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"Hmph." Matt said as he looked at Vex, then watched Chojin fall to the ground. "Fine." Matt said as he lowered to the ground, the the giant disappeared from around him. Matt walked over to Vex and Kia, dried blood was on his cheek from his left eye. "So, just who is this James dude?" Matt asked in a cold voice, he then looked over at Chojin, "Umm, you may want to heal him a little bit." Matt said with an awkward laugh, "Sorry Chojin, I just didn't want you to kill anyone!" Matt called out as he closed his eyes and deactivated his visual powers.
"I'm not going to hurt you. It's better to become a survivor then a victim. I have forgiven you time and time again and just like what I said to dasken I will do the same for you. Don't say things like that again please, please. What you said was incredibly insulting," Lyric looked at him straight in the eyes before pulling him into a hug and glaring, "you make me worry like that one more time and I swear I'll get Miridia to chain you hear to this very spot forever".
Chojin the shot his hand though the dirt and climb out of the hole fully heal he then called out "Twin Henshin" as he change into Red and Blue Chojin "no big deal thats why i wanted the body of a dummy" he said as he pulled out his sword "nice attack by the way" he added
Vex looked to Adam, "Let Matt fight Chojin for awhile but if it takes to long you could just kill him...I have to go." He flashed away into Miridia's, "Excuse me, may I speak with you about an issue ive been having?" He had dark circles under his eyes and his voice came out completely emotionless.
James hugged her back. " I really am sorry Lyric." He said. "for everything." He laid his head on her shoulder as tears started to come out. " I've missed you Lyric." He said.
"Thanks." Matt said to Chojin, while he looked at him with his regular eyes. Matt then walked into the house to see James and Lyric hugging. Matt simply nodded and went into the bathroom to wipe the blood from his face. "Why did I feel like I wanted to continue to fight him?" Matt asked himself as he used a wet towel to wipe the blood off of his face. Matt then went back outside and sat on the porch, deep in thought.
I'm too young to understand the feelings most of these people have. I'm only 15, I feel like a kid again. Matt thought to himself as he made a fist.
Blue Chojin then put his swords away as he jump into a tree and layed down on a branch he pulled out half an locket and close his eyes. Red Chojin then walk over to Matt and sat down next to him "you know back in the day i kill alot of people...boys..girls...man...and women..." he said
Lyric pulled away and laughed gently as she brushed some of his tears away. She turned to take Cassie from her high chair when the baby got upset, "well I'm engaged now ,have a beautiful baby girl, and amazing family. I'm afraid I don't want to leave what I have but you always have Miridia if you gain her trust again".
Matt gave red Chojin a weird look, "Why?" Matt simply asked in a cold voice. Matt then looked toward the ground and remembered back to that day when he had killed his little brother. "I haven't had to kill many people throughout my life." Matt said with a sigh. "I don't enjoy killing people. I reminds me of a certain day that changed my life forever.." Matt said as he looked out into the darkness of the night.
James laughed a little bit. " Talk about jumping to conclusions." He said. " I missed you as a good friend, a shoulder I can cry on. I gave up on trying to amend the relationship when I turned into James. Hell I begged Miridia not to reveal anything to you because I saw how happy you were." He said as he bent down and gave the baby a funny look. " So you've been engaged for two years." He said. " thought you both would be married by now."
"Get this place baby safe and ship shape before any of that. Cassie has also taken a lot of my attention and energy," Lyric smiled as she pulled Cassie into a more comfortable position for both of them. She patted James on the head and pushed her daughter into his arms, "hold her while I clean up please".
"Alright." He said as he held Cassie. He smiled as he looked at her. She was the closest him and Lyric will have to having a child together. " You have an amazing mother." He said. "Never forget that." He kissed her forehead. He looked at her eyes. " Well you have you're father's eyes." He said as he gently moved around.
Miridia looked up at him and tilted her head. Her cup was refilled by a floating teapot and she crossed her arms, "what is it"?

Lyric whistled as she worked, cleanings dishes and putting leftovers away. She hummed softly, creating a random tune in her head.
