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"Hey, Vex. I mean, I don't know this guy, but you're taking this a little far too, dont ya think?" Adam asks appearing behind Vex. "And don't bother asking me how I'm in..." He looks around. "Here... We can talk about that later. How about you both calm down, eh? Sound good?" He grins. Kelly chirps in approval.
" Go ahead and kill me." He said. " You try going through reincarnation because some god decided to fuck with you, be turned into a magical person because you thought the woman you cared about was in danger only to find out that she was lying to everyone about her true intentions. I don't see myself when I look in the mirror. So go ahead and kill me." He said. " release me from this fucking life."
Vex snapped his finger making Adam's illusion burst. "Stay out of my mind Adam, this doesn't concern you." He walked up to James grabbing his shoulder, "Tell me...what do you think Miridia did? Just .Explain."
Adam didn't disappear. "Heh. I'm no illusion. I'm in here, with free access out. Like I said, I'll explain later. Besides, I wanna hear this." He looks at James.
He looked at them. "What did she do." he said. " That bitch and the other bitch set up the "War." we fought just to figure out who controls the fucking Coven." He said. " She has been playing us from the start. and yet all of you flock to her defense. Besides I said I wasn't going to hurt anyone yet you all immediately see me as the villain. coincidence I think not. That bitch is manipulating all of you."
Chojin then step forward and called out "Twin Henshin" as two Orbs appeared while two hands punch though the orbs and broke apart as a red and blue Warriors appeared from the smoke as the both pull out duels swords from sword holders
"Adam, could you have an illusion question Miridia?' He kept James' powers deactivated while waiting. "Ive never seen anyone do that by the way..." He said looking at Adam.
Valone shook his head and left. " He's Yours to deal with Miridia." He said telepathically. " He's an Honor gift." He said before going through a portal.
"Chojin, don't. Let them handle it." Matt said as he drew his sword, ready to block any incoming attacks. "Just stand down dude, nobody has to get hurt. I don't know what this guy did to you, but just wait." Matt said to Chojin, trying to talk him down. Matt's eyes were already ready to fire a counter attack at any moment.
"Ask her what happened the night James left, ask if there was any form of misunderstanding and ask if there was anything he missed." Vex knew his request was simple but this could honestly be a simple misunderstanding.
Miridia snuck into her home. She climbed down the stairs and looked at her mana well. She climbed head first into it, drifting downward. She closed her eyes as the magical energy embraced her figure, shifting her back to her normal form as another came to existence infront of her. The two women looked at eachother, swimming around in a circle. The white cloth that made up Miridia's cloth danced around her as the secondary figures did the same. Miridia stopped and her counterpart did the same, smoky and not actually there, Middie smirked.
Adam looked down in the well. "Huh. Neat. Mana. Of course, It's useless when it comes to me pulling away it's power with a simple tug, but rare and powerful nonetheless. Miridia! I have a question for you!" Adam calls to her. This is simply an illusion.
Blue Chojin walk over to the others and look at the body's "thats sad" he said as he lowered his sword and pick up a child "hmmm" he said as he look closely. Red Chojin then look at Adam "but if it wasn't for me James wouldnt be here right now" he said as he put his sword away and pick up his locket and place it in his pocket before setting down.
Both of the figures looked up at him, warily similar faces staring up at him with curious eyes. Miridia looked at Middie and the mirror followed her movements, adsorbing back into Miridia. The white witch swam up, pressing the surface and getting out of her pool, "what"?
Matt lowered his sword, "Good, I didn't want to have to hurt you. Especially after getting you back into your body." Matt said with a sigh of relief. Matt then turned toward Lyric, "What's our plan? Should we just wait here until they are done? I'm ready to fight whenever." Matt asked as he looked at Lyric, "This could potentially get bad." Matt added.
"Ah, well. We have a misunderstanding going on, and I just need you to give me a quick summary of the events the night James left." Adam replies, looking towards his Shoulder. No Kelly chirps there.
Kia ran up to the group and she growled a little " Who is this guy?" she asked and she looked at them " Is he bad?" she asked and she looked down " did he hurt anyone" she asked and she looked around and she saw Lyric "lyric you ok?" she asked
"I don't want to talk about it," Lyric sighed and went to go check on her hildrne and calm Sabrina down. The little girl crying and trying not to have a panic attack.

