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Open Outcasts Discussion

I might introduce a female OC...

Name: Lyn
Appearance: One black braid ponytail that goes down to her hip, black hoodie, black trousers, white sneakers
Power: Electrokinesis
Strengths(Talents and stuff like that): Famous in cage fights for her brutal kicks
Weaknesses: Not too bulky
Personality: Friendly, a bit rough on her friends, humorous, loyal
Okay. Seriously. What in the actual hell is going on?
I legit am too tired to read three or four pages full of info.
We had a nonstop flood of customers up until closing...
dimension eight team
1. Name: Drew Helingard
Appearance: Has short blonde hair, he has blue eyes with a short nose, a decent jaw line. He wears a standard Brotherhood uniform including a white jacket that acts as armor.
Powers: N/A but has multiple weapons in his arsenal that allows him to go toe to toe against powered people as well as supernatural beings
Strengths: Knows multiple forms of hand to hand combat, skilled with a blade,
weakness: He's a bit prideful, while he thinks things though it continually leaves him open to attack
Personality: He prefers to stay to himself, He has a distinct hatred towards Vampires, Once you get to know him he acts a little friendlier towards you
2. Amelia Luise
Apperance: Dark black hair, She has blood red eyes, She primarily wears somewhat revealing clothing
Powers: Has Claw like finger nails, is fast and strong. Whenever she drinks blood it increases her power ten fold.
Strengths: She is second in command of the Vampirial Triad. She knows how to lead when necessary
weakness: She has a big ego which leads her into trouble. Also water and silver hurts her
Personality: She acts seductive but is actually really insecure at times. She is very hostile when she needs to be
3. Alucard Luise
Appearance: Wavy black hair with blood red eyes. , he wears a somewhat flamboyant business suite.
Powers: Same as Amelia
Strengths: Is the leader of the largest organized group of vampires. He fights most of the time believing that he shouldn't send men in to do what he can't
weakness Water, sun, silver
personality: He is a bit of a troll primarily likes messing with his "Son in law" He cares about his men no matter what might happen. a very loving man
( Alright that's it. I'll edit this later and add the rest of the team.)
Weakness: Water, Silver, and the light of the sun.
Personality: Is a caring leader towars his men.