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Vex grabbed the spear and broke the end off of it while linking with Adam telepathically. "You dont have to keep up with the small talk. Just be confident, joke around, train with her. You got this man..." he thought to Adam before smiling wide and freezing Kia's feet to the floor. "Haha! Cant move well can ya?" He asked while laughing at her.
"Uh.. This really sucks, but I have to keep my head held high so this week will go by faster." Matt said determinedly as he made a fist. "My neck hurts though, so it's kinda hard to keep my head held high." Matt said as he walked over to a chair at the dinner table. Matt just fell into the chair, breaking right through it, pieces of wood went flying, "I should really get used to sitting down like this." Matt said as he began to pick up the pieces of wood.
" Let me in." James said. " I need to speak to you. and fully apologize for my behavior." He said. " Please." He said. He laid back and looked foreward wondering if she might actually accept him or not.
"There's a portal downstairs under the only peach tree. Don't show anyone where it is. I'd rather not have my secret hiding place destroyed," Miridia sighed as she opened her eyes to look out over the expense of space. Her island changed to a new design, pushing the rock garden in a crescent shape around her as the mana well became an infinite waterfall that fell off into nothingness.
James checked to make sure that nobody was watching him as he walked into Miridia's mana room. He saw the peach tree and went under it entering into Miridia's hiding place. He looked around in amazement. " It's beautiful." He said as he walked closer to her.
"And I'd like to keep it that way," mirida stopped him before he stepped onto the sand that made the bed up for her rock garden and a path of floating stones forms for him to walk on. She let her eyes trained on the faint sparkle of stars and the glow of universes she was able to simulate as a backdrop.
Adam cleared his throat. "So, I've met a lot of She-Demons, none quite as... unique as you... most Demons have a true form... do you?" He asks. A Demon in their true form actually reveals a lot about them.
He stepped on the floating stone and made his way over to her. "I am sorry for everything I did to you." He said. "I'm sorry for breaking the little trust you had in me."
"It is something that I'd rather wish now to talk about but I will. You truly do not know what you did," Miridia looked at him with a movement of her head and sharpening god the eyes. The witch showing her still preset anger.
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"Then tell me." James said. " It wasn't like there was anything between us anyways. Hell you probably just agreed to the date out of pitty." He said.
"Do you really think that lowly of me? A pity date, such a nice thing to think a person would do," Miridia turned back to look out the expanse of her place and smiled, relaxing her stance to a neutral one. She closed her eyes and patted the stone ground next to her, "you swore allegiance to me then sore allegiance to another. In a way you have claimed me as a bad person to follow. You never checked your facts and then showed aggression to the people that cared for you. I gave you back your memories, was kind to you when you pledged, and fought to defend our friends yet you chose to believe Middie over me".
" I took her word because you did nothing." He said. He grabbed her hand and made her look at him."You just stood there like a fucking dolt while she talked. Yeah I know there was a silence spell but you could of at least looked at me. I would have figured it out" He said. " Then you didn't even try to find me when I left. Instead the mana took over and wrapped my body in a fucking cocoon. not to mention the fact that I somehow ended up in a fucking tree. When I broke free I met Valone who said he could teach me. I never swore allegiance to him."
Chojin had walk around to see if there was if there was any food near by. "Hmm lets see" Chojin said asbhe look around for some apple of pears till he saw a tree "nice" he said to himself as he ran over to the tree.
"I didn't think I needed too! I thought you would have been smart then that but apparently not! I didn't come after you because I realized what she had done and got upset, your actions coupled with hers made me do something I never wish to do again," Miridia kept her face uncaring as she looked at him, ripping her hand from his grasp in an act of instinct, "and do you not call him master? The moment you agreed to his teaching you may have just pledged yourself"'
He shook his head. "Whatever." He said as he started to walk away. "When this tournament is done you'll never have to see me again." He said.
"You said you came here to apologize so I suggest you do. That portal was one way and you do not know where the other is," Miridia warned as she turned back to look over her expanse. She held her hands in her lap, "what have you been learning anyway? If magic then what kind, blood"?
He looked at her. "I did apologize." He said. " Or did you not hear that part. As for magic I primarily learned defensive spells." He said. He casually looked around wondering where that portal might be."
"Sorry. I've been distracted as of late," Miridia shook her head and shifted the island around again. This time back to its original lay out. She summoned scales to her arm and gently grabbed onto one, pulling it out without flinching and placing it in the mana well. It floated and she watched.
" I'm sorry Miridia." He said being genuine about it." I'm sorry for everything that I've done to you." He looked at her. "Truth is I barley recognize myself anymore. I want to die but I'm too much of a coward to do it myself."
"Then are you truely meant to die," she motioned for him to move back towards the pool. Am the blood from her scale swirled a bit before it took shape it Middie, the image looking back at up at her, "if you or any one has to kill me or get me out of a fight. Don't touch my heart and don't let them take the mana from my body".
Alya looked at him and she shivered "no....i don't like my true form i make me go evil" she said and she shivered " Adam if you wanna see i'll do it" she said and she drooped " I don't wanna become evil again"

Kia blushed and she giggled " sigh..." she said and she made the ice cover her body making it into armor and she smirked " Ok try and kill me now" she said and she punched him in the face and tried to jab him in the stomach.
Adam grins. "I won't make you if you don't want to." He looks around. "Alright, we've postponed Training long enough. I'm ready if you are." He stuck his hands into his Pockets. Kelly flutters away.
