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"Oh alright." Matt said in a stubborn voice as he attempted to run back to Miridia's but he fell after a few moments of running. Matt got back up and turned to Vex, "Have fun with your training with Kia." Matt said with a smirk, then he walked back to Miridia's. With every step it seemed to get easier to walk. Matt finally reached Miridia's house when he met a problem, the stairs. "Well, I have to conquer this for training!" Matt exclaimed as he tried to climb the stairs, after the second step, he fell flat on his face. "Come on!" Matt yelled as he pushed himself up and crawled up the stairs. Once Matt finally reached the top, he got up on his feet and entered the house. "Hey guys I'm back." Matt said as he plopped down on, but due to his doubled gravity he made the couch bounce up a few inches as he landed on it. "Is there *panting* anything I can help with?" Matt asked as he wiped the sweat from his forehead.
Dasken grew frustrated. He ran through all of the scenarios, thought and rethought out every pro and con of his choice, and he still decided that saving thousands would be much better than any other use of the wish. He released a mighty bellow, and he flew out of the bunker.
Above Dasken glowed a small orb that continued to grow. Thin streams like strings attatched to the orb, and it grew larger and faster until it was a massive floating orb a quarter of the mile in the air, about as large as Miridia's mansion. It was swirling with explosive energy and, with one sharp downwards action, the sphere descended down to the earth. The gorund rumbled for miles around, the temperature raising intensely. The night lit up with dark cyan light for even more miles, and the sonic wave that followed destroyed all forestacion in the vicinity of the heat. Animals fled the area, and the earth seemed to split as it blackened and steamed.
Then the explosion happened.
Kia blushed and she looked at the other two and she sighed " sure I would love to train with you vex" she said and she walked to vex and she smiled at him.
Alya smiled at him "what do you want me to do?" she asked and she smiled at Adam.
Adam became flustered. "Well... uh... what uh... what type of training would you prefer to do?" He mentally slapped himself for acting like a moron. This is seriously embarrassing...
Alya smiled " Hmm it doesn't matter to me" she said and she gasped " Adam why did you slap yourself" she asked before she rubbed his cheek.
Vex got serious as he turned in the direction of the explosion. "Dasken..." he said under his breath before flashing closer. Putting a mental barrier around the explosion to contain it. After a longer time than expected the power faded and Vex flew over to Dasken, "What the hell man!"
The house shook as the explosion went off, due to Matt's increased gravity, Matt fell flat on his face. "What the hell was that?" Matt asked as he got up and slowly walked over to help set the table. "Who does Vex think he is, doubling my gravity." Matt grumbled as he took out some plates and set them around the table. Matt then walked into the bathroom and washed up, "Man I look like I was hit by a truck." Matt said as he climbed into the shower Matt struggled to wash himself, but he did it. "This is harder than I thought." Matt said as he got dressed and went back into the kitchen.
"What a Demon." He muttered, and took a step back. "Take your pick on who, or what to fight, I'm sure you'll show more promise than Kia... er, no offense to her, of course..."
Alya groaned " Hey Kia is strong she just need training " she said and she chuckled " I would like to fight hmm Vex" she said and she yawned a little " hmm this will be fun"
Dasken stood there, hunched forward, hands hanging at his sides. His aura seemed far darker of a cyan than normal. It whipped about and crackled. "You shouldn't have come." He looked around at the unbelievably hot crater that he had created. "I need time."
"Time to what? To destroy? Have an episode and just expect us to sit and watch?" Vex flexed his hands and a bright white aura exploded around him giving skin a metallic shine. His eyes then lit up solid gold. "If your gonna rage out, rage out on me not the planet..." Vex flew up slightly, ready for anything.
Alya sighed and she nodded " Hmm ok i'm fine with that " she said, worried because the boy dodged everything but she knew she could hit him with her powers.
"Dasken....calm down man. This is you being stupid, stop..." Vex' energy continued to rise, he's grown cynical to these little freak outs and didnt wanna have to deal with it today. "Its because Miridia wouldnt let you make your wish right?"
