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Private/Closed Outcasts: Reborn

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"Don't you love illusions?" Adam asked, grinning. "I know I do." His smirk widened as he looked around at the 'attack'. "It's funny... you seem to think you have me... don't kid yourself. I'm right behind you." Another Adam appeared behind her. "Or maybe it's really me over here." Another commented. "Do you have what it takes to take on me?" Yet another asked. "This battle has been real cute and all, but I think it's time for this to end, considering you've become boring." The one in the attack chuckled before disappearing.
"But I will admit, if I wasn't as careful as I am, I just might have gotten tangled in your webs." The Adam behind her stated. "I'm feeling merciful right now, hence why I've been going easy on you." The one to her right said. "But because I like spiders..."
"And because you're cute..."
"And because you're not that powerful..."
The Adam's simultaneously disappeared, leaving only one. "I'm calling it quits. Not because I don't think I'll win, but because I don't want to hurt you... worse than I have. So... I've decided to make peace with maybe at least one person around here, better than that Josh prick, and spare you." With that, he leaned against the side of the Plane. "If I'm correct, you have questions, and I have answers."
Alexandrea's eye slightly twitched when Adam called her weak. "Really now." She said as she stood up and looked at Adam. "Look at what you're leaning on." She said. The wall Adam was leaning on along with practically every surface of the room they were in was littered with strings. "I'm not using my full potential either." She said.
Adam raised an eyebrow. "I'm not concerned. Besides, I figured/hoped you'd focus more on the 'cute' remark rather than that. Regardless, I started the fight, and I stopped it. Draw. Done." Adam stated as he remained leaning against the plane. "I know some questions that must be going through your mind. Who am I? Who are the others? Why are we here? What did I do to Jimmy? Tell me I got at least one correct." Adam said lazily.
The strings around the room disappeared as. "Nah I really don't care that much, I just don't like people messing with my things." She said as shed pulled her spider puppet closer and sat on it. "Oh, and don't call me cute." She said with a cold smile and jumped away on her spider.
Marik slowly walked up to Adam as the battle had ended, a smile spread across his face but confusion was visible in his eyes. "So....just to point out the obvious, theirs a girl bouncing away on a spider...HAHAHAHA! Thats hilarious!" He roared while while doubling over from excitement. "Your battle was cute in all but its good that its over, less time wasting." He spoke as his head shot back up before he walked back to the area Quickdraw was located. He slowly approached the man, unsure how he would respond but needing answer's, "So uh....when will the group of super-duper meta crime fighter's be arriving?" He asked while giving over exaggerated innocent eyes.

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"That is a reasonable question. We should probably get out of this area before they arrive at the tracking beacon, or more specifically, start shooting us. Do we have a plan of action beyond drawing their team to our precise location?" Sky asked, walking over to where Marik and Quickdraw were speaking.
"In less than 24 Hours. Probably more close to 20 now," Quickdraw said, lifting up a piece of metal, to look under it." He turned and glared directly at Marik. "We will be long gone by the time that happens, so don't even think a out it. Kill and I kill you." Then he began to walk away from the air spirit and the meta. Until of course he heard a gun cock. Around the corner was a soldier in a ragged uniform, pointing a pistol at Quikdraw's head.

"You meta. I'l kill you!" He shouted, while his hands shook heavily. He was scared, and QuickDraw wasn't sure if it was fear of the Metas or fear of what the shooter might do next. Maybe he was afraid of losing his humanity.

"Listen to me. Shoot and I'll make you sorry. Join your other comrades and be safe. No meta will hurt you, unless of course you decide to fire that gun." Quickdraw said sternly, looking at the man.

"No!" The soldier shouted, pullling the trigger. The bullet ricocheted against the wall and crashed into the ground. Quickdraw now stood beside the man, with a gun to the man's head.

"I gave you a fair warning. But I'm not going to Killy you. Just let you take a little nap." Quickdraw said, before he smacked the muzzle of the gun against the man's head. It made a loud smack noise, and the man collapsed, unconscious.

