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Rin smiled. "Alright. Come at me whenever you're ready." He stood there casually, but his aura flared even more, growing more powerful by the second. Soon, it was just like his fist; a smooth, silver aura.
Gale landed back at her den and started to tear into her prey. She sprayed blood onto the floor a she at it downn. Her tail wrapping around a strong tree. She lapped up the life water that stained her lips with a long tongue that trailed over her pointed teeth.
Syler stood up. He looked at the tree he crawled out from. He felt searing pain in his left arm. He grabbed it and tore off his hand. Within seconds a new one grew in it's place. He felt a wave of relief as his body healed itself. He had to make that brat pay for what he did. He continued to walk around the forest getting ever so closer to the bunker

Brad and John made it home one night. John was sporting a black eye and a few bruised ribs. " Jesus man." Brad said "could you not try and get into a fight."
" What can I say." John said as he smiled a little bit. " If you talk bad about my family you're pay." He said before trying to do a heroric pose only hold his ribs in pain.
Brad laughed a little bit before opening the freezer and getting John a bag of peas. " You should take up boxing." Brad said as he pressed the peas against John's rib cage. " So next time someone talks smack about mom you'll be able to kick their ass." He said
"Yea." John said He held his hand out and a glass came towards him.
" How did you do that." Brad asked in disbelief.
"I don't know." John said. " I've had this for a few years but decided to keep it from mom and dad.
"Well It looks awesome." Brad said with a bright smile on his face. " Let's see it again." He said.

For some reason brad felt a surge almost animal like sensation pass threw him as he saw his brother moving objects with his mind. He tried to figure out how it might work. He became entranced with it as if the knowledge from it was the only thing that mattered. He saw his brothers lips move.

"What." He asked.
" I said were not going to tell mom and Phil about this right." He said talking about the fight.
"Right." Brad said.
Rosa looked around in her cave. She picked up some old charcoal and in the light that her flames offered, she started to draw. The shadows moving her up and down as she drew her mural. She stepped back and smushed up some berries to add small bits of colour.
"Maybe we can find the others people you know the group" Draco suggested as he sat down and shot a fireball at a tree that started to burn "bull eyes" he cried out in excitement then did a little dance of joy "i did it,i did it" he sang in a happy voice.
"Wait, if this technique actually works, it might seriously injure you and I don't think we have a healer." Dillon told Rin. The technique he had just created was a killing move and he only just realized that.
Lucas grabbed the mic and rigged it so that it would broadcast to Rin's earpiece as well. "Remember that guy from earlier?" Lucas asked rhetorically. "He and a couple others are looking for us i'm pretty sure. Not all the cameras have audio but the couple that do caught snatches of conversation. involving searching for us."
Once finished Gale pushed the almost picked cleaned bones away. She swallowed the rabbit whole before flopping down onto her side with a happy purr. She shifted back to her human form and plucked a left over feather from her hair. She then started to walk about and clean up her den.
Rin chuckled. "Now, we shouldn't go that far. You've only scratched the surface, you know. Now, let's begin!" Rin assumed a fighting position, and his aura spiked yet again.
Dillon slightly smirked as he heard Rin's reply. "Actually, I want to see how fast you really are." Dillon stated before he dashed at Rin. He went so fast that it looked a bolt of black lightning had been shot at Rin. Not even a second had past and Dillon reappeared in front of Rin ready to strike him with the electricity generated in his left hand.
Rin stood still and waited until Dillon seemed to materialize in front of him. He lunged forward and struck the neck with an aura-fused chop. Then, without stopping, Rin landed a hard punch to Dillon's stomach, sending him flying. All of this happened in a second.
Draco then felt a small sense but it felt like a dead rabit "i know that sense a dead rabit" he told himself before Draco began to run in the direction of sense till he got there alittle bit later "hello bunny's or rabit's anyone" he called out.
Dillon flew to the ground after being punched by Rin. He was impressed by how fast Rin was. He got up from the ground and spoke to Rin. "You only got me because I underestimated your speed." Dillon stated. "I want to see you go on the offensive." Dillon told Rin.
Rin chuckled. "Okay. Remember, this was you asking me." He launched himself toward Dillon and sweeped his leg under Dillon's knee. He then landed a left hook at Dillon's right jaw.
Alex felt the shaking from inside the base, he really wanted to go outside to check it out but instead he thought of something else. Alex looked around a bit and found Lucas's hatch, Alex opened the hatch and climbed in, "Hey, there you are." Alex said as he entered, "Sorry to bother you, but what is going on out there?" Alex asked Lucas.
Dillon endured the pain from the jaw as much as he could before grabbing the hand that Rin had used. "I'm definitely getting you back for that." Dillon stated with blood leaking from his bloodied mouth before releasing a powerful electrical current into Rin, electrocuting him.
Rin grunted in surprise as the electricity coursed through his body. "That's some pretty strong electricity. Too bad electricity endurance was part of the torture I had to endure from my training as an assassin." He grabbed onto the hand that had released the current and twisted it, wrenching the wrist to one side and slamming Dillon onto the ground.
"I surrender! I surrender!" Dillon exclaimed before spitting out some blood. "You knew there was no way I could beat you. You're basically immune to all my attacks except my... lightning blade." Dillon said coming up with a name for the first attack he had tried.
"Rin and, I think his name is Dillon, are doing some training. That's what the tremors are." Lucas pointed at another monitor. "This is what worries me. There are these three people, presumably searching for this base, and those two are making explosions and minor earthquakes. Rin won't answer my radio transmissions." Lucas turned to Alex. "Can you go outside and tell them to stop for me?"
Rin helped Dillon up. "I wanted a sparring match, so I went easy on you intentionally. I guess I still went too hard. You okay?" He dissipated his aura and looked at Dillon.
"Man, those tremors are just from the two training. They are just asking to draw attention." Alex said, looked toward the monitors, "I'll try my best to stop them." Alex, and with that he was gone, the teen made his way through the base and went outside and over to Rin and Dillon. Alex walked over to them, "Lucas wanted me to ask you to stop, there are three people drawing closer to use and those explosions and earthquakes will only draw more attention." Alex explained to the two of them, hoping they would listen.
Rin nodded to Alex. "We were just about done." He accessed his earpiece. "Lucas. Alex told me about the three newcomers. Should I apprehend them, now that I'm already outside?"
Draco listen closly with his hearing just in time when the match was over "i wonder if that's them, i guess i should go say hi then" he told himself while he began his walk to source of sound till he was 3 feet away from them "hello anyone there" Draco called out so they could hear him.
Lucas heard Rin's queestion and thought for a moment. "Two of them, the males, seem fairly powerful. Take someone with you to apprehend them. The one, who seems to be the quote on quote leader, seems hell-bent on finding the ba-" Lucas was still talking when one of the guys stepped out off hiding. "That's him!' Lucas hissed. "He's one of the three!"
Zane had gotten all the information about the destroyed prison from of his clones. Everything seemed to be going according to plan. He just had a few more things to check.

