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Ask to Join Outcasts(Official Reboot)—RP

Coal looked at Darcel and smiled "reckless huh.....I guess I am" Coal said as he began to stretch his arms. Coal stood up as he Looked at Nora "that flower.....take good care of it" Coal said before he looked back at Darcel. "So what now....huh?" Coal asked while he was trying to work on his new device on his right wrist. Coal stopped as he fell to his knees "you know.....I just... want...." Coal stopped himself from finishing his sentence.
Darcel glanced down at Coal, concern striking him. "What's the matter?" he questioned, kneeling beside the man. The rain appeared to be picking up speed, as well as the roars of thunder cackling in the distance.

Nora looked up at Coal, then back down to the flower. What's so special about it? she pondered to herself. She then sighed, and held the jacket over her head, trying to shield herself from the rain a bit.
Coal looked at Darcel "I'm..... I'm....a murderer" Coal finally said as he cover his eyes while he began to cry again. "It....was all my fault.... my friends....my family....my whole fucking life.... is gone....and it's my fault" Coal said as he punch the ground with anger. "WHY COULDN'T I JUST CONTROL WHAT I HAD" Coal yelled out in rage as he stopped himself from punching the ground again.
Darcel lightly gripped onto Coal's shoulders. "Hey.. It's alright." he consolidated him, staring into his eyes. "You couldn't control it, it's not your fault." He spoke softly, trying to reassure him. "Let's head inside... We can talk more there." He stood up, and offered his hand to the man.
Coal took Darcel hand "thanks" Coal said as he stood up and looked at his hands. Coal began to walk into the Mineshaft before he sat down close to the entrance of the tunnel. "I'm just a little shocked about... you know my arm getting sliced off... but I guess im alright now thanks...to you" Coal said with a smile.
Darcel nodded. "I can imagine, just know that you are safe now..." he paused, and sat across from Coal. "At least you didn't feel it." he took a deep breath, "Adrenaline and all."

Nora ran into the cave and sat alone, a tad bit farther in than the others. (She is still in view of them, she's just farther back)
Coal looked puzzle "Adrenaline?" Coal said in wonder. "Still I need you to help me raise my Hazard level some?" Coal asked Darcel. "it could help all of us" Coal added when he stood up from the ground and began to walk deeper down the Mineshaft. "Come get me when your ready" Coal called back as he disappear from view.
Darcel looked confused. Hazard level? he thought to himself, puzzled on the definition. As he noticed Coal's figure fading from view, he stood up and ran deeper down the mine. "H-Hey!" he paused for a moment. "What do you mean by Hazard level?" He called out, hoping to get an answer.
"The Hazard level is what I based powers off of" Coal called back to Darcel. Coal voice began smaller and smaller as he continue to walk down the Mineshaft. "But Meteor Galaxy helps me research the Hazard level and gain a special advancement to use with my Power.
"How am I supposed to help?!" He questioned, trying to catch up to the man. Darcel's body began to twitch, due to over usage of his powers. He should sleep, but healing/protecting the others meant more to him.

Nora felt like crying again, but she held it in. She felt lonely, even though she was surrounded by people. She missed her mom and dad, and her annoying older brother. "I want to go home.." she mumbled to herself.
Gaia was with the group and saw everything that was going on but he was to weak to help or anything,he hasn't gone this long without sapping energy,out of the corner of his eye he saw a small generator,it could be empty considering the mineshaft was abandoned but there could be some energy"c'mon pls work"he mumbled as he placed his hand on the generator, instantly electricity was rushing through his arms restoring almost all his energy"ahh, finally now I can move"he said looking at the group,he saw Nora who was about to ball, Gaia calmly walked over to her "uh..hey,so what's wrong,sorry I'm not really one to console people"he laughed slightly as he sit next to nora
"let you anger out" Coal said as he turned around to face Darcel. Coal then showed him the Meteor Galaxy on his right wrist "this thing helps me better understand what we're dealing with. Coal added as a flipped the first switch before he scanned his finger.
"Mars Ready"
"Here I go...Ready Darcel?" Coal asked as his fist began to glow green while the rest of his body stayed the same.
"I-I miss my family.." she mumbled, struggling to hold it in anymore. "You c-can't do anything.." she stuttered, gripping onto her jacket.

