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Ask to Join Outcasts 2

Jonathan woke up and looked at the sleeping girl. If he was going to do this he was going to need some help. The problem was the only people he could think of weren't exactly going to fallow his ideology.
Rin awoke to some jumbling in the kitchen and went to go investigate. He then found Levi shoving various food into his mouth, mostly protein. He smiled and took a sirloin and started cooking it. "Best not to shovel excessive amounts of food into your mouth. Especially with raw foods."
After several minutes of trying to make something tolerable, Dave abandoned his turn tables and approached the door. He looked back at the girl, then up at Cal, then to his Katana, and finally the alcohol. He grabbed the booze with the intention to get rid of it before the poor girl wakes again. No one needs this shit anyways.
"Oh, I see. Outcasts huh, that sounds a lot better than mutant." Alex said, "As for my power I don't really know. All I know is that I get a strange feeling in my eyes and then 'Boom' I can see basically everything. I've also noted that I can put people under illusions within their subconscious mind." Alex explained, he should really learn more about his powers. "Oh and the appearance of my eyes change as well, they go red and three circles surround my pupil." Alex added.
(Alex is basically a tone downed copy of Matt without the lighting control, if you didn't already know :p)
"I'm just gonna snag one of your potatoes there," Lucas muttered, still slightly hungry. before he could get his hands on one, though, his watch beeped. "Looks like someone's at the door." Lucas said. He powered up the small screen and saw one of the people rescued the previous day. Lucas input a code into his watch, and the door hissed open. "Come on in," Lucas said into the mic attached to the watch.
Tim sat up on his bed. He heard Dave's loud music and got kind of annoyed. He got out of bed and walked to Dave's room. "Dave! Stop playing loud music every morning will you." He said rubbing his eyes. Tim them saw Alyssa . "What's she doing sleeping on the floor?" He asked.
"I don't know, man. She had this." Dave reveals the ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE to Tim. "Don't wake her, man. I'm throwing this out. This shit ruins lives. She's a pretty young girl. Don't want her to ruin her life so quickly." He moved past Tim, heading to the Kitchen.
Ryker woke up to see the room he had slept in, was filled with posters of motorcycles, weapons and machinery. The room itself was messy and it looked like no one had been on it for a while. He shrugged and exited the room to join the others. His arms were a bit burnt but he didn't really care. "What's with the abandoned room?" He asked aloud.

Meanwhile the owner of that room, Quickdraw was sitting in a prison cell playing his trusty harmonica. He had to give the guards a pretty big bribe to allow him to keep his hat and harmonica. Little did the guards know, that him having these things would set him free. When the guard was out of range, Quickdraw pulled and earpiece out from his hat and sent a message to Tim.

"Okay Tim, here's the plan. I'll start a fight during lunch and get sent to isolation. Then Dave causes chaos and frees some innocents l, while you guys pick up me, we go to the impound, and get my stuff and the goods."

Quickdraw finished his message quickly, and sent it, before being caught by the guards. With that done he continued to play his harmonica.
Levi sat back in his chair after finishing the mountain of food on his plate. He was now more awake and alert, this gave him time to properly understand what he just did. He squinted down at the plate before him, bewildered. "....I just ate a pound of frozen macaroni...." He stated as if he only just realized it. He put his dishes in the sink and walked leaned against the counter looking down at his hands. "Man...sure does take a lot of energy to use my powers, guess I need to work on endurance." He thought to himself before looking up, finally taking note of the others. "Oh...hehe, goodmorning."
"I don't know, man. She had this." Dave reveals the ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE to Tim. "Don't wake her, man. I'm throwing this out. This shit ruins lives. She's a pretty young girl. Don't want her to ruin her life so quickly." He moved past Tim, heading to the Kitchen.

