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Matt suddenly appeared behind Chojin and leaned up against the tree, "You can have her if you want." Matt said as he closed his eyes, "She's a bit too old for me." Matt said with a chuckle. "But, dating an illusion would be really sad, no offense." Matt said as he looked at Chojin and Adam. "And if you wondered how I suddenly got here so fast, it's a new ability of my eyes plus the speed of lightning." Matt add with a faint smile, Matt's eyes glowed red in the night. They were still activated from when he had his nightmare.
"Dating an illusion isn't that bad." Adam shrugs. "Don't question me on that." He adds, and narrows his eyes. "Kia is not something to be 'had'. She is not a possession. You can't 'have' her, you earn her love, and trust. She isn't just someone's because they date, or like each other." He strokes Kelly again.
Chojin look at Matt then at Adam before he smiled at them "thanks but look at me im a dummy literally" he said as he put his axe away "and your right" he said before he lick a rock into the lake and sat down on the ground "i guess ill just have to transform" he said to himself
"Eh, I guess I'll take your word for that." Matt said as he ran his hand through his hair. Matt then looked at Adam, "Sorry, I know I made that sound really bad. Trust me, my mom did teach me things before I was sent to this place." Matt said as he looked back into the night sky. "Any way, so is that bat your, 'girlfriend'?" Matt asked awkwardly as he looked at the bat and back at Adam.
Kia yawned and she open up and she looked at around from her and she smirked " Hmm everyone asleep " she whispered and she stretched "good now i go on my walk" she said and she went outside and she started to walk out to the roads " hmm what a ekk" she gasped and she saw not far from her "shit not again do have to follow me...i understand i ran into you in the woods but leave me alone Minotaur!" she cried and she shot Ice at the half-man half bull. During Kia's well adventures thought the forest she ran into a Dungeon which had a few monsters inside and a demon called the who looked like a Minotaur from greek Myths.
Vex lay in the chair not able to fall asleep. He simply sat there listening to the conversations around him. "Hm...seems Adam is the only one with his head screwed on straight, Matt is young and Chojin is....well Chojin..."
Adam raises an eyebrow. "Kelly? So what if she is? Got a problem with that?" He tried his best hold back from bursting out laughing, and is successful in keeping a straight face.
"No.. You just never see a person dating a bat every day." Matt said with a laugh. Matt then looked at Vex and used his eyes to link their minds, Hey, I learned your trick but it's pretty stressful on my eyes. Do you really think someone dating a bat has their head screwed on straight? Matt asked Vex inside his mind, then laughed. Matt then looked at Chojin, "So, what are you going to morph into next you dummy." Matt asked Chojin as he sat down.
Vex continued to pretend like he was sleeping. "Very good, you've gained almost full control over your new eyes in a very short time. And stop acting so dumb, Adam is obviously joking. Your eyes should help you read people, stop focusing on his eyes and focus on his actions, the ask him a question and see if he's lying."
Kia groaned and she held out her arms as the demon charged at her , trying to swing at her and she gasped when the attack hit but only cutting her arm and messing up her shirt and skirt "ow this are my only clothes" she sighed and she used her blizzard a ability and she surrounded herself in little ice cold rocks and she shot them at the Minotaur. The demon Groaned and he fell back and he Kneed " Girl Your strong but still weak" he said and he stood up and he smirked " Get ready to die" he said charging at her.
I knew he was joking! Matt yelled in his mind to Vex, "Hey, Adam have you ever dated your own illusion when you were lonely or something?" Matt asked Adam. Matt then looked around the room, "Huh, where is Kia, she was here when I feel asleep." Matt said as he looked at Chojin, "Maybe you can go check on her!" Matt said to Chojin with a wink.
Casys slammed his powerful wings into the Minotuar's head, knocking it to the ground. The angel had followed Kia after seeing her leave the house through his window. Casys jumped back and said to Kia, "You want some help?"
Chojin then called out "Dai Henshin" as he change into Super Chojin "yeah it feela good" he said as he ran around the area with his super speed but then he saw Kai being attack my a Minotaur. Super Chojin the jump up into the air and pulled out his sword as he use his finisher attack "Supernatural Sword Slash" he called out
Kia groaned and she looked around and she let her left eye turn red and black " Chojin you dumby the Minotaur is gone see" she said and looked at the minotaur who slowly faded away. " By Mino" she teased and she winked inside before she put an eye patch over her eye
"Eh, I don't know. Just wondering I guess." Matt said as he sat back and looked back toward Vex, I think he's telling the truth. He doesn't seem to have any weird body language, and everyone gets lonely I guess. Matt told Vex through his mind. "I have a feeling that Casys and Chojin are going to fight over Kia." Matt said with a laugh.