Quickdraw turned to Marik and Sky and glared once more at Marik. "Kill anyone here and I'll be much less merciful."
"Put it this way. If they attack me, they will die. It is really as basic as that. If you want me to be merciful, so be it. But if a human does something with the intent to kill me, I will kill them." Sky looked at the man slumped on the ground with something approaching hatred for a second, then managed to regain his neutral expression and look back at Quickdraw. "I just thought I would make that clear."
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Alex walked back toward the group, he had built a few small shelters near the cave so they would be able to camp a bit better tonight. Alex gave a weird look to the girl jumping away on the spider, but shrugged it off and continued back to the ship.

"20 hours huh? We should probably camp at that cave for tonight then leave." Alex said before QuickDraw knocked the guy out. Alex looked toward the solider, he'd be dead if he did that to me.. Alex thought to himself before looking back up to the group. "I feel the same way I could careless about these humans and how their families feel, but we should probably move on. No sense in killing each other." Alex said with a sigh.


Previously Mecha Who
''Good.'' Jim said seeing the shelters. ''I will look for more resources.'' He said to himself going to the ship. As he walked towards the ship,he saw Alexandrea in a spider,jumping around. ''What the... Okay,What's happening here Alexandrea?'' Jim said seeing the girl jumping in the spider. It was weird. Really weird.
Alexandrea stopped and looked at Jim. "Shut up, I'm going back to the cave." She said as she resumed the spider's movements. After awhile, she arrived at the cave then shrunk her puppet to store is on her back belt thing. She then sat down in the cave.


Previously Mecha Who
''Bah,Shut up you.'' Jim said with a smile. Jim,then looked at Adam. ''Heya,I think I know you from some place?'' He said walking to Adam. Who the fuck he is? How he is here? I LIKE PIZZA! I NEVER ATE PIZZA! Jim thought as he walked to Adam. He was getting confused,again.
"Right..." Angelina murmured as she looked over the things occurring near her. A girl jumping away on a spider was definitely the weirdest. "Um, I guess I'll go looking for supplies like sheets, then. I should be able to find the cave if the rest of you move on." She informed before the girl turned and walked back into the wreckage of the plan. Using her powers, Angelina constructed a holographic-looking baseball bat.
Marik stared at Quickdraw wide eyed for a moment before bursting out in laughter. "Ya know buddy, I knew when you arrived, you were gonna be a big bad boss type guy, and I gotta say, 5 out of 10 on the performance." He stared down at the soldier for a moment before looking back at Quickdraw, "I woulda believed your threats more if his brains were all over the ground behind him, but, whatever." With that he walked towards a more intact area of the plane.
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Lucas looked up at Nathan and wiped the sweat from his forehead. "I heard someone say something about a shelter. I'll go see if we can bring the injured there." Lucas stood up and made his way to the ship, trudging through the snow. He stepped into the cold hull of the ship, hearing voices as the echoes of footsteps. Lucas looked around and found a boy a bit younger than him, Alex maybe? Lucas tapped him on the shoulder and asked, "You're Alex, right?"
Alex chuckled as Marik pointed out what Quickdraw did, "He has a point you know." Alex said before being tapped on the shoulder by Lucas.

"Yeah, that's me... What's up?" Alex asked Lucas as he turned around to face the boy. "Let me guess, it has something to do with the injured?" Alex asked with a smile.
"Yeah, it does." Lucas replied. "We've got a few injured but no where for them to go." Lucas looked back toward the entrance of the ship. "We have stretchers to transport them, but no where to actually move them too." Lucas turned back to face Alex. "And I heard you have a solution to our predicament. Can you help us bring the injured up to your shelters?" Lucas asked. The boy wrapped a hand at the bottom of his war hammer, listening to the echoing voices.
"Yeah, sure thing." Alex said as he stepped back out of the plane. "We should probably put them in that little cave right there." Alex said as he pointed to the little overhang made of leaves and sticks that was the entrance to the cave. "If we need more room for us we can just sleep in those." Alex said, motioning toward the slanted pieces of bark and leaves next to the entrance of the cave.

