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"Thanks." Dillon said before following Dave into the base.

'I might as well learn about her powers.' The clone thought to itself. "Okay lady, show me what you can do." Zane said, pulling out his sword. "Ladies first." The clone said implying that Rosa should make the first move.
Rin heard Lucas over the PA system and ran off. This might be pretty serious. He arrived at the surveillance room and nodded to Lucas. "What's up? You said there was a problem?"
"They don't like when you do that," rosa frowned and the shadows on her back dissipated. She turned on her heel and started walking away, deeper into the forest. She hummed and spoke quietly to her friends, ignoring the clone.
Alex was in the middle of watching his show when the PA went off, he had know idea anyone was home so it scared him so much he threw us popcorn into the air, spilling it everywhere. After processing the information a bit, Alex calmed down a bit, "Problem huh, better go out to where everyone is to see what's up." Alex said as he exited the room and went to the area where everyone was. "What's going on guys?" Alex asked, not caring who answered,
Hyrain shook his head, slowly emerging from his sleep. Pulling his form back together, he stood up and looked around, expecting to see the bars of the cell he was typically in. Then his eyes fully adjusted, and he saw what had happened. "What in the name of..." He muttered, floating over to look at the ruins of the building. Then, a little further on, Hyrain spotted the wreckage of a helicopter, very clearly an army one. As he got closer, he realised that this area was more like the aftermath of a battle, but not what you'd call normal, considering the fact that some aircraft had been sliced straight in half. "A perfect cut..." He murmured. Nothing natural could have done that. Looking onwards, he could feel something. Almost like the heat from a human dwelling, but in the middle of the forest? Hyrain followed his senses into the forest, and eventually ended up in front of a tree, no different to any other. At least, until a girl walked out from it. He was very surprised, immediately veering away as she exited, through a hole at the roots, leading... Underground... Hyrain immediately turned his eyes away from the tree, and decided to follow the girl. Hopefully she could lead him somewhere where he could find the people that broke down the prison.
"Well okay then, that was weird." The clone said, starting to feel bad. He wasn't there to kill them, he was just there to investigate. And he came off as a rude person with his first encounter. He decided to follow her to atleast say sorry.
Lucas waved Rin over and pointed at the monitor that showed Rosa and...whoever this guy was. "This guy was threatening this girl, who we rescued. This guy is threatening her, though I didn't catch most of the conversation." Lucas took a breath. "So we can assume that, since he is an unknown and is threatening an escapee, this guy is trying to find escapees. He might find us."
"Uh. This is the entrance hall." Dave told Dillon. "There's the common area on the other side. Right above that is Lucas' surveillance room. Here's the rooms we have... got a Kitchen, a couple of training rooms, and that's kinda it." Dave was rather vague in his 'tour' he gave Dillon, ignoring the recent events occurring, as his bro was heavily on his mind.
Rosa stopped for a moment before suddenly changing direction and taking off. Listening to the directions of her friends as they led her to another potential food source. She leapt over a log and skidded to a stop. Infront of her was a wild strawberry patch.
"Training rooms. I think that will be a good place for me to test my powers. Speaking of which, what's your power? I know you can go really fast, but is that it?" Dillon asked as he looked at Dave, who seemed a bit out of it. "Are you alright man?" Dillon asked as he analyzed Dave. On the outside, Dave looked cool, calm and collected but he was probably different in the inside.

Zane was caught off guard by Rosa changing direction and lost sight of her. "Wow, I only wanted to say sorry for how I acted. I shouldn't have been so aggressive." The clone said to himself as it took a short break. "But it's too late now, she's probably gone and it's time for me to get going." The clone said before heading off.
"I'm fine. Just thinking about my bro. As for my powers? Yeah, I can move real fast. I also can produce and manipulate fire. I don't do it a whole lot though. And if being an expert with the katana is a super power? Consider it my third." Dave replied.
"He seems to be walking away from the base," Lucas responded to Rin. "I'll say something over the PA if he starts coming back." Lucas grabbed a soda from his mini fridge as well as a piece of cheescake.
Rin nodded. "Thanks for the heads up, Lucas. I'm gonna go train for a while." He ran off and noticed Dave and Dillon on his way to the training room. "Hey guys. You planning to train too?"
Hyrain followed her over to the patch of strawberries, decided to reveal himself. Focusing slightly, his body faded into existence next to her (Hyrain still had yet to grasp the fact that that people get started when he does that), and he said to her "Hello? "
"Hello mister shadow," rosa hummed as she bent down to start picking only what she needed. She unwrapped a small bundle of cloth that she had made from her old clothes and placed the new fruit in it, "you are a mister shadow right"?
Draco slowly woke up to feel the warm rays of sunlight on his body, he then sat up and smiled "dang how long have i been out" Draco thought to himself before he got up and looked around. "Hello anyone here" Draco called out in a quiet voice so he won't be too loud, then he started to walk around while looking out for someone to come into view.
"So you can also produce fire along with your speed. And you're also a master with that katana of yours. I think I have the power to use dark electricity but I don't know how to use it yet. I'm also really fast." Dillon replied before noticing Rin. "Yeah, I was going to go in the training room to learn more about my powers." Dillon replied.

