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Darcel tapped his feet on to the ground. Sweat dripped down his forehead as he looked at his plate. The boy hasn't had food like this sense he left the group, all he's been eating is herbs. "Mother, may I have dinner..?" He questioned Lyric.

The gentle giant pressed her head onto the floor, as she wimpered. The beast was hungry.
Chojin walk to a lake and smile as he thought "i thinks its time" as the young boy look up "Muteki Shogun" as he boy disappear and in his place 5 Shogun Warriors appear in his place. The 1 one was a ape the 2 one was a wolf the 3 one was a bear the 4 one was a frog and the last one was a crane as they all fuse together. As the ape turn into the body then the frog and bear turn into the legs just as the wolf and crane turn into legs as the combine together. A paper crane then appear as it folded into a head to go with the body and together Muteki Shogun was formed as he look up "Mutkei Shogun nice to meet you" he said.
"Hmm. Of course. Sorry," Lyric apologized before she got darcel and beast both a plate each. She kissed both of their heads before grabbing dasken a plate and one for herself.
"Hey Adam, that's your cue to go outside with her." Matt said as he smirked at Adam, Matt then turned to the, "May I please have some dinner as well? I haven't had anything to eat since this morning." Matt asked Lyric with a faint smile, as double gravity continued to weigh him down.
Adam blinks. "Uh... oh..." He awkwardly turns around and exits. Upon spotting Alya, he approaches her. 'Come on, you've seen and spoken with She-Demons before, what makes this so... difficult?' "Nice Gauntlet." Adam remarks.
'Real smooth.' He thinks sarcastically to himself.
Darcel began to pick at his food, adjusting to the new tastes being rewritten in his brain.

The canine jumped up and down, and circled her master's chair. She gnawed on the food, as her her tail wagged profusely.
"Do you want something else darcel? I can make it," Lyric offered and looked over at darcel with worried eyes. She smiled and giggled as she watched beast, picking up Cassie so she could clean her face up.
Vex looked back in the direction of the house. "Looks like its time to eat." He said before grabbing Kia and flashing over to the others. "So I believe theres food?" He said looking over to Lyric.
Darcel shook his head, "I just haven't had food like this in a while.." he whispered. The liquid's affects started to dry his throat, making his voice sound scratchy.

The dog-like creature barked happily, as she began to steal some of Darcel's food.
"Oh hey Vex, will I have to have double gravity for this tournament that is supposed to be happening soon?" Matt asked Vex in a tired voice, "I've been getting used to it, well kind of, but I've already broken two chairs and broke a hole in Miridia's porch." Matt added as he scratched the back of his head.
Vex looked over to Matt with a surprised grin. "Funny...I thought you would be stuck in the floor by now....I tripled your gravity 2 hours ago..." He gave a cocky grin as he linked minds with Matt. "Tease me again boy, watch what happens."
"Beast! Darcel has to eat to," Lyric scolded as she got darcel some water. She gave him another kiss on the head and led one of his hands over to the drink, "well it's good to eat. You can't survive on potions forever".
"What? I wasn't teasing you!" Matt said to Vex through his mind. "That's not nice, you should always be nice in front of your girlfriend, Kia." Matt said as he frowned, then did a really over exaggerated wink at Vex. "But, did you seriously triple my gravity?" Matt asked Vex as the chair under him shuttered.
Kia gasped "what you said only ice" she said and she punched him in the face mad "You and Adam are nothing but cheats!" she growled and she crossed her arms and she sighed " Ice can't melt ice" she said.
"Girlfriend!??!" Vex immediately grabbed Matt and flashed out of the house. He floated in the air holding the boy by his collar. The familiar purple glow coming off his hands. "....x4" he whispered as he dropped the boy before flashing back inside. "Sorry Kia, looks like dinner is ready though." He said with a smile.
Casys returned to Miridia's after his day of mental training. He walked into the kitchen and asked Lyric, "What's for din-din?" Casys glanced at Darcel and said, "Hey, Darcel. How's the shaman business going?"
Matt smashed into the Earth as he dropped down like a rock, "This is unbearable." Matt said as he slowly walked back toward the house, creating small holes every time he walked. Matt then bursted into Miridia's house, "Just because you're too embarrassed to admit Kia is your girlfriend, that doesn't mean you can mess with me!" Matt yelled as he panted, his feet had broken through the floorboard he stood on.
Alya looked at him and she gripped her fist and she started to punch at him and she chuckled " Adam i think this life is gonna be fun" she said and she stopped and she sighed " Hmm Ok..." she said and she sighed "got to go...i have to go kill someone.."she said disappearing,leaving red smoke from where she was. "Dang why is he following me" she groaned. 'demon shouldn't be here....unless...opps" she sighed.

Kia looked at vex and she sigh " Its ok Cheat" she said and she walked inside and she sat down at the table.
Darcel looked over, "Oh.. It's alright." he mumbled. The boy hasn't talked to Casys that much, so he knew barely anything about him. Darcel turned his head towards Lyric, "I know I can't but that's all I..." he paused.

