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Ask to Join Outcasts 2

Rosa found the water source and crouched down. She cupped her hands to use them as a cup before scooping the water up. She sipped it and hummed as she was hydrated. A little whisper from one of the shadows caught her attention. She followed the direction to some blackberries, ripe and ready to be picked, "thanks for the help".
Lucas strolled back inside the base after his meditation feeling wide awake and feeling like he needed to burn off some energy. The feeling was a small side effect that came with his Empowerments and Meditations, and Lucas found that casting a few Bolts would wear out the excess energy. Guess I'm heading to one of the training rooms, Lucas thought. He started to walk to one when he got a nagging thought in his head. The ring, it seemed to say, transfer it to the ring!

Lucas walked back over to the hatch leading to the surveillance room and jumped up, twisting the handle, and pulled himself into the room the room. He sat comfortably into his swivel chair, and Lucas slipped the ring off his finger. He imagined a flow of water, silvery water, flowing out from his hands and into the ring. as he did this, however, he did not feel the sensations that his father had said were to be expected. lucas felt no different.
Rin was walking to his quarters when he decided to get some fresh air. Once he walked outside, he noticed a shadow making its way... somewhere. Rin had an urge to follow it, so he did. He kept walking until he saw a girl picking blackberries. "Hello there."
Jonathan stood up and walked around his small area. He wondered just what was he going to do. He had to get the word out and have powered people could help try and build this place as a village. Then they will help try and establish a bond between themselves and the government.
Rosa froze and almost dropped her food. She stood up and started to run forward, moving around the berry bush. Her breathing calm as she ignored the person that had just shown up. She shook her head to block out the worried chatter of her friends.
Jonathan noticed a small girl. She was in the prison. He saw how she looked. " Hey." He said as he got to his knees and slowly moved towards her. He grabbed a few black berries in an open palm and moved it towards her. " I'm Jon. Who are you?" He asked. doing his best to not appear to be hostile.
Sam turned around and walked back to her sleeping quarter. "Time may be in charge of mission but I'm in charge in the base. Get some rest everyone." Sam said as she walked back to her bed.
Rin stared after the girl. "Um. Okay." He shrugged and walked off. She doesn't really know me, so I guess it's cool. He headed to his quarters and changed once more, collapsing in bed.
Rosa kept running until she reached her cave again. She got in and checked the fire before rebuilding it. She then placed her food off to the side and took one of the blackberries into her mouth to eat. She mumbled quietly to the shadows as she ate and got comfortable.
Jonathan fallowed her. He stopped as he tried to think of how to approach this situation. He walked just right outside of the cave and sat down. He gave her a decent amount of space. " Hi there." He said as he smiled at her. " I know you're scared but I won't hurt you." He said.
Rosa looked at him and threw another stick into the fire. She mumbled quietly again to try and calm her friends as they grew agitated. She took a small handful of her blackberries and used a tendril to bring them to Jonathan.
Alex got up and walked out of the training room, "Ugh, it's getting late, I should probably head to bed." He said with a yawn. Alex walked through the halls until he reached his room, he entered his room and got ready for bed. "Man, that was the first time I've brushed my teeth in such a long time." He said as he crawled into his bed. As Alex lyed in his bed he thought, Is this really gonna be the rest of my life? This seems... Boring.
"Thank you." He said as he took the berries. He smiled at the girl. " can I come closer?' He asked. the ball was in her court if he was going to recruit her she would have to join willingly.
She nodded her head and shuffled back before eating a few more berries. She watched the fire and poked at it with a peaceful interest. Her eyes catching the dancing flames as she poked it. The shadows were quiet for once, clinging to the walls away from the light.
He sat by the fire and warmed his hands. " So what is you're name?" He asked with a smile on his face. "Where you at the prison?' He asked.
Rosa looked at him before she flopped onto her side and rolled to face away from him. She formed a caccoon of shadows around herself like a sleeping bag. Her eyes closing as she fell asleep.
