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Private/Closed Outcasts: Reborn

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Dylan shook his hand with an emotionless face. "Dylan. Charmed." He dusted himself off and flared up his aura once more. "I'm going to train a bit. If you want to, you can watch."
"Might as well do so. Honestly, there's not much else to do here at the moment." Sky's body broke apart, his natural form now hovering near the edge of the aura cloud, allowing him to watch without the effects of the training hitting him. Hopefully
Dylan sighed as the boy disappeared into the air, though he knew Sky was still there. He placed one hand on the ground, and directed his aura into his fist, which was now glowing a deep bronze as the rubble around Dylan went into a frenzy and the ground shook. Dylan got into the same stance as before and punched once more, breaking the sound barrier with much more force than before. A solid two seconds later, the sound of his punch snapped through the air as the snow behind him rushed forward like a storm, sent through the wind until it fell to the ground after being pushed more than fifty meters.
Alex managed to fall back asleep, he dreamt of his old life, it was almost like a series of flashbacks. To when he first went to school, having fun with his parents and friends, the first time he activated his powers, the strange man he who had a glowing purple eye he had meet that one night long ago. This one stuck with him a while though as his brain continued to show him odd things within his dreams.
Hours later...
"Alright, men, wake up!" The Commander yelled as he walked through past the many bunks, they had landed. All of the soldiers quickly got out of bed and faced the Commander. "Does everyone know the plan?" He asked as continued to walk around, all high and mighty. "Yes Sir!" Each soldier yelled. "Good, now, we'll just have to wait for Jack." The Commander said, there was a small bit of nervousness in his eyes, he knew this wasn't going to be easy.
Ryker walked towards the outcast base. He decided to stalk into the base and weed them out for the military. He smiled as he grabbed Josh who seemed to keep his stay out of people's way motto. He knocked the man out as he transformed into him.
"Hey guys." 'Josh' said as he reentered their base. " How are you people." He asked as he did his best to memorized their faces.
Alex opened one eye as he looked into the cave from his small shelter, "What is that guy doing?" Alex muttered to himself as he flipped on his stomach and tried to get a better look into the cave. "He sounds like a freakin' robot or something." Alex said quietly to himself as he slide a bit further back into his shelter, but he kept his guard up and pretended to sleep... He could feel that something was off just by 'Josh's tone.
"Actually, I've been waiting on you. I already sent Ryker on ahead, considering his abilities." Jack replied standing in the door way, hands folded behind his back. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'll make my departure." Instead of leaving, however, Jack walks towards the Commander, lowering his voice. "Let me make this clear Commander. I've been preparing for this for months. Fuck this up, and you'll have to answer to me." With that, Jack turned and walked briskly out, disappearing beyond the doorway.
"Tck, who does he think he is, talking to me like that?" The Commander muttered to himself before waking to the window in his office and looking out at the Himilyan wasteland they were in. "I'm glad I secretly sent her along as back up. These metas will be a challenge." The Commander said as he walked past his name tag which had been knocked over, the man knelt over and picked it up, "John" was spelt out on a background of gold. Commander John sighed again and began preparing himself for the inevitable battle.
Alex kept watching 'Josh' from a distance, he continued to get an odd vibe from him, like the one when a person just seems... Suspicious or something. He was about to brush it off until he remember what QuickDraw had said, They should be here in about 20 hours... Alex recalled... And that was about 20 hours ago, Crap, I feel like we're about to have some company... Alex thought to himself as he quietly began to gear up.
Jack narrowed his eyes at the mountain as he set down the twisted sheet of metal from the ruined plane. They were there. Ryker should have moved into position by now. Pulling out an electronic knife, Jack switched it's setting quickly before looking over his white camouflage, and start heading his way towards the cave.

Nathan looked at Josh, brow's creased in concern. "Are you okay? You spent too much time outside, you might be getting hypothermia!" He informed as he moved forward as Dave sat up slightly.

Adam glared at the figure in white moving up the mountain to the cave. He didn't know who it was, but they weren't bothering him, so he really didn't care, as he turned back, looking down the valley to the horizon of a mountain expanse. It would take them forever to get out of here alive.
'Josh' smiled as he looked at the man. " Yeah I'm fine. I was able to get a decent jacket from one of the guards." He said noting what the jacket Josh had on was. " and I have enough experience making fires." He said.

Josh opened his eyes. He was on the ship in some sort of small corridor. he slammed his feet against a wall as he tried to shout out but couldn't

