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Ask to Join Outcasts 2

Rin looked at Alyssa. "All of a sudden, you're leader? Whatever." He dashed over to the mess hall. Rin found Dave chugging apple juice and leaned against the door. "You done?"
"I'm just stating the options..." Alyssa watched Rin walk away and turned to Dillion "Helping other people get out of this hell-hole of course..." Alyssa ran off to a different direction Immediately after finishing her sentence "But it's your choice"
"So you run off before I even answer! Great." Dillon exclaimed as she ran away. He decided to follow Rin instead since he would be less likely to run away from him. Once he arrived at the mess hall, the first thing he saw was a guy chugging some apple juice. 'That is so... un-cool.' Dillon thought to himself feeling weirded out by the people he had met.
((OOC: I'm gonna make this more realistic because if this is a government facility then MEH))

Helicopters, ATV's started to gather around accompanied by a few thousand Soldiers Gathered surrounding the building the only way out seemed to be the Main Entrance and it's not gonna be easy "Holy Crud... I gotta find the others" Alyssa said looking out through the window and shouted across the Prison "EVERYONE THE MILITARY IS HERE"
Rin perked up at the loud cry. "The military. Yo Dave, let's go break some bones, shall we? I won't wait for you." He ran outside and grinned as he saw multiple battalions amassing near the facility. It's showtime.
Tim opened the other isolation cell then used his power to speed himself up and arrived next to everyone. "The military huh, I'll stall them, the rest of you scout the prison for any prisoner who have not been freed and spare parts." Tim ordered.
"Military?! Wait, why are you guys so worried? I'm pretty sure if we all combine our powers and work together, we can destroy them." Dillon stated, a bit confused.
"Guys I'm here!" Alyssa ran towards Tim "Military... Didn't expect that..." Alyssa said looking at the mass of soldiers "Military's got a few more tricks than what you expect" Alyssa turned to Dillion "So what's the plan?"
"Uh, dude. The military. The US FUCKING MILITARY. Sure, we've been taking down Prisons and shit, but the military? That's basically them declaring war against us." Dave said. Unusually, he was not eager to begin this brawl against the military. In fact, he's considering sitting this one out.
"I'll hit the impound to get the stuff," Quickdraw said, breaking into a run with June following close behind. They broke into the impound lot, which was easy due to the commotion. They quickly changed and grabbed the item they were after before hopping onto the motorcycle and speeding off. "Attention, it's time to scatter. We got the piece so we're good to go, as long as we don't caught," He said radioing people.
Tim looked at Alyssa. "You guys go look around the prison for anyone left and scavenge machine part, I'll stall the military." Tim said walking outside holding out his hands. "Rin! Get back inside." Tim commanded.
"I think your friend drank too much apple juice." Dillon said chuckling a bit replying to Dave's remark about the army. Then he looked at Alyssa. "You're back again. Anyways, I don't have a plan. And besides, that guy is already giving us orders." Dillon said pointing to Tim.
The helicopter crashed on the roof of the Prison Squadrons started, breaching walls Ramming doors and shit started to go down "Guys we should get out of here... I don't think Amon's around here too" Alyssa threw her Glaive once again and dispatched an entire Platoon Tanks started Ramming in the walls, Helicopters started barraging Bullets into the Prison Windows and that's only the start of it
"Seem like Quickdraw got what he needed, time to escape." Tim said as he suddenly got serious and swung his arms creating a massive Time Zone. "Time Stop!" Tim said as the military were paralyzed in time. After doing this, Tim fell to his knee with sweat dripping from his fore head. "This way!"
"See ya guys later." Dave sighed as he removed his ear piece and took off, disappearing.

Jack was pissed off more than he could remember ever being pissed off. Even at the triangle glasses dude. But, Jack could smell... he could somehow smell the difference, between a meta and an ordinary person... honestly, meta meat sounds kinda good. It's been a while since he's had a decent meal too...
Quickdraw expertly zigged and zigged through the fleeing prisoners. They were currently under a basic, mob mentality and they weren't thinking clearly.

