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Zack yawned and looked around, wondering where he was. He saw beast and cuddled back up to her, basking in the warmth that came from the canine, "beast? We missed dinner I think".
The girl whimpered, she really liked food. The monster stood up and licked Zack's face, trying to help the boy wake up more. She scanned the area around her, noticing they were in a small clearing in the forest. The creature yawned aswell, and picked up Zack by his shirt collar. The beast began to march back towards the cabin, hoping to return the child to is mother.
"Yeah, youll need it. I will only use 100% of my body and mind, no fancy powers, just the strength of the human soul." Vex closed his eyes and breathed slowly before slowly opening them again, he body was outlined in a faint blue glow. "Come at me when you like." He said with a smile.
Matt closed his eyes and activated his visual powers, "I can see his strength..." Matt said as he got ready. "Alright, here I go!" Matt yelled as he charged at Vex with a punch ready, Hopefully he'll fall for this. Matt thought to himself as he launched the punch right at Vex.
Zack shuffled but stayed still as he was carried. He yanwed once more, wiping the sleep from his eyes as woke up. He looked up at beast and grinned happily, "don't worry, beast! Mom probably made extra! Miridia probably knows where we are anyway".
Chojin then walk out of a cave to have the light blind him "woah thats bright" he said to himself as he look at the sky "two years dang" he thought as he look back down and pull out a radar to see a dot moving "someones here" he said as he walk towards the dot
The beast nodded, but continuously carried him. She arrived to the village shortly, and noticed smoke coming out of her master's chimney. She set the boy down, and knocked on Darcel's door.
Vex relaxed as everything slowed down, he looked at Matt and the way he threw the punch, he let all the different possible moves play out in his head before lowering down quickly, throwing his fist forward into Matt's rib hard.
Matt's eyes moved at incredible speed as they read Vex's movements. Matt then jumped over the punch and behind Vex and shot a series of kicks at Vex.
This guy is really good, it's almost like he can see in slow motion Matt thought to himself as he grit his teeth
Chojin then walk into the village and sat down on a bench as he pull out the radar to see the dot was now gone "dang" he thought to himself as he pull out a apple and took a bite. Chojin smile "guess ill be here for a while before they come" he said as he lay down on the bench and took another bite from the apple as he look up at the sky
Zack got up and ran to his mother in the garden. The two hugged and Lyric picked him up, taking her son into the house and getting him some food. The girl pulled out the leg she had saved for beast and poked her head out to whistle, "beast! Your food is in Miridia's house once you are done".
The beast jumped for joy at the sound of food.

Darcel opened the door, then the beast put her paw onto his lap. Darcel let out a soft smile, and let her in. The boy collected more viles, until the liquid in his pan was nearly gone. He attached a saddle onto the beast, and attached to the saddle was a small pouch, which the viles were stored in. Before the two delivered the liquid to the village, he let the creature run to Miridia's for food.

