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Syler electrocuted the warm before quickly fallowing the girl catching up to her with ease. He fired bolts of electricity at her. They stopped mid air and reflected back towards Syler Syler barley dogged. "Mam are you alright?" Jon asked.
The man with the triangle glasses.
He stood before Jack. Katana in hand.
Dirk Strider said nothing as Jack rushed forward like a maniac, wielding his signature crowbar. He swung. Dirk parried the blow with ease. Even Jack's added Super Strength could not amount to Dirk's pure skill. He attacked again.
And again.
Dirk remained there, not moving, and unafraid. This really pissed off Jack. He attacked again, and Dirk reached up, grabbing the crowbar as it struck down. The crowbar stopped like it had hit an impenetrable barrier. Dirk swung with his sword. Jack tried to dodge, but he could feel his ear separate from his Head. Dirk had to pay.
But he didn't.
The officials found Jack. Missing an ear, with a hole right his chest, covered in his own blood. Dirk had won this time. Next time would be different. Next time, Jack would win.

Jack opened his eyes, and glared at his shackled self. He'd make Dirk pay. Even if it was the last thing he'd do. He ripped apart his Prison garb, and glared at the scar on his chest. He felt the remnants of his ear. Sure, these things weren't all that important.
But Dirk would pay with his life.
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"Damn it!" Zane exclaimed as he opened his eyes. He had been watching through his clone and saw the events that took place. He made sure to open his eyes before experiencing being digested by a giant worm. He took a deep breath before spawning five more clones. They all just stared at him. "What are you starting at?! You know exactly what I'm thinking! Now go!" He ordered the clones. "Who says we have to listen to you?" One of the clones spoke up. "Yeah." Another one said. 'Am I really this obnoxious?' Zane thought too himself. "Yes you are." The clones replied as they read his thoughts. "Just shut up and go scout that area. Try not to be seen. I don't want to have to see more of your." Zane told the clones annoyed. The clones just nodded with smug looks on their faces before going off in seperate directions knowing they had succeeded in annoying him.
"OK THIS ISN'T WEATHER" Alyssa went to the exit of the Base to see what was all the commotion about Thunder, Gurgling and sudden and short Earthquakes only to see nothing was out of place... "Maybe I should stop drinking..." Alyssa said looking to a Bottle of Booze in her hand

Forest Fields

"Ugh... I can't move..." Cybele said suddenly twitching every now and again seemingly struck by lightning, she must've been hit by one of the Bolts. Paralyzed Cybele could not move
"I mean, that would be a pretty good thing for you to do." Dave replied from behind Alyssa. "Are you, sober now? Or am I still gonna be the role of Daddy?" He asked, approaching.
Jon picked her up and placed her behind him. "Relax mam I'll keep you safe." He said.

"It's been too long Jonny-boy." Slyer said as he walked around a little bit. "I bet you're surprised to see aren't you?" He said.

" A little." Jon said as he held his ground. "What are you doing here."
"The men in black put a bounty on you guys." Syler said. " Five Mil a head. Now I can get paid and kill you all with no legal reprecutions though it isn't like any police officer can catch me." He said. " How about we finish this." He said as Syler raised his hand.
Jon did the same thing. Though it looked like nothing a battle for dominance was going on between them.
Rosa listened carefully to the world outside. She was ignoring the shadows as they urged her to his deeper within the cave. Her body stuck in the entrance as she sat just inside. Finally she stood and slowly and quietly started to make her way toward the sounds.
As the prisoners lined up to eat, their food, a young girl was serving scoops of slop. "Hey Sugar, can I get something a little sweet," a gross looking man said eyeing her as she served him his slop.

"Get out of here, pervert, before I kick your ass," she said calmly before serving the next in line.

Quickdraw took a step and watched as the slop was placed in his tray. June looked him in the eye after serving him. There was a silent interaction between them, before Quickdraw walked away and took his seat, quietly chewing his food. He just needed a second of time to pull this off.
"I mean, that would be a pretty good thing for you to do." Dave replied from behind Alyssa. "Are you, sober now? Or am I still gonna be the role of Daddy?" He asked, approaching.
"Um..ZZ..ZzzzzZzZ......excuse me?" Alyssa said confused "Daddy? Your not making any senseZZZzzzZZzzZzZzzZzzzz..Dave..." She said as she dozed off to sleep again... Standing up

Jon picked her up and placed her behind him. "Relax mam I'll keep you safe." He said.

"It's been too long Jonny-boy." Slyer said as he walked around a little bit. "I bet you're surprised to see aren't you?" He said.

