A wave of energy passed through him, and his (metaphorical) eyebrows went up. "Man. I have not felt energy that pure in a long time." He said to himself, sounding more like a whisper in his current form. As more waves radiated off him, he felt the power surrounding him, slowly binding to his form and making it solidify, flashing white as it entered the physical spectrum, then settled back down into his typical form. "What the hell?" Hyrain asked himself, then realised he was in sight of the said person. Straight after that, it walked over to a tree, and the massive tower of wood and leaves promptly collapsed, falling straight towards him. He instinctively held his hand out, and a gust of wind, hurricane force, expelled itself from it and pushed the tree backwards. Curving his hands slightly, he pushed the tree back into its original position, the roots sliding back into the niches they had carved in the earth.