One of Zane's clones landed in front of Slyer. "Not the best idea but I have to ask you a few questions if you're okay with that." The clone told Slyer.

"Wait, you were going easy on me?!" Dillon asked quietly. He looked over to Alex. He hasn't seen him before and wondered what his power was. "Wait, what's going on?" Dillon asked as he noticed Rin was talking about something serious.
An idea popped into Alex's head, "Hey, there are three of them and there would be three of us. How about we all go deal with them together?" Alex asked, he was really itching for some action, he hadn't even used his powers in a real fight in such a long time.
"I'm down for that. Three versus three would be pretty cool. Plus I can also get some real battle experience." Dillon responded to Rin. His jaw wound had started to heal pretty fast. It was probably due to his due to his electrical powers speeding up his recovery systems.
"Ok just come out i wont hurt you" Draco call out then he took on step forward and summon his wing's so he could fly up just in cause someone would try to attack him. "And away we go" Draco called out while he flew up into the air and circles around them "come on, just come on out ok" he called out again.
"Where are these guys anyway?" Alex asked, turning to Rin. These guys are gonna be tough, but I have confidence we can defeat them and protect our friends. Alex thought to himself as he checked his blade to make sure it was good and ready to go and got ready to activate his power.
Rin heard the voice and the beating of wings. "Right, then. Let's go." He leapt out and jumped into the air, snagging one of the intruder's wings, dragging him down. "Let's take this some place else."
Draco wing's then disappear then he hit the ground but quickly got back up and took a step back. "Ok let's go then" Draco said just as he shot a fire ball at Rin "i hope you burn in fire you dirt bag" he called out in excite then he did alittle dance.
Rin dodged the fireball and lunged toward Draco, punching him in the stomach with enough force to send him flying. "If you would kindly back away from the premises."
Draco smile coldly while he flew "ok just tell me on thing: is it nighttime now" He ask before he summon a fire ball around him and started to slowly walk towards Rin "time to meetbyour maker" Draco said.
Hyrain simply watched his friend get dragged down from the air, and his eyes narrowed. He flew down towards the impact sight, and solidified as he hit the ground, or at least floated above it, a tornado beginning to form above him. "If you could kindly back away from my friend." He remarked, standing nexst to Draco
Gale curled up within her den. She wasn't asleep, just laying there and staring at the ceiling. She raised a hand and wipped the leftover blood from her cheeks before stretching. Slowly her head turned so she could look outside, "tomorrow I'll look for civilization".
"Nuuu I lost it..." Cybele looked around her Gigantic Tree but eventually gave up but before shrinking the tree she saw a small hut in the clearing "That must be Jon's Hut!" Cybele Glided down with the help of her Birdy Friends
Alex ran over and stood next to Rin, "What exactly to you guys want?" Alex asked in a cool and calm voice, he was trying to see if he could see the third one in the immediate area, but he couldn't. Alex analyzed Hyrain, I think I can take him. Alex thought to himself.
Jon made it back to his hut and laid down. This was going to get a lot harder before it got better. He curled up in a ball as he tried to fall asleep.
Cybele saw Jon go into his Hut at first she wanted to say something, but decided against it and kept her mouth shut but followed him inside "H-hello.." Cybele peeked her head through the door