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Ask to Join Outcasts 2

"Do you two always have to be so annoying...?" Alyssa said whilst going to the changing room She nabbed her confiscated Clothes and Weapons from the Prison After a while she came out with her usual Outfit "Ah That's Better..." She stretched "Hey can anyone Burn this?" She held out the Prison Outfit
"Sure." Dave replied, snatching it from her. In a blast of fire and light, the ashed remains of the thing that was once a Prison outfit sifted out of his hands, and onto the floor. "I'm not cleaning that up. Just making sure everyone's clear on that."
"So am I...." Alyssa went to the exit her 2-sided Glaive in-hand occasionally spinning it around "Oh and By the way... I'm going outside for a while" Alyssa went outside and started cutting down trees in a fit of anger
"Oh yeah." Alex said, he had completely forgotten he was still wearing his prison attire. The teen got up and walked into some sort of bathroom and changed back into his regular clothing. Alex came back out of the restroom, he had just attached the sheath of the sword to the back part of the waist on his shorts, "Much better, those prison clothes smelled awful." Alex said as he took the clothes and threw them in the garbage.
Tim saw Alyssa go back outside. "Dave, take the newcomers around the base, I have something to do." He said walking into the elevator and went up to the surface. He found Alyssa slashing trees. "You know, those trees never did anything to you." He said jokingly.
After Ryker changed into his normal clothes, he walked up to Dave holding his prison clothes in his arms. "Could you please burn these," he said half-jokingly, but still kinda serious. "I think if people had to smell them any longer, chaos would erupt."
"And I, the disembodied voice, will accompany you for the tour." Lucas said in a mock ghost voice. Lucas's stomach gave a small rumble. "Excuse me, the disembodied voice needs to get a snack!" Lucas said it in the same ghost voice. Lucas swiveled over to his mini fridge and got out an entire cheesecake. He swiveled back to the console and said into the mic with his mouth half full, "Let's do this tour already, Dave!"
Tim saw Alyssa go back outside. "Dave, take the newcomers around the base, I have something to do." He said walking into the elevator and went up to the surface. He found Alyssa slashing trees. "You know, those trees never did anything to you." He said jokingly.
"Why should I care?" Alyssa continued slashing more trees "The only two things I care about are Amon and my Possessions" Alyssa still slashing trees "AND THE GOVERNMENT FUCKTARDS TOOK ONE OF EM" Alyssa stopped panting "I-i'm sorry just leave me alone for a while..."
Tim's voice suddenly got serious. "Look, I know how it feels to lose people close to you, I've been there." He took a step forward. "I think we know where your friend was taken, and I promise we will get her back." He said.
"Ah. The tour... sure. Whatever." Dave shrugs. "If you all haven't noticed already, this hallway is long. And roomy. Let's make our way to the other side. Wait, we're already here. Okay. The sleeping quarters is to the left... or right?" He positions himself to face the wall. "To my left. Yeah."
Alex let out a bit of a laugh, maybe he could actually get used to it here. Alex then got up to take the tour of this place, who would have thought such a big place could be hiding right under a tree stump? Alex spoke up, "Hey, can we go meet this disembodied voice?" Alex asked, jokingly.
Tim's voice suddenly got serious. "Look, I know how it feels to lose people close to you, I've been there." He took a step forward. "I think we know where your friend was taken, and I promise we will get her back." He said.

"I do Hope so..." Alyssa said still panting "you should probably go back in before I go into another Rage State..."Alyssa got back up"Shouldn't you be down there?" Alyssa looked at the entrance to the base "Giving a tour or whatnot?" Alyssa attached her Glaive to a Hook on her Slacks
"The disembodied voice will continue the tour because your original tour guide did a crappy job! Wooooooo!" Lucas swished the camera up and down to get the attention of the newbies and moved to the next one, aiming it at each of the doors in succession. "This one is a game room! We have an Xbox Ooooone! That room is the communal showers, separate for males and females, though all you octopi or whatever are out of luck! Just kidding, they're individual showerrrrrrrrrs!" Lucas took another bite of his cheesecake. "You can't meet the bodied part of the disembodied voice yeeeeeet!"
