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The Demon fired a red blast of acid that deflected the lightning, and the Demon leaped into the air, and crashed down on Matt, attempting to pin him to the ground. Adam could see something off to his left. He raised an eyebrow at the sight of... whatever the hell that was. "Hey Matt. I'll be right back, make sure he doesn't kill you." Adam tells Matt, and disappears, reappearing on the branch of a Tree nearby the site. He looks at Kia, and raises his eyebrow again. I do wonder... her power level changed, and her purity. Could this be the Alya demon she discussed about with Vex? He narrowed his Eyes.
Matt blocked the demon's claw from hitting him, but he was pinned. "Alright, just hurry back!" Matt yelled as he grit his teeth. Matt then kicked the demon in the chest with both feet, shooting it up just enough for Matt to escape. Matt then jumped into the air and shot a series of kicks followed by sword slashes at the demon.
Matt sensed the fowl change in the air. Could that be Kia? Is that what she was talking about when she talked about the thing inside of her? Matt thought to himself.
Alya chuckled and she jumped up "woo that was awesome...kia we should have tried this a long time ago " she said , her voice sounded a little deeper than Kia's. Kia nodded "sure we should have but remember i didn't want be killed because of you..." she said and she stepped forward and her left foot left ice marks and her right left hot burnt marks in the grass. " Hmm someones near fire at that tree near by" Alya said and Kia nodded and she shot a fire ball at the branch making Adam fall.
The branch fell, but no one fell from it. Adam emerged from behind a separate Tree nearby. "So. You must be Alya." He grinned. "Pleasure."

The Demon charged on all fours at Matt, blocking his attacks with It's arms and headbutting him in the gut. It seems to be using a different attack pattern. This thing might not be as dumb as it is ugly.
Alya looked at him and she giggled "yep you got that right " she said and she threw a large ice and fire ball at him "Ok kia said now that she is stronger she wants to try and wreak you" she said with a smile and she threw a barrage of Ice and fire balls. the fire balls were different so they could hit Fazed beings.
As the demon headbutted Matt in the gut he swung his sword down and stabbed the demon in the head then sliced down. Matt then quickly pulled his sword out of the demon's head the used the demon's shoulders to jump back. Matt then wiped spit from his chin as he got ready to avoid some acid.
Adam opened his arms wide. "Oh please." He disappeared and reappeared off a ways to Alya's left. "Fire? Ice? That's child's play. Oh, hey Vex."

The Demon reared and roared as it spit Blue acid into the air. The Blue acid flew straight at Matt, like it was attracted to him. The Demon roared and began to bulge, it's body growing slightly as blades shot from it's arms, now giving it knives on it's arms.
Kia thought 'man stop with the flashing out of nowhere i mean what if i was taking a bath...' she thought and she sighed.
Alya groaned " Thats my only powers you stupid Human!" she growled and she pouted "this is why kia and me don't fight fazed jerks because all they do is dodge because they know they can't get hit" she smirked and she Alya looked around "I sense a demon near by..." she said and she looked smiled.
"Damn, you're good." Matt said as a lightning bolt struck Matt, vaporizing the blue acid. "What to do, what to do." Matt said as he stood there, sensing the change in the demon. "Man, why do you have to be better now that I'm not allowed to use my eyes?" Matt asked as he rushed the demon with his blade, and a blade made of blue and black lightning.
Adam shrugs. "I could kill you, easy. Both of you at the same time. I could also pull you two apart. I could make you both separate being in your own bodies. I can do anything I want really. My only limit? The imagination. But I really don't wanna hurt you unless It's absolutely necessary. Besides, I have a soft spot for She-Demons... don't ask why, just let it slide." His left eye flickers black for a second. He raises his arm, and a pillar of Earth shaped like a fist with an arm rises from the ground. "But like I said, If necessary."

The Demon attempted to block, but Matt's attack seemed powerful enough as it ripped through the Demon's arm. He could hear the arm hit the ground. The Demon roared in pain.
