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Ask to Join Outcasts(Official Reboot)—RP

Coal pulled the Elek Switch out of the Meteor Galaxy as he placed it back on his belt. "The first time I killed a person was on accident....I didn't mean to....but....it happen.... there's no turning back now" Coal said as he pulled out a bigger switch which look like a bomb. "Keep the Meteor Switch" Coal added as he placed the switch into the Meteor Galaxy. "#40 Cosmic Switch" Coal thought to himself as he closed his eyes
"Cosmic Switch...Danger....Danger.... Limited Break"
"NOW LET ME GO TO HEAVEN!!" Coal yelled out as he scanned his finger on the Meteor Galaxy.
"3....2....1... Limited Break....."
Coal disappear as the explosion from the Meteor Galaxy took his place as he blew up from the countdown.
“Get down,” Quickdraw shouted. The second Coal began his countdown. Kevi quickly caught on, and had his clones make a two clone thick wall protecting people from Coal’s explosion. Kevi stoop behind his clone, trying to help support the wall. Then as the explosion happened, Kevin’s as sent tumbling back. His head smacked again stone and he felt himself lose consciousness.

Concentrating his energy, Jason formed a blade with a white pale energy, that seemed to surround his right hand. He tossed the semi-automatic away that he had been using, and focused more energy through his fingertips to create a shield for his left hand to use. He hid behind the circular contruct and charged out onto the battlefield. Bullets ricocheted off the shield as Jason ran, while the few serving Ranger members fired at the Vipers, providing cover for the kid they called Eon.

Jason leapt over some rubble and slashed the arm off of one gang member. He fell back in pain, and Jason was quick to take cover behind his shield as another rain of bullets flew his way However it wasn’t good enough and he took a bullet tha skimmed his shoulder. Okay, this wasn’t working. Time for Plan B, the reckless and fun one. His contracts faded and immediately he was surrounded in faint energy that lined his body. Over each arm was a large blade, that was over his wrists. Then he charged and began to slash at any Viper he got close too.

“Retreat!” he heard a Viper shout, and the reaming members made a run for it. At this point, Jason stopped and held his hand to, signaling that his fellow Rangers allow them to escape. Now it was time to deal with the dead.
Dasken slumped against a tree, and his arm looked like it was swelling. A yellowish puss had bubbled up from the bite marks, and the arm was starting to turn a sickly white color, making the intense bruises even more visible. If he turned it a certain way, he could see a slight bone shard sticking out of it. He banged the back of his head against the tree weakly, cursing himself for being so weak, and with the last of his energy, blasted heat into the sky. The raindrops blasted into steam around him, going yards upon yards int the sky. He was able to continually flash the heat for about two and a half minutes before passing out from pain, hoping he'd be found before he died.
"What happened? Why is there an explosion?!" Darcel questioned, calling out to those outside.

Nora began to shake, as she held onto the bottom of Darcel's sweater. She shielded her eyes, hoping not to see any mortality.
As the dust settled from Coal’s suicide something caught his eye. A flashing light from the woods. instinctively he ran towards it, as it would make sene it could either be an enemy or someone who was injured. He raced forward through the trees until he reached the body of Dasken. He was leaned again t a tree and he looked back. He raised his pistol and fired a shot into the sky. “Darcel! Emergency!” He shouted as he looked at Dasken.

“You’ll be fine,” Quickdraw said calmly as rain fell down around the two. “Just keep fighting. You need to live.” His voice was reassuring and still somewhat stern. “Darcel!” He shouted firing more shots from his pistol, hoping the healer could hear him.
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"what the...did...coal just blow himself up"Gaia looked shocked but quickly regained his self"ah Nora are you ok"Gaia said looked at Nora who was holding onto darcel"phew,good"Gaia walked back to the two,he leaned against the wall and sighed"well that was crazy"he said calmly
Darcel dashed out of the cave, following Quickdraw's signal. A few seconds then passed, and Darcel arrived to the area. "Oh my god.. What happened?" he questioned, kneeling next to the two. He gently placed his hand on Dasken's arm, wiping away the puss. He then began to heal him, starting off with the damaged blood vessels.

