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Chojin then walk around till he got to the mountains "hmm" he said as his radar started to beep "i wonder" he thought to himself as he walk over to the gaint robot hand as the radar keep beeping at the stop. Chojin then pull at something under the hand that was a burnt and Crush dummy "what" he cried out as he jump bavk from the dummy
"It's fine," Lyric hummed and pulled darcel and her children into a hug with the babies. She sighed when her youngest tugged on a lock of her hair and smiled at everyone.

"Hey! James," Grace pulled away from her love and looked at James with a gentle smile as she caught onto what was left of his clothes, "join us for dinner. I want to here about your adventures".
"Yeah," Casys wheezed. He gestured to his throat as he talked. "This is unrelated...maybe." Casys spread his wings and flew the rest of the way to Miridia's cottage, walking inside and wheezingly asking her, "Can you heal my chest, lungs, and trachea?"
Dasken blasted in behind him, knocking e door off it's hinges in the process and sending it flying. "I am sooooo-"*CRASH**SPLINTER**SMACK*"-SHIT. I am sooo sorry, Casys." He turned to Miridia. "Full-force punch without aura."
Darcel smirked at the warm feeling of the children radiating in the air. He turned his head towards Ken, "What tournament do you speak of?" He questioned as he pulled the beast in for the embrace.
Matt's jaw opened wide as he watched Vex and Kia go back to Miridian's, "What about our training?!" Matt yelled as he ran over to Miridian's house. Matt opened the door and went inside, "What happened?" Matt asked Vex as he saw Kia lying on the couch.
"Oh, hi Vex! It has been awhile, Papi!" Dasken laughed, slapping his knee. He stopped almost immediately, though, due to Casys' groans of pain. "Full force punch without aura, and I, uh... might have overdone training..."
Vex gave a sly grin as he looked over to Casys. "Hm...we should try that out sometime, see how we do against each other." His arms were crossed and he stood firm as he spoke.
Casys glared defiantly at Dasken. "I'm fine. Just a broken ribs, a crushed trachea, and collapsed lungs." Casys continued to wings, gesturing to Miridia to hurry up please.
Kia smiled at him and he looked at Dasken "who's that "she asked and she blushed a little before she looked at vex " so why are we at her house"she asked blushing.
Vex turned to Dasken, smile disappearing as his face got slightly more serious. "Maybe we could also try it some other time, see how ya do..." He looked down at Kia, "Thats my friend Dasken and we're at Miridia's for dinner."
"What the hell happened to everyone?!" Matt asked as he leaned against the door frame, "I mean Vex infiltrated my nervous system, so I don't feel to good." Matt said as he looked over to Kia and Vex, "Dinner huh." Matt said in an annoyed tone, "Kia what happened to you?" Matt asked as he saw Kia lying on the couch.
"Yeah I can heal you," Miridia shook her head with a laugh and started to push a heal spell into Casys after moving now close to him. The witch hummed gently and her hair was swept up to be turned into a bun as the shadows pulled it back for her, "does anyone know what we are having for dinner"?
Dasken shrugged. "Meh. So long as we don't go all out. I have a feeling the place would get utterly obliterated where we fight." He grinned at Vex. "I learned how to go into Tantrum Mode without throwing a tantrum, too." He laughed. "When I get mad, it intensifies anyways. Cool, huh?"
"Very cool, I have also found a way to keep my strength constantly increasing by focusing a certain amount of my brain capacity on meditating to increase my knowledge over power." He glanced at the dummy and shrugged.
Matt eyes flickered as he saw Chojin, "No.. No way. This guy.. is it... Chojin?" Matt asked in a confused voice. Matt walked over to Chojin 2, "Who are you?" Matt asked the kid, "You seem... Very familiar." Matt said in a cold tone.
How many times is this dude gonna be resurrected?! Matt thought to himself.
Darcel looked at Ken with a confused/intrigued face. "I haven't fought in two years.. I am kind of rusty.." he mumbled. "I don't have a use in this, but as long as I can help, I guess I can join." he suggested.
"That's great to here now come help me and Lyric with the kids after you and my dearest go get you guys cleaned up," Grace gave a sharp and playfully scolding look to Brandon before walking over to pick Alexander back up.

