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"Yeah, I'd like to come along as well." Zane told Hyrain and Draco. This would help further his investigation and he will now have more information to report on. "So to the west. Thanks for telling me." Zane told Hyrain.

"That sucks." Dillon said when Dave turned down the offer and walked away. "Well if you say it would be better to do the training outdoors then let's do it." Dillon told Rin as he started to feel pumped up again.
Rin nodded. "Righto, then. Let's go." He walked outside into a small clearing and waited for Dillon. He closed his eyes, and suddenly, a huge aura of energy burst to life around Rin. Ah, there it is. Rin's now visible aura flared throughout his body, filling him with energy.
"No problem." He said, flying up into the air and turning in the direction of the 'base' he'd found earlier. "I'll see you around." He shouted downwards, then flew back downwards to the tree, at the same time as somebody else emerged. His body disappeared, and he quietly floated above the clearing, deciding to not ambush them like he had the last two times.
Draco smiled "thanks i'll see you guy's there" Darco said before he jumped off the branch and his wings quickly appear just in time so he could fly up and headed west. Draco started to fly faster while he got closer to his destination and slowly floated down to the ground his wing's then disappear from his back while he landed on the ground.
Dillon came outside the base and went to the clearing just in time feel the immense energy coming from Rin. He couldn't see the energy, but he could definitely sense. "That's amazing power!" Dillon exclaimed still feeling the energy.

Zane watched as Draco flew off. Once they were both gone from eyesight, Zane hopped down. They hadn't realized that he was a clone which was good for Zane's cover. Another one of Zane's clones had already headed off in the direction of the prison since it was closer.
Rin smiled. "Soon, you'll be able to harness this too. It's really something else isn't it? Let me show you something." He walked over to a tree. He placed his hand on it, and sent forth a surge of energy through his arm. The tree was crushed, and toppled to the ground, roots and all.
Rin's display of power was starting to get Dillon anxious and he couldn't wait to try it for himself. Black streaks of electricity began forming around Dillon, displaying his excitement. "Dude, that's crazy!" Dillon exclaimed as he looked at the destroyed tree.
A wave of energy passed through him, and his (metaphorical) eyebrows went up. "Man. I have not felt energy that pure in a long time." He said to himself, sounding more like a whisper in his current form. As more waves radiated off him, he felt the power surrounding him, slowly binding to his form and making it solidify, flashing white as it entered the physical spectrum, then settled back down into his typical form. "What the hell?" Hyrain asked himself, then realised he was in sight of the said person. Straight after that, it walked over to a tree, and the massive tower of wood and leaves promptly collapsed, falling straight towards him. He instinctively held his hand out, and a gust of wind, hurricane force, expelled itself from it and pushed the tree backwards. Curving his hands slightly, he pushed the tree back into its original position, the roots sliding back into the niches they had carved in the earth.
Rin laughed, and dialed down his aura, not noticing the newcomer. "Alright, let's get started. First, I'm going to have to open your pores. If your pores are closed, you won't be able to harness any energy. There has to be some catalyst. How well can you take a hit?"
Hyrain breathed a sigh of relief as the mystery energy faded along with his body, and he flew downwards. Whatever the person was saying must have some sort of worth, he figured
Dillon calmed down a bit causing the electricity to disappear. "Well I've been in some fights back when I went to school." Dillon replied hoping it was good enough. "I think I can handle whatever you throw at me." Dillon told Rin.
Rin shrugged. "Try handling a punch from an assassin who's had to topple a tree with one punch and spiked with abnormal life energy. Good luck." His aura flared to life once more, and all that energy started to build into his fist. His fist started to glow a blueish hue, growing stronger and stronger, until finally, it had become surrounded by a bright silver, sparks shooting out. "Are you sure you can take this?"
Hyrain instantly shot behind a tree and solidified, eyes wide with fear. Apparently, his gaseous form made his life force much more exposed than a normal person, meaning that energy could do some serious harm. So no more hiding. At least, until he's finished beating the crud out of that guy from earlier
" I'm planning on starting a village for powered people." He said tot he girl as he smiled at her. "Want to help?' He asked
" Brad breakfast." Brad instantly woke up at the sound of his mothers voice he got up and made his way down stairs. He smiled as he looked at his loving family His step farther Peter his Mother Alice, and most of all his two brothers Johnathan and Stephen. Brad sat at the table as his mother handed him pancakes. The fourteen year old smiled and was happy to be alive with them.

