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Alex struggled to break free from the prison of air, he couldn't do anything. Alex then began to have flashbacks of his friends and old family, all the sudden he could breath again. Alex greedily took in air and then pulled out his sword and did a spin attack and dispelled the storm. Alex was all beat up and his clothing was rip, Alex just looked up at Hyrain.
Hyrain looked back at Alex, his hands raised. "Truce? I think I've become sick of fighting, and we've both tried to kill each other. I think that makes us even."
Tim grabbed the meat that flew toward him. "Thanks?" He said in confusion. He turned to Alex. "good you guys finally stopped fighting." He said biting his meat. He then instantly spat the raw meat out. "Why did I do that?" He questioned himself.
Gale chirped in agreement before walking and dragging the food over. She tore into her prey's flesh again and took two more peices for them before walking about to deliver more. She ruffled her feathers and took off. Leaving her prey behind for the others.
Alex smirked, "Truce, yes, we are even." The teen said and nodded a Hyrain. Alex turned to Tim and nodded, "Yeah, it's over." He said, his eyes faded back to blue and Alex's face went pale white and began to fall over. The fourteen year old was completely exhausted and drained of a lot of power.
Hyrain quickly thrust his hand out, creating a stretcher of sorts out of wind, and positioning it underneath Alex, then floated him to the enterance of the base. "Yeah, we're done fighting. I think I need to go for a long flight in the stratosphere"
Zane hopped down the tree and landed in front of the body of Rin. There was blood everywhere and one of his arms was nearly dangling off. It looked like a creature with massive power attacked him. However, Rin was still alive and he could only imagine the pain he was feeling. Zane knelt before him and spoke. "You probably don't trust me, but you seriously need help." Zane told Rin. "Let me help you." He told Rin, speaking as calmly as ever. Zane picked up Rin and headed off in a rush to take him somewhere to be healed.
Walking next to Tim, whilst still keeping the 'stretcher' intact, Hyrain asked "Is there any part of this base of yours that is above the ground?"
Jonathan looked at them. he decided it might be best to turn off the Neutralizer. " You could live in the village. It's just a small shack at the moment but I have plans for it." He said. "That is if you want to.
"I suppose that may be possible. I'll see how it goes. If it doesn't work out, I suppose I could go back to living wild like I used to." Hyrain looked up towards the sky, those memories coming back to him, before refocusing his eyes and coming back to reality
Gale came back to her home and shifted back. The wooden nest or den keeping the warmth inside as she nodded to rosa. The shadow bender poking the fire as she ate berries.
Zane arrived at a giant laboratory carrying Rin's body. When he walked in, one of the guards stopped him. "What are you here for?" The guard asked. "I don't need to answer to you. Just tell Viper that I got a gift for the boss." Zane told the guard. The guard nodded before contacting Viper. "Ma'am, Zane has returned and he says he has a gift for the boss." The guard told Viper.
"I also have details on the abilities of the other escapees. This one here is a speedster and great control of natural energy. But when I found him, he was near death so I thought why not bring him here. That way you can do whatever experiments you wish to do on him." Zane told Viper as they were walking. "Before I go, I'm going to file a report on each one of their abilities." Zane told her.
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Jack was done observing. They were an interesting bunch. He'd give 'em that. They were about to be a dead bunch. Or maybe just a meal. Yeah. Option 2 sounds more delightful. Most had disappeared, so he decided to do something that would bring them all to him. He rose into the air, high into it. He needed something big.
Using every single energy power he'd obtained, his eyes began to rapidly glow quickly; red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, black, and white. He opened his mouth to reveal that it too, glowed these colors, and he shot a blast directly below him into the ground. The blast shot out with a sonic boom, and struck. A deep, thunderous, deafening explosive occurred, and the entire sky and ground were both lit up for mere moments.
In the aftermath, Jack hovered in the air. A massive crater below him, and every tree within a mile radius was simply gone. Barren land. Jack's perfect playing field. They wouldn't stand a chance.
He then immediately dropped, and crashed into his own crater, deepening it still, and giving another mini quake for his victims to suffer. He was going to savor
Of their blood.
"Alright, continue your mission after filling your report." Viper said with a strict face. She walked into the main office. "Sir, Zane has brought you a present." She said kneeling down.
For the past few hours, Dillon had regained as energy and was chilling in the base before it happened. Dillon fell to the floor as the ground shook beneath them. A loud explosion was heard in the distance. "What the hell was that?!" Dillon asked aloud. He knew everyone else in the base heard it.
Rin awoke in a huge laboratory, looked around him, and sighed in disgust. Don't tell me I'm getting experimented on again. Are you kidding me? He got up, but laid back down quickly after feeling a huge amount of pain. The fight. I remember now. That douche was about to eat me. Did I collapse? That's not important. I have to get out of here. He inhaled deeply and got up, ignoring the pain. Rin limped out of the lab.
"And where do you think you're going?" Zane said as he walked in front of Rin. Son of the guards also ran out to get him as soon he walked out. "I thought there would be better security here." Zane told the guards.
Rin glared. "Where do you think? I'm leaving. Get out of my way." Despite his injuries, Rin still managed to create a huge aura, coursing through his body with a blinding light.
Viper watched Rin walk out of the room. "Sir, should I go get him?" Viper asked. The man shook his head. "Nah, he's pretty much dead anyways, and we don't really have anything new to test out." He said. Viper nodded. "Understood sir."
Rin seemed to fail to realize that Zane was still standing directly in front of him. Zane didn't need to see to know where Rin was. He punched Rin lightly in the chest knowing that anything harder could kill him. "Nice try, but I'm not stupid enough to fall for that. But you know what, go back to your base or atleast die trying. And just remember that when you're taking your last breaths, I told you so." Zane told Rin. He made sure to punch him one more time. Once the light faded, Zane was gone.
((OOC: Every time I miss something I'm just gonna have Alyssa passed out somewhere due to Alcohol))

