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Adam watches him leave. He shrugs, and looks at Kelly. She chirps. "He's not?" He looks back at Dasken's retreating form. "You're right. He's not." He disappears, pulling the threads of Space, and reappears somewhere in the Forest, where he sits down beside a Tree and leans against it. Kelly chirps again. "So Vex and Dasken aren't it?" She shakes her Head. Adam furrows his eyebrows. "If It's not them, then who is it?"
The beast paused, and turned her head to Sabrina. She licked the small child and laid onto the path, putting the two children in front of her stomach, circling them. She put her paws around the two children, bringing them closer to her.

Darcel trudged up the path, dripping blood onto each rock, helping himself guide up the path.
"Ready?" James asked as he looked at Brandon.
"Ready." Brandon said. Brandon ran towards James throwing punch after punch at him. James swiftly dogged each attack. He punched Brandon in the stomach.
" Unleash you're power Brandon. You're opponets won't go down easily." He said. " You have to become him."
Brandon let out a breath and nodded his head. Instantly he turned into a different person.
Within seconds lightning flrew from Syler's hands.
James countered the attack refleacting it back at Syler. Syler dogged the attack. Syler's right hand turned into a blade of energy as he ran towards James. James did his best to doge the attacks.
"Daddy," Sabrina whimpered as she curled into a ball and brought her knees to her chest as she cried and her breathing became erratic.

Zack hugged her close and relaxed back into beast as he tried to calm his younger sibling down. He rubbed her back gently and pet her hair as he looked at beast with an apologetic face.
Kia gasped and she fell on the floor "ow" she cried and she looked at him "grr how dare you call me weak and slow" she said and she punched at him again trying to go faster and faster.
"It's not your fault," Zack said as Sabrina slowly got her breathing back to normal. She still whimpered and leaned against beast, rubbing her side softly and relaxing happily.

"Thank you, beast," Sabrina sighed and nuzzled her cheek against beast's side and patted the creature's flank.
Vex stood there letting the punches hit him. "Im not saying it to be rude Kia, I was surprised that I was able to hit you even with your powers active. Please try and focus your punches better so they do more damage." He had a sympathetic grin on his face.
Kia let out a sigh and she nodded " Ok " she said and she focused her punches and she aimed for his head and she punched him hard "cmon you know your strong" Alya screamed and she acted like she was punching as well.
Sabrina laughed a little bit and Zack giggled. The two children hugged beast and looked around as they tried to figure out what time it was. Zack stood up and patted her head as he stretched. He looked about them down at his friends, "should we go home now"?
Ken ran into the gang. "Whoa what's going on here. But anyways Boris told me that the tournament require each team to have 10 members, Me and Boris are in so who else want to join?" He asked.
Casys heard Dasken's call and de-condensed the cloud he was resting on, falling through and soaring to the ground. The angel landed on the ground next to Dasken, tucking in his wings. "I'm ready to train, Dasken," Casys said. Casys eyes lit up with a fierce light, "But I've gotten much stronger since our last fight!" Cayss looked over at Ken and replied, "I'll do the tournament, too!"
The beast nodded and turned around, walking down the cliffs when she saw her master. She ran at him, and lost her footing. The rocks slipped and the three crumpled downwards.
Darcel heard the three, and jumped down after them. He felt the two kids, and wrapped his left arm around them as they fell. The beast kicked around and barked, until Darcel grabbed onto her too. Before they hit the ground, Darcel felt a strange, warm feeling spark throughout his body. Blood sprouted from his back, and formed two giant wings, and flew everyone up. Tears and his normal black blood poured from his eyes, as he set the three onto the rocks. "A-are you ok?!?!" he questioned them.
Vex kept bobbing head from side to side dodging her punches. After staying on defense for awhile he slipped up and was grazed on the cheek. He winced before throwing a punch much harder than he meant to directly into her chest. "Shit, im moving to fast, I cant stop it in time...." he thought as his fist soared.
Ken looked at Lyric. "Hey Lyric I think you should join this tournament too, you're one of the most skilled one here." He looked around. "Has anyone seen Darcel? He should join too."
Dasken grinned. "You think I just sat on my ass all day?" He laughed. "I've been training just as much as you have, old friend." He smiled. "One punch, full force from each of us to start off? Point blank, of course."
Kia felt the punch hit her chest and she was sent flying back and she gasped as she hit the house hard "ow..." she said and she surrounded herself in ice and the ice started to heal her bones and wounds " Hehe Vex thanks" she said and she laid back and she yawned.
"Alright then," Casys said with a grin. "Do you mind if I go first?" Casys asked Dasken, not waiting for an answer. Casys increased the density of his body, not so much that he would've created a black hole becuase of how dense his body was, but close. The angel's feet cracked the ground under him, and he primed the punch. He also encased the fist in a small force field, so that there was a turquoise blue energy similar to his hair color surrounding his fist. Cays threw the punch at Dasken's chest with all his weight behind it, shattering the sound barrier.
Dasken grinned. The punch hit him hard, and he could feel it. He was just happy Casys didn't know his trick.
The punch's full force dispersed with the sonic boom in a constant wave of energy, and in the end, the punch felt no worse than a normal human's full-force punch. Something Dasken was all too tolerant of.
"Not bad, not bad at all. You ready for mine, now?" Dasken asked.
"Sure and does anyone know what we want for dinner," Lyric nodded and smiled at Ken. She crossed her arms and looked around at everyone. A crystal forming formed in the palm of her hand and she smirked at the speedster, "by the way what does the rules say about summoning golems"?

