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Vex tried to shake off the comments made by the others. "Could we just focus on training!?" He stepped away from the others and let out a sigh before turning back around and facing Alya, "So for you, pyrokentic flight is what we'll work on. This involves propelling yourself around by shooting fire from your feet and palms." He turned to Kia, "And for you, cryokentic surfing. This involves shooting ice in front of you so you can glide around on it."
Alya nodded and she smiled " Ok that sounds kind of easy " she said and she shot fire from her hands and from her feet "ok like this" she said hovering.
Kia nodded and she smiled "ok so how do i do that" she said smiling at him.
Adam leaned forward in the Snow and vomited. "Gah!" He growled. "Those threads were resisting." He shook his Head to clear the ringing from so much mental and physical strain. "I don't know if I have enough energy left for this... but I'll attempt it anyways." He stood up straight, and began to move forward, minding the vomit as he went. "Here it is..." He said. Kelly shivered in his Coat, and he hugged her gently to him. "It's alright Kelly, as long as I'm here, you'll be fine." He mentally reached out, and began to pull on the string he'd been working on for five years. "Today is the day... today is the day..." He muttered repeatedly to himself as he pulled and tugged. Even in the sheer cold, he began to sweat, and it froze on his face, becoming distracting. He tugged harder than he'd ever done so before, and he could feel it give way, but before he could pull it any further, it got caught, and he stopped pulling, noticing it would knot with several other strings. But before him, a tiny hole in reality, time, and space had appeared. Large enough to fit his hand in, but nothing else. Kelly could fit, but he wasn't going to send her in alone. He sighed as he stepped back from the hole. "This is satisfactory enough." He grinned. and behind him, a figure Cloaked in Black approached. "Very well done, Adam. But you are not done with your Training until the hole is wide enough to fit even a Beast inside. You are not done." Adam turned to the figure. "Yes, Master." He bowed. "Looks like you learned a little discipline while you were gone, too." His Master says, and Adam smirks. "I'm just tired-" He gets clonked on the Head by a Staff that the Master produced. "Stop ruining the moment. Savor it, and keep your Mouth shut." Adam grins sheepishly. "Yes, Ma-" He gets clonked on the Head again.
"Hmph, one gets thing easily and one needs a bit more help." Matt said quietly as he continued to quickly move around the area with electricity. "This is pretty easy." Matt called out as he appeared on top of a tree next to Alya, then next to Vex. "Oh yeah, I've been meaning to ask you this, what are my visual powers called? I could never find a name for them." Matt asked Vex.
"This is cryo surfing..." Vex said as his eyes burned gold. He linked his mind with Kia's and showed her a simulation of the technique. He then turned to Matt, "A name huh? I never really named my mental or visual powers....would be a good idea, ill try and come up with a name for your powers unless you do first."
"Alright, I couldn't think of anything so that's why I asked you." Matt said as he began to practice the sword move he used on the demon. Matt threw his sword, then jumped on his hands and kicked the end of the hilt. The sword gained more momentum and speed when he did this and the sword went through three trees before it stopped, almost going through the fourth. "Man, that attack is pretty good, but it's hard to pull of." Matt said as he grabbed his sword.
Kia nodded and she smiled at him "ok so its like being about to put ice under my feet and surf?" she asked and she smiled and she did that running around going very quickly making ice appear under her and jumped in the air and she stood on a ice platform
"Very good, all of you. I want you to keep training while I meditate." Vex sat down underneath a tree and began to focus his mind. "Come on...I can see the power....but I cant quite access it yet...." He said to himself as he searched his mind for answers.
"Vex." Adam said from the other side of the Tree, he too, was sitting beneath the Tree. "I have a Question for you." He can hear Adam chuckle. "It's not a serious question, don't worry."
