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Open Outcasts Discussion

Pssst there is still a portal open to the other grounds that Middie left open for him. She may not have many emotions but she sees Ethan as an old friend/source of entertainment
Name: Adam Boulet
Appearance: 6' 1'', 178 lbs, Pale Skin, Sea Green Eyes, Husky Build, Medium Length, Jet Black Hair.
Power: The ability to manipulate the 5 senses. Can manipulate sight, making people see things that aren't there, or change the appearance of what is there, manipulates smell, able to trick people to smell something that isn't there. Manipulates hearing ability, able to trick people to hear something that's not existent, or to cover up a sound. Manipulates taste, able to trick people into tasting something that isn't there, and the most powerful of the senses manipulation, touch. He can trick people into feeling intense pain, and or feel something that isn't there.
Strengths(Talents and stuff like that): Cunning, Quick thinking, and Charismatic.
Weaknesses: Has a soft spot for Animals, and Women. Has a rule against harming a Woman, and is very Chivalrous. Also, the greater the power he uses, the less mobility he has as he has to focus more and more on his power.
Personality: Easy to Anger, but can be very understanding. Is usual very kind and caring towards others, also flirtatious and sly.
Wipe out all of Ethan's hard drives and force him to start from scratch on making his Bio animals. You don't fuck with the company and get away with it unscaved.
Yeah as soon as Ethan introduced himself the company was able to track down where the base was from what information they gathered. How else do you think he knew things about what happened to the other Bio animals.
Here's what you missed:
Bioweapons are a thing now, being used by the witches.
Everyone went to a ball, where Sabrina was kidnapped and recovered.
A huge fucking war is about to go down.

Only really relevant info. I got you, fam. ;3
Name: Vex

Appearance: Short dark brown hair, green eyes (orange when vertigo is active), fair skin and an athletic build. Black long sleeve shirt, black cargo pants, and black military boots. Sheathed katana on back.


1. Induce Vertigo-Causes dizziness and loss of balance, done through eye contact.
2. Mimic- Can take on someone else's abilities but it causes severe pain and fades if he’s away from the original user of the power (limit of 3 extra powers).
3. Regeneration- Can heal from all wounds as long as his brain and heart are intact. (Temp/Fading)
4. Healing- Obtained from James (Temp)

Strengths(Talents and stuff like that): Extremely skilled swordsman. Quick learner.

Weaknesses: Can´t activate vertigo if eye contact isn't made. Panic’s when he doesn't have his katana. The powers he mimics can change his personality.

Personality: Calm and friendly, can be cocky if in a heated situation, bit of a jokester..