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Levi took the hits dead on, eyes widening from the power behind them. "So he's strong and fast. Lets try this!" He thought to himself while spinning to avoid a punch and bringing his open palm around, aiming to smack Rin. Levi had sent of pulse of concussive energy down his arm as he made contact with Rin to severely power up the hit.
Levi sat there hidden underground for a minute trying to think. "Man these guys are something else...." He smacked his hands together trying to build up energy. "Really hope it works this time!" He grunted before throwing his open palm upwards making a pulse blast erupt from the ground below Rin, causing large broken pieces of the floor to be launched up with it. "Yes! It worked!" He cheered in the back of his head before jumping out of the newly formed crater and entering a fighting stance, a bead of sweat ran down his forehead as he waited.
Jonathan found a place to rest. Everything from breaking out to getting here was a blur. He yawned a little bit as he laid down. ' No one will miss you.' He whispered before closing his eyes.

He looked through pictures of the current prison break participants. "Interesting." He said. He stopped on Jonathan's for a little bit longer than the others. " And what do you want me to do about it." The man said as he looked at some government officials.

"Bring them back dead or alive." The suite said. The man just scoffed at him.
" 5 million each." The man said as he looked at them.
The suite twitched. " Fine." He said. " So we have a deal Syler." The suite said.
"We have a deal." Syler said before walking off.
"Hmm... Must be somewhere in here" Alyssa started to walk around the base "How big is this place?!?" Alyssa started to get lost inside the Gigantic Bomb Shelter-like building "Bathroom..."Alyssa made her way to the Water Closet "...Dormitory..." Now she went to the Rooms "Some sort Bat-Cave shit..." She had seen Sam's Computer but decided not to mess with it "Kitchen... Ah Training Room!" She opened the door only to be greeted with a strong Shock Wave "Oo Strong Aftermath~"
Rosa found her place tucked up in a small cave. The girl pulling firewood to her some house and creating a heat source. She checked the area for anything bad before curling up and setting a watch shadow around.
Jake was drawn to the sounds echoing out from the training room, it really was an awful din and each new noise was felt fully in the form of vibrations through his crystal like body. A sensation he had gotten used to now but was once incredibly uncomfortable.

Standing in the door way he watched the battle unfold with interest, he had never actually got a chance to see anybody else's powers in action whilst trapped in that hell hole of a compound. This lot were certainly rather flashy, the kid who had rescued him in particular had an air of arrogance about him. Still with nothing better to do with himself Jake decided to stick around and see how this all played out.
Jonathan woke up and watched how overpowered everyone was compared to him. He let out a breath and walked out of the complex. It wasn't like any of them even noticed him to begin with. He let out a breath and started to jog.
Rin jumped out of the way and kicked off the ceiling, grabbing Levi's face and slamming it down onto the floor. Goddangit. My tea's gone. He held his staff a few centimeters from Levi's face. "Do you concede?"
Jonathan made it out of the buildings perimeter and kept walking. Maybe he should just turn himself in. " It isn't like I owe these people loyalty. They fucking killed nearly every guard at the place."
Rosa poked at her fire. The stick she was using catching alight with a small flame. She spun it in a circle before putting it back into the fire and grabbing another one to stoke with. She whispered to the shadows and listened to their stories.
Alyssa heard Jonathan's Sort of Miserable Sigh and turned around to see him leaving the Base Now what? Alyssa proceeded to follow Jon out of the Base's Perimeter and Border when she finally made the courage to actually talk to him "Hey what are you planning to do?" She said with a Neutral expressionless face
Jon stopped and looked at her. " I plan on finding a place in the woods and trying to make a living. Maybe bring more power people in eventually and start a small peaceful village that the government won't be afraid of." He said. " You want in?' He asked with a smile on his face.
"Heh well I wish you good luck on that but sadly no... I already have a home and I still need to find Amon" Alyssa said said with the same expressionless face as before "Besides How can you start a Village without anything to start with?" Alyssa still making that expressionless face now Arm in her Waist "Well we should get back now before it gets dark... Which way was it again?" Alyssa was now confused on which path they took in order to get here "Oh God we're lost already"
" Simple I find an area and slowly start to build." He said as he looked around. " I don't know. Well I think you should just go the way you came and you'll reach the place." He said.
"Problem... I've been following you... So errmm I dunno where I came from..." Alyssa started scracthing the back of her head "Maybe we can find Navites around here to tell us the way to the Center of the Forest... Which is where presumedly the base is... Ugh if only Amon were here..." She started to cover her face with both her hands
Levi smiled, his face was covered with small cut and bruises, but he seemed happy. "Man....your both so strong, this is great." Just as he finished speaking he quickly vanished into the ground. "I cant concede yet, look at you." His now disembodied voice spoke in soft tone as he looked over Rin's body, not a single scratch.. "I know I can do more than this, I WILL prove my worth!" Levi shot out of the floor and began shooting pulse blasts behind him to build momentum until he was flying around the room as a blur, swiftly turning sharp corners with precise blasts. He put as much distance between he and Rin as he could and landed on the wall in the back of the room. "Here goes everything!" He screamed internally as he pulsed off the wall with more force than ever before, he spun 360 degrees before slamming his leg into the side of Rin, all the energy left in his body forced into that attack. What sounded like a low frequency whistle was heard as the energy expanded outwards making a glowing white ripple effect take place around the area he kicked. Levi was launched back into the wall, no energy left, and the only thought on his mind. "Did it work?"
"Hey." He said as he touched her cheek. " I just went in a straight line you can head back that way." He said. " And I already promised you that I'll help you out." He said before moving his hand so it wouldn't be so awkward. " When you're ready to find her come look for me." He said.
"I'll make sure to remember this place..." Alyssa said with a little grin before Disappearing into the thick Foliage of the Forest/Jungle or whatever the fuck it is eventually making her wayback to the Safehouse or Base or Bunker or whatever...