"I need to work on this technique, a bit more." Matt said as he raised both arms into the air, and remembered the fight against the demon. "Kirakin!" Matt yelled as he pointed at the top of the mountain, a huge dragon made of black and blue lightning shot at the sky straight toward the top of a mountain. Matt then quickly motioned to a different mountain top, the dragon took a sharp left as it's tail made the first mountain top exploded completely off, then the dragon smashed into the second mountain, making it split and two, then explode. Matt panted, "Man, that technique is really hard to pull off, especially make it do a sudden movement." Matt said as he used his arm to prop himself against a tree.
Vex raised his eyebrow at Adam's question. "Kia..." He said looking over to the girl. "Well I know we make all the jokes but....." He sat there and contemplated for a moment. "She seems like she doubts herself a lot, which im pretty against but...yeah, I guess I do." he said with a faint grin.
Adam chuckles. "Well, go for it, pretty sure it may be good. Now... when it comes to her, the hot one... she's available, right?" Adam raises an eyebrow, and for the first time Vex has seen, Adam looks nervous about the topic.
Kia groaned and she tackled the demon that she knew " Alya!...isn't this fun now that we are out of each other bodies we can use our powers for more then making me powerful" she said and she smiled "hey wanna train with me and vex one day" she asked. Alya nodded " Yeah i would love to"
Vex' face brightened at Adam's question. "Adam....looking at you showing human emotion, affection for another person." Vex shot a blast of invisible energy into Adams shoulder which was more like a friendly nudge than an actual attack. "You like Alya!" Vex fell back laughing.
Matt appeared next to Vex, "So you do like Kia, ha!" Matt said as he leaned against a tree. "So, Adam, do you like the other one?" Matt asked as he motioned to Alya with his head with a smirk. Matt then began laughing along with Vex.
Vex flipped to Matt immediately, "Stop eavesdropping!" He yelled forming a small star in his hand before slamming it into Matt, propelling him high in the air but not doing much damage.
Adam blushes, and quickly attempts to cover it up. "No! I... uh... well. Maybe. But that doesn't mean anything. You uh... you still didn't answer my question." Kelly rolls her eyes.
Vex turned back to Adam with a large grin on his face. "Well she's been trapped in Kia's body for some time now so I doubt she's got anyone...kinda sad...."Vex stood in thought for a moment. "I think you should talk to her. Come on, you can manipulate time and space, you can talk to a girl..." Vex was amused by this side of Adam.
The Matt the got sent up the air disappeared into a ray of lightning. "You like my lightning clone?" Matt asked as he jumped down from a tree as he looked at Adam and Vex, "You guys should totally ask them out." Matt said with a smirk on his face. "I'm sure they'll both accept you guys." Matt said to both as he ran off and trained some more.
Adam's eyes widen slightly. "I'd rather not. I mean... what if she doesn't like me? It's not like this is the first time I've liked a Girl... wait... it is... Regardless, she uh... yeah." He looks over at Alya, and looks back at Vex, his eyebrows furrowing. "I probably shouldn't have brought this up..."
Vex stood up and put his hand on Adam's shoulder. "Look, we're smart guys with some highly advanced powers, just offer to train her and you guys will probably get to know each other better. If I do it you do it" Vex said with a smirk before walking up to Kia, "Want to do some training with me?" He asked looking back at Adam with a cocky expression.
Adam looks over at Alya, and looks back at Vex and Kia. 'Easy for you to say. You already train with Kia, and she already likes you...' He looks back at Alya, and away again. "Okay... Training... yeah... yeah! That sounds good. I think..." He takes a deep breath, and doesn't move, still trying to think of exactly what to say, and how to approach her.
Matt looked back at the two, "You guys are so stupid." Matt said with a laugh as he continued to train by himself, he was the more lonely type. "I wonder if Vex came up with the name for my Visual Powers." Matt said to himself as he continued to practice his varius sword techniques in combination with the powers of his eyes.
Adam clears his throat, and walks up to Alya. 'It's just asking her to train. Nothing more, nothing less, just training... did I always walk like this?'