Ayla smirked and she charged at him and she created a fire ball quickly and she threw it at his chest " Try and dodge my fire " she cried out and she chuckled " My fire goes thur Fazed being and hurts them more when they Faze."
Adam winks. "Thanks for the Heads up." He thrusts out his arm, and the fire stops just before his hand, and it extinguishes. Kelly cheers with a series of chirps.
The beast pawed at Darcel's shoes, as the blood bender drank from his vile. After becoming more distant from the group, the boy constantly thought on how he could of saved the people around him. His father died last year, due to injuries Darcel caused. His girlfriend also disappeared, but he never knew what happened to her. And finally, his mother was murdered. He was too weak to fight back, and his father was at work at the time. He would love to see those people again, but he knew that it wasn't right. Thoughts swirled around in his mind for a while, alongside the burning liquid that just hit stomach. "Why does everyone around me die?" he pondered throughout his skull.
Alya looked confused "huh...how did you do that" she said now frowning " Great" she said and she smirked " Ok lets do this" she said and she ran up to him and she got in his face and she winked "hey cutie" she said and she shoved a fire ball right into his chest .
"Uh..." He blushed, and saw the fire ball out of the corner of his eye. He sidestepped, allowing the hand to brush past him as he grabbed her arm with speed and precision, and pushed her away with his arm, making her twirl in a circle while stumbling away as he returned his hands to his Pockets.
Alya groaned "nothing but a cheat" she whispered and she sighed " Adam.." she whispered and she calmed down "hmm " she said and she closed her eyes and she aimed at him and she shot a aimed shot at the Boy. " Cmon Want me to get mad?" she asked as calm as ever...'what am i getting mad at he hasn't touched me' she thought.
Adam sidestepped another blast, smirking. "My turn." He snaps his finger, and Alya raises into the air. Adam's arm raised in the air with her, and he gets ready to thrust his arm to the left, which in turn, would slam her into a Tree on her right, but he hesitates, grin faltering.
Alya blushed and she groaned "jerk...all you have to do is point at me and you can control me " she groaned and she put her hands together and she Made a large fire ball and she shot at him and she shot at his left so that he would dodge to the right which where she had shot another smaller fire ball at them, the larger one would make like a explosion and spread fire onto adam.
Adam hesitates again, seemingly in thought. He looks at the approaching fire, and let's go of his hold on Alya as he raises both arms and stops the fire, then thrusts his arms downward, and the fire slams into the ground and extinguishes. 'What is wrong with me? I've never had this problem before...' Adam thinks, a single drop of sweat trickles down the side of his Head.
Alya groaned again "you stupid cheater...let me hurt you" she groaned and she tried to move and she flew in the air for a bit with her fire and she groaned " hmm i know" she whispered and she remembered Demon magic "hmm this is gonna get nasty" she said and she threw a large fire ball below her and she burned a hole in the ground and she looked below and she winked "ok little demons attack!" she cried
" I won't." He said as he saw Middie. " How did this happen?" he asked. Without thinking he put his arm around her. " I want to be here for you. If you'll have me." He said. He knew that whatever was going on with her. She needed someone to talk too.
Adam almost burst out laughing. "I hope you realize I've killed almost every Demon in Hell, just to pass the time, for my little 'Vacation' last year. You'll need to be a bit more creative than that." His eyes flashed black as he raised his arms into the air. Two massive Pillars of Earth rose into the air on either side of him, the tops balled into fists, the base like an arm. As Adam opened his hand, and spread his fingers, the Rock hands did as well. Adam smirked as he balled his fists.
Alya sighed and she chuckled " your just a human who is weak the only reason your strong is because you dodge " she said very mad now. the demons below her and she sighed " You guys become Barons of Hell please" she said and the army of small demon demons grew bigger and they turned into huge buff demons with horns " Ok how about that?" she asked and she looked at his earth pillars and she groaned "ok" she said and she sighed and she began to charge a fire blast to make sure it was hot enough to blast thur the pillars.
Adam smiled wide, revealing flashing teeth. He thrust his arms forward, the two Pillars shooting forward and crushing several Demons as he raised his left arm into the air and another pillar shot up from the ground, thrusting yet another Demon into the air as Adam closed his eyes, another bead of sweat trickling down. 'If she keeps this up, she may actually be what I was looking for. I've already ruled out Vex, Dasken, Kia, Matt, Chojin, Miridia, and James... maybe she is the one I've been searching for...' He spreads his arms wide. "I'm just about done with this little warm up."
Alya's demons were thrown around but they just chuckled when they were hit "ohh i think that tickled " Alya said and she smiled and she shot her fire ball right thru the Pillers destroying them quickly due to her flames their heat "haha " she laughed and she clapped. The two Barons nodded and they charged forward and they went to ram into Adam.
Dasken stopped halfway to the house. He had heard something rustling in the bushes. His aura crackling and cackling, he stood absolutely still. He heard the bushes rustle again and threw a punch so powerful and lightning fast that it seemed to nearly snap the back of the mutant leaping at him. His aura whipped and burned the thing while it was still changing it's direction, and It was sent launching into the night sky. After he threw the punch and watched the being blast away, Dasken then sat criss-cross, trying to meditate to calm himself.
It took two and a half hours, but at last his aura returned to it's natural dark cyan.
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"It happens," Miridia shrugged and reached down to touch the surface of the well, her other dimensional counter part copying the move. She blinked a few times and summoned tea to them, "want some"?
Dasken launched back to Miridia's house, realizing the implications. He knocked on the door, tapping his foot impatiently. She had better be home, Dasken thought.