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Ask to Join Outcasts(Official Reboot)—RP

‘Kid, you’ll never get anywhere playing that card.” Quickdraw spoke up after being quiet for a while and simply listening. “I may have not have been built in a lab, but I was raised to kill innocent people. They took me away from my family, killed them and raised me to be a weapon for their sakes. And I followed through with it, and was their tool. We’ve all had our problems and having the mindset that, our pain defines us, is useless. Besides, I’d hate to say it, but none of us are real humans.” He said the last two words with air quotes. “We’re Metas. True and true. No point in fighting it. Whether you were born into it, or forced into it, you are one now. So accept it. You’re one of us.”
Dasken looked at his hands, now crackling with miniature explosions due to stress. He sighed. “I appreciate the thought, and I’m sorry for your tragic backstories. I’m sure you’re all nice people. But me...” he shook his head.
“I’ve hurt innocent people. People I could have saved, but killed instead. I’m not right. I’m a danger to this whole group.”
Monty held Nora tight, and as he listened to her sobs and the complete and utter hopelessness in her voice his eyes began to tear up. Nora was just a little girl, and yet she had all this complex emotions that she shouldn’t be feeling. Not at her age. Monty, at a voice that was merely a whisper, managed to choke out, “It’s not your fault. None of it is, Nora. It’s everyone else’s.” Monty’s tears began to flow, like someone had turned the faucet from just barely on to the highest output. “It’s the non-Metas, the pure bloods. It’s their fear that drives them, so they subject those who are different to horrible conditions. They kill our kind, gun them down in the streets-“ Monty’s voice became racked with sobs as he continued to speak. “-my own sister was...she...”

Monty controlled his breathing and wiped his tears away. “I won’t let them do that to you, Nora.” Monty vowed, picking Nora up. “Now let’s get back to the rest of the group.”
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When Hiroshi didn't hear a reply, he quietly slid past the nearest person in the cave and changed into his dragon form. He followed the sound of sobbing, which eventually led him to a little girl and a young man. He ignored the man's outfit for the time being, focusing on the girl instead. He gently rubbed his muzzle against one of the girl's arms in an attempt to comfort her.
Xander glanced over his shoulder to see Rory fast asleep, he smiled warmly before turning back and dashing forward.
"Resilient kid. Whatever his power may be, im sure we he could be powerful as well."


After several minutes of running, Xander had finally reached the mineshaft, surprised to see it was already being occupied by the other members of his group.
Glad to see everyones settled in. As you can see the mineshaft is in better condition than you expected. Also, I found this guy, pretty banged up." He said gesturing to the sleeping Rory who he then laid down deeper in the mine, allowing him to sleep off his injuries.
He approached the others in time to see Dasken's unsteady nature.
"Dask, everyone of us have packed some regrettable things under our belts. Dont look at your powers as a flaw. See them as a challenge and overcome them, I promise you it feels much better than living everyday wishing you were dead." He spoke steadily, aware the boy may over react to his words if he were not careful.
“That wish is the only thing that I think about when I wake up. It’s all I’ve ever thought about.” His face and voice were now completely monotone and void of any emotion. “Let’s drop it. Plans of action. I don’t care.”
"Good. Now we can focus on gettin' some shut eye. For those of us not allowing ourselves to accept such a luxury, I say we discuss our future plans. Long term." Shawn said, putting his hands on his hips and looking around.
I'm trynna make rational long term decisions with a bunch of kids. Perfect. He thought to himself, narrowing his eyes. "I've checked out the mine. The entrance and most of the first tunnels are sturdy enough. I wouldn't travel very far in though. A few of those tunnels look dangerous as is, and I've already stumbled across a few cave-ins. My question is; do we plan to stay here long?"
With his question out, he proceeded to rigorously rub the back of his head - a habit of his.
“We should make a camp outside of here. And only stay in here until we have someone else to lay our head. We can sleep now, and work on things tomorrow.” Quickdraw said leaning against a cave wall. “We can stay in the area for as long as need.” The man then brought his hat over his eyes and crossed his legs, getting into a comfortable position. While it looked like he was asleep, he was wide awake. He would keep watch tonight. It would be easier on him if someone did.
Odilon silently dropped down from his cozy little tree branch and onto the cold hard ground, next to Darcel, Shawn, and Dasken. "That was quite a counselling session, if I've ever seen one," he quietly stated, looking around. "If we're gonna stay, however, some of us are gonna have to keep watch over the camp, make sure no trouble finds its way here. I suggest a small number, say 2 or 3 of us, line up the perimeter and keep an eye out for any unwanted company."
Xander walked up to Shawn, keeping his voice low and even.
"Its gonna start getting cold soon, these kids will eventually need walls around them." He stated, hoping Shawn would something more to add. There current location would soon freeze over due to the winter weather and Xander knew some of these kids were not equipped to handle such cold temperatures.
"If youve got any plans in mind id love to hear em."
Ashley blinked awake blearily, her hair--which she had taken out of its usual ponytail--had fallen into her face, and she sat up, brushing it out of her eyes. She saw Dasken surrounded by a group of people. She walked over, still rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. "Hey, what's going on?" she said, then ended the question with a yawn. It was evident that Ashley wasn't a morning person.