"I'm okay with it as long as it's near the Forest!" Cybele reluctantly agreed to Jon "So where's this Village of yours?" She tilted her head and asked

"God... Get me the pills from my bag.. Changing room... Hehe I can see the stars..." Alyssa was clearly Drunk like always and being able to drink that much must be a world record...
Gale stood up. She finished cooking her rabbit and started to get ready to store it. Her primal side roaring for another hunt, one with larger prey. She took a few deep breaths and shifted to a symphony of bones. Standing at her now huge height and taking off into the air.
Dillon watched as Rin's fist started to glow blue with sparks flying out. He wasn't sure about this but he really wanted to master this power. "Yes! I said I'm ready!" Dillon exclaimed, standing firm. 'Please powers, don't fail on me now.' Dillon thought to himself.
" In an opening in the forest." He said as he looked at her. a soft smile appeared on his lips. " I don't think I ever introduced myself. I'm Jon." He said.
Rin smiled. "Here goes, then!" He yelled and lunged forward, hitting Dillon square in the chest. He felt the power surge from his hand to Dillon's body and pushed forward, knocking Dillon back. Remembering his teaching, he intentionally dialed down the power as he remembered the words. If you are hit with an aura spiked strike and do not have your own aura to defend yourself, your body will be crushed.
Levi's had was just barely sticking out of the ground by a bush. He was watching the interaction between Dillon and Rin with interest. "Hm...wonder if the kids gonna die." He said nonchalantly as Dillon was sent flying.
Hyrain tilted his head, feeling another unknown object enter the air. This one, however... It was massive. He'd never seen anything like it, meaning it had to be supernatural. And as interesting as this fight was, he had priorities. So he took off into the air, and headed towards it. Looking back, he felt the displaced energy ripple through his human form, and could only imagine how harsh it would be back at the blast zone. Hyrain eventually caught up with the bird, and changed his trajectory, cruising alongside it.
" In an opening in the forest." He said as he looked at her. a soft smile appeared on his lips. " I don't think I ever introduced myself. I'm Jon." He said.

