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" I didn't touch you're door." He said. " I'm all the way over here." He said. " It must have been the wind." He said as he turned around and looked at them. " Is there anything I can do to help?
"Alyssa and I'm a Tipsy..." Alyssa still stumbling now was holding onto Jon "T-Thanks" She blushed and turned back to Tim "So any plans on going to the next prison?"
"Alright wise guy. Fuck with me again, i'll make sure you can't make a good comeback. Because that was pretty damn smooth, bro." Dave told Jon, unsure of whether he came off as rude, or just odd. Regardless, he made his way back to the entrance hall. He needed to vent out some pent up steam. A Prison break would provide him with the perfect opportunity.
Levi continued to punch through the dummies, stopping to catch his breathe for a moment. "Huh...I only know, like, four people who live here...thats probably bad..." He wiped the sweat off his face and started fazing through the walls looking around for other people. "Uh....feel like im not supposed to be in here..." He said jokingly as he looked around at the different computer monitors. "Uh......hi?"
"Yeah, and it seem like the same prison the girl in the maid costume is being held so you can also get your friend back." He said slightly smiling. "I should get ready, and Dave, Keep killing to a minimum this time alright?" She shouted at Dave.

Sam looked at the layout of the prison when Levi walked in. "Hey, what are you doing here?" She asked wile turning her head.
"Killing to a minimum!? I guess I could attempt that, unless they try to kill me. Wait, they will. I'll kill whoever tries to kill me, how about that? I suspect it might be the whole guard, but that's okay!" He called back as he inspected his precious katana.
Levi walked over to the girl and looked down at the prison layout. "Well uh, I had the intention to get acquainted with everyone but my interest is peaked. SOmething about a prison break?" Levi ran his hand over the back of his neck to relieve some tension. "Well if its got solid walls I could probably help get past that." He said gesturing to the wall he just entered from. "So whats going on?"
Jon thought of something. " Hey you all wouldn't by chance have a guard uniform would you?" He asked. " Maybe I could walk in as a guard and escort them out." He said
"No its not! If you go by that logic then you could kill the entire prison! Try to simply knock them out or at most cripple them alright?" Time said towards Dave. He turned towards Jon. "I don't think so."
"One of us is in that prison just sent us an escape plan." Sam said to Levi
"Right. That's like, disrespecting my bro. But sure, I suppose I won't kill all of them. Just the ones that seem to take more than they need to. Let me do my thing, and you do yours." He looked at his reflection in his precious katana, and saw his precious shades.
Jon thought of something. " Hey you all wouldn't by chance have a guard uniform would you?" He asked. " Maybe I could walk in as a guard and escort them out." He said
"I-i Snuck one out in my room... Wherever it is" Alyssa started to regain balance but still a bit Tipsy
"No its not! If you go by that logic then you could kill the entire prison! Try to simply knock them out or at most cripple them alright?" Time said towards Dave. He turned towards Jon. "I don't think so."
"One of us is in that prison just sent us an escape plan." Sam said to Levi
"Yeah I hope so... But Amon is perfectly capable of wiping the entire Prison so I wouldn't worry"
"So we're gonna bust into a superhero prison? Been awhile since ive seen one of those..." He spoke sarcastically thinking back to his days of being locked up. "Im Levi, by the way, sorry for not introducing myself sooner."
Sam got a little annoyed at the crowd that gathered up in front of her computer. "Sam. The plan is on the screen, now will you people back up please?" She said slightly annoyed.
Time walked up to Alyssa. "Here. Time Zone." He said as he created another zone. "Tell me when you feel better." He said as he started advancing time.
" Okay sorry for getting close." Jon said as he backed up. He let out a little breath as he looked at Time. Then at Sam. " How can I help." He asked either of them.
Levi nodded. "Right right, sorry, hehe." He left Sam be and approached Time. "So...ive seen time manipulation before, but never like that. I know its not dire to the situation right now but im just curious, how does it work?" Levi had a habit of showing his interests in other people's abilities and has no shame in asking about it when he feels like it.
Tim looked at Levi. "I can speed up or slow down time. This thing I just created is called a 'time zone' where i can manipulate time more freely."
Sam glanced back at Jon. "Let me think a bit ok?"
The young girl of 16 sat in her dark cell, all light cast from her. Her salvation, her hope, her weapon. Even though there was no source of light for her to pull in, she could oddly enough still here commotion outside.
A harmonica.
A voice.
No, two voices.
Shuffling feet.
She already missed the sound, as not only did she feel blind, but she felt deaf too. It was almost suffocating. She decided it was her turn to speak.
"Hello!? Harmonica dude? Can you... play it again?"
She was desperate for noise.
"Ah... So much better" Alyssa began slouching on the wall and eventually dozed off to sleep "Zzz.zzzzz.....zzzzz..z....z...z..Daddy...." She mumbled in her sleep "Do...zz.z.... you still..zz....zzzzzZ...ZzZZZ..zzZzZzz love me...."
While all the commotion was going on going on Alyssa managed to slip through towards the Kitchen, to be fair she's has been quite famished, even so she had made her way to the Fridge and took out an Apple and went back to the others "Sup... What I miss?"
Jake had made his way to a bunk somewhere deep within the bowels of this strange place and now sat there in the dimly lit room that he guessed he could probably call his own. Ownership wasn't really something he had gotten to experience back with MIMC, he was theirs to manipulate and tools didn't need possession of their own. Something was still bothering the boy though despite the fact he was in the most luxury he had seen in years and wasn't at the mercy of ruthless guards.