Matt nodded as he heard the arm hit the ground. Not giving him time to recover, Matt went to cut off the other arm with his regular sword and went to stab the demon in the chest with his lightning blade. "Hmm, seems like Vex and Adam are fighting some sort of she-demon, probably the thing inside of Kia." Matt said aloud.
Vex looks over to Adam, "It appears she's got thermal manipulation but doesnt know how to use it it yet..." he turned to Matt and watched his battle. "So how ya doing Matt?" he yelled.
The Demon blocked the Regular Sword, but the lightning sent it crashing into a Tree, which ripped in half and splintered on impact. The Demon struggled back up, charging a red acid attack.

"Thermal Manipulation? Huh, I guess I could do a form of that to... I'll need to train more after this battle is over. I still have a Dimensional rift to tear open." He looks back at Kia/Alya. "Well?"
"Pretty good, considering Adam made me blind for this fight." Matt said as he faced Vex with his eyes closed. As the demon charged it's red acid attack, Matt surrounded his regular blade in black electricity and threw it right at the demon's mouth. Matt then jumped on his hands and kicked the end of the hilt again, causing the blade to speed even faster at the demon's mouth with incredible speed.
The blade slammed through the Demon, right through It's mouth. The hilt stopped it from going straight through as the Demon was launched into another Tree, and pinned there. It's Acid spurted from It's mouth, and fell upon the Demon's body, disintegrating it slowly.
Kia/Alya looked at him and they sighed " sure wait what do you wanna do..if you want to tear us apart please don't "Alya's and Kia's voice sounded scared and they drooped " Yes we could love if you could help us learn Thermal manipulation " she said and she smiled at them " Oh yeah.. Alya can well if she learns how to get stronger she can take over the mind of a human and demon and destroy them from the inside" she chuckled. Alya blushed "hey stop telling my secrets" she blushed.
Vex flashed in front of Kia with a serious look. "Are you causing problems?" Vex asked speaking to Alya directly. "We had a deal and if you break that deal ill destroy your soul...."
Matt panted as he went and retrieved his blade from the demon and surrounded it in electricty to vaporize any left over acid on it. "Well, I think he's back in hell now." Matt said as h backed away from the demon. "Well, Adam can I have my vision back?" Matt asked as he faced Adam with his eyes closed. "That was pretty difficult, thanks for the training." Matt said to Adam with a smirk.
Adam blinked. "Vex. Pipe down. Okay." He said, and let the Pillar fall back down into the Earth, smirking. "But I'm not sure how much help I could be at teaching you thermal manipulation. All I have to do is pull some strings, and voila! I did it. And when it comes to separation... neither of you want to be separated? Two minds sharing the same body your thing? I mean, sure I've had that exact same thing, but I killed the Demon in my brain." He sighs. "So what exactly do you want anyways?"
Matt opened his eyes again, "Phew, it feels good to see again." Matt said as he looked around. "Woah, what's going on with Kia?" Matt asked as he looked at her, with his eyes, he could see evil aura coming off of her. "Is this the thing inside of her?" Matt asked as he stood next to Adam.
Alya drooped "i haven't done anything bad Vex!" she cried and she pouted then she looked at Adam...."hmm you know what we can still be as one " she said and she nodded "i'm fine with it" she said. Kia nodded "yeah i think it would be better...if Alya herself could help me in battle...will i still have fire powers?" she asked and she looked at adam.
"If you have it now, even only when Alya takes over, then yes. Anything you can do now, you'll be able to accomplish when separated... theoretically of course." Adam replies, stroking Kelly under her chin.
Kia smiled and she smirked "Ok thats good " she said and she nodded "ok Separate us but please don't kill Alya she's not bad"she said.
"Okay okay, I believe you..." he said to Kia/Alya before turning to Adam. "If your going to separate them please make sure there are no negative side effects hurt Kia or Alya, okay?"
"Alya huh, nice to meet you." Matt said to Kia/Alya as he glared at her. "Wouldn't separating them kill them both?" Matt asked as he looked at Adam then back at Kia/Alya. "That's what I've heard happens when a demon is separated from a human." Matt said in a cold voice.