Alex picked up one side of one of the stretchers and awaited Lucas to take the other. "Alright, let's get these guys into that cave before the snow starts to pick up."
Lucas nodded and followed after Alex, bracing himself as the wind began to pick up. Better get them up there quick, he thought as he took the other end of the stretcher. Together the two of them took the injured up to the cave, one by one. It was tough work but eventually they got it done. Once they got the last injured Meta to the cave, Lucas wiped the sweat off his forward and turned to Alex. "Nathan and I can handle the rest. Thank you."
Alex sat against the wall of the cave, "Man, that was tougher than I thought." Alex said as he wiped his brow. "And this cave is bigger than I thought." Alex added as he looked around, it appeared that Jim and the spider lady hadn't just left the cave how it was.

Alex then turned back to Lucas, "No problem man, anytime." Alex said, standing up. The teen then exited the cave and ran back toward the ship, awaiting something else to occur.


Previously Mecha Who
''Okay? Weird.'' Jim said seeing Adam. A boy that thinks that he is important. I don't want to talk with this guy. Jim thought to himself watching every single move of Adam. This guy was weird. ''I think I should just ignore him.'' Jim thought aloud. He was tired of the weird thoughts, tired of Adam, tired of what happened in the data room. He just wanted to get along.

Jim then saw Alex coming, ''Look, someone that was with this guy. Heya, kid, what's your name?'' Jim asked Alex. ''My name is Jim, and also, who is this guy? He is weird.'' Jim said pointing to Adam. I hope he knows something about him. Jim thought to himself as he looked at the ship.
Lena slowly went to the cave. She saw the injured metas and frowned. She debated on whether or not to help them out.

Josh walked up to the group of people. He kept his distance but he was close enough to hear what they were talking about.

Ryker stood up as he washed the blood off of his hands. " So who do I thank for that delicious meal." He asked as he looked at the guards. An Dark skinned man in a suite walked up to him. " I have a mission for you." He said. " You get all the powers you want from this group of people.
Nathan remained silent as he helped carry the injured. His mind was in turmoil. A lot was on it. Everybody he's met thus far, the looming threat of normal people, the sheer cold, the worry of his sick mother, and passive sister, and the well being of all of those around him. His brain had become a battlefield of thoughts.

"I can carry myself... honest..." Dave groaned as he felt himself hoisted up, and now being carried. His stomach wasn't feeling too hot, and if he threw up, he hoped no girls would be around to witness it. That would be embarrassing.

Adam took no notice to those nearest him as he leaned against a boulder, arms neatly folded as he watched the cave entrance. Several of the others were already there, and it appeared as though the wounded were being transported via stretchers.
He remained curious, namely about the spider chick, but also a lot about what the hell these idiots...
Actually, that's a smart move. Out of the cold, wind and snow. Adam would be too prideful to admit that he hadn't thought of a cave yet, but when all was said and done, Adam would be the one to survive longer than these rookies. None of them truly understood some of the trials ahead. Not many will survive.


"There's a catch though." Another voice spoke up from behind Ryker. Jack stepped out from the shadows, revealing his worn, weathered face. "You have to work for me." He said, with a smirk as the black guard let out an audible gulp, concluding Jack wasn't supposed to present himself yet, and the way Jack had, it made the old man appear cocky, and seemingly above Ryker.
In truth, Jack believed he in fact was, is and always will be above the meta eater. Jack thought of metas as animals. Ryker was a prime example.
Ryker simply smiled as he looked at the man. " And what if I just happen to end you." He said. as he looked at the man and the guards. " I'm pretty sure I can kill all of you and walk out of here easily.
Jack's grin faded. He looked at the guards, nodding his head slowly at them, silently telling them to leave.
And so, reluctantly, they did.
"The only thing that will end me is time. Of course, the metas were going up against are more powerful than you're used to. That means you get more power, but you'll need my help to kill them all. They've cause us too much trouble, and we don't want to bother with capturing them. Not this time. So, meta, you only have two choices. Accept, and become a free... 'man', or, decline, and I will... what was it you said? 'End you'." Jack replied, stone faced, body rigid as he held his arms behind him at attention, portraying his obvious military experience.
He looked at Jack and gave him a sinister grin. "I like you." He said as he cracked his neck. "Alright can you give me some papers on the people we're going after." He asked. He figured taking this guy on now would only get him killed. So he will have to buy his time and take him out when he gets a chance.
"I was hoping you'd say that." Jack replied as he whistled, and the guards returned. Jack gave them a nod. "Get this meta the files." He turned back to Ryker. "We leave in two hours with my team. Just do as I say and you might survive." With that he turned and walked away.
Dylan sat in a space away from the main vicinity of everyone else, meditating. His aura emanated around him in a bronze hue as Dylan breathed steadily, glad that he could finally harness his power after weeks of having it blocked in. He stood up and got into a stance. He aimed a quick punch at the air, his arm snapping forward. He stood straight, letting his arms fall at his sides as the sound of a whip cracking cut through the air a few seconds later.
Ryker looked threw the papers and stopped. " He get's to live." he said as he pointed at Josh's profile. " I knew him in my old life. I know he won't intentionally hurt anyone."