Gavin was still asleep, despite everything that had happened. This kid...
Dasken, upon seeing Ashley get up, nearly blew up - literally. He had to hold in his power, and a small explosion of surprise blew a hole in the wall next to him. He felt his heart pick up speed immensely, and looked at Ashley in wide-eyed disbelief.

What Did You Do To Snoke?

Previously Ratbag the Coward
Rory opened his eyes and gave Xander a silly look. "Power? What do you mean, powers?!" His voice was loud and annoying, with a slight British accent, though he could be mistaken for Australian decent. "I was listening the whole time!" Rory got up and looked around the mineshaft. "Where are we now?"
Ashley, despite just having woken up, noticed Dasken's expression. "Uhm...What's up?" she asked, not really understanding why he was looking at her like that.
Dasken took a sharp breath.
“We, uhh...”
He had a flashback to holding her hand, how nice it felt to feel that warmth for even a moment.
He remembered vividly the explosion, the exact emotions when she got knocked out.
“We tried... combinin our powers. You got... you got knocked out. It’s my fault...” Dasken dropped his head, choking up for the millionth time as of late.
Shawn ignored the angsty hormonal Dasken as he turned to Xander. "There's an old summer lodge a few miles from here at a lake. As far as I know, the lodge has been deserted since I was a kid, so about 20 to 30 years?" He replied, putting his hands on his hips, biting the inside of his lip. "It's a good a place as any to start. There's some machinery there too. We can start building some places alongside already having the mansion-sized lodge. I think It's our best available option right now."
Nora looked at the mythical creature in disbelief, petting it's snout. Quickly, she turned back to Monty, and noticed the man's tears. She knew she did this to him, and a wave of guilt flooded her brain. Hesitantly, she placed one of her hands onto his chest, and began to lightly press down. Her hand began to glow a light golden color, as it started to slowly surround the two. Happy she mumbled to herself. Suddenly, a random surge of joy began to flow through the man, as joyful memories began to reappear in his head.
“We should sleep while we can. The cabin sounds like a viable option. But we’ll have to wait until morning. The darkness will provide cover for any attacks from enemies. Plus, we’ll need some sleep. We’ve had an intense day. Hopefully things will be better in the morning.” Quickdraw said standing up, and joining the others. “I’ll keep watch. I’ve actually had some sleep recently, unlike a good amount of you guys.” His voice was calm as he spoke to the others. It seemed like those three, and then Monty who was now comforting Nora, seemed to be the ones in charge. However after the recent events, Quickdraw was feeling impatient. They needed some kind of progress, but they couldn’t do it, without any rest. The man after speaking, walked out into moonlight. At this point, he didn’t know what their fate would be.

“Eon! Eon! Eon!” The men, who were older than Jason chanted at the arrival of the young man. He had just returned from the medical bay to have the bullet that had been imbedded in arm removed. Now it was wrapped with a white sterile bandage, and it was time for dinner. The Southern Ranger’s primary base was an old apartment complex. On the bottom floors was the lobby, and then there was rooms above it, with the higher your position in the gang, with higher up you were. He was now, near the bottom in a makeshift canteen for gang members to eat cheap. And they all gave a cheer at the arrival of the legend, Eon.

The boy waved off the cheers as he walked up to order food. However the chef insisted it was on the house, which somewhat annoyed Jason. Part of it was respect and the other part of it was fear. They seemed to think that if they made him pay, he would kill them. it was a stupid train of thought, but if it got him fed for free, he would ignore it for now.

