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Alex approached Syler cautiously, ready to avoid any attacks. "Looks like your opponent will be me." Alex said, he tried to look Syler directly into his eyes, trying to trap him in a world of illusions which would give Alex the chance to either kill him or cripple him mentally. The circles around his pupils spun and orbited his pupils faster and faster as Alex tried to trap him.
Kyle looked at the man. " Oh I stop an attack and you all think I'm a bad guy real classic." He said. " Go on attack and kill an innocent person let that rest on you're conscious." He said. He noticed as he turned away from the man a small shift of the younger man's eyes. " illusion type.' He thought as he studied the man.
Hyrain walked (well, hovered) towards Alex, the windspeed getting high enough to start to pull over trees. He simply flicked his eyes, and filled the air from around the Illusionist's head
Hyrain dissolved as Rin's hand came towards him, sensing the person behind him, and reformed afterwards, attempting to blast him backwards with a hurricane force burst of wind, whilst still draining the air from around Alex
oh so you're the bad guy." Kyle said as he turned his attention to the wind person. He studied the man's movements and saw how it wasn't much different from telekenises. He quickly moved his hands as an a tornado appeared around Hyrian and threw him into the air.
"Sorry guys thought he was trying to help yall out." he said.
Draco called over to Hyrain "hey bud over here i found the base" just as he summon his wing's and flew into the air and disappear into the base. Draco looked around for anyone too be there "hello anyone" he called out loudly.
The Alex in front of Kyle disappeared, it itself was only an illusion. The real Alex appeared behind Kyle, his eyes glowed a deep, dark red. Alex then saw him attack Hyrain, "Wait what? You're trying to help us?!" Alex questioned, he was just about to stab him right before he had done that.
"Yeah, right here." Dillon exclaimed arriving right behind Draco. "Get the hell out or else..." Dillon told Draco as he started to generate electricity in his left hand.
"Did you seriously just throw someone who draws power from the sky into the air? Jesus..." Hyrain commented, snapping his head back with a short shot of wind, traveling at around the speed of a bullet
"Took ya long enough..." Alyssa was cleaning on the wall Glaive in hand and confronted Draco "You should've stayed outside..." Alyssa's Glaive started to glow Purple as she sighed
Gale spotted the fighting and moved out of the way so not be caught in the propelution of Hyrain. As much as she didn't want to her primal brain made her circle, like a vulture over a dead carcass. She beat her wings to keep herself steady and let out another roar. Her body body finally landing not to far off.
'Screw it," Lucas muttered. He flipped a switch and electricity crackled throughout the entire base. It wouldn't affect anyone in the system, but intruders would pretty much pass out from pain.
"Dillion stand back..." Alyssa back stepped from the corridor "Invincible my ass... I SAID STAND BACK" Alyssa shouted, meanwhile with the others Cybele had summoned A Giant Spider that let out an Ear Splitting roar
(Charging my phone. Posts won't be as frequent, but still on!)
The Spider's mere existence, however, was very anticlimactic, as a winged anthro dog thing slammed into it. Jack accidentally went into it though, so he sent out a burst of energy that made the thing explode. Jack stood there, covered in goop as he glared at them. A deep, throaty growl in the back of his throat, like an angry bull dog.
It's time for round 2.
Dillon chuckled when Alyssa told him to stand back. "I think you've been drinking too much because you know I'm not going to stop. Go sit down and have a drink. When you come back, this will be over." Dillon said as he finished charging the electricity in his left hand. "Besides, I want to test this new technique on a real opponent." Dillon said as he looked at Draco.
"OK... I'll try to corner him for a direct hit.." Alyssa charged at Draco with her Glaive slashing at him Multiple times with a couple kicks here and there the final blow before she stopped hit the ground so hard it sent everyone back within range
Rin dropped down just quick enough to avoid the blast and flared up his aura, now surging even stronger from his rage. His hand opened in a chop kind of formation and charged with immense amounts of aura.
"Rin! You got things here! I'm gonna go back and support the others at the base!" Alex yelled over to Rin, the teen jumped into a tree and then began jumping from tree to tree until he got to the base. Alex says Dillon and the others fighting Draco and smirked, "Time for my entry." Alex said as he jumped from the tree and shot at Draco from mid with a kick ready to strike him right in the face.
Jack wasn't missing out on the action. No fucking way. Moving his powerful wings, he launched himself into the air, aiming for more power. Seems that Spider gave him no new powers. Guess it wasn't some kinda Meta. But these others... they smelled delicious. Rising into the air, he could now see them. His next meal. Opening his dog-like snout, he fired a white beam from his mouth. Pure energy. Directly at Rin. He didn't like the guy that almost crushed his jaw.