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Dave proceeded into his own quarters. He needed some alone time. He'd already socially exhausted himself today, and besides. The preparation for his most important mission yet is almost complete. He left the others behind to gather himself back up.
Dave closed the door behind him, but didn't lock it. He sat on the edge of his bed as he barely registered his items within said room. Recorders, turn tables, random junk, a laptop, a small closet, and a pile of dirty laundry. He even kept a few essentials, or memoirs of his bro. Like the Puppet so lovingly named Cal, who sat on a dresser, staring at Dave, his mocking grin glinted with the gold tooth.
Removing his shades, Dave lied back in the Bed as he toyed with a ring. It wasn't special, and didn't belong to him. He'd just found it in the dirt, so guess that makes it his now. He closed his eyes to catch some z's. Power nap. 20 minutes tops. His legs were killing him from so many antics today. Thank god he's a fast healer.
Tim laughed. "I gave that responsibility to Dave, Its pretty fun being the that call the shots." He said. "Come back when you've calmed down, its dangerous around these wood especially with the government after us." Tim went back down to the base and walked into a hallway at the right side of the bunker with lad to a bat computer like machine Sam was using. "How did we do today Sam." He asked. "Most prisoners escaped and you even recruited new members so I would say it was successful except for the fact that Dave killed over 50 guards. If this keeps up, the government may think of us a bigger threat and sent even more people to search for us." Sam said looking back at Tim. "Alright, I'll be sure to inform Dave no to kill as much next time." He said as he walked out.
Rosa sar back agasint the tree. She took deep breaths as she let the shadows slip into the base and start searching. They swiped some clothes, trying to be sneaky before heading back towards the door both their prizes. She smiled at their excited chatter, eyes fluttering shut as she relaxed.
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Rin sighed and followed Lucas. "Let's just get this over with, Lucas. No need for the disembodied voice." He sheathed his daggers and walked alongside some of the people they had just broken out.
Levi stood at the back of the group and listened in after changing into his normal clothes, he left the prison clothes neatly folded in Dave's room earlier. After a moment of silence he spoke up, "So is there a training facility in this place?"
Alyssa watched Tim go back into the Base she was still enraged by the loss of her Dear Maid, Amon Although she was so ready to fucking just head straight for the place she was being held she didn't even know where it was, She stood there as the Wind Breeze Flowed through her hair.

"I guess I do have no other place to stay..." She turned and went back into the base "Hey did I miss the tour?" She said to no one in particular "
Levi glanced over his shoulder at the girl who just entered and ushered her over his direction. He spoke quietly to her. "A general idea of what you missed.....all these guys are off there meds." He grinned before turning back to the group.
Rin nodded, still looking straight forward. "There is a training room accessible for anyone next to the kitchen." He nodded to the group before leaving and calling, "I will depart to my quarters for the night." He walked in and changed into a sleeveless shirt and shorts before climbing into bed.
Levi turned around and stared at Tim with a blank expression. "Oh no, I just meant you all seem a touch on the mentally deranged side." Just as he finished speaking he simply sunk into the floor out of sight. "Lets not have any trouble, kay?" His voice was quiet and fuzzy. "Hey! Look! I am also disembodied!"
"That's fucking great." Dave replied, shuffling in, his shades a little lop sided. "By the way, last I checked, I don't wear this size." He thrust the Prison clothes onto the spot Levi had disappeared. "Merry fucking Christmas." He was still a little groggy, even from only 20 minutes of rest.
"Oh well, going to bed now." He said as he walked toward he sleeping quarter. "Night Sam." he shouted across the hall. "Night." Sam shouted back. Tim got onto his bed and laid down.
