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"Don't call me that please. I dislike it very much," Miridia shot him a look before sipping her tea. She looked down at the mana pool and picked out the scale, the image of middy fading, "I want you to do nothing. Atleast not right now".

Lyric opened the door and looked at dasken. She smiled and pulled him inside and to the dinner table where leftovers laid, "are you here for dinner"?
Dasken poinded on Miridia's door harder and harder, then all of a sudden slowed and stopped. His jaw dropped as he turned around, unable to believe it. His aura dissipated, and his arms went slack.
Standin before him was a large group of mutated people.
Including the one he had just launched.
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Matt looked up at the door to see Dasken, "That's the dude who was really pissed off." Matt said as he got up and tried to sit down at the dinner table like a normal person, but just ended up falling into the chair again, but this time not breaking it. "So, about this tournament thing, is everyone participating in it?" Matt asked everyone.
Adam raises his arms, and the Demons are thrown into the air, flying away from him. The force of his mind power cracked the very ground beneath Adam's feet as he strained to launch them far.
Alya sighed and she groaned " Your nothing but a cheat who only wins by his quick speed" she crossed her arms and she fell on the ground and she snapped her fingers and she started to turn into her true form , she grew bigger and her body was still small and had horns on her head and her demon tail was showing, the tip she covered in metal and fire and it started to spread to her body covering her in a hard metal flame then blades formed on her arms " Hehehe" she said laughing and she charged at him with speeds not even adam could achieve and she stopped in front of him "so what do you think " she smiled.
"I'll be completely honest. I'm about 20% more into you... er... I mean... cool...." He blushes, realizing what he's said, and sticks his hands back into his Pockets.
Matt raised his head, "I sense a foul presence." Matt said as he looked out the window, he didn't see anything. "It's kinda like when I fought Adam's demon, but it seems more powerful." Matt said to himself as he sat back down. "Probably Alya, hopefully Adam survives." Matt said with a smirk.
Alya blushed "what? i didn't catch that last part its kind of hard to hear in this suit " she said and she took off the flame metal helmet " What now?" she said. smiling at him "also....this is for laughing at me" she said slapping him hard.."you better take this' she groaned.
He grins meekly as he takes a step back, dodging the attack. "Yeah, I'm not much of one for taking Physical attacks. Or magical. I don't have much of a defense, so one good attack? Game over for me." Kelly flutters down to his Shoulder. "So uh... are we done Training?"
Alya growled " hey quit making me look weak" she drooped and she hugged him tight "if you dodge a hug i'm gonna kill you" she said and she buried her head into his shoulder" also here" she said and she placed her hands on his chest and she made a fire ball and she made a small heart " Fire heart....and " she made it into a fire necklace " cute huh?" she asked.
Adam was speechless. "Wow... uh... gee... I'm not exactly sure how to address this..." He blushes, and Kelly chirps, almost jealously. "I'm speechless...." He admits, grinning in embarrassment.
Alya sighed " I think you like me so i'm gonna give you a change..but if you make me made you have to let me slap you" she groaned and she smiled at him " It wont kill you you big baby " she winked and she sighed "but i'm being real you are weak....one hit for a fire ball and i can kill you...but since your speed makes up for that its good maybe your strong in a way" she winked.
Adam can feel the butterflies fluttering madly in his Stomach. "I suppose so. You're stronger than I predicted, I'll give you credit for that." Kelly flutters away, rolling her eyes.
Alya chuckled and she pet his head " Ok lets go to...the witch's house" she said a little confused "right?"she asked and she looked down.
"Yeah. I suppose... If you want to..." Adam looked in the General direction of the House. "You ever 'teleported' before?" He asks, a grin splitting on his face.
Alya sighed "go ahead...." she with a 'please no not this again' look on her face and she smiled " Nope" she winked and she hugged him "go ahead"
"It's pretty cool." Adam says, and nervously grabs her hand with his. "It's quick. It's clean. It's easy." He winks, and they disappear. To Alya, it simply appears as though her surroundings have changed. They are now before the House. "And It's efficient." He finishes.
Alya sighed and she looked down "oh so its different when someone else does it" she whispered and she knocked on the door "hello can a demon come in?" she asked and she turned back in her normal form, the armor disappeared and she was wearing her normal clothes.
Matt slowly walked to the door and opened it, "What? Oh it's just you too." Matt said as he slowly walked back into the kitchen. "My whole body hurts!" Matt yelled as he almost fell over due to his gravity. Matt then slowly turned back to Alya and Adam, "So are you guys a thing now?"
Alya blushed " Maybe " she whispered and she ran in and she tackled Matt " Boo...this demons gonna slay you" she started to try and tickle him " Hehe is this working??" she asked and she got off of him and she sat down waiting.
Matt slowly got up, "Ow.. Hey you can't do that when my gravity is doubled!" Matt yelled as he rubbed his back. "Ehh I have to be like this for a week!" Matt yelled as he threw his arms up in the air. He then went to sit in another chair, and feel right through it, breaking another chair. "Oh come on not again!" Matt said as he sat on the floor, pieces of wood all around him.
"Heh. Having fun there? I have a similar Training exercise planned for Vex, so in a sense, I'm getting back at him for you." Adam walks in and leans against the wall, grinning at Matt. Kelly flutters in and lands on Adam's Shoulder.
Alya looked at Adam and she chuckled " So do i have to do any training " she asked Adam and she pulled him beside her and she smirked " I would love to have to do something"
Adam allowed this to Adam as his face burned. "I haven't uh... got anything special planned just yet... so uh... yeah..." Kelly chirps, jealousy evident in her tone.
"Ooooh Adam has a girlfriend." Matt teased as he once again, picked up all the pieces of wood. "So, what are you going to do to Vex? Make it something really good." Matt said with a smirk as he slowly sat down in a chair as he braced himself. "I've already broke two chairs today, and there is a hole in Miridia's porch when I stomped on it." Matt said as he awkwardly laugh.
Casys sat high in the clouds, meditating and focusing his mental defenses. If someone had telepathy or anything at the tournament, Casys would need to be ready to shelter his mind.