"We went to Middie's mansion because we wanted to make sure she was dead. I got pulled in by spells she had set in place before we killed her. James dove in after me and Middie had a spell down there to keep herself alive somehow. I got trapped in a silence spell. Middie fed him with a bunch of lies and he believed her. He had already disappeared before I break out of the spell," Miridia sighed and pulled herself up into a standing position she summoned tea to her hand and looked at Adam.
Kia pouted and she drooped "Oh ok Lyric" she whispered and she walked inside and she laid down on the couch and she sighed "i'm gonna try and stay out of everyones way" she whispered
Blue Chojin then called out "Vex wait let me try out my new power" as he put he child down and took out his swords ready to attack. Red Chojin the look at Blue "but im not ready" he said as a tired voice as he he got up and brushed off the dirt on his shirt and then pulled out his swords
"Cool." He disappears.
"Simple misunderstanding, Middie tricked him, and he believed her. Simple as that." He tells Vex, and strokes Kelly, who chirps happily.
Matt jumped in front of Blue Chojin's attack and blocked it with ease with his sword, "You fool, they are in his subconscious mind." Matt grunted as he held as sword with one hand, blocking Chojin's attack still. Matt then with his other hand summoned a lightning blade to stop red Chojin.
Blue Chojin then look at Red while Red Chojin look back at Blue "if you wont me fix the-" he said "then ill fix it" he added as they pull back there swords and use there finishers. "Blue Ice Prism" Blue called out "Red Flame Prism" Red called out as they both did there finishers.
"You asked for it!" Matt yelled as the black rib cage appeared around Matt and deflected both attacks, "Ouch, that hurt." Matt said as he rubbed his sides, "Alright, let's go!" Matt yelled as the black rib cage morphed into a giant that stood there over the Chojins. The giant looked like a Samurai and it held a black blade made of lightning. "Sorry Chojin!" Matt yelled from the top of the giant, where he was controlling. Matt yelled as he swung the giant samurai's sword at the Chojins
Blue Chojin then laugh "childs play" he said as he Channel his aura "Ice Neiger Ball Attack" he called out as he form a spiked ball ice around him and roll around to dodge the attack. Red Chojin then pulled out Blue sword and his sword to channel his aura and use his next attack "Smoke Mirror Attack" to Make a illusion.
Kia noticed the noise and she walked out side and she saw them fighting "ohh a fight" she said and she ran out there and she shot ice balls at him ad she smirked" Sorry " she said and she threw more at him.
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Adam looked at James. "Well uh... I can't exactly show him any memories or illusions in this realm, your mind is deflecting it, I was only just able to get in here." He tells Vex.
"You underestimate my power." Matt said in a cold voice, "With my new eyes, I can see through everything." Matt said as he hit the Ice Ball away, making it explode on a mountain. The illusion simply didn't work on Matt. Matt then motioned to grab both Chojins and then threw them up into the air, Matt followed them into the air while in his giant, "Double Raijin arrow!" Matt yelled as the giant loaded two black arrows of lightning and shot them straight at the Chojins.
Adam raises his arm, his fingers spread as he projected a memory illusion inside of James' mind. "Here ya go." Kelly chirps her approval, no longer indignant.
His eyes widened as he saw what was infront of him. Tears started to stream down his face. he snapped his fingers as he teleported away. He reapered near Miridia. " I'm sorry I doubted you I'm sorry I left without saying goodbye." He said. He wasn't looking for forgiveness Every relationship he's in ends up in flames. He started to walk out of the room.
"Before you swore allegiance to you master, you swore allegiance to me and I never let your word go so you are still my butler. I don't accept the behavior you have shown and you will have to prove yourself again," Miridia didn't look up from her garden as she called over to him. She kept her eyes trained on her many plants, sipping her tea every so often, "also what you said to Lyric was bellow the belt and uncalled for, apologize immediately".
Vex teleported over to Matt, "Relax, Chojin isnt a threat, dont waste your energy." He then teleported over to Kia, "Im sorry the training keeps getting postponed, im trying to work some things out so the training will be better, just be patient."
" yes mam." He said before walking out of the room. He found Lyric where she was at earlier. He sat down a good distance away from her. " I'm sorry." He said. " I'm selfish, I'm a bastard and whatever else you can think of." He said before stand up and walking over to her. " Attack me however you want to I won't move."
Both Chojin then called out "dummy mode" as he turn back into a dummy as he began to fall to the ground and the attack hit him. Half of Chojin body was disintegrated the attack and he hit the floor "CRAP" he roar out as he try to get up but couldnt with one hand and leg Chojin thent crawled over to a tree and dug a hole then he climb in and bury the hole from inside.