Dave stood there for a few moments, acting chill. He was just standing there, thinking about some things. Just standing there, like cool dudes are known to do sometimes. Expressionless as ever, he didn't expect what came next.
But he's too cool too act surprised.
The air began to feel a little charged. This peaked Dave's interests as he wondered where this was coming from. He looked towards the center room, just as someone appeared there.
The person that had appeared, was...
Dave himself.

"Yo." Present Dave greets.
"Sup." Future Dave replies.
"Bad news?"
"I'm from 5 minutes in the future."
"That's cool. How'd you... er, I, do that?"
"Ran a little too fast."
Meanwhile, in a giant lab not too far from the forest. A woman stood beside a man stood in the shadow. "Zane, you know your mission, find the escaped prisoners and the ones that have been freeing them. They where last recorded to have gone inside a forest not far from here, go investigate." The shadowy man said in a sinister tone.
"So, you want me to do the same thing in a few minutes."
"Unless you want to create a completely stupid, pointless time paradox, yeah."
"Okay, cool. So I can move fast enough to time travel. Is that good or bad."
"Best to just leave it alone. Time travel is dangerous."
"Then start running."
So he did. Running in pointless circles in the middle of the room, going faster, faster, faster, even faster, faster still, breaking every barrier he's ever known. The room began to feel highly charged again, and in a flash, Dave 1 went back 5 minutes.
Wow. How impressive.
Future Dave is now current Dave.
Lucas swiveled his chair over to the L-shaped leather couch in the surveillance room and lay down for some sleepy-sleep. Lucas pulled a blanket from behind the couch and tucked himself in, taking off his ring and setting it on the swivel chair.
Future Dave, er, I mean, just Dave, leaves the Training room now, heading back to his mess of a room. After listening to, and remixing some sick beats, he succumbs to his sleeping desires, and falls onto his bed, allowing the dream world to take over.
Dave is now sleeping, like some cool asshole.
So cool.
While Alyssa was walking through the Halls trying to find the rooms again she passed the training room and saw, Two Dave's? "Augh... I need some sleep I'm seeing things..." After wandering for a while seemingly Drunk she found her way to the rooms and went into an Random Room and dozed off to sleep
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Alex lied in his bed, staring at the ceiling; he could just not get to sleep. It was mostly because he was still on edge from that quick escape from prison and the fact that he was now 'living' with people he didn't even know. "Are we actually safe here?" Alex asked allowed, his voice echoed off the walls of his room.
"Yeah yeah I know." Zane replied lazily as he stretched. "I better be getting paid for this." He said before walking out the room. Once he got out the laboratory, he looked around to see a nearby forest. 'That must be it.' He thought to himself before heading in that direction.
The man smirked. "Viper, you can go for then night, keep and eye on Zane from the monitor room tomorrow." The woman stepped forward. "Yes sir." She said before walking away.
Syler watched as the new comer walked towards the forest He fired electricity at the man. " I'm sorry but they're not your concern." He said as he looked at the man.
Levi stretched his aching body and decided it was time to sleep. "Weary bones need rest!" He let out a loud yawn as he spoke before walking towards the wall in the direction of his room. As he approached the wall his body began vibrating and flickering, not noticing this Levi walked directly into the wall face first. "....ow..." He said in a muffled voice. "Not enough energy to phase.....great. Guess im taking the long way." He slowly limped his room, fumbling with the doorknob for a moment before giving up and sliding down the wall. He lay there to exhausted to care, after a few moments he slipped into a light slumber.
Dave sat up on the edge of his bed, where he'd fallen asleep. Looking over, he let out a groan. "Fuck. Random girl... um. I don't usually share a bed with people... especially a woman..." He said a little loudly as to wake her.
(Lol, @PeachyPie)
Alex yawned, "Man, it's already morning. Somehow I managed to fall asleep last night." He said as he slowly got out of his bed and exited his room. Alex wandered through the hallways before he finally found the kitchen, he grabbed something to eat and sat down at a chair and enjoyed his food, it was better than prison food after all.