Everybody was taking this far too lightly in his opinion. What the hell were these guys really up to? They say they dont want to recruit us yet they have all these spare beds ready to go and a tour planned out? All the extra food in the kitchen? Clearly they were expecting somebody. And if not them, who?

He hadn't actually had much need to interact with anybody so far, they were a flighty bunch this lot. No, for now he was happy to sit down here and figure out his next plan of action. He needed to rescue Angel. But she could literally be anywhere, MIMC's influence was a tangled and complicated web that spread over a very large area. Still if he could get into another compound and accesses their datafiles...he really should of done it as he escaped but hey he had other things on his mind. Perhaps if his hosts tried anything like their rescue attempt again he could tag along. After all his abilities could prove useful and he did owe them for breaking him out.
Without a word, Quickdraw pulled out his harmonica and continued to play, filling the cells with a bittersweet sound. Soon enough he would be free of here, but he would have to wait.
Rosa rolled back up and the cacoon of shadows disapted. She picked up a few berries before looking around. The man from last night want there so she shrugged. Rosa picked herself up and started out of her cave, picking up sticks as she went.
"I'll be back." Jon said as he moved away from the group. "I have to check on something." He said before leaving the group. He went away and saw the girl picking up sticks.
He walked over and helped her. " Hey there." He said as he handed her a couple of them.
Rosa waved at him and took the wood. She offered to a shadow and let it be taken from her. Rosa started picking up more then headed to the blackberry bush to collect some more, "good morning".
Zane's clone had been heading in the direction of the loud noise for the past few hours. A bit earlier he realized that it was due to some trees falling, but he knew a group of trees don't just fall. He had gone from walking to leaping through the trees to get there faster. He decided since he was probably getting close, it would be best too slow down a bit.
"Good morning." Jon said as he helped out the girl. " So if you don't mind me asking what is you're name?" He asked as he looked at the girl. He continued to help pick up the sticks.

A barrage of lighting flew straight towards the clone. " There you are." Slyer said.
As the prisoners headed off to eat, Quickdraw radioed the others.

"I'm heading to eat, get in position NOW!"

