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After driving for awhile, Tim's group finally reached the forest. "The jeep's too big to fit between the trees, we're going to have to walk." He said as he got out of the car and started walking. Tim was still exhausted and could collapse at any moment.
After the flames were gone Quickdraw headed back to base. He swerved to a halt beside the base and got off his bike. "Long time, no see Dave," Quickdraw asked pulling down his bandana. He reached in his pocket and pulled out a small microchip. "Now I can finish Skyfort," he adde.
Gale finally went in for a landing. She had teleported abit to lose any tails. She braced herself for a landing and let out a suprsed noise as she messed up and temples to the ground. She shifted into a role and took out a few trees as she slammed into the ground.
Dillon hopped off the jeep and followed behind Tim. He saw that Tim looked exhausted. "Hey man, you alright?" He asked before looking around. If their base was in the forest, then Tim's friends would probably be nearby to help. He wondered if everyone in their group had superpowers.
Alyssa dozed off in the Jeepney it didn't take that long to get her to sleep "HEY LADY" Cybele shouted dangling from yet another String of Spider's Web "DADDY" Alyssa shocked by Cybele's sudden scream "We're here..." Cybele hopped off the String and went inside seemingly looking for someone "Thank God I was aching for some Booze..." Alyssa getting off the Jeep too went inside "Sup Dave..." Alyssa waved at him along the way
Gale stood herself up. She shook the dead plant matter from herself and looked around. Her long horse like ears shooting forward as she checked the area for threats. Slowly she started off, walking to fins a water source.
"More or less," Quickdraw said giving a shrug. "I'm going to go inside, put away my stuff and get to working on the Skyfort," he added walking towards the tree opening the door, and going inside the base, with June following him.

As they walked inside, Quickdraw, heard grunting coming from the training room. He walked in to see Ryker punching a punching bag. "Ryker!" June shouted rushing over to embrace the surprised boy in a hug. Quickdraw gave a light smile and walked towards his room.
Dillon watched as the others went inside the base. Then he turned to Dave. "Yeah, I'm fine. What about you? You literally ran off. Luckily there was this crazy fast guy who came and saved our asses." Dillon told Dave about Dirk. "He probably could've destroyed their army by himself."
"Not likely..." Alyssa butted in on the conversation clearly not sober as she had a Bottle in her hand and was walking around Drunk "Hahaha I'm feeling festive... And in need of a bed..." Alyssa walked back into the base almost tripping the way in "E-excuse me sir?" Cybele tapped Jon's shoulder
"Sounds like my bro. Finally coming out of the shadows, I guess. I always knew he was alive." Dave shrugged. "My bro is kinda the best, you know?" Dave rolled his eyes at Alyssa, which went unnoticed as he wears shades. How much booze did the girl have? She really has a serious drinking problem. Not an impressive one, either.
Rosa was sitting outside the base again. This time up in a tree peering down. She had a small pile of black berries in her lap and was eating them slowly. She heard a crash further in the forest and looked up to see some birds flying away. She then turned her attention back to the door.
"I would just like to thank you for helping me earlier..." Cybele blushed hands behind her back "I just wanted to ask if there..." She pouted "There's something I can maybe... Help you with? In return for helping me of course!"
"I remember when you had to be in your twenties to drink alcohol. Besides, you shouldn't be talking because I saw chugging that apple juice." Dillon replied to Dave, chuckling a bit. "Your brother does seem pretty cool though."
"He's cool." Dave nodded his head. "I mean... yeah, he's my bro... but... never mind." Dave sighed. "What can I say? I love my apple juice. It's the best fucking Christmas present I could ever receive."

Dirk stood alone among the remnants of the now destroyed Prison, surrounded by more destruction as the military was forced to call a full retreat. They couldn't in fact deal with the massive fire Phoenix he'd produced. His work here was done. He'd made his come back, and he'd made it impactful. The world would not forget his triangle shades.

Jack Noir left the bloody town behind. Almost the entire town was dead, except for the waitress. She cowered in fear in a corner of the Coffee shop. Jack was feeling chivalrous and allowed her to live. He even left her a tip of two bucks. Feeling pretty good about himself, Jack took to the sky again, in search of his next victim. The desire for power was real.
Taylor coughed as she shoved a bit of the rubble off of her. So much for that escape... well, at least she was out. She squinted up at the sun, and coughed again, sitting up. Around her sat destruction. The Prison she'd been trapped in for so long was... gone. That was simply the only way to put it. Pushing herself out of the rubble, Taylor pondered her next movements...
Dirk looked back at the girl clambering from the rubble. A survivor. Her Prison garb gave her away, so Dirk saw her as a friendly, but a potential threat. He approached her, doing his best to seem not intimidating. "Hey." He greeted, face expressionless as he sheathed his sword, but not letting his guard down.
Gale found a water source and crouched down to drink. She shifted back down to her human form with another series of cracking and reforming bones. The extra skin dissolving so that she was left with the right amount. She cupped her hands and took a drink.
Alyssa had passed out on the Kitchen Counter surrounded by a multitude of empty bottles there's about 40 of em beside her and another 25 by her feet "Daddy...." Started to mumble in her sleep
"Wut." Dave looked at the mass of booze. Immediately, he began to grab them, taking them out, pouring them out, and throwing away the empty bottles. "What's the deal with your Dad?" He asked the intoxicated girl.
"How long has she been saying Daddy?" Dillon asked Dave as he walked in with his hands in his pockets. "Maybe she think you're her..." Dillon couldn't finish his sentence as he started laugh. "Never mind!" He managed to say. "That sounded so wrong in my mind." Dillon said before picking one of the bottles up. "Maybe if we try it, we'll figure out what it's doing to her."
"You know what that means." Dillon replied, chuckling a bit. "Anyways, what's with you and apple juice?" Dillon asked Dave.