Josh walked into the cave he made sure to stay away from the group as he fell asleep.
Alex walked back over to the camp-site and picked one of the shelters and crawled into it. It was quite compact, but worked. Alex took his sheath off and put it against the wall and laid flat on his back and look up at the wood, rock. "What do we do once the government comes? What if they come in the middle of the night?" Alex asked aloud, these were all questions running through the teen's mind.
"We'll be there in about 6 hours boys, which means it'll be 4:00 AM when we will arrive at the site." The Commander said to his soldiers. "So, you better get to sleep now!" He ordered, all the soldiers responded with "Yes Sir!" and walked to their bunks within the smaller helicarrier. "Now, which meta hunters will be accompanying us this time?" The Commander asked himself as he looked at his files.
"Two." Jack replied as he walked in casually, rubbing his left shoulder. He was getting old. Of course he'd get sore every now and again. "I've recruited someone of... value." Jack came to a stop in front of the Commander. "You know the drill, right? The meta and I go in, weaken them, and you flank them. Unless, of course, the plan has changed?" Jack asked as he stared blankly at the Commander, towering above him, as he raised one eyebrow.
"You mean, you recruited a meta? Are you insane?" The Commander asked Jack before realizing this is actually a good thing. "Actually, this will help us very much... Well done." He said in a bit of a weird tone, the Commander wasn't really used to 'praising' people.

"Yes, that is still the plan, now, get some rest.. These metas have proven to be quite troublesome." The Commander said as he looked up at Jack before walking away into his office.
Alex yawned, it wasn't very comfortable in the shelter but he managed to fall asleep. It wasn't a very deep sleep and he awoke many times due to the smallest noises such as the trees moving in the wind, but a few hours later, he swore he could occasionally hear the sound of a plane, but he brushed it off as his imagination.
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Previously Mecha Who
Jim stayed outside the cave most of the night. He was thinking about what happened. He wasn't tired, on reality, he was really energetic for someone who should be sleeping. As he thinked, he heared a plane sound, but he simply ignored it. He just needed to understand what happened now. So, I was in the Data Room... That guy appeared... Okay. And after that, I was in the Data Room again. My brain is messing around with me now. Jim thought to himself as he saw the snow fall. I think I just should ignore what happened, and... Just move on. Jim thought to himself, finally ready to sleep. Now he was a little bit more comfortable, even without knowing what happened. ''What is this?'' Jim said hearing the plane sound. Now it was getting louder and louder. He tried to ignore it, but it was really loud.
Jack scoffed slightly as the Commander turned and left. Jack would have been the commanding officer in the attack if not for the other man's superior, undeserved rank. Glaring at the Commander's retreating back, Jack turned and left the room as well. He didn't need sleep. He needed a workout.
Adam looked back at the cave most of the others resided at now. He didn't like any of them. In fact, he hated them. So why was he here? Maybe there was something more to it... maybe he was looking for something. Nothing else would keep him here. These idiots would just slow him down. His goal to avenge her... or is it revenge? Is there a difference? Adam's head was just a jumbled mess of confused thoughts.