He ramped over the frozen solders before making his way back to the base. "I'm headed back folks, let's get there soon," He radioed quickly.
Dillon watched in awe as time had stopped around them, but he also knew by how Tim looked, he couldn't hold it for long. He also watched as Dave ditched them. "Well now what?" Dillon asked. He could escape too, but he didn't want to leave the others there. Then he watched QuickDraw escape. "Yo, just follow what QuickDraw did." Dillon told the group.
Before Quickdraw could even make it outside the Prison he was cut off by a sudden Gigantic flame "Holy I recognize that Color.. AMON" Alyssa started running towards the Flame "Alright Amon lower the flame it's me..." Alyssa stared at the Fire "Amon? Yo Amon!?! You spacing out agai-" Alyssa was struck by a sudden stream of Fire "God that burns..."
Tim glanced over at Alyssa. "Oh no." He said quietly as he struggle to get up. "Hey are you alright?" Time shouted toward Alyssa.
Sam was monitoring the scene on her computer. "This can't be good."
"Never mind..." Dillon said as he saw the giant flame. He watched as Alyssa was blasted back by the flame. He looked at Tim who barely seemed to be holding up. At this rate, once Tim's time stop wore off, they would probably be annihilated. "So any idea on how to get out of here?" Dillon asked Tim, hoping he was listening.
Due to Tim being weakened his Time Powers could be effective anymore Time starts to Flow again the Tanks crashing through the Walls Continued, The Bullets injuring nearly everyone, if not... Killed. "This isn't good..." Alyssa said as horns could be heard "FOR THE FOREST" Cybele's voice echoed throughout the Horn Gigantic Creatures started to Wreck the Military from the Infantry to Air Support after a while all that's left was Silence, Bodies and Rubble of what's left of the Prison and Military Vehicles "Hello? Are you good or bad?" Cybele asked Tim dangling from a string of Spider web
"Prison raid went wrong when one prisoner went rogue, The military arrived but Tim's holding them off, that girl just started attacking." She said pointing at Amon
Tim heard Dillon. "We need to help Her first, I can still hold for about one minute." He said struggling.
"Leave." A simple voice said to Tim, but he did not see the figure. They entered the time bubble, and even though it had reduced time in it to a stand still, this guy was running and leaping through the air.
His Katana glinted along with his triangle shades as he destroyed Chopper after Tank after Chopper.
Dirk Strider had emerged from the shadows.
Tim looked at Dave. "They're frozen stop destroying stuff, help me to that Jeep." He said pointing to a military car. "He then turned to Alyssa. "Hey! We need to get going, I can'r hold for much longer."
Jon bared his teeth as he watched it threw the monitor. He cursed at himself for blacking out right then. "Is there anything I can do to help?" He asked Sam.
Dillon helped Tim to the jeep. "So do you know how to drive this thing?" Dillon asked? "I wonder if it's even working." He said as he lightly kicked the jeep.
Dillon sat in the front passenger seat next to Tim. "Where are the others?" Dillon asked as he remembered Levi and Rin were also at the prison. They better hurry up because they were running out of time.
"Alyssa's Coming!" Alyssa hopped into the Jeep "Oh God... I need some Booze to forget this Traumatic Moment" Alyssa, No, no more Booze she leaned onto the Chairs and relaxed
Levi groaned. "Stop shouting!" He said while leaning back in a seat. None of the other outcasts noticing him faze into the back seat. "Rin will be fine, he'll make it out in time."
Gale reached a break in the wall that led outside. She pushed through and slammed the outside of the prison with a paw, sinking her claws in deep. Slowly she pulled herself from the building with a roar. Her body growing to its full size as she clambered to the roof.
"Alright brace yourselves." Tim said as he stepped on the gas pedal and started moving. The car flailed a little bit a first but Tim managed to steady himself more after awhile.
Sam looked at Jon. "You can go outside and keep watch to when people will arrive." Sam suggested.
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Awkward silence was all to be heard on the trip Alyssa stared down onto her feet thinking about something, probably about not finding Amon "Hey how long till we get back?" Alyssa turned to Tim "I mean it took a while to get here by foot..."
Dirk Strider loomed before the military as they opposed him. They weren't worth his time, but he would distract them until the others were out of range of their radars, so he preoccupied himself by hacking and slashing through Helicopters, Tanks, and Jeeps alike, allowing nothing to even remotely stand a chance against Dirk.

Dave stood outside of their base, leaning against a tree as he awaited the arrival of the others.

Jack Noir had already gained some more abilities. Even seemingly spiritual powers, as he'd slain what appeared to be an Angel, and also what appeared to be a Demon. They hadn't stood a chance. Jack is too ruthless. He'd even gotten really lucky with his latest power. Appearance changing. He could use that to his own advantage. So, he used it to change his appearance to Spades Slick. Before he'd had any powers. At least by appearance, as he entered a Coffee shop and found a table. It took no time at all for a waitress to speak. "How may I help you?" She asked. "I'm not staying long. You look like a hard worker." He says. "Just... doin' my job..." She chuckles nervously. "You free later?" He asks. "For dinner?" He adds. She seems to grow uncomfortable. "Uh... no... I'm... busy all night..." He sighs in disappointment. "That's a real shame." He adds.
Gale took off into the sky with a roar. Three large beats of her wings before she was at a good height to start gliding. She ran into a helicopter and flinched slightly when it's rotors slashed at her leg. She was heading in the same direction as Tim, straightening herslef to fly faster.
Jon nodded and walked out of the bunker and waited for the people. He knew there was most likely going to be casualties time for his healing factor to come into play."