Darcel raised an eyebrow. "I do not wish to harm you." He looked at Coal's glowing fist, then back up at his eyes. "I'm interested to see what you can do though." he smiled a bit.
Coal smiled back and nodded "Mars Breaker" Coal called out a hologram projection of the planet Mars appeared around his arm. In which Coal Dash straight at Darcel delivering a fire punch with a surface of 800 °C (1,470 °F). "Can you handle it?" Coal asked which he delivered the punch.
The burn fried off the area Coal punched, but Darcel's body quickly began to regenerate itself. The boy squinted in pain, but he then opened his eyes, revealing that the whites of them turned red. The boy then adjusted himself, cracking his neck. He reached his hand out, getting into battle stance. "I could control you and all the blood in your body... It takes more than fire for me to loose control over your actions." He smiled. (He is currently not puppeteering Coal, he is just threatening him.)
Coal took a step back "N_Nani" Coal said in shock as he flipped down the first switch before he flipped up the second switch. "Ok then watch this" Coal said as he scanned his finger.
"Jupiter Ready"
Coal took a deep breath as he looked at Darcel "Jupiter Hammer" Coal called out as the Jupiter Planet appear on his right arm, enhancing his punching power tremendously. Coal then threw a punch straight at Darcel face.
Darcel clenched his fist, and then took control over Coal's blood. He slowed the punch down tremendously, giving the boy enough time to dodge. "That would of hurt." he spoke, looking at the man. "You need a better battle plan sir. Your rash decisions and front line attacks are weak against someone who has multiple abilities, and none the less, control over you." He paused, taking a moment to think. "Use your brain, it gives you an advantage in battle." Darcel's fingertips began to pulsate from power usage.
Coal then smiled as he flipped down the Second switch then he flipped up the third switch "last one...and I hope you like it. Coal said
"Saturn Ready"
Coal then jumped into the air "Saturn Sorcery" Coal called out as he summon the Saturn Planet and project violet-colored copies of it's planetary rings to act as guided boomerangs before he started to threw the boomerangs at Darcel. "Try to dodge this" Said with a wicked smiled.
Dasken had fallen asleep for a time, and awoke with a start. He struggled to stand, screaming aloud bloody murder the first time he felt his arm again. He knew it was still nighttime; this rainstorm made everything darker, and if it was this pitch black outside...
He held in his screaming, however, when he began to walk. His wrist still hadn't fully scabbed over; he walked back towards where the group was. He noticed them and, wordlessly and silently moving aside from dripping blood echoing in the cavern, walked outside. He never let his face be visible, and kept walking farther out.
The rings repetitively hit Darcel, leaving gashes all over his body. The boy winced in pain, before he slowly healed the wounds. He fixed his posture, shakily standing up. "Better.. But is that all you got?" He smirked, glancing into Coal's eyes. A few moments passed and the wounds healed themselves, but Darcel was still being stung with pain. He reached his arm out, and began to speak. "You still aren't strong enough... I want to see tactic. I want to see power."
Coal began to laugh as he looked at Darcel really okay then" Coal said as he pulled out a strange small device from his pocket. "This is a Astroswitch but mine is called the Meteor Switch and it is filled with Cosmic Energy" Coal said as he place the Meteor Switch into the Meteor Galaxy.
"Limit Break, OK!"
"Get ready" Coal called out in excitement as he place both him hands out before he close them into fist. "Startlight Shower" Coal called out as he used fast yet hard jabs, all while making his punches look like comets to attack Darcel.
The repetitive hits caused blood vessels in Darcel's body to retain injury, causing severe bruising. The punches knocked Darcel back, but he held his position. "When will you learn..." he mumbled, releasing a large exhale. "I thought you were strong." he began to taunt, "I can't believe you need little gadgets to make you do some damage." He smirked, placing a hand on his bruises.
"Well I may not be able to help you but I know how you feel,I was an orphan for most of my life, I lived on the streets rummaging for food and hiding from people the only reason I even have this outfit is because I stole it from a shopping center,but anyways things like this happen and yes there terrible but you have to be positive,like it looks bad now but you could end up being with your family without expecting it,life is a mystery,what's going to happen tommorow,what will happen if I do this,bla bla bla, just try and stay positive,and there's no need to be worried I'll protect you and you have the ability to protect yourself you just have to figure it out if that makes sense"Gaia said as he patted Nora's head and smiled kindly
Coal started to grow anger as his attack didn't work "Damn it...Guess I beat you old school style" Coal said with a grin as he pulled out his sword "I chop you down to tiny pieces" Coal called out as he used his strength to perform a quick slash around the body before he place the sword down. "Your already Dead" Coal Darcel as he started to laugh.
Darcel torso appeared to be ripped to shreds, as blood poured out. He began to laugh, "Trying to make the blood bender bleed? Terrible idea." He smirked, his torso regenerating scantily. "Already dead? You sh-shouldn't be so cocky." he suggested, stuttering from the pain. He squinted, as he pointed his hand towards Coal, making a finger gun. "You're lucky I am a pacifist." he joked around, putting his hand down.