"Who said I wanted to kill Alya?" Adam closes his eyes and lifts his arms into the air, grabbing the strings of Alya and Kia. "I hope this works..." He mutters as pulled Kia away from ALya, and Alya away from Kia. Sweat trickled down his brow as he struggled with this. "This is a very difficult procedure, and I can't have you people breaking my concentration..... so shut up....." He could feel the bodies separating. "You know... I was visited by an Adam from another Universe..... years ago..... he did this same thing to separate me from Anathema....." He grit his teeth as he struggled, and finally, with a final tug, he ripped them apart from each other, each in their own physical bodies. Adam collapsed to his hands and knees. "Okay..." He panted. "That was hella difficult..." He rolled over onto his back and laid there, panting. "Please... hold your applause..." He wheezed.
Vex smirked. "Funny Adam, ive never seen your straining yourself before." He walked over to Kia and looked down at her. "Well I can only sense one soul in your body now, how do you feel?"
"Well then, good job Adam." Matt said as he leaned against a tree. "So, now they are their own person now?" Matt asked as he looked at the two girls. "This is so weird, but they could make a great combination together in battle, they can each develop their own powers by themselves." Matt said with a smirk.
Alya and Kia laid on the ground not far from each other "oh i'm free ahh its nice to breathing in in my own body again" she said and she looked at Kia and she hugged her tight "Freedom!" she cried. Kia gasped and she fell and the two feel on in the dirt " Alya how old are you again" she asked. Alya blushed "hmm 16 " she said with a smile. Kia smirked and she got up "thanks Adam..." she said and she looked at Adam and she smiled at him. Alya yawned and she stretched and she sighed " Hmm i wonder what i could master...." she whispered and she looked around and she just sat down in the dirt. kia hugged him " Hehe Yeah i like it ..it feels good to be alone again" she smiled
"Heh..." Adam said, and raised his arm into the air with his thumb up. "Good luck to you... and I have... training to do... and a fake Bat to feed." He pushed himself up, and slowly got to his feet. "That was tiring." He leaned against a Tree. "Guess I'll go now." He sighs.
"Goodbye." Matt said to Adam, Matt then turned to Alya, "So how did you get sealed inside of her any way?" Matt asked Alya as he analyzed her with his eyes.
This girl definitely seems more evil than Kia, and seems to have different powers. Matt thought to himself.
Vex' stiffened up as Kia hugged him. "Um....okay..." He said as he looked down at her with confusion as he cheeks flushed red. Vex was having some internal panic from this emotion, one he's never really felt before, shyness. He took a step back. "I can uh....I can train you both if youd like...."
Alya sighed "oh...hmm a punishment ....i saved a human from a demon overlord and he choose a random human and i got stuck with Kia " she said and she sighed " Also stop looking at me like that..i'm a demon yes but i'm not evil" she said and she sighed.
Kia nodded and she giggled " Ok i would love for you to train us " she said and she looked down at her feet "sorry for the hug "she said and she blushed deeply as she hugged him.
Vex shook off the feeling and patted her on the head, "Yeah its fine. Ive decided im going to switch up the original training idea I had. You both need a way to get around faster so im gonna help you focus on that., think you guys are ready?"
"Sorry, but I always take precautions." Matt said as he deactivated his visual powers and his eyes turned light blue. Matt then walked over to Vex and nudged him with his elbow, "Looks like you got a little girlfriend." Matt said with a smirk. "Looks like we got another training partner." Matt said as he stopped elbowing Vex and looked back toward Alya
Alya sighed and she walked over and she stretched " Hmm so can we work on our powers....i want to get stronger and powerful"she said smiling at them and she giggled. Kia blushed "girlfriend..nah...well unless he asked' she chucked and she hugged them.
"Haha, looks like you could get a girlfriend if you wanted, Vex." Matt said to Vex with a smirk, "So, any way a faster way to travel? I've already got that down." Matt sat as he disappeared from his spot, then reappeared in a tree, then disappeared from the tree, and reappeared back by Vex, "There is always some sort of electricity in the sky so I can use it to travel at extreme speeds." Matt said with a smirk. "But I guess we could work on it some more." Matt said as he shrugged.