"Daddy Don't GO!" Alyssa now grabbed onto Dave's leg allowing her to be dragged by him constantly giggling "Wweee this is fun!" Alyssa said still giggling from being dragged around by her "Daddy" "Can you go any faster?!?"
"I'm gonna go play disembodied voice for a while," Lucas said. He grabbed another cheesecake from the fridge and muttered to himself, "We're gonna run out of cheesecake soon, gonna have to go into town." Lucas managed to swing open the hatch of the S.R. and get his cheesecake in as well, and sat in his swivel chair to eat some of it.
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Rin chuckled as he lifted the steak and placed it on a plate. He took it to the table and cut it in half, offering one piece to Levi. "You want one? It smells amazing."
Dave looked down at the girl holding onto his leg. She's really out of it. "Well damn. I probably could, but you'd get hurt." He entered the Kitchen with Alyssa still clutching onto him. He made no greetings as he threw the bottle into the trash and limped over to the fridge. He was on a mission for Apple Juice.
Jonathan shook his head as he walked into the bunker he looked around. He walked around until he found Time. " Hey you're time right?' He asked. " Can we talk."
Tim watched as Dave left then looked at Alyssa. "Seriously what's wrong with you." He said directed at Alyssa. He then picked her up like a sand bag. "I'll take it from here Dave." He said.
Levi took the food with a smile. "Ill except because for some reason im still not full" He took the steak and began eating it quickly, taking note of the fact that its better than any of the food he had pulled out of the fridge. "So...any plans on the agenda today?" He asked between bites.
"Do you know where Daddy went Mr.? I'm looking for him..." Her eyes begun to dimly glow "Oh and can you put me down?" Her eyes now we're glowing a full on Purple

Quickdraw's Prison

"Pardon me but may I ask for you to stop that Harmonica of yours it is slightly annoying..." A girl in a Maid's Outfit said to QuickDraw sitting at the side of a bed
Jon obviously annoyed that Tim didn't respond to him decided to fallow the man and try and tell him about his idea. " Hey You're Tim right." He said. " Can we talk?" he asked.
Rin looked thoughtful. "Hm... I'm not sure. You still haven't beaten me in a fight, so maybe we could have another round. How's that? That should take up the entire agenda should we both decide to fight seriously."
"Alright, have fun being disembodied voice." Alex said as Lucas left, he looked around at the others, "So, we are all Outcasts then, and we break out other Outcasts. That sounds... fun." Alex said, now he actually wanted to go on a mission.
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"Apple juice... apple juice..." Dave explored the Fridge, when he found it. It shone bright in it's yellow greatness. The amazing, heavenly apple juice sat in the fridge before him. Angelic music sounded as he slowly lifted it out of the fridge and held it above his head triumphantly.
Dave obtained the APPLE JUICE.
Rin looked around. "What the hell? Where's that music coming from. Dave? Put the apple juice down. No need to make a spectacle about it. And for God's sake, can you dial down that music?"
"It's like fucking Christmas up in here." Dave replied as he poured himself a glass of THE BEST FUCKING APPLE JUICE.
Taking a seat at the already crowded table, Dave looked at everyone. "Sup."
"Sorry it helps me stay sane in here." He said, stopping the song and stuffing the instrument in his pocket. "What do you need?" He added calmly, taking the situation quite well.
Tim was bombarded with calls. "Can you people let me be for one second and let me do something!?" He shouted. He put Alyssa down against a wall and activated his power. "Time Zone. Now to speed up that annoying drunkness so it ends." He said as he created a small blueish bubble around Alyssa. He then answered his watch. "Keep an eye on him" He said to Lucas. He then turned to Jon. "What do you want?"
" I have an idea for something." He said. " You want to rescue people and I want to make the government not fear us. Maybe we can help each other out. What do you say." He said.
"For you to stop the Harmonica for a Minute or two..." Amon was as Calm as ever, "Hey you!" A guard shouted whilst opening the Door to Amon's Cell "The Warden want's to see you about a Project..." A few other guards in Fireproof suits escorted her as Amon got out the cell and out of sight as the First Guard closed the door