Nora burst out in tears, and began to quiver. She ran deeper into the cave, hoping never to be found.
Dasken, drifting now between consciousness and unconsciousness, noticed a figure approach him. He couldn't hear what they yelled, but later on (An hour? A few minutes? Dasken's perception of time was far gone now.). He felt them wipe off the puss, then felt his arm begin to get better. How? is all he thought to himself as the figure was hard at work. He faintly heard them speak.
"How... Happen?" were the only words he could identify. He felt nothing; the pain in his arm meant nothing to his mind currently.
He looked at Darcel with eyes devoid of emotion and nearly devoid of life.
Darcel patted Dasken's forehead with his other hand. "It's alright, you're alright.." he mumbled, healing the wound. He turned towards Quickdraw, then questioned him "Can you help me bring him back to the cave? He's going to be weak... Staying in the rain isn't helping the infection either."
Quickdraw nodded and took over his jacket to cover Dasken. “To keep him dry,” he said as he got into a position to move Dasken. When they were both ready Quickdraw lifted the boy up, and hurried through he rain towards the mineshaft. Once inside he set down the boy lightly, and uncovered the boy’s arm, while keeping the rest of him covered. “Can somebody grab an emergency blanket,” he called out, “they’re in the backpacks.”
"Pretty gross infection..." he mumbled, his fingertips pulsating as he did so. "Dasken, I know you can't hear me well, but just know you're ok." he reassured him again, trying to make the man more comfortable.
Monty raced after Nora, leaping over the rubble brought down from the ceiling after Coal's little episode. That little asshole could've killed all of them, and if he hadn't killed himself then Monty would have forcibly removed his head from his shoulders. Monty stepped into the darkness of the mine shaft, and lit his hands with lunar energy. "Nora?!" Monty called, searching fervently for the girl. "Where are you?"
"No! Please!" She called out, collapsing onto the floor. All the stress started pulling the little girl apart, leaving her with nothing but doubt and anxiety. She felt broken and hurt, and nonetheless, alone. She was violently shaking, as tears poured from her doe-like eyes. Her pure smile faded into nothing but shattered dreams.
Just as Monty was about to give up his search, he heard Nora call out, "No! Please!" Monty raced toward the sound of her voice, intensifying the lights in his hands. The man eventually found the girl, lying on the floor and crying hysterically. "Nora!" Monty exclaimed. Monty fell next to Nora and ripped off his jacket, using it to cover the violently shaking girl. Monty picked her up and held her close, murmuring, "It'll be okay. You're okay. You're safe, it'll be okay."
"crap"Gaia said as Nora ran off,he quickly ran after her trying to catch up to Nora,he eventually found her looking emotionless on the ground"Nora, are you ok,you don't seem like yourself"he asked as he sat next to her and put his hand on her shoulder "is everything alright"he asked hoping for an honest answer
Dasken awoke, and everything that had happened hit him. He instantly began to cry, and this time it wasn’t silent. When he tried to talk himself down, he only thought of how the group must have thought he was a freak and how completely idiotic he had been and his mistakes, and only sobbed harder. He tried to keep his voice to a minimum, and it actually sounded like he was choking.
“Relax,” Quickdraw said calmly to Dasken. “What’s done is done. So relax.” His voice was somewhat soothing compared to how he normally spoke to people. “Everything has happened for a reason okay? Put it behind you.” Freaking out now was something Quickdraw didn’t need. it seemed like the group was in shock and they were all hanging on to their sanity by the tip of their threads. Things would need to get done, and give them a better foothold in their new life.
"Who goes there?" a voice called out from further in the cave. In the darkness, unbeknownst to those that had heard him, was a fifteen year old boy with black hair, brown eyes, and the physical characteristics of someone of Japanese origin. His black shirt and blue jeans might not have been too easy to spot in the darkness. Though his red tennis shoes would probably give him away.
Nora hugged Monty, her heart quickly taking over her brain. "I don't want to be alive anymore!" she called out, her voice distorted from her tears. "I wanna be normal, I wanna be normal.." she repeated, her sanity severing itself.

Darcel gripped onto Dask's shoulders. "H-hey... Please don't cry- everything will be alright.." he panicked, tripping over his own words. He wasn't the best at comforting, but he tried his hardest.
The cnsolation of the other Outcasts only firthered his sobbing. He eventually broke out into a serious coughing fit and nearly vomited. He finally collected his composure, calming himself down enough to be silent.
"Nora what brought this on"Gaia said nervously,he was beginning to feel threatened by everything,first coal went insane and committed suicide and now Nora is saying things like "I don't want to be alive" Gaia wanted to get as far away from this place as possible
Monty wiped away Nora's tears with the back of his hand. "Ssh," Monty whispered, "It'll be okay." The man had no idea how to console the little girl. He hadn't had to deal with these things as a he didn't even know about his powers until only a couple years ago. Monty gave a weak smile and said, "With us, you are normal." It was the best Monty could come up with.
She didn't know what to say, she didn't know what to do. All she could think of was the trauma inducing events that flooded her past two days. "Normal?! I can't even use my powers!" she protested, gripping onto Monty harder. She shifted her head towards Gaia, "Everything.. everything brought this on." she mumbled, trying to hold in her tears.