After eating, he was ready to head back to his room, that was actually somewhat high up. People seemed to have respect and fear of him. One of the pluses of being a powerful Meta.
"Ohhh, right..." Ashley said, and looked towards the ground. "I...That wasn't my best idea ever." She braced herself for a barrage of swearing and reprimanding from Shawn; she'd only known him--if you could call her understanding of his personality knowing him--for less than a day, and she had a pretty good idea of how he would react.
Monty nearly dropped Nora when he saw the dragon appear. What the hell? he thought, eyeing the beast warily. It didn't seem to be hostile, but it put Monty on edge. Monty was tempted to keep going, but something at the back of his mind told him, This dragon could be a Meta in disguise. Monty knew it could be a possibility. He had heard of Metas with the power to shape-shift, and even one that had the ability to turn into a ten foot tall bear that breathed ice. There was no reason this dragon couldn't be a Meta.

Monty cleared his throat and asked, "Are you a Meta?" It was risky staying in the tunnels without a way to defend himself in case it attacked, but Monty was ready to take that risk. The man felt strangely optimistic all of a sudden, warmth radiating through him as his sadness was replaced by thoughts of happiness.
Shawn gave a nod to Quickdraw as he heard Ashley speak, concluding she was discussing the situation in which resulted in Shawn knocking Dasken out. He chose to ignore it, and looked around at the others. "Alright! We hit the hay now! Everyone sleeps, no exceptions." He ordered before making his way back to the mine shaft. "I found an exit through the mine. If they corner us here at any point, that's our best escape plan." Shawn said to Quickdraw as he passed, before disappearing into the darkness.
Nora turned towards the dragon, anxiously hiding behind Monty. She thought the creature was beautiful, but she didn't know what it could do, nor it's intentions.

Darcel slunched back, resting his head on the wall. He glanced at Ashley and waved to her, before shutting his eyes. After all the healing today, he's more than tired. He sighed, and thought about Coal for a moment. One minute he was healing and hanging out with him, then it turned into a battle, then a suicide. Sometimes he just wanted to fade away, but he knew something was coming for him later in life. He finally drifted to sleep, hoping for his fears to fade away.
Dasken fidgeted with his hands, holding back any possible words he may say. He looked to Ashley, and felt almost perverted for being attracted to her. He wasn't a human; he was a science experiment. He was a monster, and he didn't deserve love. He shouldn't have been able to feel love. And yet...
"A-A-Ashley..?" Dasken stuttered. His face flushed, and his eyes were hidden behind his hair.
Ashley shook her head, flustered. She tried not to dwell on her past mistakes, yet she felt horrible for what had happened; it was partially--if not mostly--her fault, since she brought it up. "Yeah?" she responded to Dasken saying her name. There was something about him...Something that made Ashley like him--more than just a fellow Outcast or teammate, and more than a friend.
"I-" he said, fairly confidently until he fell face-first into the ground, his heat melting the soles of his shoes to the ground. "Mmph..." he mumbled. Please no bloody nose. Please no-
He tasted blood.
GOD F****** DAMNIT! he bellowed in his head, struggling to stand and hold his bloody nose at the same time.
Ashley's eyebrows shot up as Dasken collapsed, and a faint blush was just barely visible across her face. "A-are you okay...?" she stammered, unsure of what to do. They were just talking, and then he just--Is that...? It's blood...! Ashley thought, and the nervous blush grew a bit more intense, even if it was just a small bit. "Dasken? You...you, uh, okay?" she asked, then mentally kicked herself. WHY DO YOU REPEAT YOURSELF WOMAN???
Dasken held up an arm. "Yeah, yeah, I'm-"
An explosion echoed behind him, hitting him in the head with a semi-large clump of rock.
"...less okay than before...." He shook it off, which made the nosebleed erupt. He had to use both hands to block the bleeding. "You, uh..." He tried to remember what he was going to say, but forgetting it completely gave him more anxiety.
"I, uh..."
Ashley had literally no idea what to do, and she felt like this train was going to derail fast if she didn't do something about it. So she did what she'd done for as long as she could remember when words only made things worse and she couldn't think of anything to say.

She went in for the hug.