*Flash back.*
" What a waste.* He said as he walked away from the man on the ground. He looked at the body. " It's a clone." he said. He licked his lips. " Oh I can't wait to get you're power." He said as he pressed foreword.
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Lucas rolled off the couch in the surveillance room with a dull groan. 'Isn't it weird how when you wake up you're more tired than when you went to sleep?" he asked no one in-particular. Lucas dropped down from the ceiling hatch into the hallway, still in his ratty sweatpants and a black muscle shirt, and staggered over to the kitchen. Lucas grabbed the last slice of his cheesecake for breakfast and sat down across from the new guy who was in the kitchen. "So you're one of the new guys?" Lucas asked rhetorically. He took a bite of his cheesecake and said, "I'm Lucas. You are?" (@Rhabby)
Zane had dozed off, laying on the side of a tree the previous night. He felt a sharp tingle in his head which caused him too wake up. "Fuck, morning already." He mumbled to himself before going over the previous feeling. 'One of my clones died last night.' He thought to himself as he rubbed his head. Then Zane closed his eyes to relive his clone's memories. The only thing he saw was a mysterious figure shooting a bolt of electricity before everything went black. "Whoa! That was intense. Whoever that guy is, I better watch out out. Good thing that was a good ways away from here." He said to himself before getting up and stretching. He swung his sword a few times to get ready for the day and any trouble he might run into. He wasn't looking for a fight. His job right now was to locate the escaped prisoners.
Dave sat up on the edge of his bed, where he'd fallen asleep. Looking over, he let out a groan. "Fuck. Random girl... um. I don't usually share a bed with people... especially a woman..." He said a little loudly as to wake her.
(Lol, @PeachyPie)

"Mhm Daddy..." Welp the Booze got to her head Alyssa said still clutching a bottle of alcoholic beverage after accidentally dropping it and waking up suddenly "AH! S-sorry Daddy was I a Bad Girl?" Yep Booze definitely got to her head, Alyssa still acting like her 5 year old self with an adorable face
"Yeah, I'm new here. The name is Alex." Alex said, looking toward Lucas, "So, I assume you are the disembodied voice?" Alex asked with a smirk, Cheesecake for breakfast? That's... Well, different. Alex thought to himself. "So, what kind of stuff do you guys do around here?" Alex asked, he was trying to learn as much as he could.
"Fuck. I know some people think it's kinky to be called that, but fuck." Dave stood up, furrowing his brow at the girl. He never got her name. "Guess..." He approached her, grabbing the fallen bottle. "Girl, this stuff is bad for you." Regardless of how bad it was, he set it on his dresser. "Hope you don't mind some phat beats." He said rhetorically to her as he began to mix some sick beats.
"Oh you know, a little of this, little of that," Lucas replied, answering the last question first. "And yeah, I'm the disembodied voice." Lucas took another bite of cheesecake and said, "We mostly do relocation. Help mutants, or as we like to call them 'Outcasts', integrate into society without being hunted. We are of course always accepting new members, though." Lucas finished his cheesecake and threw the pie tin out, after which he turned back to Alex and said, "You're an Outca- sorry, mutant, right? What's your power?"
Alyssa had already gone back to sleep when Dave started the Music, wow even those stupidly annoying beats don't wake her up... Must be because of the Alcohol eh don't try to bother the sleepy five year old
Levi groggily stumbled into the kitchen, paying no attention to the others as he bumped into everything of his way to the fridge. "Mmm dying...." he mumbled before quickly shovelling through the fridge. He sat down at the table with his stack of food. A leftover steak, milk, potatoes, a tub of frozen macaroni, and a raw egg. He sat down at the table and began shoveling the food in, not caring about what the others thought. All Levi knew was that he used almost all his energy last night and needed sustenance.