"Yay!" Cybele rejoiced hearing that it was near a forest she could feel what the forests feels and right she can feel a bunny being cooked "WAH Mr. bunny needs me!" Cybele rushed out the base and basically jumping tree to tree all the way to the place where Dale was cooking the Rabbit "Leave Mr. bunny Al- ...lone..." Cybele saw the bunny getting cooked "whyyyyyy..." Cybele hugged her Scissors and pointed towards Gale now the Bird that Hyrain was flying aside formed a bigger flock of birds and dove down pecking and messing with Gale
Dillon felt himself being flung back and closed his eyes because he thought he had just been killed. He felt his back hit the side of a tree but he didn't feel any pain. When Dillon opened his eyes, he found he was still standing but now black streaks of electricity had formed around his body almost like a shield. His chest still hurt a bit. "I think it worked!" Dillon exclaimed as he looked back Rin.
Draco walk around the ruins while keeping a close eye around him "crap this place sure is creepy" he thought to himself before he close his eyes and walk deeper down the the hallway. "Ok come down,it's this daytime" he told himself while pulling out a pocket flashlight and turned it on and shine it down the hall.
Rin smiled. "Your pores were opened, and from the stated criteria of your power, the two fused together. Now, try to harness that energy. Once it's accessible, you can harness it if you focus. By accessing it, you'll also be able to use your electricity as well."
Hyrain rolled his eyes at the flock of birds attacking the superhuman, or at least he thought it was a human, and flicked his hand. With a sudden absence of wind underneath their wings, the birds could gain no more lift and fell towards the ground, being cushioned by a freak current of wind and landing softly on the earth. "That wasn't me. Trust me." Hyrain commented to the bird next to him
Gale soared through the skies. She raised her scaled and furred head be in brushed by wind currents. Her half feathered, half scaled holding her weight. She growled when she was attacked and shot upward. Doing a backflip she opened her jaws, taking and snapping the birds. She completed her loop and started flying forward again.
Dillon took a deep breath. "Okay, I'll try it." He told Rin. He lifted up his right hand and tried to focus his energy into the the palm. 'Come on. I can do this.' Dillon thought to himself as he felt more energy starting to flow into the point he focusing. All of a sudden, a loud crackle was heard. Dillon looked at the palm of his right hand and saw he had formed black electricity. "I did it!" Dillon exclaimed being careless. With out warning, a bolt of black lightning shot straight at Rin from Dillon's hand.
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Rin created a net of energy to subdue the bolt and dissipated it. "Nice job! This was only the first step. The use of life energy comes at a bit of a cost. If you overuse it, you'll be tired in an instant. See, even now, your aura is still flowing through your pores. If you let an excessive amount slip away, you may collapse right here. So, focus, and try to prevent your aura from escaping while maintaining it at the same time."
"What is it with people and hurting my Forest today?" Cybele looked at Hyrain but ignored him and went after Dale, she grew a massive tree in order to slow Dale down and get in range of herThe tree growing Creating a Mini Quake But seriously... Thats enough to wake someone who's Drunk on wait... "DADDY" Alyssa fell on her back from the sudden and short Quake "WHAT THE HEKL IS WITH THESE GODDAMNED EARTHQUAKES"
Tim felt the quake and ran into the base's hall. "What's going on?" He said to himself. "What's happening today, everything just seem to go wrong."
Sam was in her computer room trying to keep her computer from falling.
Draco ran out of the ruins summon his wing's while he began to jump into air while the wind picked him up and he began to fly away. "Man let's see if i can find the guy's again" he told himself while he look closer to see if he could spot them.
Gale spotted a cow in a pasture outside the forest. She rumbled happily and started her decent. He feather on her wings helping with quiet. She readied her talons and dig them into the cow before rising into the air again. She then turned and started over the powered people again, speaks of blood falling from her kill.
"Okay, so I just need to focus." Dillon said to himself. He closed his eyes and allowed the electricity to flow through his body. Dillon had almost controlled the electricity before the earthquake messed him up. The electricity that was flowing through his body burst out in all directions. Dillon had almost fallen over but managed to regain his balance just in time. He closed his eyes once more and took a deep breath. The electricity calmed down and flowed through his body at ease. When Dillon opened his eyes, he lifted the palm of his left hand and gathered a high concentration of electricity. "So what do you think?" Dillon asked Rin.
Oohhh, shit. Whatever that is, Ms. Wildlife reserve is not going to be happy with her. Hyrain thought to himself, getting ready to defend against the onslaught of whatever she could send
Rin smiled and nodded. "Great job. Now, you might be able to stand a chance against me. So, what do you say we have an aura spiked match?" His smile grew wider as his aura flared to life, surging through his body with a silver hue.
Draco then saw Hyrain while he flew down to him "hey Hyrain i finally found you man" he said as he got to the ground and hia wing's then disappear from his back. Draco then walk over to him "hey what happen here" he ask as he walk closer to him and look around.
"Yeah, let's do that." Dillon said with a grin. Dillon had his right hand grip his left wrist as he generated more electricity is his left palm. "I want to test this new technique and see if it works." Dillon stated as bolts of electricity flew out of his left hand while he continued charging up.
"That," Hyrain nodded to the massive bird.l, "Is what I think is another superpowered human. And that girl down there is an environmentalist. And the bird just killed a cow. So now i have to stop whatever onslaught of avian creatures she sends at her, because that's my job." Hyrain shrugged, then rose higher into the air