The scarf girl woke up and saw that people were talking. She wondered what might be happening.
While training, Dylan suddenly paused and felt a strange presence suddenly enter the vicinity. He turned around and saw "Josh" attempting to strike some conversation, narrowing his eyes. He tapped into "Josh's" aura and felt malicious intent, mixed with the motive to act inconspicuously. Dylan flared up his aura and stormed toward the impostor, grabbed his collar, hoisting him off his feet and asked quietly but with uncontrollable ferocity, "Who are you?"
'Josh' just smiled as he put his hand to the aura readers heart and to close his hand as he squeezed the man's heart telekinetically in a form a paralysis . He gave the man a wicked smile " How about you not say anything and I'll kill you last." He whispered into the man's ear.
Dylan felt the pressure on his heart close in and instantly directed some aura to his heart to protect it, not flinching from the attack. Now he was mad. He grabbed "Josh's" neck and squeezed, now holding him with one hand while charging up the other with aura. "You won't kill me," Dylan said, his eyes glowing a bronze hue. "Now I'm going to ask you again; who are you?"
He watched the man charge up his Aura it was very similar to the energy blade that poor inmate showed him. He smiled as he imitated the man's move with one hand as his other pressed against the man's arm. " I'm sorry I can't let you do that." He said as he focused his enery self to create an energy blade in his hand against the man's arm piercing it.
Alex shot out from the shelter and went to support Dylan, Alex drew his sword and activated his visual powers. "Yeah, that's definitely not Josh." Alex said as he whacked the blade out of the intruders hand and push him back a bit and stood next to Dylan.

Alex looked directly into 'Josh's' eyes, "Now, you will tell us who are." Alex demanded as the circles around his pupil began to spin as he started to place Ryker in a trance.
" Oh is this a visual power. That's so cute" Ryker said as he clapped his hands he then started to laugh. " You really think that will work." He said as he studied the boy's eyes. " not everyone has a mind that you're able to fuck. some people already had their mind fucked one too many times. " Though I'll give you guys a name. Have any of you heard of the copy cat killer before."
"He's got unique abilities but nothing ive never seen before. His cockiness will be his downfall." Marik thought to himself before giving his classic crazed grin. "I have." He spoke quietly while standing right behind Ryker, his arm forming into a large spike. He quickly thrust it forward, aiming for the middle of Ryker's back. "Just another piece of trash that'll be swept under the rug sooner or later."
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"Sorry, but I haven't. You must suck or something." Alex said with a smirk as he watched Marik lung at him from behind. Alex took the chance and also lunged at him front with his sword raised. There would be no way he could escape both attacks, Alex's eyes moved rapidly as they read Ryker's tiniest movements and tried to predict his next move.
Ryker smiled as he teleported behind Alex. He proceeded to fire bolts of electricity at both of them. " Sorry lads but my time is up. I'll see you in a few hours." He said before teleporting away.
Dylan lunged forward and fired two spheres of energy at the bolts of electricity. The two projectiles collided and exploded, ending debris everywhere. Dylan punched forward with one hand and pushed the rubble away to see that the fake was gone.
"W-what was all that about...?" Nathan asked timidly, the massive boy cowering on the side of the cave, covering his face, but slowly lowering them as the danger had passed. But as he started to get up, he suddenly keeled over, falling face first onto the floor, not moving.
"Tranquilizer dart. Enough to put down a large elephant, sharp enough to fit through a pore." A voice behind them informed, the limp form of Adam clutched in his right hand by the collar as Jack's face lit up with malice. "Hello, little lambs." He greeted, narrowing his eyes. "Alex Bolt. 15. Male. Visual prowess abilities. Difficulty level, 4." He smirked as he turned his gaze to Dylan. "Dylan Sage. 23. Male. Advanced energy manipulation. Difficulty level, 6." He finally moved his gaze over to Marik. "Marik Colton. 17. Male. Body manipulation. Difficulty level, 7." He leaned back slightly, looking at all of them. "Jack Stone. 55. Male. No special abilities. Difficulty level, 10." He enjoyed showing off this, as the government had classified metas and soldiers with a 'Difficulty level' ranging from 0-10. Getting into a combat stance, Jack's grin faded quickly. Now, it was time to get serious.
Dylan narrowed his eyes at the newcomer. "Jack, was it? Listen, I don't know what your game plan is, but back off. All of you." Dylan flared up his aura and got in a stance as well. A 6? A Goddamn 6?! The fuck, man?
Alex drew a second sword and was now duel wielding, "A four?! Are you kidding me? Between you and that Quickdraw guy, I don't know who is more ridiculous!" Alex shouted as he also got into a fighting stance, he narrowed his eyes and quickly scanned Jack, This guy is definitely going to be tough... Alex thought to himself even though he didn't want to admit it.
Jack made no reply. Now that he was truly ready, talking back with pointless insults would only unfocus him. All he needed to do was wait. He had a counter for each of them, and they had no idea what to expect from him, unless, of course, they read their history books. Jack would be all over those.
He clenched and unclenched his fist, but otherwise remained still, eyes narrowed, his body trained in Defendu, a British close quarters modern martial arts. Even though he displayed this, he could easily transition between over a hundred different forms of martial arts, one of the reasons why he was so deadly.
Dylan lunged forward and aimed a hard kick focused with his aura directly at Jack's shin whilst directing a back fist toward the foe's temple. This guy isn't the type to go down easily... finally; a real challenge.
Marik stared at Jack, having trouble holding in his laughter. "Ooooh my, you work for the government, meaning your a meta hunter, meaning you know WAAAAY less than you think you do! Hahahaha!" Marik doubled over laughing before he continued. "Let me guess, your a martial artist? Youve trained your body to its peak and then some? Good for you, I bet your technique is far better than ours! Now all your missing is the speed and power to actually use that technique in any useful way." He clapped slowly while staring at the non threat as the glowing bronze boy jumped at him.
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Jack leaped only a short foot into the air, and swung a trained, powerful leg into Dylan, right into his side, easily blowing him away as Jack landed, now showing off another martial arts, as he looked back up at Marik, eyes the same as before. Jack understood he was attempting to provoke Jack into a retort. Jack wouldn't fall for that as he remained on all fours, awaiting another attack.
Dylan's eyes blazed with bronze fire as he took the attack head-on, catching the leg once it relaxed from its position. Well, if he isn't gonna go down quickly, then neither am I! Dylan swung a hand forward in a chop aimed for Jack's neck as he stomped on the leg he was holding with an aura-enhanced foot, shattering the bone.
Alex couldn't help but crack up a little at what had Marik had just said, he was right. "What are you Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan combined?" Alex asked before circling around the other side and charging Jack with his dual blades readied, the teen slowed down his perspective of time so he would easily be able to read Jack's advanced movements and avoid being struck.
Jack slipped his foot out quickly as he recognized the maneuver Dylan was attempting to pull off. Maybe he'd even the odds a little.
Jack easily dodged his head as he leaped backwards, performing a flip back as he landed quickly, before pulling out his knife, eyes remaining narrowed as he looked at the three. Time to change styles.
Marik turned his back to the figth and looked around the landscape for any signs of life. "If he's here, chances are they'll have reinforcements. And I dont wanna risk running into the wrong person." He thought to himself before glancing over his shoulder towards Jack, "Excuse me, buff Santa? Where might your elves be hiding?" He asked in a slightly mocking tone.
"Woah, woah, woah old guy. Put the knife down, we can talk about this." Alex said in a bit of a mocking tone before looking down at his two decently sized swords, he really had no right to say that. Alex then turned to Marik and laughed, "Man, you make fighting a bit more fun dude." Alex said.
Commander John and his soldiers rushed up past the crashed plane, they shook their heads when they saw a few dead soilders lying on the outside of the ship. "We're coming up on the metas, men! Be ready, we want to take most of them back alive, but feel free to kill a few!" John called out, his soldiers responded with, "Yes Sir!"
After a while Josh was finally able to get free. He moved until he saw soldiers moving towards the base. " Hey!" Josh shouted at the soldiers. " Over here Motha fuckers." He said.