So after the tour, Ryker gave a yawn and looked around. "So, I'm guessing we just call dibs on what room we want," Ryker said, his voice trailing off. People were beginning to leave, and he just kinda stood there. "Eh, might as well train, and figure it out later," he added giving a shrug, before wandering towards the training room that was mentioned earlier.
Sam walked out of the computer room stretching a little bit. He glanced over at the new recruits. "One of you can have Lucas' room, he spend most his time sleeping in front of the security monitors so he wouldn't mind." She said as she walked into the sleeping quarters.
"Dude. I'll train you, with you, or whatever." Dave told Ryker. "Besides, beating you will be a good warm up. That is, if you train to simply have fun, or until you forfeit."
"I won't forfeit, but the harder you go against me, the stronger I get!" He said, giving a laugh as he entered the training room. "I can absorb punches and store the energy. I'm like a human punching bag, that punches back," he added giving a laugh. "But, let's just go for fun, at a low level. I'm a bit out of shape. They didn't let me train, or do any excises because they were afraid I'd get to strong to contain."
Levi was already in the training room. A faint purple energy sphere had appeared around him. A metal plate drilled into the floor was slowly being ripped up towards Levi. He gave a roar, pushing more power into the force-field and intensifying it. After the drastic increase in force, the metal plate completely ripped off of the floor and smashed into the force-field, pushing Levi backwards a few feet until he relaxed, letting the energy diminish. The giant piece of metal pinged as it fell to the floor bent and warped out of place. "Well...lets hope this place is easy to fix..." He said looking at the giant missing tile from the floor.
"It's like fucking Christmas up in here." Dave said stoically as he observed the damage. "I'm not fixing that. You can, but I'm not. Just making sure you know that." He sighed as he scratched the back of his head absentmindedly.
"So, absorbing punches? Luckily, I don't do punching." He unsheathed his Katana. Well, his real one remained in his room. THis one is simply a wooden copy. It was obvious he was hoping to train. "Shall we?"
Rin felt a surge of energy from the training room and got up. What? He walked in to see some of the Outcasts getting ready to train. He walked out and raced back. A few seconds later, Rin entered the training room in a hooded trench coat, brandishing a wooden staff. "Mind if I join you guys?"
"If it's a blow, I can take it. Let's make this a tag team, shall we. Two on two. Any dibs on partner?" Ryker asked slipping into a battle ready stance.
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Levi looked over to see Dave and Ryker entering. "Oh! You..." He said while running up to Dave. "You can use super speed, can you like....vibrate your molecules really really fast and become intangible? Because I still can figure out how to pass through living creatures." He made his hand vibrate and pushed it through the wall to demonstrate. He glanced over to Rin, "Hello, sure."
"Why not? May as well call down everyone, because it's become a fucking party here." Dave sighed. "And for my speed? I try not to think too heavily on it. I just use it, man."
Rin smiled darkly. "Splendid. Shall we get started then? I can be with Ryker. Dave and Levi can go together as well. Now, hajime!" (BTW, that means 'begin' in Japanese) He launched at Levi, aiming a hard jab at his target's chest.
"Let's just say the speed is magic," Ryker, said getting into a battle ready stance. He brought his arms in a blocking position and waited there for any oncoming attacks.
Levi stared blankly at Dave, "Okay then...." He then turned his attention to Rin, almost completely missing the start of the battle. "Oh shit!" He yelled quickly sending a pulse of energy to his feet launching him into the air just before the hit connected. "Thanks for the prep time there bud!"
"Ever thought of blocking behind?" Dave asked Ryker. He disappeared and reappeared behind Ryker, having moved so fast. Then again, once Ryker attempted any counter,Dave again appeared on the other side of him, hitting him a couple of times with the practice sword before leaping away.
Rin jumped after Levi, swinging his staff after pummeling Levi's chest with repetitive punches. He made sure to dial down his strength, because last time in another training session, Rin had punched a friend so hard that his... uh... better not to think of that now.