"Hey Alya, I was training if you wanted to wonder... um... wait..." He stumbled on his words and furrowed his eyebrows.
Vex tilted his head back to see Adam struggling. His eyes burned gold as he linked there minds. "Hey man you seem to be struggling, let me take the reigns for a while..." Vex concentrated hard, his eye color went from bright gold to a smokey black as he focused on bending through a higher plain. He locked onto sound, people, voices, outcasts, Adam, Adams voice....he had access to Adam's voice and mind.

Adam POV- Vex looked down at his hands, "Yup, Adam..." he said to himself before looking at Alya. "Hey Alya im a pretty good teacher and if you'd like id be happy to help you train." He gave the same friendly smirk Vex normally gave before quickly leaving Adam' s.

Vex exhaled deeply as he released his control on Adam and re-entered his own body, his eyes returning to normal. "Whew...." he let loose under his breath.
Matt looked at Vex and Adam, "You can do that?! Dang, how much power does he have?" Matt asked as he drank from a bottle of water he had in his bag. "Alright! I must not fall behind!" Matt declared as he began training with as he activated the rib cage, "Let's try something out, I saw a new power of Vex's when he destroyed my clone." Matt said to himself as an arm emerged from the side of the rib cage, the arm ripped up a tree and proceeded to threw it at Vex. Matt was hoping to see that star power thing again.
Vex' eyes sparked to life as his senses activated, he flipped around and pointed a finger at the tree. A small orb of crackling silver energy gathered at the tip of his finger. The moment the tree made contact it lit up a bright white before slowly blowing away in the wind, now being nothing but ash. "Matt what the hell!" Vex yelled in anger.
"Oops sorry, it was an accident, but hey, wasn't that a new power you just used?" Matt asked as he smirked at Vex through the black rib cage. "That was pretty cool, you made that tree turn into ash." Matt said as he shrugged, "Just don't turn me to ash next. Okay?" Matt said as the rib cage turned into a black aura the surrounded Matt.
Vex arched his eyebrow. "Well to be completely honest it wasn't a new power. I just formed a condensed star, you've seen me manipulate light into attacks why does this surprise you? Did you think I only had light manipulation?" Vex' tone was cocky as he waited for a response.
"I don't know, that star thing just seemed cool. Continue along with Kia." Matt said with a laughed as the black aura exploded into a giant armoured samurai, "I'll call this... Susanoo!" Matt yelled as he cut off three mountain tops in one slice. "I'm going to run out of mountains to destroy." Matt said with a laugh as he flew up into the air.
Matt somehow heard Vex all the down on the earth, Matt lowered down to earth in his Susanoo, then made it disappear. "Sure why not." Matt said as he walked over to Vex. "I hope you're not plotting something here." Matt said in a suspicious voice, looking at Vex.
Vex smirked. "No just something to help with training." Vex held his hand out over Matt's head as a steady faint blue light began pulsing away from it. "And.....there." He said as the pulses rapidly poured into Matt.
As the pulses rapidly poured into Matt he asked, "What are you doing to me?" Matt then clenched his fist and unclenched it, I don't really feel anything, "What exactly did that do?" Matt asked Vex in a confused voice.
Vex smiled. "Just give me a moment, I havent used this power in a long time." QUickly the pulses of energy changed from light blue to a very saturated purple. "There it is!" Vex yelled as he doubled Matt's gravity.
The ground shuttered under Matt as his gravity doubled, "What the.." Matt said as he felt like a clone of himself as on his back. "What will this do?" Matt asked as he struggled to stand up straight. "I can't fight anyone like this." Matt said as he tried to walk, only making it a few steps before he had to stop.
"You will stop training until I say so. You instead will spend your next few days doing normal and easy activities. Helping Miridia in the garden, cleaning around the house, sitting and relaxing, things like that. Come to me again in one week and we'll go from there." He voice was cold and assertive showing his was in 'teacher mode'.