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The lightning successfully deflected the Acid, as it was either vaporized or... something else... The Demon was about to attempt a Counter attack, but the lightning struck it's neck, and It's head popped clean off. Adam's grin widened.
Kia looked at him and she smirked "you don't know where my home...is " she said and she nodded " sure something closer from home" she said and she chuckled "no i'm not ready for that"
"When talking about 'closer to home', I meant NOT from Hell. You ever think about fighting yourself? I can conjure up an illusion of yourself that might be a bit difficult for you. Or an illusion of Matt. Or even Vex if you like. Hell, you can fight really anything you want to, even me, just name it." Adam says, leaning against a Tree as Kelly flew from his Shoulder and began fluttering about.
Kia smiled and she looked at him "i wanna fight you" she said and she crossed her arms "hehe i'm ready"s he said and she waited for him to do something.
"Steak, potatoes, salad," Lyric smiled and kissed his head the beasts before ushering the kids into the bathroom to wash their hands. She then cleaned Cassie's and called outside for anyone who was there.

"Brandon! Dinner is ready," Grace called as she and Lyric switched places before stopping at the teapot, "has anyone seen Miridia"?
Kelly fluttered on top of a branch as Adam pushed himself from the Tree and stuck his Hands in his Pockets. "Okay. Don't worry, I'll go easy on you." He grinned as he stood there. His eyes glinted with mischief.
Matt quickly grabbed his blade from the demon and jumped back, ready for its next attack. "This thing is so weird." Matt said as he began to analyze it's movements, I bet an acid storm is coming up next or something. Matt thought to himself as he grit his teeth.
Kia nodded and she readied her weapons and her magic "ok i'll go first" she said and she ran at Adam and she threw a punch at his stomach. "this is gonna be fun" she said and she chuckled
Dasken launched himself all the way back to the old bunker. He walked inside and sat down, taking a deep breath. He took a look around, and bathed in the old feelings that returned to him. He felt himself choke up a little, but he tried to hold it in. He leaned back on the sofa stiing in his old room and sighed.
The Demon's head rolled onto the ground, and Acid spurted from it's neck as it spurt blood and acid at him from it. Adam was no longer paying attention to the battle, well, at least a little bit, concluding he's controlling the Demon.

Adam smirked as her fist disappeared at his Stomach, and reappeared again, punching her own Stomach. "It's fun to bend Space. I used that on Vex, he wasn't very happy about it." He chuckled as Kelly chirped excitedly.
Kia whimpered and she looked at him "you know thats dirty" she said and she tried to punch him again this time in his head. Kia blushed and she giggled a little " You know vex is a fun guy to talk to " she said with a smile.
Time seemed to be slowed as he dodged all of the acid. "I hope he doesn't stop controlling this thing while he fights Kia." Matt said as he reached into his bag and threw three knives at the demon. "I should keep my distance when I go for the final blow." Matt said with a smirk. Matt then opened his left eye wider to surround the knives in black electricity, this caused the knives to speed at the demon even faster.
"Dirty? Well, considering I have no actual strength of my own, I rely entirely on my own powers." He replies as her fist went through his head, and he pushed her down with no effort. "You're right, this is fun."