Dave winced slightly as he poked at his wound. "You know, this really contradicts my powers..." He stated to no one in particular. Looking up from the wound, he gazed around the dark cave, before speaking again. "Is anyone up?" He asked casually. "You need rest." A voice stated behind Dave, who jumped in surprise with a small yelp. "Holy shit, dude! Don't sneak up on me like that!" Dave gasped at Nathan, who crossed his arms. "Sleep." He instructed. Dave rolled his eyes, which couldn't be seen beneath his shades. "Yeah yeah, I will mommy."
Finally, Angelina came back, carrying multiple sheets and other supplies. She had been careful not to cross the limit that would be needed for the survivors. Upon arriving at their shelter, the girl set up sheets for those who had yet to have some and provided blankets for those on the stretchers. "If anyone needs sheets or blankets, they're near the back of the cave," Angel said as she sat the sheets and blankets down in the spot she mentioned. She then took one of each for herself and curled up, not far from the wounded.
Marik stood at the entrance of the cave looking at the never ending snow surrounding him. "We cant stay here long. If the government does show up we cant risk getting caught.....and I cant risk being caught by Val..." For the first time in a long time, the sadistic smile that was constantly spread across Marik's face vanished as the same conversation replayed in his head over and over again.
"How could you!?! How could you be so evil to me?! Of all people!" A much younger sounding Marik screamed in an shaky, dry voice.
"Hehehe, you really are stupid. They told me they would help me hone my powers if I gave you up. With all these resources, why would I need you?" Spoke an unforgiving, young, female voice.
"Ill never forgive you for this! Ill kill you! Ill kill you!" Marik screamed, his voice more panicked and desperate than before.
"Enough Marik! Now sleep!" The girl said slightly agitated.

Marik dropped to his knees breathing heavily while clutching his head. His brain was rattled with suppressed memories. "Why...." He whispered to himself while laying back in the snow, staring at the barely visible sky. "Why did it have to be this way..."
Sky's head shot round at the crack of the sound barrier being broken, the results of this registering a split second as a concentrated blade of air shot past him, skimming about half of his ethereal body off in the vacuum left behind it, before dissipating about twenty metres away. What in the sky was that? Sky wondered, the nearly air grafting to his core as he hovered, then looked back at where that... Thing... had originated. (@OmnipotentOnion )

It was there that he then noticed the small cocoon of bronze stuff in the distance, so naturally, he flew over to see what it was. After reaching the shell, it became quite evident that it was some kind of smoke, although not any he'd ever seen before and after flying through it, Sky saw a boy standing there, arms hanging by his side, and eyes the same colour as the stuff surrounding him (just an assumption, I can edit if I need to). "Was that you?" Sky asked, his voice coming from seemingly nowhere.
(Nah, it's fine)

Dylan looked up as a voice seemed to come from nowhere, though the source was likely invisible to the naked eye. "Yeah." He dissipated his aura and looked around. "Wanna tell me why you're so concerned?"
"Not so much concern as curiosity. In my ten millennia of existence, I've seen very few humans able to exert this amount of force," Sky replied, his body fading into existence to the boy's side. "You probably couldn't see it, but the air you pushed managed to travel around thirty metres or so. Pretty impressive, if you ask me." There was a faint smile on Sky's face as he held his hand out. "The name's Sky."
Adam looked at the solid ball of snow sitting in his palm, before looking up. It was luckily a clear night, and the stars were bright. He let the ball of snow drop and turned again to look back at the cave. All those... kids... Adam shook his head. Hell, most of them were kids, unable to do what the normal kids do. He felt a pang of... guilt and sadness wash over him. They didn't get the privileges of going and getting their licence, going to homecoming, eating lunch with friends, like the normal kids.
Yet, here, it's different. Instead of doing those things, they could be found hiding in below freezing conditions in the middle of the Himalayas. All they can do is to hope they can keep surviving...
Eventually, they'll all die off, no matter how hard they may try. No matter how powerful or determined one may be, they're still mortal at heart. Anyone can die. Sooner or later, Adam would fall too.
They all would. Humans are disgusting and dangerous like that. Something they don't understand is a 'danger' to them.
Adam began making his way back to the hideout, shoulders hunched. He felt worse than he had in a long time. The others could only hope to live for so long. Let them think they will win. Adam smiled slightly, looking at the actual innocence they all had. Even the killers. They were all dead already.
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