Hyrain turned his attention to the 'Base' they were apparently trying to defend, and clearly recognized it. "Oh, not that thing..." He muttered to himself, looking at the entrance in the ground. Suddenly thinking of a way to rescue his comrade, who was in there, and by the sounds of things being hurt, he raised his hands, and the storm cloud above him began to descend, forming itself into a funnel and touching down on the top of the tree, ripping it to shreds. All of his focus on that now, he very carefully began to lower it downwards, the ground slowly breaking up. His goal was to rip away the top of the 'Base' so that he could help Draco without having to go below ground level
"HahahahahahahHAHAHAHAH" Draco laugh at loud when the attack's him sending him into a corner but his eye's started to glow deep yellow till he began his tranformation. Draco skin turn to scales and his nail's on his hands and feet turned into Claws, then his wing's grew larger till they were bigger then his body. Finally a tail appear from behind him completing his transformation in the Century King "now im ready" Draco said in a deep voice that would send chills to anyone that heard it.
Rin saw the beam of energy and ducked just in time. It's him. Rin smiled and yelled, "YES!" He launched himself at the beast and chopped the neck, using an abnormal amount of energy.
Gale was confused. She flapped her wings angrily and roared at the people she suspected to have started to fire and followed hyrain towards the base. Growls ripping from her throat into the air.
Alex landed on the ground, "Just what is this guy?!" Alex asked, he was in awe of their powers. Alex's eyes glowed even a darker red as the sky grew darker because of the storm clouds, "What do we do?" Alex asked, no ideas were popping into his head in this moment.
Dillon heard a loud noise coming from above but ignored it as they now had greater things to worry about. "He turned into a fucking dragon!" Dillon exclaimed as he still held the electrical energy in his left hand. It was now or never and Dillon dashed so fast that he reappeared in front of Draco in less than a second and sent his lightning blade right towards Draco's chest at point blank range.
Jack bit forward, clamping his jaws onto the energy. It wasn't as tasty as he'd hoped. This mad him pretty mad. Grabbing Rin by the throat, he gripped tightly, claws drawing blood as he threw Run back to the ground in disappointment that the guy didn't give him something as tasty as he smelled.
Rin rolled back as he hit the ground. He wiped some blood off his neck and smiled. He lunged forward once more, aura flaring stronger than ever before. He pummeled Jack mercilessly and punched him so hard that he flew back.
Draco felt the shock of the electricity but it barely face him but surprisingly made him confuse and where his surroundings was blinding him for the moment time. "King Shield" Draco called out as his wing's cover him like a shield protecting him from India text I will come out from any attacks that would come at him for a little bit so he can regain his sight.
Jack took this as an opportunity to try the stronger power, and Rin failed to disappoint. A good meal. Bit a few bits wouldn't satisfy Jack. Rin's heart would though. Jack grasped Rin by his forearm as his other arm became a blade. He struck forward before a reaction could be made, the blade I'm paling Run through his shoulder and out the other side as Jack clamped his jaws onto the other shoulder, his fangs piercing deep into Rin. It was evident that Jack had become cannibalistic.
Gale saw the dragon and roared in challenge. Her large form and logical brain hoping that she could get Draco away from the others with a primal challenge. Her wings spreadifn out as she tried to make herself bigger. She strained her vocal cords, "this is my territory".
(OOC: Um... are we allowed to kill other people's OCs without permission?)

Rin grunted as he was impaled by the blade, but recovered from the shock quickly as he focused his aura into his elbow and smashed Jack's face in as the beast tried to bite his shoulder.
(OOC: Of course not. You'll need their permission before wiping them off the face of this universe)

With the bird making a reappearance against some sort of dragon, and the former attempting to recover Draco from the others, Hyrain felt it was necessary to help what had become his comrade by creating a microburst above the dragon, it's large wings perfect to absorb as much of the force as possible and shove the beast towards the ground
Dillon was suprised that Draco had enough time have his wings defend him because he had charged at crazy speeds. However, Draco's defense had come at a cost as Dillon had managed to pull his hand out of Draco's chest and got ready to strike again was pushed back by the force of Hyrain's wind. "When did all these people get inside?" Dillon asked aloud.
Draco started to sweat as Wings spread out and revealed his motionless eyes "Hyrain dont forget..me" he called out in a small voice just as his heart stopped killing him.
Dillon looked at Draco's motionless body. When he impaled Draco with his attack, the electricity must've gone to his heart and stopped it. Dillon walked over to the dragon's body and knelt before Draco to see if he was still alive.
Tim walked up to Draco. "I don't know who you are but I can't let you die here." He said. "Time Zone! Rewind!" He said holding out his hand to try and turn time back for a few second before the Dragon's heart stopped.
Jack growled as several fangs fell from his mouth. Fuck this guy. He'd enjoy eating his corpse. He sliced upward, opening a terrible wound in Rin.
Hyrain immediately left the tornado where it was and flew over to Draco, who had reverted back from his dragon form. "No, no, no!" he yelled, the wind increasing momentarily. He desperately tried to force air into his lungs, although somewhere at the back of his mind, he knew that it would do nothing
Jon woke up. " I over did it." He said before he started to run towards the base. He had no idea what was going on but something didn't seem right about those two. He ran into the base and saw that pyro bastard on the ground He rand towards him and placed his hand on the man trying to heal him. afterwards he punched the man to knock him out.