Ryker stayed in the background as he watched everything happen.
Jack let the corner of his mouth curl upward into a small smirk as the teens mocked him. They really had no idea what they were messing with.
This gives Jack the upperhand. He pressed a button on his knife, and the sound of active electricity filled the room as the three metas were shocked by 1,000 volts of electricity, from a small device Jack had thrown on them, shocking them all. Jack stood up, out of his fighting stance as he stared at them.
Dylan had to give Jack credit for that. He sure as hell wasn't expecting it. However, Dylan recovered quickly after grunting softly, fusing the electricity with his aura. On top of his bronze glowing eyes, blue electricity now crackled in them, as well as his entire body. "Thanks for the power boost," Dylan said casually, getting out of his fighting stance as well as he played with the lightning for a bit, sending a few sparks into the air and playing with a chain of electricity using his fingers.
Alex watched in slow motion as Jack pressed the button, he could see the device fire up and how powerful it would be, "Guys, get out!" Alex yelled as he ran to the side and used the side of the cave to shot out of it, he rolled and tumbled out of the cave as it was lit up by the electricity. "Damn, we need to stop playing around with this guy." Alex said before he heard yelling coming over by the crash plane, "Great. Just great." Alex said as he clenched the hilt of his swords.
"Wait! That's a meta!" Commander John yelled before anyone soldiers could run after to him. "Keep your distance and open fire with the tranquilizers!" John yelled as he pointed toward Josh. The soldiers obeyed and shot at Josh.
Josh put his hand out as the bullets slowed down then stopped before dropping to the ground. "you know close range would've been better." He said before put his hand to the ground. He then threw the soilders into the side of the mountain not enough force to kill them but enough to knock them out. He moved a couple of steps before stopping. he moved his hand across his nose as he saw blood dripping from it. " fuck.' He thought before falling to the ground unconscious.
Jack only smirked at Dylan. "That wasn't a power boost. It wasn't even electricity, not true electricity." As he said this, he raised the knife again, returning into a combat stance.
The truth was, that shock was an extremely powerful meta nullifier, able to steal one's powers for hours on end. And Dylan should be feeling the effects in 3... 2...
Dylan's aura dissipated and he found himself unable to harness it... again. Goddammit. He got into a stance and prayed that his martial arts skills would be able to hold their own against the apparent Level 10 difficulty opponent.
Jack waited, his patience strong, he could wait all day for the meta to fight. This had evened the odds, stealing away the guy's awesome powers. Why had they classified him as 6? Obviously, they didn't see his potential. Jack had to hand it to him, the kid was good.

Dave could hear the sounds of battle begin echoing around him. "I hate this. I can't do anything..." He muttered to himself as he looked at his leg, brows creasing. It was already looking better, but he was still unable to walk on it.
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