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"Well Miridia isn't here," Lyric intercept the figure. Her eyes were narrowed and a knife was in her hand as she looked him over, "she went on a walk and I you don't identify yourself I won't hesitate to skin you".

Miridia finished her tea and looked at the people in her group then up at the sky. With a shake of the head and a sigh, "we should probably get home. Lyric has made dinner by now".
"Just call me Vex or Victor, whicher you prefer." He gave a weak smile. "We wont be learning anything new yet, we're gonna be revisiting the old. I need you both gain 100% mastery over your current abilities." He looked to Kia, "Bringing out your maximum regenerative abilities should take long but....its gonna hurt." He then looked to Matt, "Your eyes are powerful but they have painful side effects, grow immune while exploring them, im sure youll find new secrets."
The white figure looked at both of them unamused. The man moved one hand creating a pentagram out of thin air. "Chains that bind, keep these people at bay." He said. with in seconds eight chains flew out of the pentagram heading towards Casys and Lyric.
Adam shrugs. "I agree. I don't think I'll get to fight today, and I am pretty hungry. Alright, let's do it." He lowers his arm, and the ground noticeably lowers slightly. He sticks his hand back into his Pocket. "Nice 'stalking' and all, I had fun." With that, he vanishes, 'teleporting' back to the Cabin. He watches Matt, Kia and Vex, while twitching his Wrist, causing the fake Adam to disappear, and Adam retrieved all of the memories that this fake had collected.
"Alright, sounds good to me." Matt said as his eyes changed to a dark red with a lightning bolt pattern, "I've discovered I can do this." Matt said as a black aura surrounded him, then a black rib cage surrounded Matt, it looked impenetrable. The rib cage then morphed into a top half of a body, It looked like a monster. "I know I can go even further, but it hurts just to do this." Matt said as he was inside of the upper half of the body.
Casys shot his palms forward and created a force field around himself, blocking out the chains. "Two can play at the trapping game," Casys growled as he created a force field around the man. With my attention divided I don't know how long that'll hold him, Casys thought, But I have to try.
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Miridia sighed and started toward her cabin. She smiled and relaxed, quieting her shadows and listening to the forest. She yawned, ready to just eat then sleep.

Lyric shot foraward, a glyph cresting under her feet as she moved to wrap her arms around the man and tackle him off the porch.
Adam looked towards the commotion at the door. "Well..." He closed his eyes and viewed the scene with his inner eye. The power levels and purity indicated that one figure is Casys, the other Lyric, whom he hasn't really officially met, and a third person. He furrowed his eyebrows as the events began to unfold, tensing, ready to pull any strings if he needed to.
The white cloak kicked her side allowing him to get away from her. " I don't want to hurt you Mrs. Lyric." He said as he slipped past her. "I'm here on assignment. Trust if I had my way I wouldn't be here." He said.
Vex nodded at Matt, "It appears you can manipulate the energy your eyes give off and manifest it into this summon. The energy is bound to you though, you wont loose it, just need to recharge. And since its bound to you, the best way to strengthen your control over it, is for you to get stronger, its grows with you." He glanced at Adam, his eyes shining silver, "Can they handle it?"
"You are not allowed in there without any of us knowing who you are," Lyric grabbed onto his back and pulled him away from the house. She kept her dagger at the ready and growled, eyes narrowed as she kept the unknown man from entering the house that held her children.
He turned to look at Lyric. " Like I said I wouldn't be here if I didn't have to." He said before revealing himself. " Long time no see Amazon." He said as revealed himself to be James. He turned anround and looked at Casys. "Either you lower this force field or I will destroy it." He said.
Casys lowered both force fields when he saw that the guy was James. Most of his aggression gone, Casys withdrew his wings and blades and asked, "Where have you been the last two years, James?"
Matt looked behind to see the man trying to enter the house, "Oh no, maybe this can be a chance to test out my new eyes." Matt said within the giant, he made the giant life his arm, and a bow appeared on it's arm, "Raijin Arrow!" Matt yelled, a black arrow made of lightning appeared and the giant drew the bow and shot it right at the unknown man.
Vex' eyes became alert and fierce, he shot in front to the bolt holding his hand out, No!" he yelled as the bolt hit his hand and the light from emitting off it slowly faded. He turned to James, "What is this about? Whats going on?"
"James! You asshole," Lyric's temper glared as she threw a punch at his face. She growled and swore, her other hand flying toward his stomach as she yelled profanities at the top of her lungs.
He took the hit to the face but make sure to move out of the way to doge the stomach punch. " If you only knew the half of it." He said He then walked up to Lyric and tapped one finger against her brain showing her, her memories of the other timeline. He looked at Vex. " My master asked if I could help you guys out for the tournament. after that you won't be seeing me again." He said. " Just how it should be."
Vex crossed his arms before disappearing and reappearing in front of James. "Well you better speak fast because if Miridia gets back here and she's you she'll never let you leave." His voice was cold and stern, eyes still shining silver.
"Who is James?" Matt asked as he stood in the middle of the giant. "Man, I really wanted to try that out." Matt said as he deactivated the black giant, it disappeared from around him. Matt picked up his blade and put it away, "So, we really are doing this tournament thing?" Matt asked as he approached Lyric, Matt still had his visual powers ready.
Chojin then saw James "its you the stone man" he saw as he look up and cried out "why God" he then look at James and ran to him as he put his hand out for James to shake "long time no see stone man i thought you die" he said
"No! Fuck off," Lyric steamed and threw another punch at James. She was now crying with the additions of the other memories. She dropped her fists to her side and clenched them, "why are you so selfish? No, leave now because you don't think about other people! We accepted you into your family, loved you, helped you out, supported you and you betrayed us"!
Chojin ran over to Lyric and patted her on the shoulder "please calm down" he said as he look at James "look like you two have a history" he added before looking back at Lyric "you okay lady" he ask her and he pull out his locket and held it out. He then look at the sky "why" as he close his eyes and whispered "please be okay" he said to himself
Kia sighed and she looked at matt " Hmm where did vex go" she asked and she looked around "hey vex i would still want to learn more about regeneration" she said with a smile.
" Was that before or after you started messing around with Akron." He said. "Besides I did you a favor how much better was you're life without me in it. Besides it wasn't like you really cared about me anyways. I was just the only person that tried to take interest in you. Now then I'm going to take those memories away from you." He said as he started to move towards her again. " Besides if it wasn't for that witch showing her true self I might of still been with you guys. but no that bitch you all fallow was just using us." He said as he moved his finger towards her
"Nope." Matt said as the black rib cage appeared around him and Lyric, "Do not hurt my.. my.. my family!" Matt yelled as the black rib cage burned even brighter than normal. "Sir, I suggest you step back." Matt said to James in an angry voice. Matt's eyes glowed and even brighter red.
Vex shot in front of James grabbing his hand and jumping into his mind. "Hello James, welcome to the Outskirts, its a place between consciousness and sub consciousness, I control it. We need to talk and I frankly dont appreciate your opinion on my friends. Will you calmly speak with more of will this have to become dangerous?"
""don't touch me," Lyric screamed and sent a shockwave of crystals from around her. She crystalized herself, hiding inside a large spiked dome as she cried. She curled into a ball as she kept herself from letting the gems that she controlled kill her.