Darcel sat up, he felt heart broken. "Why are we already breaking apart..." he muttered, before turning towards Kevin. "Hey, you took quite the hit there for us.. Are you ok?" he asked, crouching next him.
Gaia didn't know what to do,he couldn't believe what Nora was saying"c.. c'mon we should get out of here,it's almost daylight and this place is giving me bad vibes"he said grabbing Nora's hand"besides,it's not safe to be in here when this can collapse at any moment"he said making excuses on the spot
Dasken looked at Darcel, all emotion now void from his eyes.
“Why?” He asked. “Why save me?” He looked back down, slouching and shaking slightly.
"No one deserves death, even if you think you do. If you're a monster, than we all are.. That's what makes us family. " He spoke gently, as he glanced back at Kevin. He started to heal the man's burns.
“You didn’t -“ he paused, choking up. The memory brought him literal physical pain. He grabbed his chest, feeling a cramp that quickly passed. “You didn’t kill your entire family.” He hung his head low. “And you didn’t manage to kill the only one who cared about you.” His face contorted, eyes burning once again, and so he forced himself to be silent.
"You know nothing about me.. " He mumbled, his voice going firm as he stared at his patient. He cleared his throat, "I'm sorry for your loss." He spoke, lowering his head a bit. Kevin appeared to be fully healed now, but he'd still be weak. "Take it easy.. But thank you for protecting us." He told the man, before shifting his attention back towards Dask.
Dasken held up his left arm to stop Darcel, which still hurt worse than anything Dasken had felt before, but it was healed. “Do not heal me before everyone else has been healed. I can manage.” He turned away, sighing, and lied with his back facing Darcel.
"Everyone else is healed, just let me help you a bit more..." He scanned Dask's arm, who appeared to have a nasty infection. The easy part -the bruising- was dealt with, it was now time to move on to the literal illness. "It's gonna take a few minutes, do you need anything? "
“A new life.” He mumbled.
“Are you sure everyone else is healed? I really don’t deserve any attention. Hell, I’m not even one of you.” He rubbed his arm. “I’m way too different to be one of you...”
"Everyone is fine, just let me help you now " He pressed his hand onto Dasken's cut, and began to fight the infection from the inside. "We are all different, that's what makes us the same." He stared at the ground, focusing soully on the healing. Speaking was nearly subconscious for him.
“I mean I’m DIFFERENT.” He looked at his hands.
He took a deep breath. They have to find out sometime.
“I was one of the Metas the government made. Not just some surgery or injection. I was born in a test tube. I...” he choked up for a second, but then caught himself.
“I’m just a bunch of DNA bunded up into a huge f****** mistake.”
"No, you are not a mistake. You were made for a reason, you survived for a reason. You may think you are some messed up experiment, but I think your heart is just misguided. You're perfect just the way you are. " The virus seemed to finally die off, so the general wound healing could now continue. "If we all hated you, we could've left you to die a while ago. "
“But I AM a mistake!” He retorted. “They tried making an omnipotent being, but all that came out was me and my two pathetic abilities! I was made to be the ultimate weapon, and Imonly survived because I had help from one person who I killed! My heart isn’t misguided, either; it’s right on the money.”
He sat cross-legged, arms crossed as well. He took a shaky breath.
“I was supposed to be aborted on five separate occasions, but before anything could happen to me, the other fetuses had passed on, so they had no other option than to let me live. I read all of the files; I’m a f***-up in every sense of the phrase.”
"Pathetic? " He paused, "You are one of the strongest here." Darcel's whole hand suddenly began to pulsate. "You are still here for a reason, you survived.. And at least you had someone who cared for you. It's better to once have something, then to never have it at all. " The kid was a doctor, definitely not a psychiatrists. He had no idea how to comfort him.
Darcel sighed, and slowly stood up."All done. " He mumbled. His whole arm was now pulsating, as veins popped from his arms. Darcel winced in pain as he kneeled against a wall, sliding down until he sat firmly onto the floor.
(Screw it. I can't stand not having him around)
"I'd listen to the kid." A voice said from behind the pair, from the shadows. The comment was directed at Darcel. "You understand what he's sayin', right?" Shawn asked, stepping from the shadows. He was covered in dirt and sweat, and nursing his elbow.
"He is different." He stated, waking forward. "We all are, but him?"
Shawn came to a stop. "Call it a hunch, but I think you..." He pointed at Dasken. "You're not one of us. But you're not a monster either. You're more than us. What the... what they did to you was horrid. That shit is awful. But here, and now, you need to think about it. Everything happens for a reason. Those of us that are still alive have a purpose. And yours?" He let out a chuckle as he glanced at Darcel, before returning his attention to Dasken. "You're something entirely new, and you could be the turning point to all this shit."
(I'll explain how he wound up here later, if necessary)
Dasken sighed. “I’m surprised you didn’t realize that I was a test tube baby from the moment you started healing me.” He sighed. “My DNA is clearly manmade and not natural. It’s built to last a lot longer, made to make me age rapidly to a certain point. I went through puberty at the age of five.” He choked up again. “They treated me like an animal or some kind of object. I’m not human, and I’ll never belong.”