The Knives plunged into the Demon, who roared and leaped at Matt, acid spraying in every direction as it went. It's claws raised, ready to cut into Matt.
"Dang, this thing is persistent." Matt said as he avoided more acid. Matt then blocked the demon's claw with his sword, then did a spin and shot a kick at the demon's chest. "I should end this quickly before more acid sprays everywhere." Matt said as he grit his teeth, "I'll use that technique." Matt said as he smirked.
The Demon plunges it's claws into the ground, and ripped out a sizable chunk of Earth, and hurled it at Matt after spraying it with Acid. It didn't seem to be playing nice anymore as it's claws erupted into flames.
Kia fell and she looked at him and she used her magic and she threw ice at him and she growled "cmon its not fair i don't have anything to counter your power" she said.
"Exactly. I don't think anyone does, so in a sense, I'm the most powerful Meta here." Adam grinned slyly as he raised his hand, and the ice changed directions, hurling back at her.
"Hmph so you're turning up the heat huh." Matt said as he surrounded his blade in electricity and cut the piece of earth in half, then immediately avoided the acid that followed. "Seems like I should finish you now." Matt said to the demon with a smirk as he raised both arms into the air, the clouds turned pitched black and thunder clapped. "Kirakin, Dragon of The Lightning God!" Matt yelled as a giant blue and black dragon made of pure lightning shot from the clouds at the Demon with incredible speed.
The Demon immediately turned into smoke, and reappeared behind Matt, spitting acid as it grabbed his ankle. It's fiery hand burning Matt. The Demon might possibly no longer be under Adam's control...
Darcel cleaned his hands, then stumbled back towards the table. The boy sat down awkwardly, and pulled the vile out of his pocket. He take a sip from it, and black tinted water dripped from his eyes.
Kia gasped and she felt her own Ice spikes stab her and fell on the floor "ow" she said and she whimpered " using my own powers "she cried and she stood up and she looked at him.
The dragon hit the ground and created a huge crater, "Man, I didn't expect that to miss." Matt said as a black rib cage appeared around Matt, protecting him from further attacks. "This thing doesn't seem to be under Adam's control anymore." Matt said as he ignored the burning pain in his ankle. A black arm emerged from the rib cage and grabbed the demon, holding it there. "Hey Adam! Is this thing still under your control?" Matt yelled over to Adam while he stood in the middle of the black rib cage.
Adam smirked at Kia, then looked back at Matt. "Nah, but I'm sure you've got it handled." He replies as the Demon spits a red acid onto the arm, and it begins to disintegrate. Adam returns his attention to Kia. "Is that all you got?"
"You can't melt the aura of my eyes." Matt said to the demon as he made the arm regenerate. Matt then made the arm throw the demon up into the air, Matt then shot up above the demon then threw his lightning engulfed sword at the demon's chest while in mid air. As the sword came closer to the demon Matt kicked the end of the hilt to raise the speed of the sword, it shot at the demon like a bullet.
The Sword tore through the Demon, who shrieked and disappeared. The red acid wasn't normal acid, it was a special kind of Magic, and the acid continued to sizzle into the ground and the arm. Luckily, the Demon was defeated. Probably.
Kia groaned and she looked at him and she groaned "jerk" she pouted and she Made an ice spear and she tried to stab him quickly so he couldn't have time to make himself dodge it.
Lyric smiled as she helped the kids into their chairs and got them plates of food. She nodded to grace and the two pulled out a large bowl of berries for desert along with ice cream. The ice cream stayed in the freezer but the fruit was garnished with sugar.
The Spear plunged into Adam, going straight through him and into a Tree, almost hitting Kelly. She chirps and flutters away from the Spear as Adam laughed. He'd fazed the Spear through him. He raised his arms into the air, and three Adams appeared on either side of him, Seven in all. "I can tolerate this Training, but for your own safety, don't hurt Kelly."
"That's not good." Matt said as he watched the acid continue to sizzle into the arm. Matt deactivated the black aura and the red acid feel the to the ground and began to burn the ground. "Now I have to fight this dude blind?!" Matt yelled over to Adam as he smirked.
The real Adam walked away from the other six, leaving Kia to deal with them. Adam waves his hand, and the World goes Black for Matt. He's now blind, and he can hear the Demon snarling. "He's ready for round two, and I'll make sure to keep a better grip on his thread this time." He can hear Adam say.
Kia groaned and she shielded herself in ice making sure the adams did' hurt her " You know i would never hurt her....you just keep Fazing thought " she said and she chuckled " hehe i think i'm can't win so just go" she said and she groaned and she tried to stab him with a knife.
The six Adams disappeared as the real one returned, and raised his arm. The Earth in front of him shot up and deflected her attack. Adam chuckles. "Maybe you want to train against something or someone else? Because hitting me with an attack is nearly impossible."
Darcel twiddled his thumbs, and listened to the soft whispers of Miridia's book. He let each word fill him with information, along with hope for the future.

The gentle giant circled the boy's chair, and waited patiently for affection and food.
Kia groaned and she looked at him and she just dropped to the ground, having tired herself out and she looked at him " Yeah" she said and she laid in the dirt "maybe someone who's not you" she said.
"Take your pick. And Kelly isn't an option." Adam says as he returns to the Tree and sits down, Kelly fluttering onto his Shoulder for affection, and he gives said affection to her.
Matt closed his eyes when his vision went black, "You better." Matt said with a smirk. Matt calmly breathed in and out and sensed the demon's exact location. Matt raised his arm into the air and pointed toward the demon, a lightning bolt came from the sky and speed toward the demon. Matt got his blade ready to swing behind him, remembering the demons fightning style, "I'll send you back to hell again!" Matt yelled.
Kia looked up and she stood up "no one is fine " she said and she smiled "i'm gonna go see vex" she said and she walked back inside and she looked around "hey vex you in here" she asked.
The Demon leaped forward, barely dodging the lightning as it slashed it's claws acrossed his Chest, opening a wound. It snarled as the scent of it's acid hit Matt's nostrils.
Adam chuckles as Kia walks away. "That was easy... I won't even need a Contingency plan on her. No plans needed. She goes rogue, she'll be easy." He returns his full attention to Matt now. "Ow. You'll need to watch out for his Claws, they're kinda razor sharp." He smirks.
"Yeah I know." Matt said as he smelled what the demon was planning. Matt shot a blade made of black electricity at the demon's new opened wound, hoping to vaporize most of the acid. "Thanks, you just made it easier to track you." Matt said to the demon with a smirk
Kia went in the woods and she looked in the wood and she let Alya take over her body and Alya started to leak some of her fire power into Kia's ice making the two powers mix and making Kia more powerful. Kia sighed and she looked at her hands and she hand one hand a fire ball and the other a small ice ball. "hmm lets try this" she said and she put her hands together and she gasped when they exploded and ice and fire came out and destroyed trees and other things...the ice and fire could be seen from where Adam was.