" A little." Jon said as he held his ground. "What are you doing here."
"The men in black put a bounty on you guys." Syler said. " Five Mil a head. Now I can get paid and kill you all with no legal reprecutions though it isn't like any police officer can catch me." He said. " How about we finish this." He said as Syler raised his hand.
Jon did the same thing. Though it looked like nothing a battle for dominance was going on between them.

Cybele struggled to move but to no Avail. She peeked a Glance at the man "T-t-tibbers..." Cybele said before passing out
Dave wasn't used to be encountered with problems such as this. "Uh. Hope you don't if I just, direct you back to my bed... God, that sounds weird." He gently grabs her shoulders, with the intention of helping direct her to his room. He didn't really have time for this nonsense, but it was also another opportunity to get rid of more booze.
Using all of his strength Jon was able to push Syler into a tree. The rebounded energy destroying ten trees in the process. Jon breathed heavily as he picked up the girl and headed back towards the bunker. " It'll be alright." he said. He decided to lay her down and placed his hand on her. It glowed as she was healed instantly.
Alyss- holy crap where did she go!?!? "Catch me if you can Daddy!!!" She needs to lay off the Booze Alyssa was now running wildly around the base as she tripped over Cybele "WAAAH DADDY"

Using all of his strength Jon was able to push Syler into a tree. The rebounded energy destroying ten trees in the process. Jon breathed heavily as he picked up the girl and headed back towards the bunker. " It'll be alright." he said. He decided to lay her down and placed his hand on her. It glowed as she was healed instantly.
"YOUR NOT MY DADDY" Alyssa started running wildly again, shortly she ran off Cybele started to regain Consciousness "Ugh... I feel the trees... Being hurt... I have to help..." She said struggling to get up but eventually stumbling back down
"That sounds a bit sexual," Ryker said laughing. He walked over to join others. "I was off eating and apparently I missed something. Also Dave, what's with the abandoned room, with all the gun posters?"
Jon helped the girl stand up. " I'm sorry some of the tree's became collateral damage from mine and the other man's fight. I'm willing to help whatever way I can." He said as he looked at her with a smile on his face.
" 'Daddy' is busy." Dave yelled in the hopes of her hearing. "The abandoned room? It's not exactly abandoned, just... unoccupied right now. We're just about to go find the man once Tim GETS A MOVE ON!"
Rosa had watched the fight from behind the trees. She had clung to the shadows to disguise her figure. Her eyes scanning about the area closely then focusing on the people. She whispered to the shadows when she got tired of ignoring them.
Alex sat back and sighed, he was starting to get used to the free life again. "Maybe I should go train while the others are doing other things." Alex said, he got up and walked toward the training room. Alex walked into the room and went to the sword training area and with moving dummies. The teen stood still and closed his eyes, after a few seconds he opened his eyes, they had changed from blue to red. Alex moved so quickly the dummies couldn't react, and in a matter of seconds the teen was on the other side of the room and at least six dummies broke down behind him.
Lucas hopped down from the surveillance room and strode over to where Tim and Sam were discussing the mission. "I'll go with the break team. You guys'll need someone who can strike hard and defend a position. I can set up multiple constructs if we attack at night, but other than that I can only set up one or two."
Tim walked towards the exit. "Very well, lets go break an old friend out of jail shall we." He said going back up to the surface. "Everyone grab an ear piece, Sam will guide us from here." He said pulling a bunch of ears pieces from his pocket.
"Finally." Dave said slightly eagerly as he approached Tim, grabbing an earpiece. "I'll name him Silvester Junior." Dave stated as he put it on.
Lucas accepted one of the ear pieces and said, "Just give me a sec." Lucas slid the ladder down from the ceiling and climbed into the surveillance room. Lucas typed a code into the central monitor, which set the system to automatic. Lucas then hopped back down and slid the hatch closed. Lucas strode back to the others and said, "Let's go get our guy."
Rosa hummed as she started walking about again, picking through information to find supplies for her cave. She tucked her hands into her sweater's pocket as she walked and kept a sharp look out for threats.

