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"A wish no matter what it is," Miridia sighed and crossed her arms. She was worried about what the event might hold and shook her head to clear it.

"Be back for dinner," Lyric called after Ken before turning back to darcel and sitting him in chair, "don't joke about dieing".
As Matt got ready to practice another technique, a few bandits showed up in front of him. "Do you really think you can blow up our mountain like that brat?" The bandit leader growled. "Hmph, get out of here you're being such a nuisance." Matt said in a cold voice as he glared at the bandit leader, Matt's eyes burned red as snow began to fall.
The bandit leader gulped then yelled, "Let's get him guys!" about 15 more bandits emerged from a cave and rushed Matt with swords and spears.
"It's your funeral.." Matt said in a cold voice as he analyzed the bandits, There's about twenty of them. Matt thought to himself as he drew his blade, ready to fight the bandits. Two bandits then jumped on either side of Matt and swung their spears at his sides. Matt jumped up and made the bandits stab each other.
eighteen left. Matt thought to himself as he smirked. Four bandits rushed Matt in a directions, one swung his sword at Matt, but Matt slide under the sword slash and kicked the bandit right under the chin. seventeen Matt thought to himself as he engaged two more bandits in a sword fight, he kicked one in the chest, sending him flying back, then disarmed the other one and stabbed him in the shoulder. A bandit then rushed Matt from behind with a pickaxe, "Hmph." Matt said as he lifted his arm and pointed it at the bandit behind and shot a wave of black lightning at the dude, killing him.
14 left..
Dasken's eyes widened. He bolted over to Miridia, eyes wide. He began to tear up. "Any wish? Guaranteed to come true? I could... I could see my parents again... I can reverse what I did..." he was in major tears. He looked Miridia in the eye, forcing onto her all of the feelings of sorrow and excitement that was held within him at the moment.
James took out a few potato's and started to peel them. He decided not to say anything and just kept working on the potatoes he thought about how many people were going to be eating and acomidated for them. Without thinking about it he kept using the blade until it went into flesh. James looked down as he saw his thumb. He let out a breath and washed his hand. he washed the blood away and got a band aid. He proceeded to wash the blade with hot water and soap before he continued to peel the potatoes.
Darcel looked at his mother, "I know it's bad, but everything around me dies." he let out a soft giggle, "You better be careful, I bring bad luck you know." The boy concentrated his mind again, and gave himself a newer challenge. "Beast" he whispered as he dissipated into nothing but a blood pool on the kitchen's ground. He teleported to the creature on his porch, but he was nearly wiped out. He was drenched in sweat, and he felt dehydrated due to blood loss.

The canine jumped back when she noticed her master's sudden appearance, and help him onto her back, bringing him inside the house.
"James. Step away from the potatoes and let me see that thumb," Lyric turned as if on instinct my and moved over to look at his hand. She turned back and watch darcel, a strangled noise escaping her throat as she listened, "James or someone can you clean this up? I need to go check on darcel".

