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Private/Closed Outcasts: Reborn (Discussion)

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Auto-ing: pretty much what you, @Epic_Banana, have been doing profusely so far. "The other user's OC's, which I did not make and THEREFORE HAVE NO RIGHTS TO CONTROL IT, eyes widened as he quickly retracted his arm." Sorry (not sorry), but no one but THAT USER determines what emotion THEIR OC is feeling, or what THEIR OC does.
Hey at least thanks to him, we have a long tem Plot now, so it won't be like the previous 3 where we just did whatever came to our heads
Nobody asked him to barge in here and create a plot, that's my job, buddy.
His character is so overpowered it makes me want to fucking toast my computer.
He auto literally everyone's characters, "As the fall attracted Nathan's attention," Who does this?
The things that really grinds my gears the most is him trying to make things revolve around him, I know this has already been talked about a bit earlier, but I just want to bring it up again.

This is the reason why I didn't want to accept another 'fresh' person. Cosmic is the only exception because he has common sense and knew how things worked around here before even joining.

If you would like to go and argue some more, go ahead. Just when you begin frantically smashing your keys please try and make your arguments a bit less redundant so they'll be actually worth reading.
The first one ended because you had the brilliant idea of a multidimensional tournament. Everything you wanted became too much and people just stopped roleplaying. You have just as much blame in the downfall of the others as the rest of us.

StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member


This thread has deteriorated into a flame war, and we have zero tolerance for this sort of shenanigans here.

Rhabby has just received a warning, and the rest of you are hereby officially directed to calm your Paridae and resolve this in a reasonable, sane, thought out manner or further flaming warnings shall be handed out and the thread will be locked. Comprende?

Also, in the future, if anyone in your threads starts godmoding or otherwise violating the Pokecharms RP forum rules, or if you are a thread creator and you feel someone is trying to hijack your thread in far beyond the degrees that would be considered reasonable - report them so we can know there's a problem and handle it before you start going at each other's throats. That is what the report feature is for, you know.
I understand that my most recent post had some confusing actions and such, so here’s what Damien did in drawing form:


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Nobody asked him to barge in here and create a plot, that's my job, buddy
I did
His character is so overpowered it makes me want to fucking toast my computer.
he's not that OP, He just has many powers
He auto literally everyone's characters, "As the fall attracted Nathan's attention," Who does this?
I have to agree on that
The first one ended because you had the brilliant idea of a multidimensional tournament. Everything you wanted became too much and people just stopped roleplaying. You have just as much blame in the downfall of the others as the rest of us.
I proposed the idea, you all accepted it
Whoa, okay, I didn't receive any notifications about this argument. I just want to add a little tid bit. Not to fight, just to express my opinion on something Koopa said.

Hey at least thanks to him, we have a long term Plot now, so it won't be like the previous 3 where we just did whatever came to our heads

As he has revealed his plot idea, I already had a ground plan laid out. I've mainly discussed it with Zander, and Comic vaguely understand some of it, but I guess I'll introduce some of the basic plot ideas that we may or may not get to, as I will probably need to improvise, because I love to improvise. It makes my ideas turn out better (usually) in the end.
Jack, Damien, Oken... and all those other fuckers, Val, and anyone else I may be forgetting, will capture most of the metas. The only exceptions will be;
Dave, Toby, Alexandrea, and maybe Kyles? Though I think Koopa should let Kyles get captured, so he can start this relationship thing between Alexandrea and Toby, since he's expressed a ship between them, and I already killed off Adam. (We will be regrouped in time. I know having two different groups gets kinda iffy, but It's an experiment on my part)
After getting captured, we will be transported to a new destination, but (of course) we will break out again. We can have some dialogue on board the transport, maybe finally get Jack to turn good (which has been one of my character arcs for Jack since I introduced him), and overthrow the ship.
This is where the ship idea comes into play, and where my story arc plan will come to a pause, until we arrive off of the ship (preferably a beach, which is the obvious location. Maybe Madagascar?)
Upon arriving at the beach, the government (of course) would strike again. I get my chance to finally introduce Logan, since I made his character sheet weeks ago.
I have more planned, but I feel that's all I should express for now.
As I've said, this will probably be improvised, which I am okay with, it makes the story more exciting (at least for me), and we can progress in character development more (concluding a lot of characters here feel kinda generic).


Previously Mecha Who
As stated earlier, a villain has the right to auto if granted permission. Mecha.....the group is being captured, just let Val put you to sleep and we'll get the first capture. We need to start moving forward with the plans anyways.
Yeap. Getting boring. Even tho, I think that Gon could knock Val out, but I'm just going to have a statement in my next post like: 'Gon was weakened by Damien when the teenager almost killed Gon' or something like that, so he'll not win against Val.
But the next time they meet, be sure that Gon's gonna kick her ass.
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