Red Chojin then look at him "i had no choice it was just who i was" he said as he pull out his duel swords and look into them "i still see them to this day then wont move on form limbo" he added as he got up and walk into the house to get a drink. He then saw James holding a baby "did you steal that" he ask as he drank from a can and look at the baby
"I dont feel like repeating myself so Ill just give you a recap" His eyes flashed gold as he linked with her, showing her how his emotions started to fade. "Do you have any idea how I can fix this?"
Matt walked into the house with Chojin, "I don't think he stole it you idiot. If he did, Lyric probably would have killed him by now." Matt said with a laugh. Matt walked over to the and grabbed a drink of water. "Man, I'm really tired, today was really a big day." Matt said as he set his bag and sword against the neatly. "So, what's it like being in a dummy's body?" Matt asked as he looked at Chojin.
Red Chojin then look at him "you get use to it after a while" he said as he sat down and turn navk to dummy mode. "Plus i can be use as a toy for everyone" he said as he stay still acting like a dummy.
Kia looked at them and she sighed " Matt why are you messing with a dummy?" she asked and she ran up to Matt and she tried on a rock and she hit the floor hard "ow that hurt" she cried and she looked up "oh your..that guy" she said and she slowly got up and she looked sighed "ow that hurt" she said and sat on the couch.
"Are you ok?" Matt asked Kia as she sat down on the couch. Matt then looked over at Chojin, "That's pretty weird.." Matt said as he watched Chojin be a dummy. "That has to be one of the weirdest powers I've seen so far." Matt said as he yawned and looked over back toward Kia, "So, have you gotten any stronger today?" Matt asked her as he put his feet up on lied back into the couch.
Kia looked at him and she nodded "yeah i have..." she said and she crawled next to her and she yawned "mind if i just lay here?" she asked and she laid head on his leg and she looked at him " I'm ok just a little scar" she smiled at him and she sighed "so you lost your emotion?" she asked and she drooped" that must suck?" she asked and she sighed
"Well I could make a potion that you'd need to take every two days. It should restore it until your powers heal your mind," Miridia offered as she tried to figure out what to do . She crossed her arms and supplied her tea, "or I could cast a spell that would have bigger cons as it would slowly cap your powers so we don't fry your brain".
"Id like to continue growing in strength as ive still got some things id like to learn. So if that potion doesnt put a cap on my abilities Ill do it." Vex' words came out fast, if he had emotions, he would be ecstatic right now.
Chojin turn his head and laugh "looks like Matt has a girlfriend" he said as he patted Matt head and went back to being a dummy. In Chojin mind he was thinking "well this is nice but i just feel lonely" he thought to himself as he look around his head.
Casys lay in his bed, deep in thought and in desperate need of some sleep. The angel spread his wings and lay stomach down, wrapping himself in the soft wings like a blanket. As Casys drifted to sleep, he didn't even notice that he had left the bedroom door open a crack.
Matt looked at Kia, "Umm, er, ok I guess." Matt said as she laid next to him. "I didn't fully loose my emotions, they just went numb for a little while." Matt said to Kia, "But I guess I'm glad my eyes are open to the world again." Matt said as he yawned again. Matt then glared at Chojin, "Do you want me to kill you for real?" Matt asked in a joking/serious tone. Matt then looked back toward Kia, "So how old are you?" Matt asked, he was just trying to make simple small talk.
"The potion won't cap your powers but it could have other side affects," Miridia argued and turned to start collecting the things she would need. She sang a soft song a share went about, a sigh front eh radio sticking in her head.
Vex breathed a deep sigh of relief. "Uh.....what kind of side effects? Because if they're not to drastic I should be able to analyze the potion after ingesting it and stop them from occurring."
Kia blushed " sixteen" she whispered and she looked at him "but if you add those three years in the woods...I'm nineteen" she said and she smiled at him. "how old are you Matt" she said and she yawned " Yeah Chojin you want us to kill you...even though i'll probably die before he does" she whispered the last part..
