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Ask to Join Outcasts(Official Reboot)—RP

Hiroshi followed the man and the little girl through the cave. When they arrived at the cave he looked around at the members of the group of Metas. One of the first he noticed was a redhead that looked like she was his age. And a boy that was blushing incredibly hard.

What Did You Do To Snoke?

Previously Ratbag the Coward
Suddenly, Rory felt a pain to his head. It was extremely painful and Rory collapsed once more, onto the rocky wall of the mineshaft. He pushed himself back up again and opened his eyes once more. Then, a rage filled him. He punched the wall and made a large screaming sound. He looked at the others, then pressed his hand onto the rocky floor. A long stream of black rats scurried across the ground. More and more layers were created from this and ran past the other metas. Rory looked at the mess he had created. "What...I...I..remember!" He shouted.
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Later, the group was travelling. Shawn was leading at the head of the group, and Ashley was actually walking instead of flying. She loved flight, and being able to go as high as she felt without the fear of being found out was probably one of the best things she had felt in a long time. But she felt like walking with the others was just...fair. It didn't really make sense to Gavin, who had asked her why she didn't fly like she had earlier. He was in his human form and walking too, but for completely different reasons--he didn't want to waste energy. That said, he was about as bouncy as you'd expect from a child.
Hiroshi chose not to fly as well. He wasn't sure if they were in the clear yet, and his dragon form wouldn't exactly be hard to spot. He felt a little sad about leaving what had been his home for two years, but the feeling that they would need all the help they could get if they ran into trouble, as well as concern for Nora's safety, was greater. He glanced at the girl as he walked.
Nora was fairly anxious, but she tried to push the fear to the back of her brain. She turned to Hiroshi, who was the newest member of the group. "How come you lived in a cave for so long?" she questioned, slowing down to walk next to him.

Darcel observed the nature around him, watching the trees drip water from yesterday's storm. "How beautiful.." he mumbled to himself.
"To stay safe." Hiroshi said. "And so my parents wouldn't wake up one morning to find out that their son was taken because he was a Meta." He closed his eyes for a second, then opened them. "My dragon form isn't exactly hard to spot, so I ran away from home instead of flying. That was two years ago."
Nora sighed, "Yeah.. I don't know why the world hates us.." she looked down, then back up at the shape shifter. "You're dragon power is pretty cool! What else can you do?!" Her eyes lit up with curiosity and excitement, she didn't know mythical creatures like dragons even existed.
Dasken kept an eye on the group as he travelled semi-far off to the side. He found his attention floating between Darcel, Shawn, and especially Ashley. He occasionally released a flash of heat to keep the group nice and warm. He wanted to say so much, but held it in out of fear.
"That's all I can do. Though as a dragon I have enhanced senses, telekinesis, and the ability to fly. I might have telepathy too, but I've never attempted to communicate that way to find out." Hiroshi said. He smiled at Nora.
"Woah!" She looked excited, but that soon transformed into a look of jealousy. "I just have lame powers that make people feel.. different." she mumbled, looking at the ground. "Anyways, what brings you to the group? I'm surprised you left your home!" she smiled again, skipping joyfully.

"What time do you think we'll arrive?" Darcel questioned, nearly tripping over a tree root.
"You asked that ten minutes ago." Shawn replied gruffly to Darcel, pushing on, leading the group through a field of orange and yellow ferns. A couple of does poked their heads up upon hearing the approaching group, and quickly frolicked away. Shawn paid them no mind, however. They had plenty of deer meat in the bags. They'd need to eat fast, though. Not only would the raw meat start going bad, but scavengers would smell it from afar. He didn't want to wake up to find Coyotes eating all their food one morning. He'd made sure to strip the buck clean of meat before they began making their way to the Lake Cabin. It would be more appropriate to call it 'Lake Mansion', however.
"My answer is still the same. Soon." He finished, glancing about. They were easy targets in this field, but it was too late now. They were about halfway through it.
Quickdraw had been quick to back up from the group, trailing behind them. His rifle was in his hands, as he scanned across the field. He was the make sure the group wasn’t attacked from behind. While there was safety in numbers, that wouldn’t help for any soldiers who might still be on the lookout for them.

“There has to be more that the government wil try to capture. What about them? Shouldn’t we do something to protect them?” Thoughts were clustering inside his head from last night. Being alone on look out often was a chance for him to sort things out, but ast night he felt as if he was let with more questions than answers. Surviving might be tough, and not to mention what if they weren’t alone.