The beast looked sad, and sat back under her owner's chair.
"Matt! Stop right now! This isn't your house," Lyric turned and gave the male a sharp glare before patted darcel on the back and smiling gently, "it's ok darcel. By the way if you are free after the tournament me and Zack are planning a birthday party if you'd like to join us. Casys, for dinner we have steak, potatoes and salad".
Vex' eyebrow twitched at Matt's comment he flashed in front of the boy. "Embarrassed....?" He asked with a cold face before releasing the gravity hold he had on Matt. He turned to Kia with a large grin on his face, "Hey Kia, wanna go out with me?"
Darcel looked terrified and despondent. "A birthday party?" a black-stained tear dripped from his eye, "I didn't even know it was his birthday..." his voice sounded empty, he never realized how absent he was. Darcel then closed his eyes, but opened them quickly when he heard Vex's question. An image of Lily burned inside his mind as he stood up, and walked out the door.
"Oh thank god." Matt said as he feel to the floor. "Sorry about that floor board." Matt said as he got up, relieved to have regular gravity back. "No 15 year should have to experience x4 gravity." Matt said as he climbed out of the hole and sat at the table like a normal person.
"Darcel? It's not his birthday! It's one for Miridia," Lyric called as she moved to follow her adopted teenager. She stepped infront of him and pulled the blood bender into a hug, "hey hey hey. Shhh what's wrong buddy"?
Adam had no idea what happened, so he turned around and entered back into the House, looking about as everyone conversed. Kelly fluttered onto his Shoulder and chirped there. Adam leaned back into the Shadows against a wall, keeping his eyes on everyone.
Kia blushed and she looked around and she saw Darcel leave and she drooped " Vex i would love to be your girlfriend" she said and she blushed while chuckling " Hehe Lets just eat"
Alya sighed and she shivered "no...i can't" she said and she disappeared from where she was and she reappeared near adam... "hey a demon lord who is why stronger than me is coming after me to claim more for hell again" she said.
Adam looks at her. "Oh. Okay. Are you asking me to help you kill them or..." He asked, tilting his Head slightly. Kelly chirped excitedly as a grin split across Adam's face.
The boy's head swung down, and pulled the vile from his pocket. He took a quick sip, and began to whisper. "Sorry for the assumption.. I just wish I was there more, instead of grieving and working all the time.." He took a short breath of air. "But when I heard Vex, I couldn't handle it.. I wish I could've said bye to Lily.." the child sighed, "I know that was selfish of me.. To leave like that of course.."

The large dog-like creature stood up, a sad and grumpy look appeared across her face as she followed Darcel.

The blood bender looked his mother in the eyes, even though he couldn't see. "What happened to her..?" his voice broke, as he questioned her.
Vex smiled at Kia. "Great" He said before turning to Lyric, "Apologies for the floor, ill fix it." He sat down at the table and began to eat. After a moment of eating he sat his food down and stood up. "Be right back." He said to Kia before disappearing. He reappeared just a few feet behind Darcel, "Hey, I know I dont know you that well but, wanna talk?"
"If I tell you. You have to promise me not to freak out," Lyric leveled with him and glared at the bottle with untrusting eyes. She smiled at beast and leaned over when Cassie made grabby hands at the canine.
Alya nodded and she hugged him "yes please ...i don't wanna go to hell again and this is a lord so he's stronger than me " she said and she drooped "i'm scared adam" she whispered
Adam grins, his eyes shining white in the shadows. "Piece of Cake. I can handle him." A faint red glow appear in the center of his pupil. Kelly chirps seriously.
Alya smiled at him "hmm ok lets get going..." she said and she looked at Kelly and she put her hand out to her "she's cute"she smiled and she sighed "good luck"she teased.
Adam pushes himself from the wall. "Well, you'll need to take us to our destination, because I don't have a clue where this 'Lord' is." Kelly chirps in an indistinct manner. A mixture of resentment, jealousy, glee, and excitement.
Vex stood in thought for a moment. "Looks like I gotta be in multiple places at once....man this is gonna be tiring..." He thought to himself as his image blurred. Suddenly he was back at the dinner table, "So how was everyone's day?" He asked politely.

At the same moment Vex was standing behind Darcel, "Seems like Lyrics got something important to tell him...ill leave it for now..." He said backing away from the boy.
Alya sighed and she nodded "good then he can get a good smell of me" she laughed and she started to walk ahead of him and she sighed, she was worried , not everyone knew about her and she was sure someone was gonna attack her for being a demon.
Adam followed, hands in his Pockets, eyes closed as he walked. "I'm deciding on how to kill this Lord... draw the battle out? Play with him, then kill him? Or end him, like;" Adam snapped his finger and opened his eyes. "I'm excited."
Darcel looked around, " I just want the truth.." he whispered.

The beast liked the baby's fingers, and wagged her tail even faster. Little pieces of food remained in her mane, so she shook it off.