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Private/Closed Outcasts: Reborn

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"I've already done an estimate of the amount of supplies that would be on board. If they bring an amount that close to it, then of course they didn't save any and I'll call them out on it. Considering the fact that this was simply a drop of, there would be a small amount of food, enough for about one nights work, along with some blankets for each crew member. The same with the amount of supplies. This is all I can do at this point, and we'll see where this goes and learn where everyone stands." Quickdraw said in a hushed whisper. "Okay, I need a few more volunteers. How about you." He said pointing to Nathan. Then he turned to some of the others, "patch up some of these injuries and do a sweep of the grounds. You two come with me." The man entered the plane through a gash in the side, awaiting for the others to follow.
"Heh. I've got that more times than you could imagine," Sky replied, adopting a more relaxed position in the nothingness next to Alex. "Humans are... Quite easily surprised. And I suppose finding a place to go wouldn't be that had an idea, since staying out here in the Himalayas isn't the best idea if you're looking to avoid hypothermia." Suddenly conscious of how cold his skin was, Sky allowed the freezing wind above him to part, letting the warmer air above flow into the vacuum. In a few seconds the air became noticeably warmer, until the temperature resembled that of a normal day. That's better. Wouldn't want this thing freezing up, the spirit thought to himself, rubbing his arms
"Yeah, we should probably head back to the other." Alex said with a sigh as he stood up on the branch before noticing the warmer air. "Woah, that's awesome. We could just have you with us." Alex said before jumping off the tree and landing on the ground below. "Let's go see what the others are doing." Alex continued as he began to walk back toward the crash site.
Sky grinned slightly. "Yeah, I suppose I could come along. Nothing better to do, really," he answered, flying down until he was floating alongside Alex. "So, if I may clarify, none of these people were the guys who caught me a few months ago? Because there is no way under the earth I'm risking something like that."
"No, we are all metas or people with powers. I don't really know what you are though..." Alex said as they came up to the wreckage. Alex sighed as he looked around, he was happy that the fighting had stopped but he still felt a little resentment.

"Alright, I guess we should just help gather supplies I guess." Alex said, rubbing the back of his head.


Previously Mecha Who
Jim opened his eyes. ''What The f... Okay...'' Jim said getting up. Weird. Jim thought to himself after getting up. He exited the room and nothing was different; There were just dead bodies here. ''Man,these guys are monsters.'' He said again. He passed all bodies and exited the plane. Jim was just using a T-Shirt,so he was really cold. He activade his powers to run a little bit,too make him hotter. After running in circles for a while,he felt that he was a little bit better but not enough. ''Man,I need a jacket.'' He said going to the plane again,but this time he taked a personal jacket from a guard. It was big for Jim,but he didn't care.
"Eh, I suppose I'll explain what I am sometime. Not a person, that's for sure. Anyway, you go and get food and whatever. I'll be somewhere or another, doing something. Collecting resources is probably gonna require entering that hunk of metal, and that's pretty low on my priority list. Second, I don't need it. So there's not a ton of use in me collecting stuff I won't use, when somebody who could use the stuff could be getting it. So if you need me, just give a shout." Sky's body suddenly disintegrated, and he flew towards the guy with the gun

In the way, however, several noises got him sidetracked. Stopping and listening, he only caught a few of what must have been words, before they cut out. Whatever sort of door, probably metal, that was muffling what was actually being said opened, and shortly after a dark-haired guy walked out, looking around 19. Reforming next to the doorway he was exiting, Sky commented "I'm guessing it was you making that noise? Whatever was going on didn't sound too good"
Josh watched the people from a distance observing them and learning more about them before he decided to talk with them. Something his older brother taught him. He sat in the cold area after taking a jacket from one of the dead guards though he made damn sure that the five he healed were going to be protected from this batch of killers. ' No wonder the government wants to lock us up.' He thought as he watched them.

Else where
The man walked around his cell. It was padded white. The man went by many names but the name he was born with left him long ago. He watched as lights turned off in his cell. He moved his hand as electricity came out. 'What's going on.' he thought with a little laugh. He watched as a younger man was pushed into his room. The young lad was no more than twenty. The older man sniffed him sensing that he smelled good. " What can you do." He mumbled as he looked at the younger man.

" Um this." The boy said as his hand turned into a blade of energy. The man smiled as he observed it.