"Yes. One wish. And no. Changing what you did in the last can have dangerous cons in the future," Miridia scolded and flinched at his suddenness with a little bit of a jump back.
"It's nothing." James said. " Besides I already cleaned the wound and bandaged it." He said as he pulled away from Lyric. " I'll be fine Ms. Lyric." He said as he took a few steps back.
Dasken's face went from excited to deathly in a matter of seconds. "What. Did. You. Say." He said slowly, smile still wide on his face. "I... I misheard you, didn't I?" He began to twitch. "I can save... save thousands... and you won't let me... why?"
Kia smiled at them and she giggled "of course i'm strong " she said and she looked at him and she smiled " hmm so do you know what we are having vex?" she asked not hearing grace.
The bandits all yelled out a war cry as more bandits continued to rush Matt. Six more bandits rushed Matt, he easily deflected their attacks with his blade, Matt jumped into the air and kicked two into the face, sending them flying back. Two more bandits challenged Matt, Matt's eyes moved very quickly as he read all of their movements, he twirled his sword to deflect the incoming darts and then made electricity surround his fist, then punched one so hard he probably flew over Miridian's house. After a few minutes of fighting only two more bandits stood, the leader and his right hand man. The right hand man flew at Matt and threw a shuriken at him, creating a small cut on Matt's cheek. They clashed blades for a while until Matt stared directly into the guy's eyes and trapped him in a fake reality.
"Look's like you're the only one left. The one who started this mess." Matt said to the leader as he glared at him with his burning red eyes. "What are you?" The leader asked as he trembled in place, "I'm an outcast." Matt said coldly as he ran at the leader and made quick work of him. Matt had defeated all twenty bandits by himself, "I should probably head back for dinner." Matt said as he wiped of his sword and put it away and started heading back to Miridian's house.
"Because just because you save thousands means nothing. How will it affect the people of now. Ask James how his adventure through time went! He changed so much because of his selfishness and just when I thought he was going to change he believed the witch who I warned you all would do anything to win and abandoned me," Miridia didn't step down as she spit venom into her words. She squared her shoulder and looked at dasken with uncaring eyes, scales sprouting from her skin and pupils slitting.
Dasken's right arm twitched, and the whole countertop exploded. Is face became dark. "Thousands..." he continuously muttered. His mind was roiling, his body convulsing. Random things launched across the room. A couch cushion exploded into feathers. A few floorboards disintegrated. "Thousands of lives. THOUSANDS OF LIVES, MIRIDIA! THOUSANDS!" Dasken bellowed.
James looked around and relized that Dask and Miridia where in the room. He sighed. " Some things never change." He said. He created a pentagram. " Chains lock him up." He said as four magical chains flew towards Dasken.
"And what about your family now! Do you not care about them! You do that and you will never meet them, never become their friends, never have the adventures you've had, never met Ashley," Miridia hissed as she grabbed him by the throat and listed him into the air by it. Her fingers sharpened to claw like talons, scales taking over her thinning figure as she shifted. Her spin enlongated, adding to increasing height. She looked at James and dropped dasken, walking out as her shadows buzzed with energy and fear.
Dasken's eyes flared, and the ground beneath Miridia evaporated, leaving her hanging momentarily 1000 yards in the air. He held up his hand, and the magical chains exploded. "THOUSANDS!" He bellowed again, taking a step towards Miridia.
Casys was shocked awake after the cushion he was sitting on flew out from under him. "What the-," Casys began before he saw and heard Dasken. "Dasken!" The angel called, "It wasn't your fault that our village was destroyed!" Casys clenched and unclenched a fist. "Neither of us were able to control our powers. We both killed people! But if the village wasn't destroyed, then where would we be?" The beginnings of tears could be seen in Casys' eyes. "I'd probably be dead from torture and wouldn't be standing here!"
Matt looked up at the night sky. "It's pretty late, I'll just go home tomorrow morning." Matt said as he jumped up into a tree and leaned up against it. "Feels comfortable enough." Matt said as he patched up the small wound on his cheek. "I hope they don't worry about me." Matt said as he put his hands behind his head, then fell asleep, he was exhausted.
" Oh fuck it." James said. He went into a drawl and smiled. " Some things don't change." He said. He took out a neutralizer and turned it on. He walked towards Dask. "Dask calm down." He said.
Darcel let out large heaves of breath, as blood pured from his nose and mouth. He fell onto the floor, unable to feel the world around him. His remaining senses began to fail him as he closed his eyes.