Adam looks towards their direction. "Nah. Casys doesn't like her, not like that." He leans against the Tree again. "And don't question further on my 'love life'." He emphasized 'love life' with two fingers.
Kia walked past Vex in the house and she groaned " why did you show up" she asked the air like she was talking about the minotaur and she heard a voice in her head "Oh Kia i just wanted to see you battle but your friends ruined the fun ...next time when he comes back make sure you go a little bit out of the town" Alya said and she sat down in Kia's head where to Alya it looked like a room because of what Alya did to it. Kia sat down and she smiled. "just sleep ok...or do something " she whispered and she closed her eyes.
Kia blushed "oh just myself." she said and she rubbed her head "that minotaur must have hit me on the head hard" she said. Alya groaned "you moron you didn't even get him on the head...more like that think was trying to cut you clothes off before your arms" she said and she laid back in thought. Kia laid back down and she sighed.
"Hm...you could've caused trauma...if youd like I could take a look in your mind and see if there are any irregularities." Vex said plainly thinking she might've lost her mind.
Kia sighed "sure go ahead" she said and she gasped "ekk" she cried and she laid down "it hurts" she cried. "hide" she whispered. Alya nodded and she made the room look like a normal head and she hide in the darkness.
Ayla sighed and she groaned " Human won't enter her mind" she said walking around. Kira closed her eyes and she yawned and she slowly fell asleep before she cuddled up to the couch.
"The second being in her head must be affecting her." He thought to himself. His eyes burned gold as he entered Kia's sleeping mind. He landed in front of the demon. "Don't act surprised, ive known you were here the whole time. Okay, so who are you and what are you doing in this mind?"
Alya gasped and she fell down and she groaned " I'm Alya...Kia's friend and annoying partner" she said and she looked at him "and who might you be invading our mind" she said growling..."easy Kia wanted me to help her become stronger" she said and she sat down " it was been kia was lost in the woods...she found me traveling and she was easily defeated by me in battle because she challenged me to a battle and she lost...so i grew pity and i let my physical body die and went inside her head."
Vex' eyes continued to burn gold as he stared at Alya with an analytical look on his face. "So your completely okay with her gaining access to your abilities. Which are?"
Alya sighed "Fire so she will be unable to be weakened by fire anymore" she said and she sat down "do you wish to kill me?" she asked
"Ill let you live for now...but if you ever even hint at doing something to harm my friends or cause trouble I will not hesitate flood your soul with light and end your existance." He quickly shot back out of her mind and stepped back. He spoke quietly, "Kia are you awake?"
Alya sighed and she looked down " I didn't even get stay i'm not evil...just a demon" she said and she sat down and she laid down on the couch in kia's mind. Kia woke up "yeah...hmm did you meet Alya?...shes pretty cool huh?" she asked
"Real cool." Adam is leaning against the wall in the dark. "Interesting indeed." He pushes himself from the wall and approaches them. "As long as she doesn't cause any trouble, then I'm cool with her..." He looks at Vex. "Vex, I've been meaning to have a word with you. In private."
"I've noticed a drastic change in your power, ability, and color. It's brightening. You've become fairly powerful, and that kind of power is the kind that needs checked, and watched, closely." Adam cradles a sleeping Kelly in one of his arms, and begins to pet her.
Kia pouted and she nodded "Of course" she said and she said down and she put patch on and she blushed a little. Alya appeared in her head " what i'm only useful if i stay in line" she sighed and she groaned.
"I was wandering when youd ask me about that. Yes my power is almost always growing in some way but Im also losing my emotion as it progresses. But im taking care it, everything will be fine." He rubbed the back of his neck giving a tired look as its been very inconvenient for him lately.
"Hm. Alright, stop here." Adam stops and looks at Vex. "Punch me. In the face. Don't hold anything back, just do it. Imagine I'm Chojin or something. Show me what you got."
"Hm....well I dont think its a good idea but id assume you have a plan so ill humor you...but im not gonna hit you at full strength, ive got some powers id like to keep hidden for awhile so this is gonna be about half." He nodded before drawing his fist back. Vex flashed about a mile away from Adam to build moment, his eyes burned white as he focused his physical energy into his left hand, it gave off a faint white glow as he did this. He then put his other hand to grab his left shoulder, pouring a large amount of energy into his arm, it began to glow a crackle with shining white energy. "Hope this works Adam..." He said slowly before charging forward at Adam building hs speed before punching Adam square in the chest. The explosion of light that happened next could be seen from space, the ground was singed black and almost the entire forest was gone. He slowly relaxed and let out a deep breath. "Not bad...." he said to himself.