(Universe Four)

Alys marveled at the extravagant hotel suite that she and the other nine found themselves in. Several of them went to their separate rooms, but Alys stayed in the living room, plotting her escape. The assassin probed the locks on the door with her Telekinesis, but she found that the locks were electric. Alys gave up after a couple more hours of searching for an escape route, and resigned to go to her room, which was just as extravagant as the rest of the suite. Alys fell onto the bed, exhausted and rubbing her wrists where the inhibitor cuffs chafed them.
"Alright guys, we need to get ready for some weird techniques at this tournament." Matt said as he looked at Alya and Adam, "Are you guys able to escape from mental visions like fake realities such as Vex's outskirts or the fake realities I can manifest in your mind?" Matt asked as he looked back and forth between the two. "I could help you out with it if you need help training for that kind of stuff." Matt added with a smirk.
"I can do whatever I want, really. I broke into Vex's 'Outskirts' by myself, and that was almost impenetrable. All I have to do is pull the right threads." Adam says, leaning against the wall as he conjures a butterfly from thin air, and it flutters around the room before Kelly catches it and eats it.
"Yes, I was also able to break out of Vex's 'Outskirts' with just my eyes, although it really strained them." Matt said as he looked toward the floor, remembering that day. "Couldn't you just rule the world with your power? All you would have to do is just pull a few threads and boom, right?" Matt asked as he looked back up with Adam.
Adam grins. "It's possible, but I'd kill myself in the process." He reaches his hand out into the air. "Check this out." He pulls on the thread controlling Matt's Nervous System, grabbing a hold of his nerves, and causing them to freeze up, paralyzing Matt. "Paralysis. Effective in battle." He strokes Kelly as she swallows the Butterfly.
"Hey, please let go of my nerves." Matt said as he could move. "How could I stop Paralysis?" Matt asked as he began to slide due to his gravity. "Um, you may want to let move before I--." Matt fell flat on his back on the floor, "Fall.. Ow, that hurt." Matt said as he lied there, unable to move.
Adam smirks as he let's go of the Nerves, and grabs another thread, and decreases the Gravity pressure on Matt, making him light as a Feather. "Try this." He grins.
Matt shot up like a bullet and hit his head on the ceiling, "Woah, this is pretty cool!" Matt said as he rubbed his head then moved quickly around the room, "Instant relief from all that gravity!" Matt exclaimed as he easily sat back down in a chair. "Man, is there anything you can't do?" Matt asked as he looked at Adam.
As the gravity returned to Matt the chair under him shuttered and his head fell down a little bit, "Uhh, that sucks. I'm going to end up with a hunchback or something." Matt said in a disappointed voice. Matt then turned back to Adam, "Hey, do you even know when this tournament is?" Matt asked.
"No. Soon. I kind of want to be a part of it, but I'm not sure if the others want me." Adam shrugs, and twirls a Rose into existence. He looks at the Rose. It's a Rose.
Alya sighed and she got up "i'm gonna go" she said and she walked outside and she sat on the doorstep and she held a fire ball in her hand and she grabbed the fire ball with her other hand and the fire spread on her hand making a gauntlet "wow " she said and she smiled " Ok " she said and she chuckled "i guess thats how i make separate armor" she whispered and she stood up and she went into her true form.
Vex decided it was time to have a little fun. He flashed over to Kia as a shimmering ball of energy formed at the tip of his pointer finger. He pressed his finger against the armor and watched it melt away, he leaned in closer to Kia with a sly grin on his face. "You wanna try that again?"