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"Ugh... God... Best Drink Ever." Alyssa said standing still tipsy "Now WHERE'S MY BAG" She Screamed walking around the Halls all the way to the Dressing Room to get her bag which was confiscated in the Prison where she took out a pill to get rid of this Tipsiness "That's Much Much Much Better" Alyssa said as she walked to the Bat Cave place with Sam and 'Disembodied Voice' "So? Did Tim finally get a move on the Prison?" Alyssa said Drinking again"
After having disabled most guards and only killed a few, Dave found himself face to face with...
Apple juice.
Oh, the temptation. It is too great. He cannot resist.

Jack Noir stood. Breathtaking black wings protruded from his back. His eyes glowing a dim red. His fingernails sharpened out into talons. Just a few physical attributes to the amount of powers he's taken. Jack could hear the commotion... he could smell it too. Seems that's another power he got. He could smell everything. The temptation of Hot dogs was great, but he wanted to kill more. So, he decided to follow his nose to the smell of fire, walking through the blood which he was also covered in, a menacing scowl set on his face.
"They're already out on the mission aren't they?" Alyssa said setting the bottle on a Desk "Well if you'll excuse me I'm gonna find Amon..." Alyssa ran off to the Prison which wasn't that hard to miss "Holy... That's A Big Pris-..." "HALT" "Open the door for me~" Alyssa's eyes started to glow Purple once again and soon the Main Entrance was open and the head of a Guard stood above the door "I should decorating houses" Alyssa said Glaive in hand as she walked inside
Taylor sat in the dark cell. She could hear so many things happening, yet she could do nothing. She could not see. "Help! Help! I'm in here!" She called desperately, hoping someone would hear her cries.
Gale was walking past when she heard Taylor. She walked over to the door and knocked on it, "stand back and I'll be right in"!

The teleported took three steps back before running toward the door as she didn't know what the inside looked like.
Dave strode into the hall, and looked before the mess before him. Piles, bodies, scattered shit.
(Sorry. Taylor and I are using the same computer and she used my account. Taylor says hi. XD)
Dillon sat inside his own cell and ignored most of the noise front the outside. His cell was specifically made to contain his electrical powers. The reason being that it was just a basic cell with no electricity. Just simple bars. Apparently a prison break was happening because guards were running around trying to contain the mess. He heard some screaming followed by some silence. When he tried to see what was going on, he saw a black creature walking in the other direction with blood stains everywhere. "Holy..." Dillon said as he backed up into his cell hoping he wasn't noticed by the monster.
(Lol. Sorry Stormursa for the confusion.)
Taylor could hear the girl's breathing. "Hey... thanks... um... how do you expect to get out of here now...?" She asked, as the room was pitch black to disable Taylor's power.
Jack Noir smelled Dillon before he heard him. He turned around to look at his next victim. Time to try those new powers. His red eyes began to glow brighter, and with a deafening roar, twin beams of laser shot out of his eyes and mouth, directed at Dillon.
"Well I'm going to break down the door. That's how," Gale assured as she started her sprint. The sound of bones cracking and growing filling the air around her as she shifted to her more primal state. Scale like hide replacing her skin as her body grew. She slammed into the door and wall with the entire force of her weight.
"I think I heard the steel crack..." Taylor commented, but the door was sadly not down yet. It had to be tight enough to not let a single beam of light through.
"Dude... This place looks like a Slaughter House...." Alyssa said looking the Prison which was filled with blood and bodies nothing but blood and bodies and a Few people with their heads bashed in "Now to find Amon..." Alyssa then ran off a random hall
Gale stepped back as she was still growing to her full size. She slammed into the wall again and again, trying to push through the cold walls to the person on the other side. Her wings pressed tightly to her sides.
The door became unhinged, and simply crashed down. Taylor squinted at the light that came flooding in. Her salvation, her hope, her weapon. It had returned. She no longer sat in the dark. "Thank you..." She squinted at her rescuer.
Dillon watched in slow motion as the two laser beam cames at him. He hadn't mastered his power yet, but now was not the time to analyze. He had to act on instinct. Black streaks of electricity came around Dillon before he swiftly avoided both beams. "Whoa!" He said in shock of his power. The beam did manage to destroy the cell, but the monster was still standing in his way. "Let's see what else I can do with this." Dillon said as he tried to form some more of the electricity. The only problem was he didn't know how. "Well fuck..." He said to himself when he realized it wasn't working.
Quickdraw gave a grin and tapped the wall adjacent to his. "You guys mind breaking this one out too. She gave me a bit of help," he said calmly.