Zack hugged his sister close and when darcel caught them, let out a breath of relief. Sabrina hugged Zack and darcel tightly, "thank you".
Casys felt the blow back after the discharge of energy from in front of Dasken. When Dasken didn't even stagger, Casys said "Wow, I'm impressed!" He obviously did something to block out or disperse the energy. Casys thought. But he doesn't know that I have a trick of my own. Casys lessened the density of his body so that anything Dasken threw at him would go right through.
Darcel wiped tears off of his face, and mumbled "Don't ever think of going on these cliffs without an adult ok? Especially you, miss clumsy beast" he let out a soft, and awkward giggle as he brought the children closer.
Kia looked up at him and she closed her eyes "carry me " she said and she drooped "that really hurt" she said and she groaned " That hurt worse than i thought" she whispered
Dasken grinned. He probably forgot that I know he can change his density. He drew back his fist and gathered power in it, until the fist itself was seemingly glitching in and out of reality. He threw the punch at Casys and, at the last moment, made the energy fluxuate spastically so that it could hit any density of object. It landed, and it landed hard, seeing as the energy washed over Casys like a tidal wave of destruction. It rattled the earth and made a noise that popped everyone else's eardrums.
Brandon and James walked towards them. Their clothes where practically destroyed. Both had cuts and bruises on them.
"I'm in." Brandon said.
"Eh......really? Okay...." He had a slightly awkward face as he picked her up. Then an idea popped into his head which caused a large grin to spread across his face. "Lets go to Miridia's!" He said enthusiastically as he abruptly shot forwards to Miridia's without warning, he looked down at Kia to see her reaction of super speed travel.
"Ok, big bro," Zack nodded and hugged him and Sabrina close to his older brother. He looked over the forest and toward the village, smiling brightly at the veiw. He got Sabrina to look and she let out a gasp in awe.

"Brandon. I wouldn't let Grace see you like that," Lyric giggled as she looked at the way they were looking. She looked toward the house as Grace let out a gasp. She rushed over and handed Lyric the babies, "Brandon! What happened"!
At the last second Casys threw up a thin force field to try and nullify Dasken's punch. The force field was demolished by the force of Dasken's attack, however, and Casys got most of the impact. With a CRUNCH he was sent flying back into a tree where his wings blocked most of that impact. If this happened just a year ago then his wings would've been broken but the wings of matured angels were impervious to damage even when at a low density. Casys fell to the ground but got right back up. "That was a good hit," he wheezed.
Dasken flirtily raised and lowered his eyebrows. "Told you I've been training. Good thing you have angel wings. Indestructible, if accurate to legend." He walked over and held out a hand to help Casys up. "To be honest," Dasken sighed, rubbing the back of his neck, "That wasn't even full power... I didn't wanna hurt you."
"It's alright grace." He said as he pulled her into a hug. " I was just sparing with James." He said as he smirked a little bit. " Needless to say we we're pretty evenly matched." He said.
James nodded and stared walking away.
Kia gasped and she looked at him and she smiled "thats pretty cool...wait Vex are your Emotions back " she asked and she blushed deeply before she looked down " why miridia's " she asked smiling at him.
The beast let out a whimpering, trying to get her master to forgive her.

Darcel pet the creature and he put the children onto his back, and carried the giant monster in his arms. He took off into the sky, letting the wind take them. The wings lightly flapped, and let them land in the village. As they landed, the wings crawled back into his blood stream. Darcel walked over towards Lyric and set the children down infront of her feet, alongside the beast. "Sorry for the trouble." he mumbled as he bowed to her.
Vex tilted his head back and laughed. "Man am I really that emotionless normally? It took you that long to notice the difference?" He dropped her on the couch and fell back laughing.
Ken turned to Lyric. "The letter didn't specify so I guess all abilities are fair game." He turned to Darcel. "Hey Darcel, we are preparing for a tournament and I think it would be great if you joined."
Casys took Dasken's outstretched hand. "I'm fine," he wheezed. Casys turned his head to look toward Miridia's cottage. "We should probably head back," Casys wheezed, "Lyric mentioned dinner!" Casys tucked in his wings and started walking back, having to stop every few steps to catch his breath.
Dasken sighed. "I didn't even use my aura..." he eyed Casys cautiously. "Are you going to be able to make it there on your own, man?" Dasken asked, voice tinted with concern.