The beast looked at her master, and ran towards Miridia's and quickly noticed the commotion. She ran into the room and sat next to James.
The tears on Dasken's face now flowed freely. "You don't understand! Thousands can be saved, Miridia! The needs of many outweigh the needs of our own!" Dasken glared at the neutralizer and, as James turned it on, he flashed over and obliterated it. He was rattled to the core.
" Or you can fuck everyone over." James said. He created a pentagram that surrounded Dask keeping him from doing anymore damage. " Why don't you wish for you're powers to be removed. That way you don't have to deal with thought of killing anyone else."
"EVERY ONE CALM DOWN!" Casys shouted. He looked Dasken in the eye with a pleading look. "We haven't even won the tournament yet! So why are we fighting over what to use the prize on?" Casys took a deep breath. "Let's just focus on winning the tournament."
Dasken's eyes flared. "YOU DON'T GET IT! NONE OF YOU GET IT!" He blasted out tons of power, cracking the barrier around him. He fell to his knees. "You don't get it..." the barrier cracked more and more. "You don't..." the barrier shattered, and Dasken's power stopped. He fell to his hands and knees.
James walked over to him and place his hand on Dasken's shoulder. " No we don't." He said. " But you can't dwell on the past. Make things right for the thousand lives. Do what you can to honor them."
Kia watched from a far, she shivered with fear of the people that were fighting over a prize "i'm gonna go" she whispered and she walked outside and she sighed "i'm getting into to much mess" she whispered
Miridia forced herself away. She forced herself into a void. The house folded inward as her angers spiked, defending its master while leaving the innocents untouched. The void was dark, no light yet everything seems to be illuminated as long as it had colour. She was on an island not to far away, the platform thickly populated with dark wooded and glowing leafed trees. She sat in its middle, staring at its Frost white ground and calming her nerves.

Lyric ran to darcel's house and saw him laying on the ground. She pulled his head onto her lap and started crating a healing glyph.
Kia looked around and she sighed "whats with everyone getting mad at a simple price ...Miridia is right ...she knows whats right" she whispered and she looked down at her feet and she started to walk outside and she sighed " I hate all these fights ...all they do is fight over stupid things and then when its peace full...it last for ten seconds " she sighed and she looked down again " Why am i even here?" she asked herself quietly.
Darcel smiled at Lyric, "Hey mother.." he mumbled, "Heh, I need to practice on that whole blood teleporting stuff huh.." he sighed, "I'm sorry mom." he closed his eyes again.
"Don't be. We just need to pace yourself and maybe Miridia can help you. Maybe she has some other blood mage friends? That way you can learn from them," Lyric soothed as she gently ran her hand through his hair and kissed his forehead gently, "you should join us for dinner".

Fae sighed as she heard the fighting downstairs and walked to the top of them. She pressed her voice box and soon carried out a sleepy and calming tune, pouring her power into it as she tried to influence the emotions of the ones arguing.
"Yes. Hmm maybe I should let beast carry you like a puppy and put her in charge of you," Lyric rolled her eyes and slowly sat him up so she could clean up the blood a little more. She kissed his forehead and pulled him into a bear hug, "also what have I said about scaring me? I think it was along the lines of don't do it".
James gently rubbed Dask's back. "Everything will be alright." He said. " I'm here for you Dask. No matter how many times you go beserk I'll be right here to help you come back." He said as he continued to rubbed Dask's back.
"You can kill anyone with a flick of your wrist. You are plenty strong," Lyric heaved him up into her arms. She sighed and shook her head as she carried him with a little bit of a struggle. She whistled to beast and started to walk back to Miridia's cabin, "let's go eat".
The creature came tumbling behind them, slobber shooting everywhere as she went.

Darcel looked around, "But killing isn't what makes you strong.. It's your brain, it's you heart." He laughed at his little poem. "That's why I am the tribe's shaman, I can make up little messages for no reason. I prove a weird message without trying." he let out a laugh.
"That's a very noble idea," Lyric hummed and smiled down at him. She pushed open the door with her shoulder and pulled darcel closet to her chest when she looke at the kids and grace, "what happened"!
Darcel spun his head around, "Did A bomb go off in-" he cut himself off, then sighed, "Where's Dasken..?" he questioned the group.

The beast tripped over, and slid into the doorway.