Nora looked up at Gaia and smiled, "You really think I can see them again?" she questioned, quietly sniffling.
Coal started to breath heavily as he began to walk towards Darcel but stopped in the middle of his walk as he fell to the ground. "Damn why do I pushed myself over the limit" Coal asked himself as he yawn before he fell asleep on the ground. "Crap my attacks didn't work.... but my Hazard level should have...gone up" Coal murmured to himself as he started to drool.
He sat at the desk, hands folded, staring down at them, lost in thought. It had been years since he'd built them from the ground up. He stared at his left hand, at the ring finger. He still felt naked without his ring, but he still had it. It's what had given him the original idea of his organization. And the concept a few others worked out, Blake had taken credit for, and no one was any the wiser. He was a false God among Gods, and he ruled over them all.
This, he liked. He enjoyed the feeling of power. It was so pleasing for him, ever since his wife had died.
He opened a drawer in the desk, and pulled out a silver ring. It was old, and slightly charred, but most noticeably, was the fact that it was missing a quarter of it. A Broken Ring.
His Broken Ring. Slowly, he returned it to the drawer, before looking back up at the Government official standing before him, waiting for a response. Blake smiled a fake smile at the man, but he was such a good liar, the best at deceiving, it seemed genuine. He didn't care about this man or his partners outside. They were armed to the teeth, and cocky. They seemed to think the government was in control of the Broken Ring. "You're mistaken, Lieutenant." Blake said cheerfully, still smiling at the man. "You seem to believe you're in control."
The door behind the Lieutenant burst open, and several men were thrown in, all dead, covered in blood. The Lieutenants team. Blake's smile widened, and this time, it was a terrifying one.
"Oh God... what the hell..." The Lieutenant covered his mouth upon recognizing the dead men. Several of the Broken Rings members stepped into the room, glaring at the Lieutenant. "I am the one in control, Lieutenant. I want you to go back, and tell your leaders, that if they want me to do this, then they need to remember who's in charge." He grinned devilishly as he stood up, towering over the lieutenant. "Understood?"
"...y-yes sir..." The Lieutenant muttered, averting his gaze, his eyes starting to become bloodshot. "Go." Blake whispered, cherishing his dominance over the soldier, who turned and hurriedly left without another word. The metas relaxed, and looked to Blake for their next orders. Blake had already turned around, staring out of a window in his office that overlooked his main base of operations. "Take these meatbags to the dogs. They haven't been fed in a while. And Julian?" He asked as the metas began to take the bodies from the room,except one, who stepped forward importantly to Blake.
"Follow our new friend. Make sure they all get the message." He ordered darkly, his smile still ever-present. Julian bowed his head. "On it, sir." With that, he left.
Blake smirked as he overlooked the base, watching hundreds of men and women at work, either building, training, or teaching. They were all skilled, smart, and healthy. Exactly as Blake wanted them. They all looked up to him. He was their beloved. He was cherished by all.
"I wonder how long these 'Outcasts' will last." He smiled to himself, before turning away.
Darcel walked over to Coal, and glanced down at him. "You could've been strong if you weren't so.. foolish." he muttered, picking up the now sleeping Coal. Lifting the man destroyed Darcel's ripped torso, but he refused to give into the pain, due to the fact that he didn't want to drop him. He slowly walked over to the group that entered the cave, and placed him onto the ground. Darcel collapsed beside him, falling asleep.
Xander arched his eyebrow at the boys comment.
"You seem rather tame for someone who just witnessed the use of superpowers." He stated, staring down at the boy with a look of understanding on his face.
"So what is it kid? Your power." He asked, pulling the boy up onto his back, knowing the kid must be severely drained on energy.
"And we're not heading into civilization. I know a safe place." He added as he began hiking back towards the mineshaft he'd mentioned earlier, waiting on Rory's answer.
"well we would have to be lucky but I think luck is on our side,and I'll help you get back to them"Gaia said grinning, Gaia was happy for what he did but in reality he didn't know how to get Nora back to her family,he would have to hope for the best,but Gaia meant that he would help her in any way she could
Quickdraw led people into the mineshaft after receiving no response from Shawn. The rain was quick to increase fro a steady drizzle to pouring down rain. Quickdraw grabbed the packs and tossed them inside to keep them dry. However after doing this, he set his rifle inside and said, “stay near the entrance. I’ll keep guard.” After saying this, he walked out into the rain. He leapt up into a tree and squatted in the branch, feeling relaxed.
Coal started wake up as he saw Darcel asleep beside him "werid" Coal to told himself as he stood up and limped away from Darcel. "If I couldn't beat you old school then I'll have to beat you new-old school" Coal told himself as a summon a bolder before he placed it in front of the entrance of the cave.
Nora stood up, and glanced at Coal, "What are you doing? Why are you locking us in the cave?" she questioned, grabbing onto Gaia's shirt, trying to alert him.