He took a step forward and looked around. "Next we head to the impound lot, get my stuff and the final piece." He said.
Jack snarled angrily at Dillon. He now not only wanted to kill Dillon because he can, he now wants his power. He decided to use another power he'd obtained that goes great with his increased strength. He stomps the ground with his foot, sending out a massive shock wave that seriously damaged the structure. Directly after the massive shock wave, he dashed forward at Dillon, his arms melting together into arm swords or something.
A low grunt followed Taylor's words as Gale was now taking up a large portion of the hallway. Her tail wrapped securely around one leg and body trying to grow more. She then started toward the smell of fresh air, another grunt being sent to Taylor.
Alyssa had heard the sudden crash and bang of a cell being destroyed in a million nanopieces she ran over to the sound only to see a black figure and another one inside a broken cage "Ah shait"
Rin came across a squadron of guards, their guns aimed at his face. He smiled, and just for a moment, he and everything around him seemed to blur. Rin stood still, and a second later, the guards' heads were separated from their bodies.
Taylor decided not to question the mysterious woman, or beast... she wasn't sure if it was even female. She decided to be respectful. "Thank you very kindly." She nodded to the beast as she strode out of her familiar cell and encountered...
A hall of total chaos. Blood and guts lie, strewn about in this gory mess of bodies and poles.
Dillon fell on his back to the shockwave. By the time he sat up, he saw Jack charging right at him with arm blades or whatever it was. Whatever Dillon's power was, it apparently only activated when he was in danger. Black streaks of electricity flew through his body once again, enabling himself to narrowly evade the strike. He was now to Jack's right and he started to feel pumped up due to the electricity flowing through him. He quickly dashed behind Jack, then to the left, then back to the front and kept repeating the cycle. "Over here." He said tapping Jack's shoulder. "No over here." He said dashing to another direction. This time he was sticking his middle finger up trying to taunt Jack. "That's right bitch, I have the upper hand now!" Dillon exclaimed.
"Stand down!" A voice called as Dave chugged the Apple juice. He stopped and looked over at the guard. "No."
"Get down on your knees!" The Guard yelled, leveling his sidearm at Dave. "No."
The Guard pulled the Trigger, and Dave chuckled slightly as it pinged into the wall elsewhere, as he was now behind the Guard. The Guard frantically spun around. "No." Dave said once again before bashing the hilt of his Sword in the Guard's face, knocking him out cold. "Look. I didn't kill him. That'll make Tim happy... I guess?"

Jack roared in irritation, and used yet another new power he'd obtained. Damn, he'd need to keep track of these. Like, write them down or something.
Jack began to glow a bright blue, and a shock wave was shot from his entire body, slamming into anything within a 10 foot radius of him. A paralysis wave, hitting both Alyssa and Dillon.
"Hey You! STAND BACK" Alyssa yelled at Dillion and threw her Glaive at Jack like a boomerang it Injured both his arms and went back to Alyssa "Mind circling him? You have Super Speed right?" She said assuming that was his power
Red spurt from the wounds on Jack's arm, and he growled in pain as the liquid suddenly became a black ooze that began flicking about, and formed back over his arms, completely healing them. Jack was getting fed up with this. He placed his hand on the wall, and the entire hall began to morph.
They were soon standing in a not-so-perfect square room. Apologies from Jack, he didn't know how to make it perfectly square. He leaped at Alyssa, his sword arms glinting, but this had already become somewhat of an after image, as Jack was now behind Alyssa, preparing to impale her as the fake Jack still lunged directly at her.
Dillon looked to the woman who yelled at him which caused him to be distracted and hit with paralysis wave. His body felt numb, but he could still talk. "That's what I was doing before you came." He responded to Alyssa. All of a sudden, the hallway had morphed into an almost square like room. He watched as Jack charged at Alyssa. Dillon saw right through the afterimage, and saw the real Jack, but he was unable to move and help.
(Note: when Alyssa is using her powers it will be in Bold Text from now on)