Kevin feeling better miraculously, and stayed with the group, but kept his silence as others mumbled about the long trek. His mind had wandered to the events of last night. The explosion had caught him off guard, but he was pleased to know he had stepped up to be a shield. Maybe it was bravery or insinct, but to the boy, it didn’t matter. He was being helpful.

What Did You Do To Snoke?

Previously Ratbag the Coward
Rory chose not to travel with the group. They had ignored his sudden stream of rats and, approaching the man who had appeared to him, Rory tried to explain to Xander. "I'd prefer it if I..traveled with those who were more like me." He took a look at the others. "These idiots aren't gonna find their way out of the maze any time soon. They're too engulfed in each other." He gave a strange smile. "But I know where my place is." He said to himself. "I'll find a way out. And when I do, i'll be coming back to find ya!" He stomped off and gave a wave. His body was then covered in a sea of rats that took him out of the mineshaft and the surrounded area they were in. Little did the metas know that he would return, but it would be in a different way.
Monty trudged along, hugging the dwindling shadows near the front of the group. Monty had his M14 trained on the trees that spanned the length of the crude pathway, his mind racing with paranoid thoughts. It was just beginning to hit him, the severity of what he had done. Not only had he deserted the M.R.B., but he had also killed a number of his fellow soldiers. If it was ever found out the Monty had deserted, killed his fellow soldiers, and revealed himself as a Meta, he would end up as public enemy number 1.
"And..." Shawn started as they made their way through more brush, before coming upon another clearing. "We're here." He informed, stopping to look at the lake. It wasn't that big of lake, but just big enough to be called one. The massive cabin sat on the other side of the lake, it appeared to be in disrepair, which made sense, concluding it hadn't been in use for years on end. It was still, regardless, a familiar and welcome sight. Letting out a sigh, he began to make his way around the lake.

What Did You Do To Snoke?

Previously Ratbag the Coward
A strange portal appeared above the cabin and lake. Suddenly, the portal spat out a young man and the young man went flying down. His impact with water created a large splash and ripples went everywhere. The man went down deep under the water. He washed up on the side next to the cabin and looked weak.
Xander stepped forward patting Shawn on the shoulder.
"Looks like it was one hell of a nice place a few years back. I think with a bit of maintenance this place would accommodate us more. Do you know how many rooms there are? Ah, never mind for now, ill go check the place out." He finished, not even waiting for the answers to his question. He nodded to the group before walking directly towards the cabin. Once he reached the water a low hum could be heard and he stood on the buzzing, but now solid substances and walked across the lake to the cabin, a friendly smile on his face.
"Cabin? This is like a mini mansion." He thought to himself. looking up at the aged wooden structure. It gave him a feeling of peace and serenity being out here.
"Peace never lasts. Good thing theirs lots of room for training." He mumbled, trying the doorknob to no avail before leaning against the side of the cabin, waiting for the others.
Dasken noticed that Xander was unable to open the door; it must be locked, Dasken thought. He launched himself with a massive explosion, landing a few yards from the house. He jogged up to the cabin, glancing at Ashley for a brief moment over his shoulder, and sighed. He held his hand on the doorknob and concentrated. “This is a skill the government taught me when I was just 6. I hate to use it, but it is useful...” Dasken murmured. He concentrated on exactly where the locking mechanism would lie, and he heated up the metal enough to become semi-soft. He triggered a precise explosion that, quite literally, popped the locking mechanism without harming the door. “I’m sure someone can fix it if we’re staying here.” Dasken commented. He opened the door and backed away, waiting for the rest of the Outcasts.
Monty hesitantly made his way up the porch steps, taking note that they were creaking heavily. This place is gonna be a real fixer-upper, Monty thought. He crossed through the door, nodding to Xander as he stepped through the threshold. Monty aimed his M14 ahead of him, sweeping the lobby of the cabin. There didn't seem to be any hostiles, but Monty wasn't going to take any chances. This would be the perfect place for an ambush and, though Monty doubted it would be used that way, he wanted to be sure. He went room by room, opening doors slowly and checking every corner. It took him a few minutes, but he cleared out the entire first floor of the cabin. "First floor clear!" Monty called out before laying back on a dust-covered couch.
Xander smiled, taking a slow breath out as he casually walked up to Monty, nudging him with his elbow.
"Hey man, dont worry about it." He said tapping his ears, a wide grin on his face as he looked at his fellow meta.
"We should learn more about each other. I manipulate vibrations, therefore I can hear vibrations extremely well. If anyone were in this house, I would here there movement. We're alone here my friend." He finished, walking passed Monty and up the stairs.
Monty frowned slightly at Xander's remark that no-one was in the cabin. So I just wasted my time? Monty thought as he got up from the couch. The man followed after Xander, listening to him describe his powers. "I have something called Lunakinesis." Monty began, "Basically I can manipulate moonlight to create objects and heal faster in direct moonlight." Monty started up the stairs after Xander. "It doesn't really work in the sunlight, though."
“I have enchanted reflexes and imminent mastery of any weapon I come into contact with.” Quickdraw said as he entered through the front door and walked past the two Metas. “I’m gonna go claim a room. Mine will be the one with my name carved on it.” He was calm as he crossed them and began to climb the grand staircase. He made his way to the third floor, and made his way into the master bedroom. The door’s hinge was broken and the wooden door was jammed in place. So he did the only sane thing, and kicked it down and made his way inside.