" Can you show me more." He hissed as he moved away and watched the boy. His tongue licked his lips as he watched the younger boy.
"Uh, alright. I'll do that then." Alex said as Sky disintegrated. "Man, that dude is really weird." Alex said before walking a bit closer to the ship and heading inside. Alex passed Quickdraw, not saying a word to the man and headed deeper into the ship to one of the supply rooms he remembered passing.

Before Alex entered the room he noticed Jim, "You really think it's good to take something like that off a dead body? I mean... It's pretty gross you know." Alex said before entering the room and salvaging anything thing he could find that looked like it could be used, thankfully, he had found a small, shoestring bag to store things in.


Previously Mecha Who
''I don't really care now. He is already dead.'' Jim said putting the jacket. ''Also,Hi. My name is Jim.'' He said thinking about Adam. This guys was weird,I don't want to talk with him anymore. Jim thought to himself before taking the gun of a soldier. ''Who knows this can be useful?'' Jim said taking a belt with a weapon supporter. He putted the gun in the belt and waited to Alex answer him.
Josh continued to watch the people. He did his best to create a small fire as he started to work on a small tent. He didn't know these people. and taken everything that has happened he felt like he couldn't trust them. Sure he was the one that accidently crashed the plane but it was only because of that damn co pilot who wanted to play hero.

Ryker smiled as he studied the man. " So use your inner strength to create blades." He said as he pointed out a finger as a black blade was created. " quite interesting." He said before pushing the boy against a wall. " Now I must take care of you." He said as he licked the boys neck. The boy screamed only to be quieted by Ryker's energy blade going threw his stomach. " You played along." He hissed that gave you the right to a quick and painless death." He said before taking his blade out. He looked around as guards came in and escorted Ryker away.
"Eh, I guess you're right." Alex said as he stuffed a few more things in the bag, closed it and put it on his back and exited the room. "Maybe, hopefully it's not jammed or anything." Alex said as he looked at Jim messing around with the gun. "I prefer swords myself though. They may not have the range guns do, but they are so reliable and can be used for other things." Alex said as he walked past Jim.

"Where have you guys been staying? I've noticed that you were here before we even crashed." Alex asked Jim as he leaned against the wall.


Previously Mecha Who
''I was surviving in a cave,with my two friends. Then,I founded this crashed plane. Then...'' Jim said thinking about the Data room and what happened there. ''I'm talking with you. I don't prefer any,I just use what I can.'' Jim said looking at the gun. He looked in the pockets of his jacket,and founded a picture. A picture of the guard with the son. Oh... My... Jim thought to himself and a tear falled on the ground. Jim taked the photo and moved it next to the guard,letting the picture fail in the hand of him. Jim was felling responsible for his dead,even not being. I'm not going to kill. I don't want to fell that... Jim thought seeing the dead body.
Alex put his head down as Jim pulled out the picture, he also felt responsible for the death. He had actually killed at least four people today and at first he thought nothing of it and he honestly thought it felt good to take his anger out on the same people who had kept him captive for a while but, it didn't now... Alex could see a stab wound in the soldier's side and almost threw up.. Had he killed this man?

Alex shook his head and tried to change to subject. "Maybe you could take us to this cave and we could get some shelters going around the cave?" Alex managed to offered as he looked away from the body.
Adam glanced up to find a transparent being of sorts floating before him.
He couldn't sense it, however. In other words, he had no way to fight back against it, if need be.
"Why do you care?" He asked, furrow in his brows at it. It was no doubt another meta, or something. In all honesty, Adam didn't really care.


Previously Mecha Who
''No problem. Just follow me.'' Jim said making his way out of the plane,and he started walking to the cave. ''So,what is your power?'' Jim said walking in the snow. He was felling bad. Jim don't liked the Idea of killing. What happened in the Data room? Killing is bad. Killing in the Data room is bad. What? What I'm thinking? Jim was confused. A lot of things happened,and the things happened way too fast for him. '' My power is super speed. I'm fast. Really fast.'' Jim said continuing walking for the cave.
"My power is Visual Poweress or that's what the people who experimented on me said." Alex said as he followed Jim to the cave. "I guess it just gives me a lot of abilities that link to my eyes like I can see a lot better, I can see in slow motion at will, I can track even the slightest movements and correctly predict people's next move most of the time. The last thing I can do is manipulate people's nervous system to cause the to see illusions or to even become trap in their own subconscious mind with their worst fears." Alex explained as they neared the cave. "Just a bunch of small useful stuff for fighting I guess." Alex said.
Marik slowly walked through the wreckage of the plane, looking for anything he might want. "If this guy Quickdraw is a meta working for the government....he might know her." He mumbled to himself as pulled a large rope off the wall and wrapped it around his torso. "Might come in handy." He said to himself while tightening the rope and walking back to area Quickdraw was standing. He stopped and watched with an uneven, slightly forced grin, only one thought on his mind, "What is she shows up?"