Alyssa seemingly passed out on the corridor whilst holding a Bottle of you know what... "I've got to control my addiction..." Alyssa stood up Dizzy from the Aftermaths of Alcohol " . . . .DADDY" Alyssa fell from the shock of Jack's Attack "WHY THE EARTHQUAKES HAS GOD FORSAKEN US" Alyssa made a childish face and got up again and went outside to see massive explosion and that Black Man she Battled in the prison
Tim felt the explosion. "Again?" He shouted as he went outside and stood next to Alyssa. "Hey what was that?" He asked in confusion. "There has been so many explosion today."
((OOC: Wrong Thread))

"I don't know what's happening... Maybe you should Contact Lucas about that guy..." Alyssa pointed towards the Black man
Rin took both hits without flinching. Is he really that ignorant of the qualities of life energy. Rin felt renewed; replenished, you could say. Energy flowed through him like water in a river. Of course, the injuries didn't go away; he just didn't feel as much pan as he normally should have. He grinned and shot into the lab, destroying everything. Now, to find that guy who took me here.
Lucas scrolled through the various screens, searching for the source of the huge-ass explosion. "There," he muttered, finding the source. It appeared to be a man who was...flying? Or was that floating? "Guys, I found the source of that explosion," Lucas said into the mic, broadcasting to Dave and Tim's comlinks. Lucas fed them the location and warned, "He is definitely going to be a hard fight. Don't get split up."
Viper saw Rin enter the lab. "Sir, should I go apprehend him?" Viper asked. "No let me do it, its been awhile since I got any exercise." The shadowy man got up from his chair and walked out towards Rin.
Tim received the message. "That can't be good." He said out loud.
Rin turned and saw a man walking toward him. "Oh, hello. If you're just salty about me trashing the lab, it'll have to wait. See ya." He zoomed past the man and exited the building through a wall. He sped back to the base, entered, and collapsed. I stayed in that form too long. This could be bad.
Rin tapped into his earpiece, which was connected to Lucas. "Lucas. I'm back. I had to use my power, but I stayed in the form too long. I'm right at the entrance, please hu--"
The man watched as Rin ran out of the lab through a wall. "Well that was disappointing." He though.
Tim glanced towards Dillon. "Don't worry, QuickDraw is building something that will be useful for advoiding this battle." He said.
Jack was growing restless. The cowards had failed to reveal themselves, but he could smell them. He could almost taste their power. And their blood. He began to wander, following his nose, nearing the entrance with every step he took.
Alex awoke in his room and was covered in bandages that went from his waist up to his neck and even covered his arms. "Man, this sucks." Alex said, he pushed himself up with his stronger arm and sat up, his eyes kind of ached a bit too. Alex slowly got up and out of his bed, and used his sheathed sword as a walking stick. Walking was a bit difficult be he could manage, Alex walked down the hall and didn't see anyone, Alex crawled his way up into Lucas's room and sighed, "Man these bandages sure are restricting." Alex said, "Hey Lucas, what's going on with everyone?" Alex asked Lucas.
Lucas stared at the monitor, watching the sky fall towards night. Lucas glanced down at his ring grimly, and looked at the hatch to the S.R. just as Alex came up. "The others might be in trouble, Alex," Lucas said. "i'm gonna go help them. Help yourself to some of my cheesecake. Also (if you can) watch the moniters and keep in touch thrrough the comlinks and the mic on the table." With that, Lucas left the S.R. and left the base. Normally he wouldn't have even left, but night was approaching fast and Lucas would have much more power. Then he would be able to stand a chance against this guy if he turned out to be an enemy.
"Yeah, kind of boring. But something even better is abut to happen." Zane told the man arriving next to him. "I suggest we leave this area because this fight will cause mass destruction. However, if those Outcasts manage to survive, they will be severely weakened after the fight and we will be able to capture them." Zane stated.

Dillon saw Alex, who was still injured. "Where's that healer guy? We need him to heal us!" Dillon exclaimed.
"No idea, I've been out for a while." Alex said to Dillon, "What is going on now?" Alex asked, he was still worried about his friends and what they were doing.
Jon let out a breath as he walked away from the group these people were hopeless. Beyond hopeless. He would just find a place far enough away from these people. as he walked he felt a hand clasp itself over his mouth and pulled him into darkness. He tried to fight back but he his skin split open as a firery blade came threw his chest. " Sorry brother." Syler said. " But you knew this was coming." He said as the blade exited Jon. He fell down as he bled out.
Rin crawled through the base until he found Dillon and Alex. "Hey, guys. What's happening? Oh, don't mind me. I'm just here, impaled twice. Fatigued from the overuse of life energy, but you know what? Just carry on with what you're doing."