Inside the room, there was a king sized bed, without sheets and a sinking old mattress. It was faintly yellow with age and the room smelled a bit weird. The room had a dresser which was cracked and Quickdraw was quick to assume that inside was a few rat nests. Next to it was another room which was in the bathroom for the room. The whole room smelled horrible and to make matters worse, it looked like it hadn’t been cleaned in a good while. Just this room would take someone good deal of fixing up alone. And the house would take even longer.

He stepped out of the room, and picked up the door, leaning it against the left of the doorframe. And to claim the room, he carved the initials, QD on the unattached door frame with his knife.
Not a bad idea, Monty thought as he watched Quickdraw race towards what he could only assume was the master bedroom. Monty continued up to the third floor, kicking down the rotting door of one of the rooms. Monty was immediately hit with the sickly sweet smell of mildew. There was, or at least there once was, a sliding glass door that led out onto a small balcony. The glass, however, was broken; this allowed the high concentration of water vapor in the air from the lake get into the room. Monty took a step onto the hard carpet of the room, and when he expected to see mushroom-clouds of dust pop up with every step, he was surprised to see that there was little dust on the floor.


The rest of the room was pretty much exactly what Monty expected. There was a queen sized bed, a small couch facing a toppled-over TV, and a kitchenette with non-functioning appliances. This room may be dirty, damp, and smell like a basement, Monty thought as he looked around. But it's my room that's dirty, damp, and smells like a basement. Monty stepped through the door to the hallway and lit his hands up with lunar energy. The man pressed his hand to the doorframe, and his name was burned into the wood.
Shawn entered the Cabin without uttering a word. Everyone began to converse, and claim rooms, moving about the cabin, exploring. He had no need, or urge, to do such a thing. He'd already been here on multiple occasions. Sure, he never actually stayed here, but he had a good layout of the land.
Immediately, he leaned against the wall of the entrance hall, crossing his arms as he turned his head to the door, waiting for the others to enter as well. Damn, were they slow.
Dasken eyed the inside of the cabin, the feeling of warmth and joy seemingly flowing from it. Something held him back, however; he felt like he shouldn’t be allowed to enter.
Dasken could feel the joy and happiness dissolving against his negativity. He hung his head, not showing tears, and began to slowly trek to the lake.

What Did You Do To Snoke?

Previously Ratbag the Coward
The young man lay on the shore of the lake. He got up and looked down. His was wearing a large black coat and there was a white buttoned shirt and his black round hat was on the sand. His uniform was all very formal and he grabbed his hat and saw the metas enter the dark eerie cabin. There was a black cane with metal ends stuck in the sand. The man pulled it out. He was aware of how wet his clothes were and he looked around, trying to establish where he had been. He had no memory of what was beyond the portal, only that he had been in his a house and then appeared in this dump. This became more apparent as he entered the cabin. His presence created loud steps yet he wasn't too tall.
Xander walked to the third floor with the other adult members of the group, taking note of how worn each room was as he passed by. After seeing Monty kick in a door that was to rotten to put up with a light kick, he shook his head, continuing past the the others.
"Heh, I already saw which room I plan to claim." He thought to himself with a small smirk while ascending a wide aged staircases that lead up to matching double doors.
"Locks busted. Looks like privacy may be a problem in this place." He mumbled while trying the doorknob, stepping into the newly revealed attic. It was a large open space made up completely of wood tiling. The ceiling was at a slant, getting shorter closer to the front of the house, Xander liked the asymmetrical look. There was a large square skylight on the roof that, surprisingly, wasnt broken and filled the room with the evening suns burning orange light.
"Hm, I think I like it hear." He said with a nod of approval, wondering if everyone else was finding there rooms okay.