Darcel was fast asleep now.
"it's alright.. I'm just trying to kill that one guy in there" Coal said from the other side of the bolder as he took a step back "when Darcel saids that I'm strong then I'll move the bolder. Coal then place his hands in his pocket but then realized that he was missing something. "Hey Nora is my Astroswitch in there" Coal asked Nora.
"Hey! Killing is terrible!" She yelled out to him. "Even if your stupid device is in here, i'm not gonna give it to you!" she ran over to Darcel who was sleeping peacefully inside the cave. She began to shake him, "Wake up!" she growled.

Darcel parted his eyelids, and glanced up at the girl. "What's the matter?" he mumbled.

"Coal wants to kill you!!" Her eyes began to water, due to the fact she didn't want to see someone die.

Darcel sighed, "Don't worry, i'll deal with it." he spoke, sitting up. He patted the girl's head, then spoke "Coal, what are you doing? You're scaring the child."
"What the hell?" Quickdraw shouted leaping off his tree limb and staring at the boulder that was now blocking the entrance. He raise his pistol and fired a few shots at the rock, hoping to wake up anyone asleep inside.

However he heard the voice of Coal. That little piece of crap. “Okay, I’m getting sick of your ego bullshit. You can’t prove your strong by simply blackmail. Now if you don’t move this boulder, I’ll kill you like I killed your Golem buddy!” Quickdraw was roaring mad as he shouted at the boulder.

Kevin had been woken up by the noise and looked at Coal. “You need to stop. And I-I’ll make you stop if you need h-help, stopping.” The boy’s voice was unsure as he tried finding his bravery to fight this man. He raised his fists and concentrated. Then, nine copies of Kevin appeared behind Kevin.

“Shit,” Jason Rayler mumbled as he ducked behind a pile of bricks to escape a barrage of bullets. he clutched his gun tightly and as the rain of bullets began to slow, he packed over it and began to return fire, while they were reloading. The 17 year old boy had grown up fast. Not only was he a Meta, but a member of a street gang called the Southern Rangers. They were pretty feared throughout his home city, and Jason had worked his way up through this gang for a while now.

Bullets crossfire ripped apart the surrounding area, and a good amount of his fellow Rangers who had came in with him was alreayd dead. They were in the middle of a turf war between a group called the Westbrook Vipers. Now it was time to show off what made hm famous in his gang. The thing that made people refer to him as Eon.
"what the heck coal"Gaia said as he placed the boulder"gah,hang on for a second Nora"Gaia said stepping forward a placing a hand on the boulder"reverse" he said calmly as the boulder began to fade out of existence,since it was summoned a second a go Gaia was able to reverse the boulder to before coal summoned it"now what the hell are you doing coal"Gaia said jumping out from the mineshaft and surging his hands with electricity
Coal looked around as realize that he wasn't going to get this Astroswitch back so easily. "Damn" Coal thought to himself as he lifted his shirt which revealed a belt with different Astroswitches on it."#10 Elek Switch" Coal said as he placed the switch into his Meteor Galaxy.
Elek Limit Break, OK!
"Just give me back my Astroswitch" Coal said Softly "or I'll take it back" Coal added.
"N-no!" Nora stuttered

Darcel stood next to the child, and placed his hand on her shoulder. "Don't you dare threaten her.. If you want it so bad, you're gonna have to fight all of us for it." he spoke harshly, clenching his fist.
“I’d listen to the kid,” Quickdraw’s face was emotionless as he aimed his pistol at Coal’s head. “I never miss.” His voice was calm and stern. Kevin tightened his fists hoping to avoid a conflict. The boy wasn’t really crazy about fighting, but some things had to be done.

“Kid, your threats are meaningless here. So give up.” Quickdraw once more urged Coal to surrender.