One of Zane's clones landed on top of a tree branch over Draco. "Hello there." The clone waved down to Draco.
"Mister shadow? My name is Hyrain. I think you may have mistaken me for someone else." Hyrain replied to her, flicking his hand. Several strawberries flew out of the patch and into his hand, which he then started to bite into
Draco looked up to see the clone right above him "hello there,do you happen to know where i am?" he ask before his wings appear on his back and Draco started to fly up to the clone.
"Oh," Rosa nodded. She stood up and started to walk away. A hand running through her short hair with a quick movement. Early in the day she sliced the locks that had grown in the prison with the help of her friends.
Rin nodded. "Cool. I don't have any super natural powers, other than having off the charts speed and strength. I can also harness my life energy and use it in all kinds of ways, if that counts. Hey, do you want to have a practice match?"
Walking beside her, Hyrain asked "You wouldn't happen to know where the group who took down the prison earlier is? There was some sort of fight, so I'm assuming you know the way." Not really the most talkative person. He commented to himself. He was surprised that she hadn't commented on the fact he was levitating, since all of the humans he had met had done so. Hyrain didn't really understand why
"I could do a practice match but I don't know if can keep up with you. I also don't even know how to form electricity." Dillon said as he tried to form electricity with his hands but failed. "I think it only works when I'm in danger. Actually, maybe you can help me with learning my powers if that's alright." Dillon told Rin.

Zane watched as Draco naturally flew up to him. "So you can fly, that's cool. Anyways, we're in the middle of a large forest. By the way, I'm Zane. Nice to meet you." Zane told Draco, trying not to mess up like he did with Rosa.
Rin nodded and grinned. "Sure. I can also teach you a technique for harnessing your own life energy. Us metas hold an abnormal amount of the stuff, far more than regular humans. If you can fuse that energy with your lightning, they could make a powerful combination."
Draco place his hand out towards Zane "im Draco Jackson son of the Dragon as some call me, nice to meet you Zane" he said while his Dragon wings then disappeared from his back leaving two holes in his jacket exposing his skin. "So are you the only one here, that must be sad" Draco ask before he sat down on the branch of the tree.
"Not sure," rosa shrugged. She opened her pack up a little bit before taking a strawberry out to watch. She ate it quickly and moved around zig zagging in her path back to her cave. She sat down and started up her fire.
Hyrain simply disappeared into air, accepting that the girl didn't want to be spoken to, and rose up towards the sky. Looking down on the forest, he could sense nearly all of the movement down in it, purley by reading the different air currents, and that's how he spotted the guy with wings. Birds displace an amount of air that is easy to sense, and whatever this thing was, it's wings were even bigger. Diving down towards it, his shimmering form eventually landed down next to it. Two people, to be precise. The boy twisted himself into physical form, right next to the guy watching from the ground, and said: "Hey. I'm not interrupting anything, am I?"
"Thanks so much!" Dillon exclaimed, grateful that Rin was going to help him. "What about you Dave, you want to come with us?" Dillon asked Dave.

"Nice to meet you Draco. I'm not alone, I'm just..." Zane didn't complete the statement as they were suddenly interrupted. "Well you kind of just interrupted me, but that's alright." Zane said looking at Hyrain.
"Heh, sorry. Didn't mean to interrupt you, it's just kinda hard to hear with only airwaves to translate. The name's Hyrain." Hyrain apologised, holding his hand out.
"That's alright. My name is Zane. Nice to meet you." Zane said as he shook Hyrain's hand. "It seems there's a lot of our kind here." Zane said referring to the people with powers.
"Our kind? You mean you have other people who can fly and manipulate air?" Hyrain asked, slightly thrown after convincing himself that he was the only one with those abilities. He knew there were other people with powers, but he'd never heard of another air elemental
"No no!" Zane exclaimed realizing he had confused Hyrain. "I meant there are others in this forest that have their own powers. However, they have decided to band together in a group which makes them more dangerous." Zane told Hyrain.
"Oh!" Hyrain exclaimed, realisation dawning on him. "So these were the people that destroyed that prison? Do you know where they are at the moment?"
The statement about destroying a prison came as a shock for Zane. "Wait what?! They destroyed a prison?!" Zane asked suprised. He knew about the prison break but he didn't they had destroyed another prison. "Tell me, what happened at the prison." Zane asked, being more serious now.
Gale stood over a dead rabbit. She unhooked it from her little trap before putting it over her shoulder. Her pace brisk and quiet as she walked to the small burrow she built. Sitting down next to the river she took a drink.
"Don't ask me. I was asleep for the whole thing. The thing was pretty damaged though, completely barren, and there was some sort of fight outside. I assumed it was some sort of superpowered human considering that some of the helicopters were cut clean in half."
Rin shrugged. "Alright, Dave. It's your choice." He nodded to Dillon. "Let's get started, shall we? Where do you want to go? This technique might be a little to powerful for the indoors."
Draco looked at Hyrain "do you think you can show me to the ruins so i can check it out for myself" he ask before he got up and stand close to the edge of the branch.