Alyssa simply side-stepped allowing the Fake Jack to fall on the Real one "Wow that was completely stupid of you... Well I guess not much is to be expected... Stay..." Alyssa eyes glowed Purple again "Alright you okay?" Alyssa asked Dillion
The afterimage of Jack was simply that. An illusion. Jack fell to the ground, and shook his head. It appears that one of the innocents he killed was psychic or telekinetic or what not, as Jack seems to be fighting off her unusual power that he now desires, as he converts the power of her voice into a desire to kill. He shot another blast out of his eyes and mouth, this time much larger, enough to disintegrate steel.

"Yo, Tim. What do you want me to do now?" Dave asked on his earpiece.
"Wow, that was anti-climatic." Dillon said as he saw how easily Alyssa avoided the attack. "I think I'm alright and the paralysis is starting wear off." Dillon replied not knowing it was to due to the electricity around his body that had added resistance to the paralysis and speeded up his recovery. It was a good thing he had recovered because he was barely able to avoid the blast that Jack shot out.
Rin turned a corner and saw a monstrous beast facing off against a boy and a girl. He rushed in just as the beast fired a surging beam at the girl and landed a bone shattering punch on the monster's temple.
At the last moment Levi rushed up out of the ground, "Sorry im late!" , he said while swinging his heal around aiming for the other side of the creatures face, a familiar white energy built around his leg.
Jack flew back, and slammed into the wall, breaking through it. He sat up and recounted what had just happened. He didn't have the power he wanted, but these assholes just wouldn't DIE! His hit list grows yet again. The man in the triangle shades remains at the top. Just gotta add these assholes. Jack spread his dark wings as his sludge-like blood recovered him almost instantly, and he took off into the air.
Next time, he'd kill them.
Next time.
Levi lowered his gaurd and turned towards Rin, "Nice little combo." He grinned before turning to the others, "Uh, not sure I know either of your names yet, im Levi."
Rin grinned. Oh, no. Not just yet. "Yeah. Hold up, I still need to finish this." He dashed forward and grabbed one of the beast's wings, snapping it with a quick chop, and dragged the creature to the ground.
Dillon watched as Jake flew away. "Definitely anti-climatic." Dillon said as he walked up to Rin and Levi. "My name is Dillon and thanks for the help." He said with a smile. "I'm just suprised that guy just left when he could've killed us if we kept going... Wait what are you doing?" He asked as he saw Rin pull the creature down.
"Move..." Alyssa pushed Dillion out of the way and back-stepped into the opposite way "Geez that was umm... Surprisingly beneficial " You get out through that hole!" Alyssa saw the hole made by Jack's LAZOR BEEMS (sorry couldn't resist) "I have to find someone else..."
Alyssa ran off without saying another word
Rin kept running, trying to bring Jack down, but to no avail. Finally he just gave up and headed back to the others. "Dammit, he got away. Those wings of his are pretty powerful."
"Couldn't find Amon..." Alyssa came back rather quickly "That hallway was short though... Maybe we should ask some of the prisoners..?" Alyssa tilted her head "By the way Rin, check up on Dave he should in the cafeteria drinking his beloved 'Apple Juice' Dillion your choice to get the he out if here and stay and help"
"Wow, people are so rude these days." He said sarcastically when Alyssa pushed him. He looked at the hole Alyssa pointed to. It was the same one Jake made with the laser beams. "So what's wrong with her?" He asked before realizing Alyssa had already come back. "Drinking apple juice? Never mind that." Dillon said before getting back on topic. "So if I stay, what do I need to help with?" He asked as he rubbed his hair.