Zane's clone had seen the group go into the base which meant he now knew where it was located. "I better get out of here before they know my position." The clone said to himself before leaving the area.
Rosa, who was still watching the base, caught movement in the corner of her eye. She turned her head to see the clone and tilted her head. The shadow manipulator sitting comfortably in her tree leapt down and let herself be caught. She turned to face the clone and titled her head. A small cluster of shadow shadow in sing their place on her back. The solidified into tendrils, curling about.
"Whoa, wait. What do you mean? I don't think I get what you're implying?" Dave asked, acting defensive, even though in reality, he still didn't care.
"Whoa, hello." Taylor replied as she brought her hand up to shield her eyes from the blinding sunlight. Was this supposed to last this long? Would her powers be affected? "Um... who are you?"
" I'm planning on starting a village for powered people." He said tot he girl as he smiled at her. "Want to help?' He asked
" Brad breakfast." Brad instantly woke up at the sound of his mothers voice he got up and made his way down stairs. He smiled as he looked at his loving family His step farther Peter his Mother Alice, and most of all his two brothers Johnathan and Stephen. Brad sat at the table as his mother handed him pancakes. The fourteen year old smiled and was happy to be alive with them.
Dirk was a little disappointed at the girl's ignorance, but nonetheless, she was not safe out here. The Government would return to scrounge whatever scraps they could from this place. "Come with me. I know a place." Dirk said, holding out his callused hand to her. "You'll need to trust me."
"Well... I don't think I have much of a choice..." She looked around for the girl/beast thing that had broken her out earlier, to no avail. "Okay... I... I'll trust you." She grasped his hand in hers.
Lucas went up to the surveillance room, clutching a slightly bloody arm. One of those guards had managed to sneak up on him and shot him in the arm, but Lucas was able to stop the bleeding. Climbing the short, ceiling-mounted ladder and opening the hatch, Lucas flopped down on the couch and began to drift to sleep.
Alex sat in the recreational room, the teen was sitting on the couch and was watching some random show on Netflix.
Man, I really hope everyone is okay. They've been gone for quite a while. Alex thought to himself as he dug into a bowl of popcorn and grabbed a handful.
Rin walked inside the base and looked around. Not bad. He thought about the beast that had torn apart Prisoners and Guards alike. He could pose a serious threat. He walked into the training room and started exercising, doing a few hundred push-ups, sit-ups, and pull-ups.
"Um, never mind." Dillon said as he shook his head. "Anyways, you seem like a chill guy. Mind showing me around this place?" Dillon asked Dave who looked rather uninterested.

Zane's clone looked the girl who voluntarily came in front of him. 'Bold.' He thought to himself. "Who are you?" He asked Rosa before noticing the shadows forming tendrils around her. "I'm going to assume you're one of the escaped prisoners. My only order right now is to investigate, but if you insist on getting in my way, I'll have to cut you down." Zane spoke harshly. He tried to sound as intimidating as he could. It was hard because he didn't feel like an intimidating person.
Dirk nodded his head, and took off, holding onto her and keeping her head straight as he ran.
In no time at all, they arrived in an abandoned warehouse. Dirk let go of Taylor and immediately walked over to a container in the warehouse. He pulled off the top to reveal goods inside. He pulled out some bologna and offered it to Taylor.

"Sure, I guess. Come on." Dave said, walking into the base, as he'd not entered it yet.
Rosa just took a step forward. Her head still tilted and eyes wide with curiosity. The shadows on her back stabbing into the ground at he threat. The edges of her lips turned up in a smile and she giggled, "that's a funny joke".

The shadows were talking to her in low whispers. Some growling in anger while others were staying light hearted.
An alarm began blaring throughout the surveillance room. "Shit!" Lucas exclaimed, scared out of his stupor. He dashed over to the monitors and saw one of the girls they had rescued being threatened by some guy. "Uh, guys!" Lucas said into the mic, broadcasting through the PA. "I think we have a problem."