What Did You Do To Snoke?

Previously Ratbag the Coward
The man heard creeking noises on the floorboards, then the sound of people talking. He tapped his cane on the ground to try and get people to notice him. He had to find out where he was. He was lost. As he tapped his cane on the wood, a green energy filled the bottom of the cane and shot a projectile out, a magical green blob which bounced around the room. It hit the man. It knocked him out. The man awoke again with no memory of the incident. He felt different but couldn't put a finger as to what had happened. He put his arms out to reach for the banister to the staircase. He saw two long red and pinkish tenticles. He almost passed out again. He tried not to panic. He was probably just holocinating, he thought. As he went up the creeky stairs, he saw a mirror, and looked in it. There, he saw an image of a red and pink squid-like humanoid with tenticles for hands and monsterous feet, with a hidous face that comprised of tenticles for his mouth. His whole body had changed but he still wore his 1800s/Edwardian style clothes he had wore prior.

"Hello?!" He shouted. "Is anybody there? I think...i'm..." The man felt quezy. He put his hand on his chest as he started to feel very sick. He put his other hand on the wall and then suddenly, a large amount of liquid vomit oozed out of his tenticle mouth and then onto the floor.
After checking out the master bedroom he was calling his room, he made his way into the hall. While his room was large and a nice room in general, it still needed work. As did this entire building and to do that, tools were needed. He made his way downstairs and made his way out the back entrance to the expansive backyard. He noticed a large tool shed to his right. He went inside to see that the celing had collapsed, and many tools, nails and screws had begun to rust. “Well at least it’s something,” he mumbled as he looked to see what he could scavenge.

What Did You Do To Snoke?

Previously Ratbag the Coward
A group of men with guns burst out of the woods to find the cabin. They split up to surround it. "I think we've got 'em." One of the men said. A tenticle came from the sky and grabbed the man, as he choked. The man fell to the floor and died. Minutes later, the other three men were dead on the ground. A mist developed around the woods as the portals closed above them.
Monty stepped out onto the small balcony, glass crunching under his feet as he stooped under the shattered door. He spotted Quickdraw in the backyard, or at least what would be a backyard if a giant lived in the cabin. The man seemed to be messing around with some rusty hand-tools, and Monty got an idea.

Monty made his way to the backyard and walked up to the tool shed. Monty stepped inside and picked a tool off of the rack, the tool being an old hammer. The man stared down at the rusty tool, fantasizing about what he could turn it into. Perhaps a hatchet of some sort, Monty thought, examining the flat head and slightly round end. Or maybe I could just work some of the rust off?
Darcel examined the dusty building, not very surprised by it's condition. The classic architecture interested him, even though most of it was crumbling. As he noticed the others claiming rooms, he decided he should do the same. Darcel enjoyed a small room towards the end of the hallway, which was heavily decorated with cobwebs. As he stepped in, a horrid aroma began to fill the air. "Did something die in here?" he mumbled, coughing a bit.

