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Open Outcasts Discussion

Darcel's part of the plot keeps pausinggggggg
I'm going offline now, and I have school tomorrow so after I finish my homework and whatever, i'll be on at 3 so ye.
He knows about lyrics crystal manipulation as he learned about it from that one post but does he know about her glyphs? Because although the glyphs make crystals grow they technically arnt the same power.
Slyer, how does his power work? Could he use magic he can't physically see, like blood.
For example, he can get powers by watching a dude shoot cheese out of his hand or something, but could he learn magic that tears you apart from the inside? Once again, something you can't see?
Well while Slyer and Slyar have similar characteristics ( Power and the fact that they're serial killers) ( since it's obvious I based the character off of him. I was wondering how long it'll be before you guys figured that out.) They are completely different people with different backstories
as for the abilities he learned from others While I can think of many I'll condense it down to five
Before the bunker
Spirit link ( Able to separate one's spirit from their body)
Able to create blades of energy
and telekinesis (which he learned from his brother)
If he can see it he can learn it. Or for the Spirit link experience it first hand and know exactly what the man did.
So Darcel's blood magic he won't be able to learn.
Seth is an asshole
I like how I want my character to be strong, but I constantly throw issues at him and make him almost die every time the thread train starts.
Choo Choo!
Well it was that or the power to heal people which do you think would be more suitable for a mad man.
Also yeah the last season was complete bullshit.