Previously Mecha Who
''So,here we are.'' Jim said pointing to the cave in the distance. Jim runned to go to the cave,but he runned a lot more faster than normal. Inside it, he entered and stopped. The cave had some sticks to make fire,eatable plants and some meat from a rabbit that where in the valley and Jim killed and cooked him. The cave were small,but Jim doesn't cared too much. It was better than don't having a cave. He sitted in the ground waiting Alex to come. What killed in the Data Room. What? What Am I thinking? Who was this guy? What is my past? What is life? Shut up brain. Jim thought while waiting for Alex.
Alex arrived shortly behind Jim, "You're pretty fast man, so this is the place?" Alex asked as he looked around. "Nice, this'll be a good area to get some shelters going around, but first we should probably construct a bit of an overhang on the outside of this cave. "I'm going to get some building supplies. Feel free to help, it'd be great. Maybe you can run and get some metal from the ship?" Alex asked before jogging off into the woods and gathering as much stuff as he could.

It took many trips but he had finally had enough to begin. "Alright, let's start off with a simple slanted roof to block out any snow that comes into the cave. Alex constructed the small overhang with two long sticks that he had jabbed into the ground a few feet in front of the entrance that he had carved to have the shape of a "Y" on top and placed a sturdy branch to connect the two. The teen then lyed some branches and pieces of bark along to create a roof and covered it with large branches with pine needles still attached.

Alex wiped his hands off and looked at his creation. It looked sturdy but could have been a little bigger, it'll keep some warmth in the cave though and will block wind and snow from getting in if it happens to snow side ways. "Alright, time to start working on more mini shelters alongside this rock formation as not all of us will be able to fit inside the cave." Alex said to himself as he got to work. He enjoyed this as he had always wanted to do something like this and it took his mind off of all of the bad stuff that had happened.


Previously Mecha Who
''I'm going to call more people,Just one second okay?'' Jim said running at a very fast speed back to the plane. In the area next to the plane,he walked to Alexandrea. ''Heya Alexandrea,I'm making some improvements with a boy in the cave,can you help?'' Jim asked Alexandrea seeing the snow fall. It's bad to shut up and kill people in the Data room walking to the snow improving a cave deleting the files. What? Okay. Let me understand what happened. Okay,first off I got in the Data Room,Next I talked with that guy,Next I promised to don't kill,next I walked in the snow,and next I improved the cave. But I didn't delete any file. I'm creating things in my mind. Man,all of that happened so fast! Faster than me! Jim thought while waiting Alexandre to answer his question.
Lucas returned to Nathan with the supplies. "I got the thing for stretchers," he announced. Lucas knelt down and brushed away a few feet of snow. It took him a couple minutes but Lucas cleared a ten by ten square for the injured. Lucas laid out the pipes in rows and set the sheets on top. After shifting his hands, Lucas bent the ends of the pipes and thrust them through the sheets, pulling them taut. After bending the pipes around again, Lucas laid two more pipes underneath perpendicular to the first two. He bent these around the others to support to hold the sheet in place when any weight was put on it. Lucas then repeated this three times, stepping back to admire his handiwork.

Lucas turned to Nathan and was about to say, "We should get them onto these" when he realized that he didn't know where to bring them.
Alexandrea was no longer sitting on the piece of scrap metal when Jim came to find her. She was now leaning against the plane out of view from everyone and monitoring Adam. She waited until he was alone and spoke. "Hey, I know Jim don't remember a thing about what you did to him but I saw too, I don't take kindly to people messing with things or people I find useful." She said with a menacing glare on her face.


