the pull tightened, nearly all of the oxygen gone from his lungs now. Whilst doing this, Hyrain turned his head to look at the fellow avian creature in front on him. "Oh, hello. I didn't expect to see you around here." he said, his soft spot for birds showing.
Gale growled and slammed the moose into the ground again. She lifted a leg and pulled Hyrain close. Once he was close enough she quickly groomed his hair into a respectable way then moved onto Alex. Once done she backed away and shuffled her wings. She moved over to the moose and tore a large chunk of meat off, throwing it at Tim.
Hyrain suprassed a grin, finding the show of affection from Gale endearing, and his concentration momentarily slipped, allowing air to flood back into Alex'slungs
Jon looked in the distance and saw a dragon. "What the fuck." He said he nearly shook his head and waited for the pyros response.