Dasken's aura flared due to that comment. He slowly turned to Vex. He walked up to him, face to face, and threw a punch with the power of a nuclear bomb focused into every square millimeter of the punch. He knew Vex wouldn't get very hurt by it. He lowered his fist, and went back towards Miridia's house.
Aura blazing darkly.
The smoke cleared and Vex' voice could be heard loud and clear. "I know you want to do more than that. Because if you dont that was just sad..." After the dust cleared Vex stood there grinning and unharmed while brushing debris of his clothes.
Dasken merely flipped Vex the bird and continued walking towards the house. The plantlife and other flammable objects around him incinerated within half a second.
Vex waved with a large grin. "Love you to buddy! Hahaha!" He turned away from Dasken and took flight heading back to Kia. "Sorry about that, I think ive got something that could help our training." He looked down at his hands which began to shimmer with ice and frost. "You use ice, correct?" He asked with a sly grin.
Adam looked at her, and blushed. "Er... yes... uh... so..." He remembered what Vex had told him. "We uh... barely know each other... um... tell me about yourself...." He furrowed his eyebrows. "If you like, I mean..." He gave a cheeky, nervous grin, and received a mocking chirp from Kelly.
After Matt helped set the table he walked back outside, "It seems to get easier to move with every step." Matt said as he walked around the porch. Matt then got on the ground and did some push-ups he did them in fives, taking a couple seconds. "Dang those are hard." Matt said as he dripped in sweat. Matt then got up and looked to see a dude approached the house while things around him incinerated, "Who pissed in his cheerios?" Matt asked to himself as he watched the guy come closer to the house.
Dasken's brow furrowed, his frown growing.
He turned back around to the crater, and began to pound at the now-solidified ground. Chips flew everywhere, black and hard. His aura slowly shifted more and more away from dark cyan and closer to black.
Alya backed down and she smiled "well as you know i'm a She-demon from well hell and i'm a really nice girl who loves meeting new people and a demon who hates other demons...i can also take over a demon who is weaker than me" she said and she smiled.
Kia sighed and she shook her head "Its ok Vex" she said and she rolled her eyes " Hm how we just battle " she said and she hugged him.
Vex hugged back before stepping away from her. He had a large grin on his face as a frosty aura appeared around him. "So how about we make this an ice fight?" he asked playfully.
Alya blushed "really did you just ask that...no why would i" she said and she looked at him " Adam...i've been inside Kia for almost three years why would i have a boyfriend" she said.

Kia smirked and she nodded " sure that would be fun" she said and she her defensive ice Rocks appeared around her ready for battle "cmon i can't wait to kick your tail" she laughed
Alya blushed and she smiled her " Adam before those years i was in hell serving the hell lord " she said and she smiled " hmm i wonder if kelly could be human?" she asked and she went over and she rubbed her chin and she smiled
Adam almost bursts out laughing as he imagines a Human Kelly. "Oh, She's not Human, just my 'Pet'." Kelly glared at Adam. "Erm, I meant to say Companion..."
"If your so sure of yourself ill put in a little effort." he said with a grin before forming and ice blade and ran forward at Kia, he swung the sword down from above her.
Matt walked back into Miridia's house with a sigh, "Hey, Miridia, do you have anything I can help with? Vex doubled my gravity and told me I had to help out around the house. He said it would make me stronger." Matt said as he tried to lean against the wall, but stumbled a bit due to his gravity.
Alya giggled and she pet Kelly " I think she would look cute" she said and she smiled at her and she looked at Adam "so what now" she asked.

Kia blushed " No you won't ..." she said and she made her rocks push the sword away from her head and she made a ice spear and she tried to stab him in his stomach.
James saw Dasken and just sighed. "Okay who pissed him off this time." He said. He just sat down and closed his eyes. 'Miridia.' He said telepathically. 'Can we talk?'
'Well unless you wish to enter my pocket dimension then no,' Miridia hummed from her place on her interdimenional island. She sat beside her mana well in the middle of the living rock garden, trying to keep herself at a neutral state.