Previously Mecha Who
''Alexandrea? Oh.'' Jim said noticing that there were nothing where he was looking at. It was just a shadow. Stop messing with me,brain. Jim thought to himself as he looked for Alexandrea. He looked everywhere,but didn't find she. Then,he decided to go back to the cave. ''I couldn't find Alexandrea,sorry. But I can help you.'' Jim said starting to make another overhang inside the cave. The teen never made that hard work,but he was felling good and almost forget about what happened at the Data Room.
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Adam turned his gaze slowly towards the new girl. "Great. More random people living in the middle of nowhere. Who are you supposed to be? Ms. Jimmy?" Adam scoffed, before rolling his eyes. "Listen. You want a fight? Just ask. I'd love an excuse to do that." He growled, eyes narrowing at the girl. He knew he shouldn't be challenging random people. That results in bad first impressions, but he could feel her living being, meaning she was susceptible to his powers, just like everyone else... beside the weird floating guy.

Stooping over, the large boy grabbed the boy he had patched up, and laid him down on what Lucas had set up. "T-thanks..." Nathan said, giving Lucas an appreciative smile as he walked towards Dave.
"Nuh uh! I'm perfectly fine." Dave replied, scooting away from a confused Nathan. "But... you're bleeding out..." Nathan replied. Dave shrugged. "I'll walk it off." He replied casually. Nathan found this to be actually kind of funny. He stooped over and picked up the complaining Dave in his arms. "Not in front of the girls!" Dave groaned. Nathan smiled warmly as he brought Dave towards the area, laying him down.
"I could have walked here myself..." Dave muttered. "Which would have resulted in more blood loss." Nathan replied as he pulled out several bandages. "Is anyone else hurt?" Nathan called as he began to patch up a wincing Dave.
Alexandrea chuckled and raised her head to look down upon Adam. "Oh please, try me. Things have been very boring around here I would love nothing more than a fight." She said menacingly.
"I'm game." Adam replied, smirking as he slightly raised his left arm, and several blades appeared in the air around him, pointing at the girl. Of course, this was an illusion, but Adam could make it feel and look real to her. Casually winking at her, the world went dark for her, save for Adam, herself, and his blades. "I need to vent a little frustration. Stay still, please. This will only hurt a lot." He sneered as he thrust an arm forward, sending the blades hurtling towards her.
Right. So he's that kind of human. Looking for a fight, looking for someone to demonstrate his superiority on. Judging by the fact that the boy was apparently throwing nothing, and the girl's eyes had glazed over, it was quite evident the the dark-haired guy didn't use anything physical. Right. That explains why he didn't immediately challenge me- he can't do anything. Well... I just suppose I'll offer a fuel to him. His pride will force him to accept, and he will loose. That might at least help him get the notion that he can win any fight out of his head. Decided on what he was going to do, he stood on the sidelines, letting his body dissipate as he watched
"Don't think so." She said as she flicked her left hand and she was suddenly pushed out of the way of the illusionary knives. In the real world, a spider puppet jumped out of the side and carried Alexandrea to the side. "I see, so that's your power. You can create illusions." Alexandrea said as she looked at Adam. "That's how you made everything go dark, nice power but..." She flicked her right hand and the small humanoid drone puppet she sent to the plane earlier suddenly fell down from the celling it was latched onto and put its ninja claws on Adam' neck. "...Your power only works on living beings don't they?" She said with a grin.
"Looks like you discovered my fatal flaw." Adam shrugged as he disappeared. Another one appearing behind her. "Now you just need to learn exactly how to discover the REAL me." With that, he raised an arm, dozen of blades protruded from the ground below her, intentionally rising twelve feet into the air.
"But maybe you should focus on your survival, first. Let's see how well you concentrate with a migraine." Adam stated as he flicked his hand, and Alexandrea could immediately feel a heavy migraine overcome her. "As long as it has a physical brain, It's a toy for me."
Marik leaned against the side of plane watching these events unfold, a joyful expression on his face as he clapped slowly. "So THATS how your powers works huh? Very scary." He turned his to Alexandrea when Adam began creating another illusion. "So youve got technology but you havent shown your power, or do you not have one?" He asked giving a large grin as his teeth elongated.
Alexandrea grunted when the sudden headache hit her. "Urk." She glared at Adam. "Discover? I already have! My puppet is still latched on you!" She shouted as she clenched her fist and the small puppet tightened it's grip around Adam's neck. She the pulled her arm towards her and pulled the puppet towards her to Adam along. She heard Marik but ignored him to focus on Adam.
Marik squinted at Alexandrea's hand movement as the puppet tightened its grip. "Oooh, you control puppets. How interesting!" He blurted out while circling around the two. "Sooo Alexandrea, you know there's know way your winning this battle, there. are to many meta's on our side" He said with a giggle while shifting his fingers into sharp spikes. "Now, it would be really fun to paint these walls red, but you seem useful, so I suggest you stand down." He said, and evil grin spreading across his face.
Sky rolled his eyes, holding out a hand. A sudden current of wind, acting as a wall formed in front of the Meta, pushing him back and holding him in place. "As much as you want to rip somebody to pieces, I also want to see how this fight plays out. So if you wouldn't mind, could you stand down," Sky told him, a bored expression evident on his face
"Wrong me." Another Adam whispered into Alexandrea's ear as the illusion ended, and her sight returned showing that Adam was standing a bit off to her right. "This party trick is a favorite of mine." He informed her as he swished his hand, and a searing pain would erupt through her, increasing her migraine tenfold, to a seemingly head splitting level as he added a tinge of an upset stomach, giving her the illusion of having the need to throw up. If her brain bought it, not only would it continue with the feeling, but she would more than likely actually vomit. "Having fun? Don't worry, I'm still getting warmed up."
Marik laughed loudly letting his body hit the wall at full force. "Aw, the angry little air pocket is getting all huffy because useful and smart decisions are being made without his say. Poor thing." He finished while quickly prying himself off the wall. 'If you let this fight continue you might as well be spilling the blood yourself. People call me a psycho, at least I have my morals in check." And with that final statement he left, annoyed that he couldnt tear the air spirit in two.
"Did you mention morals? Well, you're quite obviously not a psychic," Sky spoke, the wind carrying his voice over to Marik. Glad that the guy with the knife-hands was gone, he turned his attention back to the other two
Alexandrea shifted her vision at Adam as she saw him move his hand. "Crap, got to react." She thought ad she clenched his fist and her spider puppet jumped at Adam from behind and clenched onto Adam. Alexandrea then felt Adam's attack and fell on one knee. "Gah." She said.
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"I've always liked Spiders." Adam comments, grabbing it by the head, ripping it off him despite it's cling, before it could get a grip, throwing it off. "They're unique, and mistreated. People are terrified of them because of what they are, and what they can do." Adam smirked as he did not relent his attack. "It's funny, really, how much we have in common with Spiders." As he says this, he performs an additional illusion, making it appear as though millions of tiny lumps beneath Alexandrea's skin is moving around her body, until they begin to burst from her, revealing themselves to be Spiders. "Spiders symbolize us. As a species, concluding we are NOT human."