Tim's Base

Alyssa was mostly asleep in the Blue-ish Bubble Tim made for about 20 minutes she woke up shortly after "Wha- Where the heck... Is this Heaven?"
"Yeah, but breaking into prisons isn't going to make the people fear us less." Tim said.
Sam woke up and got dressed. She then walked out to find quite a ruckus. "Boys." he said sassily. She walked to her computer adn instantly got Quickdraw's message. "Oh." She said surprised.
"Is this an 'oh' moment?" Dave asked, suddenly standing behind Sam. He sipped some of his apple juice. "You don't normally 'oh'. What's it say?" He asked, peering over her shoulder.
" Not if you continue to kill innocent people in the process." He said. " I believe we can go in and break them out with zero casualties on either end. Afterwards the people come to my village. when it's made and we help the public. Eventually the government won't see freaks but citizens who want equal rights just like everyone else. What do you say."
"Sure, im up to fight again whenever...but not right now." As he finished his thought he headed to the training room. "Man, there all so strong, guess I cant slack then..." As he finished his thought he looked towards the line of training dummies set up. "Whew.....here we go!" He dropped into a fighting stance and thrust his palm into the torso of the training dummy causing it to explode out the back, after a moment of delay the other dummies behind it also started to explode. "1! 2! 3! 4!" He grunted, pushing the energy forward trying to make it all the way through the dummies. He exhaled deeply taking a step back from the dummies, and disappointed look on his face. "4 out of 6..."
Rin smiled and watched Levi go. He went outside and entered the dense undergrowth, consisting of copious trees. He stood still for a moment, then in a split-second, he blurred through the trees, landing chops, punches, and kicks with incredible speed. He walked back into the base. A few minutes later, the sound of a few dozen trees crashing to the forest floor sounded through the air.
"What the hell was that?!" Zane asked aloud as he heard a noise in the distance. He looked to his left and saw a pretty tall tree. In no time at all, he swiftly climbed up the tree. When he reached the top, he looked in the direction of the noise, but it was so far away, he could barely see anything. Zane didn't want to risk being caught himself, so he sent a clone of himself out to investigate the disturbance.
"Look, The only person that cause mass casualties here is Dave, go talk to him if you want him to stop killing." he said as he turned towards Alyssa. "You were drunk, I just sped up your drunk time so its ends faster."
Sam looked back at Dave. "Look at this message Quickdraw sent." She said to Dave pointing at the screen.
"Alright, sweet. I'll get my Katana." Dave said after having read the message. He immediately headed towards his room, passing Tim, Jon and Alyssa. "Hey Tim, go see Sam." Dave told him as he made some quirky finger guns at Alyssa before arriving in his room.
"I was Drunk?... Oh god what did I do?" Alyssa said scratching her head whilst getting out the bubble "And where am I?" Alyssa still looking around stumbling every now and then "Heh I'm sstilllllllll a bit Tipsy"
Jon grabbed her to hold her steady. "Are you alright?" he asked her. He looked in the direction of Dave's room. He used his wrist to slam the man's door shut and lock it from the outside.
Dave turned to the door that had just slammed shut. "Okay then." He shrugged. He began to vibrate his body at a pretty fast speed, well, enough to faze right through the door.
After having done such a cool thing, he looked at Jon. "The fuck, dude. Touch my door again, and you'll have a bigger problem than the government on your hands." Without looking away from Jon, he grabbed the handle of his door, and yanked it open. Something sounded like it broke, but the thing is...
Dave doesn't give a shit.
Tim groaned. "Come with me so you don't into anymore trouble." He said to Alyssa.He got to the computer room. "Oh you're here. Read thins." Sam said. Tim read the message. "So he's still fine. Alright let's prepare and leave soon." He said, Sam nodded. Time walked back towards Alyssa. "So what's your name anyways, I'm Tim."