The canine pawed the door and whimpered, waiting for someone to let her in.
Lyric opened it and pointed over to beside the door where she had placed the bowl. She rubbed beast's head and Zack waved the canine over as he ate his fill.
Matt quickly moved his hands behind his head and grabbed Vex's fist, slowing the punch down so it didn't do as much damage. Matt the held on tightly to Vex's fist, then yelled as he threw Vex by his fist.
I have to endure or I'll never get stronger! Matt thought to himself as he grit his teeth.
Zack laughed and hugged her as he finished. He then sat back in his chair and took a drink form his water and went to go find Sabrina in the green house with Miridia, "come on beast"!
Chojin then got top to the sound of a beast "what the-" he stop as he ran over to the people "is that your beast...So cool" he said as he patted the beast on its head and laugh "just like a puppy dog" he added
"Shoot!" Matt said to himself as he tried to block the kick with a counter kick, but Matt ended up flying back. He coughed, then ran at Vex again and jumped above him and put his fists together, ready to strike him right on the top of the head. Matts eyes moved faster and faster as he analyzed all of Vex's movements, the flexing of his muscles, his breathing, even the smallest movements.
Vex leans back catching both of Matt's fists holding them in place as he brought his knee up into Matt's stomach. "He's doing well...I might have to increase the difficulty...."
Adam found himself in the Cold. Mountains, Tundra's, Blizzards. He kept Kelly under his Jacket as he trudged through the Snow. He was searching. Not for someone, but for someplace. Kelly chirped, upset by being in the Cold. "Sorry Kelly, but I need to find the weakest point in the fabric to practice this..." He continued on his Journey, occasionally closing his eyes to look at the threads. They were weak here, woven lazily, easy to unravel.
"Here." He stopped as he found an entry point. Kelly chirped, and buried her face into his arm. He looked up at the massive threads. Using his mind, he began his work on sub consciously moving them, trying to find an opening into the Multiverse, something Adam has spent the last seven years of his life trying to accomplish. He'd never come so close as he did now, as he focused, wincing slightly, straining from the mental pressure he endured attempting to unravel Reality itself.
Matt blocked Vex's knee with his foot and used it as a springboard, jumping even higher. Matt then shot a rolling rick at Vex, as he fell from the sky and gained more and more momentum. "I can see it!" Matt yelled as he was ready to strike Vex.
"It's ok beast," Zack smiled and ruffled her mane with his hands as he looked at Chojin. He laughed and waved Sabrina over and the little girl came sprinting over to say hello.
Vex leaned to the side but was grazed by the kick. He winced slightly before driving his fist into the side of Matt's knee. "Be more careful!" He yelled not sure if Matt's knee was still intact.
"Right!" Matt yelled as he looked down at his knee, it hurt pretty bad, but it was still intact. Matt then begin to run in circles around Vex, his speed increased faster and faster, "Storm Barrage!" Matt yelled as he kicked Vex a few times, then went for a punch to the back of his neck while he swung his foot, aiming for the point behind the kneecap.
Sabrina giggled and higged the creature tightly. she smiled and forgave her with happy laugh. She looked over at her brother and Zack ran over to pet beast too.

Lyric watched them from the window, a cup of water in her hand as she leaned over the counter and smiled.
"Remember Matt..." Vex' light blue outline intensified for a moment as he jumped high in the air. "Don't rely on your powers so much, use your natural abilities." He swung his leg down like a pendulum into the Matt's back moving even faster than before.
Sabrina and Zack both got to work as they scratched and rubbed her belly. They giggled and chatted happily with eachother bayou random things, beaming all the way.

Miridia stepped from the greenhouse and knocked on darcels door, summoning two of the first potions books she had ever gotten for the shaman.
The ground around Matt exploded as the kick hit Matt. Matt coughed up some blood, "My natural abilities huh." Matt said as he panted and wiped the blood from his chin. Matt then rushed Vex with incredible speed and power with a series of punches, "I will become stronger!" Matt yelled.
Darcel peeked his head out of the door, "Hello?" he mumbled.

The beast wiggled as the children rubbed her. She suddenly grabbed the two and brought them in for a hug, licking both of their faces simultaneously.
Vex countered and attack, they went back and forth trading blows for awhile. "Good...very good Matt." Vex said as he slid back, his arms crossed in front of him. "Impressive, your matching me blow for blow....I believe its time I make things a bit more intense..." He grit his teeth as the faint blue glow around his body traveled down to his hands, an aura burst to life around his them as he rushed Matt, moving roughly twice the speed he was before. He struck Matt in the side of the neck with two fingers.
Kia sighed and she watched Matt and Vex fight "awesome" she said and she smiled at them "awesome." she said.
Kia started to make ice particles around her.
Zack made a face but giggled, pulling away to wipe his face. Sabrina did the same but hugged beast afterward and smiling. The little girl pulled away and ran over to the green house, coming back out with a bow that Miridia used to decorate pots. She tied it in a bow on one of beast's legs and smiled.

"Ah darcel. I've seen you been making viles as of late and would like you to have these. It's filled with different potions and if you ever need supplies just come ask me," Miridia smiled and offered the books out to the blood bender.
The attack hit Matt dead on, and Matt feel to his knees and struggled to move. What did he do to me? Matt asked in his head, when he tried to talk only coughs and grunts came out. Matt continued to struggle to get up, but he couldn't. Matt looked up at Vex while he was on his knees.
Darcel opened the door, and held out his hands. "That's very kind of you Miridia... But I still can't see you know." A small chuckle escaped him, "But I guess I can still read it.. Blood magic can do wonders sometimes.."

The canine looked at her new bow. She licked Sabrina, thanking her. She gestured the two children onto her back, where the saddle laid. The creature beamed like the children, and her tail wagged even faster.