"I don't know. Things effect people differently," Miridia sighed before walking up stairs to relax and maybe get some food into her. She thanked Lyric who had left a plate out for her and smiled at everyone, except for James. She kept a neutral face with James.

Lyric took her daughter back and walked to put her in a guest room while she visisted. Se ushered Sabrina up aswell, getting the ready for bed.
Vex sat down with a smile on his face. He didnt feel happy but he was. He looked over to Kia and Matt, "You will both be meeting Vex very soon I think..." He slouched in the chair hoping to falling asleep, but all he could think about was getting his emotions back.
Matt closed his eyes, "I'm probably the youngest one here. I'm only 15." Matt said. "Tomorrow is probably going to be a day full of training." Matt said as he put his arms behind his head. "I wonder what we are going to do." Matt said in a quiet voice. "I bet Vex has something good in mind." Matt said as he began to drift into sleep.
" I be damned." Brandon said as he walked in to the room. He smiled as he put James into a bear hugged. " It's been too long little brother."
James smiled a little bit and hugged him back. "It's good to see you Brandon." He said.
"Good to see you too." He said. " So where have you been."
"Training with a wizard called Valone."James said. " I'm decent at using Mana now." He said. He sat down and Brandon did the same they started talking about how both of them have been in the past two years.
Kia nodded and she looked at him "Of course he does ....hes vex " she said and she closed her eyes and she slowly fell asleep on his legs " Matt if you want we can be friends " she said and she smiled at him and she closed her eyes and passed out. " Good night Matt" she said and she sleep.
In the forest Ken was sitting down across Boris in human form. "Now friend Ken I help you strengthen your mind as training, this what you wanted right?" Ken looked at Boris with a determined look. "Yes Boris I need to train my mental state and I'm sure you can help me with that." Boris nodded. "Alright training begin." He said as he entered Ken's mind.
Chojin slowly got off the couch and walked out of the house he then walked over to the forest I start to chop down trees "I probably use these "he said as he thought for a minute "I need a girlfriend".
"No offense, but I doubt you're getting one. Of course, I could always provide you with a real time illusion, similar to Kelly here. She's sentient, and self aware, almost like she's actually real, but simply an illusion. But yeah. Getting a REAL girl is gonna take a lifetime for you buddy." Adam smirks as he leans against a Tree.
Universe eight
Xavier whipped the sweat off of himself. Hamilton always took a lot out of him. He went inside of the elevator and went down to the theater's basement. He stepped out and looked at the ten foot mech he piloted. " Atleast some things don't change he said as he rubbed it with his hand. "I'll see you in a week." He said. He was thankful of course for his seven day leave.
" Xavier please report to my office." Commander Itcharo said.
Xavier sighed and walked to the room. Sitting down at the desk was his commander. but the man to his left was someone Xaiver never met before.
"Xavier." The Commander said. " Meet Valone."
"Hello Sir." Xavier said.
Valone shook the man's hand and smiled. "Hello it is nice to meet you." He said. " So you're the one."
"One what?" Xavier said he looked at the commander.
" You're leave has been cancelled." The commander said. " You'll be participating in a tournament."
Xave wanted to complain but knew it wouldn't get him anywhere. "Yes sir." He said before fallowing Valone out
"Goodnight." Matt said as he drifted off to sleep. Matt then began to have a nightmare about all the people around him dying off, and him being left alone again. When the dream entered its worst stage Matt jolted awake, sweat was dripping from his face and his eyes had changed to red with the lightning bolt pattern. Matt panted, "Man, I really hate nightmares." Matt said as he tried to calm himself down by getting up and getting a drink of water. "I really hope that doesn't happen." Matt said as he looked out the window, he had no idea what time it was.
Chojin slowly look at Adam "why not dating a girl made out of thin air that would be fun" he said as he kept choping at the tree "why dont you help me get Kai and if that doesnt work then ill take you on that deal" he added
"Help you get Kia? Dude, she's been hitting on Matt and Vex and has barely noticed you. I mean, come on, you don't stand a chance." Adam smirks as he strokes Kelly's chin, and she chirps happily.