Lyric smiled and kissed darcels head before standing back up and taking Cassie inside so she could start dinner.
Both of the men cleaned up
" You know." Brandon said as he looked at James. "next time I'm going to beat you." He said as he cleaned off his wounds. He handed James and himself a shirt. Both walked back to Grace and Lyric.
"So what do you need." James said.
Chojin smiled "just call me 2" he said as he place the dummy down "i know someone was in that dummy but who" he ask as he face Matt and look closely into his eyes "why is this guy looking at me that way" he thought to himself
"Well you too can watch the babies or you can cook," Lyric offered as she put Cassie in her high chair so she could pull out a pot and potatoes. Grace handed Alexander to his father and kissed Brandon's cheek.
"Oh, okay. You just looked familiar. My name is Matt." Matt said as he walked toward the door of the house. "I'm going out for a bit." Matt said as he walked out of the house and began to walk toward the mountains. "This tournament everyone seems to be talking about.. I'm pretty sure I'm in it." Matt said, thinking out loud. "I need to master my current abilities before any sort of tournament." Matt said as he clenched his fist.
Brandon held Alexander in his arms and walked around. " Hey there." He said as he bounced again. " Daddy's here for you."
James walked over to the sink and washed his hands. "What are we making?" He asked.
Chojin look up to the sky "Tsubasamaru" he call out as a giant falcon appeared from the sun as he flew down to Chojin who wave at the falcon. Chojin the jump up high enough to land on Tsubasamaru head and the falcon flew off "good to see you bud" he said as he layed down on the falcon head
Darcel nodded, and strolled back to his house. He made the beast give the viles to the tribes people, while he made more drinks for himself. After his little cooking session he sat inside his house, meditating. He felt time slow around him as he practiced, "Mom." he mumbled. Time swirled around him, and he teleported to Lyric's side. Blood began to drip out of his nose, but he still smiled as he stumbled over.
Kia smiled and she walked up to Vex and she chucked "hmm i wonder what we are having as well" she said and she yawned " Ohh a tournament....ohh that sounds cool...i'm too weak to be in that anyway" she whispered and she looked at vex.
He looked at Kia, "Your actually pretty strong. Hell just by surviving with us this long is impressive hehe!" He turned to the others. "A tournament? This is the first ive heard of it."
Lyric was about to open her mouth when darcel showed up. She caught him in her arms and grabbed a tea towel to wipe away the blood. She looked him over with mirrored eyes, "what? Darcel"!

"We were gonna make mashed potatoes and make some bbq steak," Grace informed James as she pulled out the meat from the freezer.
Matt finally made his way to the top of the mountain, "Man it's cold up here." Matt said as he shivered, "Alright, let's try out this new technique." Matt said as he activated his visual powers and raised both arms into the air, "Kirakin, Dragon of The Lightning God!" Matt yelled as the clouds above him turned a bright blue and a thunder clapped as flashes occurred inside of the clouds. "There." Matt said as he pointed to the top of a mountain. The sky roared as a black and blue dragon made of electricity shot down from the clouds and hit the top of the mountain, creating a huge explosion that blew up half the mountain. Matt panted, "Good." Matt said with a smirk.
The boy nearly chocked on his own blood, "I'm- *Cough* good." He took a deep breath. "I was practicing my teleporting through blood.. I'm not really good at it yet, but at least I didn't die." a small, sarcastic smile escaped him.
Ken started walking toward the forest. "Hey Lyric, I['ll be back later. I have some training to do. Boris is probably also still training on his own and I have a new technique I have to train on." He said as he walked away.
Casys nearly fell into an armchair in Miridia's living room, tired from his recent trachea crushing. "Someone wake me up when dinner's ready!" He called as he fell asleep.