Nora happily skipped up the steps, enjoying the broken atmosphere. At this point, she was overjoyed to see a house no matter the condition.
She looked down at Hiroshi, gesturing to follow her. For some reason, the little girl has taken liking to the new comer. She enjoyed his company, because he gave out brotherly and protective vibes. The room she chose was fairly decent in size, but it smelt pretty bad. The yellow wallpaper looked aged, giving it a hideous pale color. Not only did it look gross, but it was tearing off of the wall. The flooring was creaky, and made loud noises every time she'd step. Luckily, she did find a bit of charm in the room. The remaining wall paper had white flower details on it, and the furniture wasn't as heavily damaged as she expected.
Hiroshi followed Nora, then peeked into the room she chose. He went to the door to the right of Nora's and opened the door. An awful smell hit him. Then, after taking a moment to get used to the smell, he entered the room. The wallpaper, which might have been sky blue in color, was old and faded. The floor creaked as he walked through the room. The furniture was in surprisingly good shape, though it was quite dusty. Once it was dusted and the odor was gone, it wouldn't be so bad of a place to stay. Hiroshi smiled.
Odilon stepped inside the building and looked around. It seemed nice and cozy, and it felt really home-y. Odilon claimed a room on the second floor and pressed his palm against the door, his aura softly pulsating throughout the wood as to show the room was occupied. If anyone were to walk by, the aura in the door would be noticed by whoever did so. Odilon walked into his room and flopped onto the bed, waiting.
Blake took a long, slow sip from his snifter (a type of wine glass), relishing the taste, before turning back around to face the Lieutenant. The same Lieutenant from just the other day. "Thank you for delivering that message for me, Lieutenant." He smiled warmly at the man. "So... what is it that I get? How much is the government willing to pay for their capture or demise?"
The Lieutenant blinked, gulping before finally opening his mouth. "Uh... 10 Million... sir..." Blake raised an eyebrow. "10 Million? Does the Government really think that low of me? I say 500 Million, take it or leave it."
"What!? We're not made of money! Who the hell-" The Lieutenant began before a tentacle-like arm quickly wrapped around the Lieutenants neck, lifting him into the air as Julian stepped from the shadows. Blake smirked at the Lieutenant, watching his eyes go wide. "Who the hell do I think I am? Was that what you were going to ask me, Lieutenant?" He asked, taking another long sip from the snifter, the alcoholic contents swishing about inside. He got only a choke in response, as the man couldn't utter out a word. "No answer? Hm. Allow me to do that for you then." Blake's smirk turned into an evil curl as he leaned against his desk, staring the Lieutenant in the eyes. "...'Who do I think I am'? I'm the man with the gun pointed at the head of the world. I'm your worst enemy, and your most terrifying nightmare. I'm the one in control, and I'm sick of you." Blake turned away, taking another long sip as he raised his free hand and flicked his finger.
A loud 'CRACK' sounded behind Blake, followed by a thud on the ground. "Julian. I want you to take a message to the President of the United States."
Shawn opened his eyes, his hazy vision slowly clearing. He'd already fallen asleep, damn... He hadn't slept at all last night. Just laid there, deep in thought. This was his first time getting some shut eye since they had broken out. But he couldn't allow himself to sleep yet. He had a post, and... Shawn let out a sigh. Who was he kidding? Most of these kids could handle an intruder better than he ever could. Maybe he should get some shuteye. Better to be wide awake when the time comes rather than half asleep. Letting out a sigh of defeat, Shawn stood, and walked into the living room, flopping onto the Couch, where he almost immediately fell asleep despite the heavy dust covering the couch, and the heavy, musty odor that lingered around it.
Xander was in the process of rearranging the small pile of belongings he had with him on the floor, his chin planted firmly in his hand.
"Hm. We need more stuff." He mumbled before turning his attention to large window on the front wall of his 'room' where he saw Dasken, still just sitting there outside the house by the water.
"Hey, why havent you picked a room out yet? Everyone else is getting ready for bed." He half spoke half yelled from the window before hopping out and landing on the ground behind Dasken without making a single sound.
"This kid..."
Dasken ignored Xander, emotions fully numbed. He pointed at random spots within the lake, making them boil momentarily. He sighed lightly. Just ignore the rest of the group. Have them leave you behind.
Xander looked back at the house for a brief moment before turning back to Dasken, his face much colder than usual and for the first time since the group met up, a sign of agitation bleeding through.
"Ya know Dask, I heard your reasoning for being the way you are. You think your a failure, right? Because you were supposed to gain more power than you have now." He spoke quietly, leaning down next to the boy.
"And ive just gotta say...thats....total bullshit." He finished, his words louder at the end of his sentence to exaggerate his point.
"There is no good excuse for acting like a ball of self pity and bottled up anger, and your excuse doesnt change that. I mean your whole life has been you throwing a temper tantrum because you didnt basically become a god, the rest of the world doesnt get cheats, neither do you." He finished firmly, his voice rough and cold as he stood back up and walked towards the house, pausing only for a moment.
"If you really see yourself as such a failure, then change your path....or take a nose dive off a cliff. Your choice." He said coolly before walking back into the house.
"He'll either die quickly or be one of our most powerful allies, there is no grey area."
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