Miridia heard the fighting and quickened her pace to a sprint. She stopped when she saw what was happening and froze.
The spiked gems hit the black rib cage, "Ouch.." Matt said as he closed his left and and held his ribs. "It seems this thing is connected to my body." Matt said as he made the rib cage disappeared, she could protect herself just fine. Matt then walked over to Casys, "Just who is this guy?" Matt asked Casys.
Adam watched everything unfolding. A grin splitting across his face. "Now, this is interesting." He looked at Kelly, who chirped indignantly, and Adam turned from her. "Well... sorry..." He looked at the strings of James. Never met the Guy, and his Power level frankly isn't as high as I expected, but I've got a hold of his Nervous System. One pull, and he's powerless to even move until I let go of that string. He cocked his head to the side, watching intently.
"Its a shame, you were such a nice guy..." Vex simply disappeared, no flash, no sound, no puff of smoke. He was just gone. "If you would like to try and break free go ahead but it wont happen." His voice echoed from every direction as smoke began to slowly move towards James.
Chojin then step towards James "well here we are" he said as he pull his sword out "i been waiting to do this for years" he said as he raise the blade hight but he then stop before attacking. He then turn to face the others "can i" he ask as he made a sad face for them "please" he added amd he wait for the answer
James looked around this area Vex created. " You're power has increased." He said. " So as mine." He whispered some words as swords dropped to the ground surrounding the smoke keeping it in place. " You really think this parlor trick will work on me." He said.
Outside the conscious/ sub conscious dimension.
Valone exited a portal beside Miridia. "What's going on." He said as he saw James and an unknown man standing there.
Matt looked at Vex, "May I make it even harder for him to escape? I can create images in the mind as well." Matt said as got his eyes ready. "I have an idea. I can make it seem he his hung from a plank, then have shadowy people stab him with fiery swords, and there will also be your voices. I don't think he would be able to escape from that." Matt said in a serious tone.
Vex sounded disappointed, "I thought even you would be able to tell the difference between parlor tricks and real danger..." The smoke engulfed the blades turning them into shadowy figures standing in the smoke. "Ive never taken anyone to this realm before...I thought it was to evil, but I really dont care anymore." Four shadowy figures appeared around him. Lets see how he holds up without his powers..... Vex thought to himself.
"Sounds mediocre!" Adam calls to Matt. Kelly remains indignant. "Oh, come on! Kelly, don't be like that." He hisses at her. "Use your imagination! I mean, really use it!" He yells.
"A fight. Now take him and get out of my dimensions," the witch hissed and started to march away and toward her cabin. Her scales were appearing again, eyes shifting and her build was becoming taller and thinner. Her fingers sharpened into claws and small wisps of mana floated off her scales.

Lyric let herself relax and slowly her spiky some fell away. She stood and watched everything happen, placing the her knife at the top of her arm and slicing downward, shaving the spikes that were growing off while not damaging her arms.
He moved around doging the figures attacks. He punched and kicked the figures until they disappeared. " Is that all you got." He said. "How about you face me like a man you fucking coward." He said before sitting down and waiting for the man's next move.
"Hmmm, what any ideas to add upon mine anyone?" Matt asked as he acknowledged Adam's comment, "Maybe I can show him the true embodiment of terror." Matt said as he scratched his head. "Or give him the sensation that every cell of his is burning while sweaty fat men rub up against him and lick him or something like that." Matt added with an evil smile.