Gale stetched her arms above her head and looked about the room she was in. The cell built to disrupt her transformation and teleportation powers. Sitting up on her cot she looked about.
"Yeah. See, the radio I used last mission. I named him Silvester. So this only seemed right." Dave informed Rin of this useless information.
Yet, somehow, his face remained expressionless this entire time. Even when he was mad at that Jon character earlier. This sometimes confused Dave. He wondered if it's because he gives absolutely zero fucks.
Tim ran his hand through his white hair. "So if everyone is ready then lets get moving. The prison is farther than the last one." He said looking off towards the distance. "Dave, go ahead and subdue the guards at the gate." He said.
"Your wish is my command." Dave bowed jokingly, and disappeared, showing off his speed, regardless if the others are used to it or not.
He began his little run to the Prison, imagining some sort of heroic entrance.
No. That's stupid. Forget that. Just get there.
"Finally!" Lucas exclaimed. "The team's gonna get back together. Time to get Quickdraw." Lucas turned to Tim. "So once Dave subdues the guards, do we go in, um...abilities blazing? Or what?"
"Let's go," Quickdraw mumbled clenching his fist. He gave June a nod, who returned it silently. June walked over and talked to the guard distracting him. Now it was time. He swung his fist knocking out a prisoner. A fight broke out, and people were going full on against one another. Soon the fight was broken apart, and Quickdraw was taken away into isolation. June was set up in the cell next to him. Now it was time for the others to do their part.
"Something like that, we don't want to cause mass destruction so don't destroy too much." Tim said to Lucas as he started walking towards the half a mile away prison.
In the base, Sam was working on hacking the security grid of the prison. "Aright now I only need the password." She said . She entered 'complex password' into the login screen and was accepted. "Well that was easy."
Gale heard the fight breaks lose form her cell and titled her head. She shuffled back onto her bed and stretched out. She flexed the muscles in her hands as she thought about what to do.
There were watchtowers at this Prison, it seemed. Guards were stationed here and there as a few Prisoners milled about in the Prison yard.
The Guard didn't see it coming. Dave had landed in the Tower, and swung his Katana. It stopped just before it hit as Dave remembered what Tim had said. "Well, I mean... I am the Wild card..."
"What?" The Guard yelled in surprise as he turned.
Dave knocked the Guard off the watchtower.
"More of a chance to live." Dave shrugged as he looked toward the front gate. He felt the strongest urge to just blow it up. That'd be fun, I guess.
After walking for about an hour. Tim's group arrived at the prison. "Phew, finally here." Tim said to himself.
Sam contacted the gang through the ear pieces. "I got visual of the prison, Quickdraw is in isolation cell A-2." She informed. "Thank Sam, lets go." Tim said.
"Okay. Let's try something new." Dave said to himself, and extended his hand, producing a blue flame. "This should bring the Guards running." He condensed the flame as far as he could hold it. Launching it, he yelled as the ball was fired.
The gates to the Prison were swallowed in a heavy explosion, immediately bringing the Prison to full alert. "What I just did was part of the plan, right?" Dave asked into his earpiece.
"You got it," Lucas said. Lucas charged a Sphere and kept it in his hand, stepping past the smoldering front gate. "I'll clear a path," Lucas said with a grin on his face. He calmly walked across the small yard to the main bulk of the prison, focusing the Sphere. Lucas launched it at the massive door that was the prison entrance, and a gaping whole was formed after the impact. "Come on, guys!" Lucas called.

Lucas stepped through the hole and fired a low energy bolt at the nearest guards, who were already swarming the entrance. Each of the guards fell to the ground, burned but not dead.
"I'll flank them from the back entrance." Dave informed as he leaped from the Tower, disappearing from sight.

A cell lay unoccupied. The metal bars that sealed in the Prisoner were bent, or gone. Outside in the hall was a disgusting, bloody mess of littered bodies. The corpses of Guards and Prisoners alike. Strewn, bloody bars lie here and there. Spades Slick has escaped his Prison, and already begun a killing spree. His bloody footsteps led to the central area of the Prison, where Jack Noir knelt on the ground, growling from the immense pain he was suffering. He'd never absorbed nearly 20 powers before, so this was interesting. Some of the powers would probably be dull, and stupid. Jack wanted the things that would make people bleed, and suffer.
Gale felt her abilities flare to life and teleported outside of her cell. She smiled as she started to walk down the halls, looking for an entrance. She rolled her shoulders as she walked to make sure that all of her muscles were working incase she had to shift.
Tim sneaked his way into the prison using all the chaos. "QuickDraw's room is on your left." Sam informed him. Tim thanked her and proceeded to open isolation cell A-2. "Hey how are you doing QuickDraw?"
Alex panted and was dripping in sweat as he finished his training exercise, he had destroyed a total of 100 dummies and had only received a few cuts and bruises. The teen's eyes changed back to normal and he sheathed his blade, he was surprised to find this blade actually was balanced for him. Alex walked out of the training room and went to the bathroom area and cleaned up a bit, he then made his way back to the kitchen, "Hmm, I guess most people are out on a mission right now. Hopefully I can go on the next one." Alex said, thinking out loud as he opened the fridge and took someone's sandwich and completely devoured it.