Prisoners exited their cells and began to congregate into the lunchroom. Time to fight so he could get things moving.
After having the memory what happened to the previous clone, this clone avoided the bolt of electricity with ease and landed onto the ground. He watched as the electricity striked the tree, destroying part of it. "What the hell do you want with me?!" Zane asked pulling out his sword. It was just a clone but it still had the same skills as the original. "Are you one of the escaped prisoners?" Zane asked Slyer more calmly.
"Simple." He said as he looked at the man. " I want you're power." He said. He licked his lips as a faint trail of saliva dripped down. "And I will get it." He said as he jumped towards the man before firing his electricity at him.
A Crackle of Thunder can be heard at approximately A Mile and a half away from where it struck, so obviously the sound of Syler's Thunder could be heard all the way from the base "Woah... Crazy weather up there... Although why don't we hear any rain?" Alyssa said looking up to the roof of the base

Forest Fields

As Syler and Zane where having their battle just near the Forest Clearings A hut in the Clearings had been thrashed nothing but Rubble and Slime remains although Syler and Zane wasn't just going to be ignored by this Sudden epidemic, just as the Zane's Clone Dodged the Lightning Bolt Tree Roots Climbed up from both Syler's and Zane's Feet all the way up to the neck
"Rosa," the girl collecting the black berries hummed as she handed the fruit off to another shadow. She stood up to her full height and almost dropped the fruit when she heard the sounds of a faint fight. Quickly she spun on her feet and started away, taking her shadows with her.
"What is this?" Zane's clone asked aloud as roots came over him. He looked at Slyer and he was also being consumed by the roots. "So your ability is too take powers. Too bad this these things won't let you." Zane said as they were both being consumed by the roots. The clone didn't mind as it only wanted to see what Slyer would do to free himself.
Syler let out a breath as he thought about what to do. The root was pulling him in. He let out a breath and closed his eyes. The ground underneath the tree started to shake violently as it opened up to the point there was nothing underneath the tree.
As Syler made a humongous hole in the ground, it started to shake again, violently forcing Syler to the ground just as his body fell Roots once again covered him as a Girl entered from above dangling by a Spider's Silk "people like you Disgust me..." The girl in a Lime onesie like dress and Giant Scissors on her back, directed at Syler and looked back to Zane "Hope you like Saliva..." The girl then retracted back up the trees as a Shadow covered Zane's Clone revealing to be a Giant Worm Gobbling Zane's Clone
Tall, dark and loathsome sat in his cell. Arms and legs chained to the walls like some kind of animal.
Well, in a sense, he really is.
Spades Slick tugged lightly on the chain. He could easily break it with the super strength he'd taken from that man several years ago. But the Government captured Spades, and locked him up. They think his only power is super strength, and as that's what it is right now, he'll kill the rest of the Prisoners in this place if need be. He's not afraid to shed a little blood. Really, he's eager to kill everything and everyone that purely exists.
He could hear the annoying harmonica start back up again. He gave another tug on his chain. Nothing happened. Maybe they'd taken a break from monitoring him? He was never allowed out to eat. He'd just kill everyone, and the Guards knew it. If he could, Slick would bathe in blood every morning. He only took pleasure in killing. But he wasn't a total monster. He had feelings...
Wait, never mind. That was a lie. He's totally is empty and heartless.
He grit his teeth, sharp fangs. The harmonica had stopped playing. It was lunch time for some of the Prisoners. If he wasn't being monitored, he could try it again. It's been a while, and they probably think they've tamed him. Sadly, no. No one can tame a Spade. Standing up, he ripped the chains from the wall with ease.
Nothing happened.
With an air of grim satisfaction, Spades made his way to the bars of his cage. He would rip those off and use them to bash in everyone's face. EVERYONE'S.
He gripped the bars with both hands, and began to convulse. With a bright light, and an electric explosion, Jack Noir was knocked into the other end of his cell. They'd electrified the bars. He looked up in pure hatred as the gates opened, and Guards rushed in to subdue him.
Next time, then.
Next time.
Syler looked at the girl and analyzed her abilities. " She seems to have a oneness with nature.' He thought He felt the roots tighten their grip. ' At the same time she seems to be having to rely on it.' He then smiled. ' That's it." He said as the Roots let him go. He then fired them at the girl.
Cybele saw the roots go after her, but after dodging them with ease by leaping tree after tree "Awww... My friends hate me?" She said still leaping tree from tree at an commendable speed, soon after roots once again tied Syler but this time very very tightly almost suffocating him "Nevermind!" She said with a wide grin on her face as the Giant Worm who digested Zane's Clone came closer and Cybele began patting it's head "Eat him..." Cybele now was gone far away by the time Syler could get out the Stomach of the Giant Worm as it Digested him