It was definitely a cheesy tactic, and Ashley was feeling so self-conscious and blushing so hard, but it was all she could think to do in this situation. She'd been ridiculed at school by the people she'd thought were her friends for it and mocked by almost everyone else for their reactions, but it was what Ashley did. She felt that hugging was infinitely better than just sitting awkwardly by with a stupid expression and not even trying to help.
Dasken, not seeing the hug coming and barely getting his nosebleed under control, turned at the wrong moment. Almost as if in slow motion, he saw Ashley coming for a hug. He realized that he had turned the wrong way for just a hug.
They hit each other's foreheads.
Dasken recoiled from the blow, stumbling back, and shoe catching yet again on the floor. He fell forwards, in a straight collision course with Ashley.
Ashley's eyes were wide, yet she could not avoid Dasken's face flying into hers. She was now an incredibly warm shade of pink-red, and almost paralyzed from shock. Her heart was hammering against her chest like a child found a drum set and started stomping on the pedal in an incredibly quick fashion. She'd never legitimately kissed someone--not if you counted kissing someone on the cheek in pre-school because everyone else on the bus was chanting and throwing dares. Ashley wasn't sure at all how to do this. A part of her mind screamed KISS THE GUY LIKE IN THE MOVIES!!! while the other, shyer part was just a panicked jumble of nerves and OHMYGODWHATDOIDOTHERE'SAGUYONMYLIPSHELPHELPHELPWHATDOIDOOHMYGOD. Yeah. So she just stood there awkwardly, his face against hers, waiting desperately for him to make a descision--any would be welcome.
Dasken stood. He didn't move; he didn't even blink. He couldn't understand what was happening right now.
Okay, so he knew they were kissing. But he had no idea what to do about it. He wanted to close his eyes - it felt like the right thing to do - but he thought that if he did that she'd think it was on purpose and get mad at him.
Besides, it felt... kind of nice.
Odilon was up in a branch once more, spectating the whole ordeal and suppressing laughter with extreme difficulty. His train of thought as the events took place are as followed.
Oh, he boutta do it.
Ohhhh, she boutta do it as well..

He managed to swallow down any laughter that crawled up his throat and silently let out a large intake of breath. He grinned and laid down on his branch, closing his eyes and drifting off to sleep.
“What was said earlier!” Quickdraw shouted as they kissed. “Sleep, now. No exceptions. Save your making out for a better time!” Leave it to him to ruin the moment. The man looked extremely annoyed at their childish hormones before making his way back outside. “You’ll thank me later for that,” he mumbled as he climbed a tree and sat in a branch. In his hands, clasped a rifle, and in his other was his bandana. He was quick to tie the rag over his nose and mouth once more as he awaited day.
Ashley pulled away, still blushing brightly. "H-he's right," she stuttered, looking down. "I mean, I probably just slept for quite a while, but if we're gonna leave this cave..." She tucked a part of her hair behind her right ear out of nervous habit.
Hiroshi changed back into his normal form. "Yes, I am a Meta." He replied. "And it's probably a safe guess that you are one as well. As is the girl. What are you doing here?"
Dasken, blushing brighter than Ashley and shockedly silent, simply nodded lightly. “Y-y-y-yeah...” he stuttered, finally moving to remove his molten mess of shoes. “I...” he started, then stopped himself.
Why is she blushing..? Dasken thought, in denial of her possibly liking him back.
"Well that's alright. Just asking to make sure you weren't here to cause trouble. I've been here for awhile, kind of attached to the place." Hiroshi said. He then turned to Monty. "Are there others with you?"
Monty stared quizzically at the Meta. Monty had never before encountered a shape shifter, and the transformation that he just witnessed intrigued him. I wonder how it works, Monty thought as he set Nora down. "There are around eight other Metas camped at the entrance to this mineshaft," Monty replied. The man glanced back down the tunnel, and he was able to pick out the faintest whispers from the entrance. "Speaking of the others, we should get back." With that, Monty began walking back to the entrance, saying "Let's go." to Nora and the new guy.
Nora followed behind, excitedly waving to the dragon. She wasn't used to shape shifters -nor any metas for that matter- so she was highly fascinated. She wiped away her remaining tears, and gestured the stranger to follow them. As they arrived to the cave, she nearly passed out. She hasn't gotten enough sleep in the past day or two.