Good men build the foundations of the world, so that the bad may rule it. This is how the law abides. It's only human nature. It's historical, and as the saying goes; 'History repeats itself'. Now, the world is being torn apart. The meta problem has become coincidentally catastrophic. It was always assumed that the rapture, or nuclear warfare would be the end, that is, until powered individuals began to appear, and soon, they were more of an infestation, a curse, than something special.
Meta's are nothing more than animals. This is Jack's philosophy. But he understands the flaw of not caring about them. That would make him undermining, and underestimating.
No, he needed to care about them. Not like another human, no. More like somebody else's dog. He needed to care enough to learn everything he could about them, so he would know how to put them down with ease. That's how he'd always done it.
And here? It made no difference as Jack took another step towards the flaming man, who was roaring at Jack in anger and despair, as Jack had just killed the three other meta's with him.
The kid with a poisonous touch.
The girl with psychokinetic abilities.
And the woman with blades for hands.
They all lay dead behind Jack as he cocked his head at the pyro before him.
"I'LL KILL YOU!" The man yelled at Jack, who couldn't help, but allow the side of his mouth to tilt upwards in the tiniest movement possible. "Really?" He asked, his voice low, scratchy, and gruff. "Let's get this over with."

"Piece of cake." Jack muttered to himself as he turned and walked away from the pile of four dead bodies.
Alexandrea laughed when the spiders bursted out of her skin. "You think this will bother me? I like spiders." She said. "Besides, I already got you." She said. Near invisible strings appeared all around Adam. "Spider Trap." She said as she turned around and pulled her arms in a cross and the strings around Adam tightened on him.
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