"Finally here..." Alyssa went back down expecting everyone to be asleep, But no she could still hear the baging in the Training Area
After a while of walking Jon found a decent looking opening he let out a breath and started to make a shelter for the night. He might despise himself but he was going to make this work. He needed to show the government that powered people were not a threat. He had to show them that they could live in coexistence with each other. Now all he had to do was survive and try and get this village to flourish.
Alex entered his room, he was exhausted. He unhooked his sword and set it next to his bed. Alex then went into the bathroom and washed up and looked at himself directly in the mirror, he no longer looked like some prisoner. Alex activated his power, he hadn't really gotten a good look at his own eyes in a while, considering he has been an the run since they activated. "They go from blue to red huh." Alex said as the three circles in each eye danced around and rotated around his pupils.
Lucas swiveled his chair over the the hatch of the surveillance room after looking at his watch and realizing it was past midnight. "A bit late on the meditations but no biggie," he muttered to himself before twisting the hatch and pushing it open. Lucas looked down into the hallway from the hatch, and dropped down from the ceiling, pulling the hatch closed as he fell.
Ryker wiped some sweat off his face, before stretching his arms out. He was taking every single blow, just allowing the hits to connect. It hurt npjust about, but he was soon over it. His fist glowed a bit, and he released a bit of energy through his legs to jump towards Dave. He raised his fist and swung as soon as he was in range, aiming for the gut.
"Maybe we should go meet others," Rosa asked to her very chatty friends. She smiled and hugged the sweater that the shadows had grabbed close. Leaning back on the rock that made up the cave walls.
Lucas strolled past the training rooms where one of the newbies seemed to actually be holding his own against Rin. Lucas thumbed the ring on his right hand's ring finger, feeling the pale yellow moonstone and it's familiar presence. Lucas headed out the door of the base and climbed a nearby hill so that he could see the moon. Lucas relished in the feeling of the pale light on his skin, and he sat down cross-legged, hands on his knees, to begin meditating and storing energy.
Rin's eyes widened at Levi, who was now brimming with power. He mustered up an average portion of the life energy in him and focused in his arm, attempting to block it. He winced slightly as his arm collided with Levi's leg and dug in his heels. His arm tensed up as it took the attack head on. He relaxed once Levi leapt away. Rin straightened up and looked at Levi, a single bead of sweat dripping down the side of his face and a small bruise forming on his arm. "Nice hit."
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Dave twirled obnoxiously about, and slammed his wooden katana over Ryker's head, enough to knock him to the ground. After this maneuver, Dave took a couple of steps back as he straightened his shades.
Ryker fell to the ground, and landed on his palms. He then rose up and smiled. He had just gotten a power boost. He decided to use the same strategy, by charging ahead,r sing his fis for a second punch, towards Dave's gut.
"What are you? A one trick Pony?" Dave asked. With extreme speed, he knocked away Ryker's fist with his wooden katana while bringing up his knee to connect with Ryker's jaw.
Leaping back again, Dave surveyed his wooden katana. "Hey, I get you can absorb physical things..." He held out his free hand, and a small flame appeared. "What about elemental?"
Alex deactivated his powers and heard the sound of fighting, "Hmm? What is that?" Alex asked to himself as he walked toward the sounds, Alex entered the room to find the others sparring. Alex quietly leaned against the wall and watched the others train, he wanted to learn more about each of their powers.
Jonathan sighed as he finished making a hut. it wasn't pretty but it'll have to do. He thought about way to recruit people. He laid down and wondered what he might do next.
Rosa peered out of her small cave. Slowly she left it and started to walk around. Her eyes scanning the area before she started to walk to the closest water source. Words left her mouth as she spoke to her friends, giggling at some of their jokes.
"To an extent," he said giving a grin. Honestly he could absorb energies, but he was still weak, mainly from dealing with the prison stuff. But bluffing nevr hurt anybody. He jumped back and landed on the wall. He then pressed off the wall and charged owards, spinning in an arc with his legs, aiming a kick towards Dave's outstretched arm.
Dave extinguished the flame and grabbed Ryker's leg, flinging him in a different direction. He sheathed the Katana and yawned. "So a two trick Pony, eh?" He decided to do a little more showing off, a favorite past time of his. He extended his arms as he faced Ryker, and from nowhere, flames filled the air behind Dave, coiling and condensing. Crackling and burning different colors. Red, orange, yellow, blue, purple and white. An array of extreme heat and power. Dave's face remained stoic, and expressionless.
A small pebble was thrown at the back of Dave's head. "Can you people keep it down? Some of us are trying to sleep." Sam said as she walked towards the training room. She was wearing sleeping short and a yellow tank top.
Dave turned to look at her. "You totally fucked up my entire, awesome, showing offness. Like, what the actual fuck, Sam?" Regardless of his words,
He still remained expressionless. Because in reality, he didn't give a shit.
Ryker reached out with his left hand to touch the flames. They began to swirl around the boy. The flames faded away into Ryker, leaving a few scorch marks as it wrapped around him and he smiled. "It's okay, I'm done," he said leaving the training room. His clothes were burnt a bit, and he went to his room to sleep, passing out instantly. He had over did it again.
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"Hmph, looks like they are each skilled." Alex said quietly, "Dave tries to act way cooler than he actually is though." Alex muttered with a smirk. The teen continued to lean against the wall, just observing everything. He didn't want to get in the way of anything.
Levi pried himself from the rubble he was buried under and limped over to Rin. He stood there with a cold look on his face for a moment before brightening up and extending his hand out. "Thank you for the fight. Im glad to know ill always have a challenge."